Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 655 Walking the Road of Life

I don't know whether the pressure given by Gu Lianlian was too much, which made Yunyan a little overwhelmed, or whether Song Nan's confident attitude made Yunyan feel unfathomable. In a word, Song Nan sat by the window of the cabin on the second floor and looked at Chen Baby in Fengqi Building with Miss Yunyan.

Chen Bao's dancing skills are also good. He is as light as a swallow, dancing like the wind on a palm-wide crosswood, flying like a swallow, which is amazing. Yunyan frowned, couldn't hide it, and her face was full of surprise.

"If I guess correctly, Baby Chen's dance must have been designed by everyone." Song Nan broke the silence and smiled.

"How do you know?"

Song Nan shook his head and did not answer. It is not difficult. Wan Qingshan is a collection of the characteristics of balance beam and dance. At a sight, Song Nan even knows the names of some movements.

"How can I know that it's not important? What's important is that Yunyan feels that she can occupy the number of these 20 Huakui candidates in the competition of dance skills?" Song Nan asked.

Miss Yunyan bit her lower lip and thought, "I used to be confident in the top five, but now it seems that the top ten may not be guaranteed. I didn't expect that they all left a hand in private. These dances are the first appearance, giving people an amazing feeling. If I can practice for a few days, it's not worse than their dance, but I don't have time."

Song Nan nodded and asked, "Yes, this kind of comparison is more unexpected than anyone else. The girl is obviously at a downfall."

Yunyan said sadly, "My Yunxiao Pavilion's financial and material resources are not as good as others, which is also helpless. But I am confident that I can enter the top ten tomorrow with my strength.

Song Nan shook her head and said, "Confidence is good, but it has fallen behind, so if you don't design your strategy, Miss Yunyan can only stop here, unless someone is willing to give you money to support and pass the number of votes for you."

Yunyan shook his head and said, "I don't have such a big guest."

Song Nan asked, "Why?"

Yunyan blushed for a long time and didn't say anything. Song Nan was puzzled and asked for a long time before Yunyan whispered, "The slave family doesn't sell their skills."

Song Nan shut up. The implication is that others sell themselves, but big customers spend money but can't get any advantage. How can they pay for it to be a fool? Thousands of taels of silver have been spent, and Mao can't touch any of them. Most of the major customers are officials, gentry and businessmen. How can they do such a loss-making business?

The dance competition below has reached the sixth. Sun Yanyan of Wanfang Pavilion was originally famous for her singing voice, but she is weak in dance, but today's performance is also good. A fast-paced strange dance is refreshing and full of people. Miss Yunyan's eyebrows frowned more tightly.

Song Nan stared at the situation on the surface of the water and said slowly: "Today's three rounds competition, one is dance skills, the second is singing, and the third is poetry. Above the dance skills, it has fallen to the wind. I advise the girl to give up paying attention to this item and play normally later. It will be enough to get three or four votes among the ten judges. We are going to write about the last two items.

"Give up?" Yunyan looked at Song Nan in surprise. Although her dancing skills are not the first among the popular officials upstairs on the Qinhuai River, she is confident that she can be in the top three. This is actually her own advantage, but she didn't expect that she didn't get an advantage in the advantage. She originally wanted to venture to use a few difficult and dangerous movements today. Although she can't guarantee success, she can at least fight. ; Because in the latter two items, Yunyan actually has the advantage of minister, and playing, singing and poetry can only be regarded as mediocre.

"Yes, I know that you must be thinking about how to compete positively in dance skills now, but this is unwise. There is still time. We can prepare the last two well. As long as the last two enter the top three, the comprehensive results can enter the top ten."

"But... playing and singing, the masters are like clouds, I may not be able to..."

"Everything has me. Go and prepare for the end. Ask your people to bring paper and pen. I will write the music and lyrics. In the second round, you will sing my music. We have to abandon the inherent things, otherwise we can't be amazing."

"Can you compose music and write lyrics?" Yunyan was surprised.

"Don't say, time is running out. If you want to advance, do as I say." Song Nan said firmly.

Yunyan thought about it and asked the maidservant to do it. She whispered suspiciously, "Why do you want to help me?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have no intention for you. It just aroused my competitive spirit today. Isn't everyone quite competent? I want to win the battle through you. I'm more competitive.

