Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 656 New Words

If others will feel novel and moved when they hear this song, one person can only describe it as shock when he hears this song, which is Fang Qingshan.

This Shen Yunyan girl is the top card of Yunxiao Pavilion, but Yunxiao Pavilion does not have the strength to ask herself to provide songs for their top cards. Moreover, compared with other red cards in brothel, this Shen Yunyan is not so outstanding, and she has not seen her at all. But I didn't expect that it was Shen Yunyan who made me feel sweating all over today.

Fang Qingshan was frightened, just because he was indeed a time traveler. He came to Nanjing 20 years ago. With his unknown ability, he won the name of Fang on both sides of the Qinhuai River, carried the songs, dance and poems of later generations, and became the guests of the red cards of the brothel. Later, few people invited Fang Qingshan to guide dance skills or even write a song, because the price was ridiculously high.

Fang Qingshan is well aware of the way of survival of the brothel. These days, there is not a hole below that can make no profit. The beautiful woman is as vast as a sea of smoke. In fact, many pavilions are operating bleakly between the fireworks and willow alleys of the Qinhuai River. In addition to the beauty of red cards, we also need to improve their popularity.

For example, if the queen is also a woman, if she is willing to sleep with others for one night, I'm afraid someone is willing to spend hundreds of thousands of taels, which is psychological satisfaction. It was impossible for the Empress to sleep with others, so Fang Qingshan loddled the owners of more than a dozen large brothel buildings and explained to them the idea of creating a Huakui draft. With a three-inch tongue and the bleak business of the owners, they are eager to change; 20 years ago, the first Qinhuai Huakui Competition kicked off.

Even if Fang Qingshan is only an ordinary person in later generations, after the popularity of TV and computers in the big entertainment era, there have been a lot of wild variety shows. He is an idiot, and he also knows some operations and rules between hearing and eyes. When the first flower girl, Huang Yingying, was born; the Qiuyue Building where Huang Yingying is located is famous. Noisy, the rich business giant who came to get married to Huakui Fangze broke the threshold, and Qiuyue Building suddenly jumped to the first building of Qinhuai; and all the red cards of the brothel who participated in this Huakui selection also showed their good side in full view of the public, so there were many more pumps, and Fang Qingshan was also because of this success. The operation has become a member of Qinhuaifang.

At today's 10th Huakui Competition, the father of Qinhuai Entertainment turned pale and frowned. People around him reminded him, "Everyone? It's time to announce the results of the vote.

Fang Qingshan came to his senses and calmed down. He suddenly felt that he was thinking too much. After hearing this song, he was worried that a person with the same identity would come through, but in fact, this was ridiculous. A similar situation had happened before, but it turned out that his men stole one of his songs and sold it to the other party, making himself a false alarm. This time The same is true. This walk in life and other lyrics that I collected by taking advantage of my good memory are shrank in the wooden cabinet at the head of my bed. Sometimes I take it out to copy and review it and forget to put it back in its original place, or it is also common for me to copy and leak it. I will torture my servants later.

Fang Qingshan regained his calmness, turned his head with a smile, and looked at the votes shown by the judges. I don't know whether Tang Bohu's threat played a role, or whether the song really stunned the judges. Nine of the ten judges voted.

After the results were announced, the applause of the whole audience was thunderous. Shen Yunyan's feet were stepping on the clouds and didn't know how to get back to the warehouse. After the flower boat stopped, Shen Yunyan rushed into the warehouse on the second floor, and the red light on her face shone and shouted, "Success, success, where is Mr. Song Bei? Where is Mr. Song Bei?"

"Stay calm." At the small table next to her, Song Nan sat there with her legs crossed, holding a cup of hot tea in her hand. The mother of Yunxiao Pavilion had bowed her body and waited for Song Nan as a guest with a smile. This cup of tea was served by her herself.

"Success. Mr. Song, this song is really good.

"If the song is good, I also want you to sing well. Nine votes, um, plus the previous three votes, after two rounds, you should be in the top ten; but it's not enough. Sixty chances of winning are not enough to keep you in the top ten. The third round is the key."

Shen Yunyan nodded repeatedly and said, um, she was fully convinced that Song Nan would let him advance today.

Song Nan frowned and said, "Your mentality will definitely be bad in the third round. You should know your own advantages. Your characteristics are not playful, cute and lively. Your biggest characteristics are intellectual and intellectual beauty, you know? That's what attracts those people and judges, and it can also cooperate with this small order I prepared for you in the third round.

"Intellectual beauty?" Shen Yunyan was confused and shook his head.

