Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 545 Good things are hard to come true

Princess Ping An covered her mouth with her hand again and laughed, "This is too big."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Well, in fact, I just hope that the Ming Dynasty will flourish, the people will live and work in peace and contentment, and everyone will live happily and freely. This wish is not a big wish."

Princes Ping An nodded and said, "This is still true, but this wish is also extremely difficult to realize."

Song Nan said, "Of course, it is difficult. The Ming Dynasty has suffered many disasters for many years. The people have lived a hard life, and some things are not as simple as saying."

Princess Ping'an pondered, "What's more, the people, and we are not suffering. There has never been a time to live and work in peace.

Song Nan was speechless and gently put down his chopsticks to look at Princess Ping'an and said, "Princess, there is one thing I must explain to you. Although Zhu Qian's rebellion has subsided, the Qingwang Mansion is still afraid of being implicated. Although I don't think Zhu Yu's rebellion does anything to others, it is difficult for the emperor to think about what he thinks. I hope you are well prepared.

Princes Ping'an whispered, "I understand that this time the emperor must have punishment. My uncle has done evil, and the Qingwang Mansion can't escape the connection, not to mention that there are people who help Zhou to abuse."

Song Nan said, "I really don't have the right to speak on this matter, but I will tell the emperor everything here after returning to Beijing, hoping to help your siblings."

Princess Ping'an nodded and said, "Thank you, but I'm afraid it won't help. Our title will definitely be deprived. Maybe in a few days, I will be a common woman, and my brother will be a child of an ordinary family. However, I don't care. The slave family doesn't care about these, but the family business created by my father and ancestors has been destroyed, and it will be difficult to face it in the future.

Song Nan said, "It's not your fault. You don't have to feel sorry. It's difficult to face the ancestors of Qingwang Mansion, not you."

Princess Ping'an reluctantly smiled and said, "I won't mention these things. Today, I invite you to come to the banquet. First, I'm here to thank you for your help, and I'm here to practice for you. Tomorrow, when you return to the capital, we will be thousands of miles away, and there will be no chance to drink so relatively."

Seeing the sadness she said, Song Nan also knew in her heart that what she was saying was true. She couldn't help sighing and raised her glass and said, "The princess doesn't mind abrupt words. Mr. Song will tell you a heart."

Princess Ping's eyes lit up and said, "What do you mean? What's so abrupt?"

"Princess Shicai asked me if I regretted coming to Ningxia Town during this period. To be honest, I really regretted it a few days after I came here, but later I entered the palace and met the princess. Suddenly, I felt it was worth it. I will never regret meeting the princess in my life."

Princess Ping'an's heart beat like a deer and said secretly, "Is he confessing?"

"The princess is the smartest and most reasonable woman I have ever met. She is not inferior to most men in the world in the festival of righteousness. On that day, the princess did not hesitate to return to the royal palace for the safety of King Qingding. She knew that she would suffer hardships and did not look back. This was not only to protect the little prince, but also to maintain the dignity of the Qingwang Mansion. Song Nan I'm ashamed of this."

Princess Ping's face was blushed and whispered, "Fengtong is ashamed that Lord Song should not be praised like this."

Song Nan said, "Yes, it's a pity that we have been together for a short time, otherwise you and I will definitely become best friends. After today, thousands of miles apart, you and I may never have a chance to meet again, but Song Nan will not forget you."

"Me too, and I won't forget you!" Princess Ping'an shouted in her heart, but this sentence really couldn't be said.

"Tomorrow, or the day when we don't see each other, but it's just a thousand miles away. If the princess wants to visit the capital one day, or if you have something to tell you, please don't forget that you have a friend in the capital, be sure to find me."

"Do you have to keep your word?" Princess Ping'an tilted her head.

"Natural arithmetic."

"Okay, I remember your words. Maybe one day I will bother you."

"I can't ask for it." Song Nan smiled.

This farewell banquet lasted for more than an hour. Princess Ping An was good at drinking and actually accompanied Song Nan to drink more than a dozen glasses of wine. The two talked very well. Suddenly, they laughed and occasionally whispered, making a sad farewell banquet a harmonious atmosphere, not like parting, but like meeting.

Finally, the wine was dry in the pot, and the dishes on the case were cold. The second sound outside the west building suddenly realized that they had to end this good time. Suddenly, both of them stopped talking and looked at each other and said nothing.

"It's getting late. I should go." Song Nan got up and said.

"Yes, it's getting late. I'll give it to you." Princess Ping An got up and said in a low way.