Yunyan's explanation was speechless. Fang is a famous person in the circle, and there is someone behind him. This person's poetry, calligraphy, singing and dancing are omnipotent and a little terrible. It's just that he is extremely greedy for money. If he doesn't have money, he can't be invited at all. Song Nan said that he wants to defeat this person. In Yun Yan's view, it's just a joke. That's all. But in the current situation, Yunyan herself is not sure. Song Nan's tone is firm, and she subconsciously gives Yunyan a role as the main bone, so she doesn't think much and simply does what he says.

Shen Yunyan, the leading player of Yunxiao Pavilion, who appeared in the 11th, performed his normal performance. He danced a song "Jing Hongxi Li Dance" which is a popular solo dance in the Ming Dynasty. From the perspective of basic skills, it is indeed very solid, and his hands, eyes and body skills are first-class. Unfortunately, under the amazing performance of several dancers in front of them, the effect is mediocre. Except for the screams of Shen Yunyan's fans, others just applauded politely and unexpectedly got three low votes from the jury. Compared with Gu Lianlian's eight-vote high vote, which was the first to appear, this number of votes is too different.

After the end of the first round, Gu Lianlian, Chen Baobao and Liu Yiyi ranked in the top three with eight votes, seven votes and seven votes respectively. The others took turns, and Shen Yunyan ranked fifth from the bottom, which has basically become the hopeless target of promotion in the eyes of everyone.

There was a sigh on the flower boat of Yunxiao Pavilion. It was difficult to hide their disappointment. However, when they saw that the boathouse on the second floor was closed with the doors and windows, they knew that Yunyan was not uncomfortable, and they silently walked away without disturbing her.

But there is another scene in the boat barn on the second floor. Song Nan, who is sweating, has taken off her robe and taught Shen Yunyan to sing the lyrics one by one. It is obviously a song of Song Nan's piracy of later generations. Song Nan knows that this occasion must be amazing and eye-catching. This song does not have to be very suitable for today's Times, but it must have feelings and unique charm, so after racking his brains, he decided on this song.

After the start of the second round of the competition, the atmosphere in the field became white-hot. The biggest competitor in the second round was Sun Yanyan, who was recognized as the throat of the yellow warbler. Her performance was not unexpected. Her voice was beautiful and touching. The people who sang a hillside sheep were intoxicated and got an ultra-high score of eight votes.

After that, several women who appeared on the stage also performed well. Several women with good results in the first round doubled their confidence in the second round, and even Gu Lianlian, who had the worst voice, won a good job with a song "Water Tune Song Head".

Shen Yunyan was obviously under some pressure, and her eyes also showed lack of self-confidence. When she came on the stage, Song Nan had to avoid the suspicion of men and women, gently hugged her as a sign of encouragement, and stunned the women standing on both sides.

Shen Yunyan stood on the bow and on the empty deck. Facing the onlookers of tens of thousands of people around her, her petite body looked weak. Because of nervousness, her first sentence trembled a little, which made Song Nan and a group of twisted bearded people in the judges frown.

But the good information is that Shen Yunyan quickly adjusted her breathing and closed her eyes and sang slowly.

Although there is a long way around you,

Not tired;

Accompany you,

one paragraph after another.

over the peak,

Another peak is seen again;

Going away,

Let the ideal always be ahead.

The road is rugged,

Not afraid of being tempered;

May you have a lifetime

You can also experience pain and happiness.

Happy and sad,

Turn around and around;

Snow in the wind,

Appreciating flowers in the fog,

Happy whirlwind.

No need to worry about it,

Appreciation around you,

Beautiful every day.

I'm sure,

The beautiful scenery is at your feet.

Wish to laugh,

cover the painful side,

Whate or happy,

Find new discoveries every day.

Let the wind blow,

Just give me a test,

Little raindrops,

Don't worry,

has long been determined to move forward.

The song is like water and refreshing. This song walking on the road of life is originally a work of many people who have experienced it. At this moment, it has aroused the resonance of many people. In the jury, one person had burst into tears and cried like a child. This person was Tang Yin.

His good friend Wen Zhengming comforted him softly. For Tang Yin, the ups and downs of his life and the sadness of his encounters resonated with him in this song. Since he was 29 years old, he has been famous all over the world, and then he has been involved in the criminal fraud case, which made him notorious. He resigned angrily and resigned. When he returned home, the husband and wife broke up. The experience goes straight into my heart. The high persistence hidden in the song is also what Tang Yin insists in his heart. After so many hardships, he still believes in the beauty of the world.

"Woo... Whoever doesn't vote for it will return all my paintings to me." Tang Bohu threatened with tears.