"It's just... pretending... pretending that... In short, don't laugh and try to be thoughtful, just like a literati who is full of talent and is not reused, and it's like a bitter resentment that lovesickness can't be together, or the depth of raising a glass to the moon's silence. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Shen Yunyan said confusedly, "It seems that I understand a little."

"If you understand, you don't understand. If you don't understand, what does it look like?" Song Nan frowned and waved his hand, as if the teacher scolded the primary school student in front of him, but a few hours ago, the two had never even met.

"Isn't Mr. Song mean that the slave family should show feelings, thoughts and connotations? Do you want to impress the judges and the people from the bottom of your heart and resonate with them?

"Yes, yes, yes, children can be taught, that's what it means. The song "Walking the Road of Life" has made them have an impact on you in this regard. This song in the third round makes us go one step further and makes you particularly different. Today's matter is right. Song Nan smiled.

"Everything is arranged by the prince, but I don't know which song this little order is? There seems to be a lot of small orders in line with what the prince said. Is it to choose Li Yi'an's small orders or Xue's small words?"

Song Nan waved his hand and said, "No, I made you a new order. After a while, you will say that you created this brand. I think it's called... Qin Huaiyue. Remember, you must say that this Qin Huaiyue's order is your original creation."

Shen Yunyan has been dizzy by Song Nan. She spit out her little tongue and licked her red lips and said, "Where is Xiaoling? Can you let the slave family have a look?"

Song Nan pointed to the stool next to him and said, "I just finished writing. Where should I put it to dry? Go and see for yourself."

Shen Yunyan walked over and bent down to stretch the writing paper, with only a few sentences on it. Shen Yunyan's red lips moved and meditated several times, and her whole body was a little daze.

Mom Sang didn't understand the poems. Seeing Shen Yunyan stunned, she looked over and asked in a low voice when Song Nan didn't care, "Girl, isn't that okay? The old man also feels that it is too hasty. There are only a few simple words. I don't see any fame. How can I win the ranking? Besides, it is also a new word card, which is a taboo. Many people want to be original and seek new ideas, but in the end, they all return.

Shen Yunyan slowly shook her head and whispered, "It's not my mother, it's not that this little order is not good, but that it's written so well. My daughter just didn't taste it for a while. When she tasted it, she knew its charm. The person who can write this little order can be called a talent."

Shen Yunyan looked back at Song Nan, but found that Song Nan had stood out of the warehouse, standing on the railing and facing the wind with his hands behind his back. Originally, he did not think Song Nan was so attractive, but at this moment, an inexplicable sense of worship suddenly rose in Shen Yunyan's heart.

This person suddenly appeared in front of him, full of nylon wisdom and talent, and self-confidence all over his body, and suddenly stirred up something hidden in his heart, just like God gave him.

Thinking of this, Shen Yunyan suddenly blushed.

After the second round of the test, Shen Yunyan took the lead and beat Sun Yanyan's eight votes with nine votes. After two rounds, Gu Lianlian ranked first with 16 votes, Sun Yanyan took the second seat with 15 votes, and Shen Yunyan, who was originally ranked fifth from the bottom, jumped to eighth place with 12 votes.

The third round is the most critical round. It is not only necessary to determine the ranking of the final judges, but also is followed by an exciting reward voting process. The participants in the back row are likely to enter the top ten with the support of a gentry, and those at the back of the top ten are likely to be squeezed out of the top ten.

It doesn't seem very fair. It seems that everything is manipulated by rich people, but in fact it is not. The gap between the first five and the latter is very large. After the third round, it is likely to reach about ten votes and more than ten votes. If you want to shake the position of the first five, there is at least 580,000 taels of silver for 5,000 two reward tickets, which is impossible to threaten the position of the top five. And in fact, how many people are willing to spend such a large sum of money? Often the key three or four tickets are bought with silver. After all, the rich people are not Kaizi, and they will not spend some money for no reason.

However, with the start of the third round, the game was almost white-hot. With a gong, Fang Qingshan announced the start of the third round. In this round, Shen Yunyan ranked eighth, which was the penultimate appearance.

Shen Yunyan sat on the chair with his eyes closed, holding the brocade pa with his fingers, and his heart was very nervous.

"Believe me, if you don't succeed, you will become benevolent. If this little order can't move these people, it is also God's will; your Yunxiao Pavilion should be disbanded, and there is nothing to say. In fact, girls don't have to fall in love with the dust, and there are still many ways to go.

"Thank you for your comfort, but Yunxiao Pavilion can't be disbanded. Hundreds of people expect this building to eat, and I have been living in this place since I was a child. I'm not afraid that you will degenerate, but in fact, I think it's much easier here than outside. Is it the universe outside?"

Song Nan nodded and remembered what she had experienced and around her, but felt that what she said made sense.