Song Nan moved his chair and walked out of the door. Princess Ping An followed silently. When she arrived at the door, Song Nan turned around and arched her hand and said, "Princess, stay and say goodbye."

Princess Ping'an looked up at Song Nan, and her eyes oozed with a light freshwater fog. This was the weakest look Song Nan had seen since she met Princess Ping'an. Before that, she had never seen such an expression in the face of danger and torture.

Song Nan's mind flashed the scene of the two people sleeping and quietly to avoid the search, the scene of the princess's servant shooting Ye Baoren with a firegun on the night of Shangyuan, and the scene of her unkempt but stubborn face when she was rescued in the broken firewood room. I really don't know when to see this, and the woman will be next To accept the involvement caused by the rebellion, for a moment, the wine surged and the love rolled, and almost blurted out some words; but when the words came to the mouth, they turned into a deep sigh.

Song Nan arched his hand silently, turned around to touch the curtain in front of the door, and suddenly heard Princess Ping An behind him shouting softly: "Soong Nan!"

Song Nan turned around, and a soft and fragrant body jumped into his arms. His snake-like soft and cold arm hooked his head and neck. Song Nan's blood surged up, hugged the soft body with his backhand, bowed down, grabbed the two soft lips that came up, and kissed it fiercely.

Everything seems to have been banned, and everything seems to have solidified. There is only this pair of men and women who hug each other tightly between heaven and earth, and the two of them kiss and linger endlessly. I don't know how long it took, Song Nan found that her hand had somehow reached into Princess Ping's clothes and stroked her stagnant plump body.

Princes Ping'an was as emotional and her face was red as fire. Song Nan also had a high desire. She reached out and picked her up and went to **, put her on **, and reached out to untie Princess Ping's clothes. After a moment, Princess Ping'an became a bare little white.

Song Nan gasped and climbed mountains and waded into the water on her rich body. While she was busy, her fingers that reached the valley were caught to death by Princess Ping'an.

"No, this won't work, how can you and I do this?" Princess Ping's hair spread, and the red tide surged on her face, but she got up and covered her chest with one hand and grabbed Song Nan's hand with the other.

Song Nan woke up and quickly stopped and said, "I'm sorry, I was moved for a moment and made Meng Lang's trip. Don't be surprised, princess."

Princess Ping'an whispered, "Mr. Song, don't say so. The slave family just doesn't want to be in such a hurry. The slave family needs to think about it."

Song Nan slowly got up, slowly sorted out her clothes, arched her hand and saluted, "I understand, princess, take care. It's time for me to go."

Princess Ping'an covered **'s body with a pitiful face and whispered to Song Nan's back, "Mr. Song, are you angry?"

Song Nan turned around and smiled, "How can it be so easy to get angry? You're right. You and I can't do this. It's not good to you and me."

Princess Ping'an sighed, "Will you still see me?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "Am I so stingy? As long as there is fate, you and I can still meet each other. Say goodbye.

Song Nan gritted his teeth and turned out of the room. There seemed to be a low sob from Princess Ping An behind her.


On February 21 of the third year of Daming Zhengde, Zhang Yong and Yang Yiqing returned to the capital with dozens of rebel prisoners.

It was still morning when they arrived outside Xizhimen. Because they had already sent people to report to the court, Zhang Yong and Yang Yiqing were ordered to directly escort the prisoners to the outside of Fengtian Hall, and the emperor and his ministers would wait outside the Fengtian Hall.

What is ridiculous is that after entering the city gate, Liu Jin sent someone to greet him on the way and took Zhang Yong to the prison on the grounds of his hard journey, but Zhang Yong immediately refused. Zhang Yong naturally understood that this credit was given to him by Song Nan. Whether it was successful or not, he would make Zheng Delong happy because he personally presented Zhu Yu. Liu Jin insisted on having something to do with the credit of suppressing the rebellion. How could he let Liu Jin do it?

Zhengde was in a good mood today. When he learned that someone had committed the crime of going to Beijing, he specially ordered the morning to delay the time and personally led the civil and military officials to wait on the steps outside the hall.

At that time, the palace guards sent out continuously reported, and the news came all the way.

"Eunpa Zhang has arrived at Daming Gate..."

"Eunpa Zhang has arrived at Chengtianmen..."

"Eunpa Zhang has passed the noon gate..."

With a report, the faces of the kings and ministers on the steps of Fengtian Hall became more and more lively. Everyone involuntarily stretched their necks and looked out of the Fengtian Gate, which was directly connected to the imperial road in front of the palace. Finally, the sound of carriages and horses came into their ears, and hundreds of brocade guards escorted dozens of prison vehicles to come, slowly clear.