Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 663 The Way of Pattern

The gongs were loud, and with Fang Qingshan's appearance, the second day of the competition kicked off.

Today. The two chess, calligraphy and painting are interspersed with free song and dance programs provided by the five famous buildings as embellishment, which is also an eye-catching publicity campaign of the five famous buildings; the five rising stars known as the five little golden flowers of Qinhuai will appear on the stage; many gluttonous guests have long played these 13 or 14-year-old chicks who are as tender as flowers and bones. Before their official debut, it is good to see them perform their talents and target them in advance.

The first item is chess competition, and such a competition can only be seen on such an advanced occasion. Ordinary red cards only need to be good at singing and dancing, but Qinhuai Huakui has to add things such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting to reflect intelligence. Imagine that there is a talented woman who can recite poems and paintings under her body, and the satisfaction of possessiveness is extraordinary.

Today, there is a huge floating platform in the middle of the water, like a water stage. Tonight's competition does not need to enter the flower boat. The people of the competition are connected by boats and can board the floating platform.

There are four long boards standing around the floating platform, with people standing on both sides and don't know their purpose for the time being; there are one or two seats in the middle of the floating platform, which seems to let the two players sit and fight against each other. The appearance was decided by drawing lots, and ten Huakui competitors came on the stage in turn, playing against one of the nationals in the judges, ranking by the number of wins and defeats.

Song Nan soon realized the drawbacks of this competition. Under the seemingly fair competition system, there were actually many loopholes. Only one person can rank in the whole chess competition, that is, the judge who acts as the opponent, and the other nine judges become spectators; and once the judge deliberately releases water, it will become a very unfair competition. Song Nan's biggest worry is that the whole game is actually inclined to the competition of the five famous buildings. If the national players of the game are from the five famous buildings, it goes without saying that the five famous buildings will take advantage of this link.

Before the game began, Song Nan quickly asked Liu's mother to raise an objection. Although it was unrealistic to temporarily change the competition system and it was unwise to question the fairness of the judges, Song Nan had decided to help Shen Yunyan go further and naturally considered all these possibilities.

Fang Qingshan was extremely angry with the doubts raised by Yunxiao Pavilion. The Huakui Competition has been held for ten times, and no one has ever questioned this matter, but Fang Qingshan also knows that the doubts of Yunxiao Pavilion are reasonable. Although he said sarcastically, "Liu everyone cares so much, it seems that Yunxiao Pavilion is bound to get this time. As far as I know, it doesn't seem to care so much about Miss Shen Yunyan's chess skills.

The implication is that Shen Yunyan's chess skills are not on the table. What do you care about? Anyway, it is impossible to get a good ranking.

Mother Liu was neither humble nor arrogant and smiled, "This is to avoid anyone questioning after the event and damaging the reputation of the Huakui Competition. If you think my proposal is purely eventful, you don't need to pay attention to it."

Fang Qingshan was choked and had nothing to say. Liu's mother's words actually carried a trace of threat. The implication is that if there is something fishy, she will definitely spread some words afterwards, and everyone will not be able to step down. Fang Qingshan did not want to damage the reputation of the Huakui competition. Under the balance, he summoned all the judges to discuss the suspicious countermeasures proposed by Yunxiao Pavilion. The judge of tonight's protagonist blew his beard and stared angrily at Yunxiao Pavilion for questioning his impartiality, but others in the judges felt that this question was reasonable, especially several people led by Tang Yin to change the competition system.

The competition, which would have started after the gong sounded, has been unable to start for a long time. The people waiting onlookers are a little **. Finally, after Fang Qingshan hurried from the judges to the flower boats, and even the dragon-headed ship, the gong sound rose again, and Fang Qingshan announced the competition system. The change.

"Guys, in view of Yunxiaoge's doubts about the competition system, after consulting the opinions of the judges and the opinions of the top ten famous buildings, the competition system planned to be played by Zhou Guozuo against the participants was considered unfair. Now it is temporarily decided to change to ten participants to fight in two groups of wheels, and each win each game will accumulate three points. , the draw gets two points each, and the loser gets one point; after the four rounds, the seats are arranged according to the points, the first one is in favor of ten votes, and the one with the same number of wins and losses is established in an extra game, and so on.

The crowd was in an uproar and immediately became excited. Originally, the game of Go was a boring thing. Many people didn't understand it at all. They just came to see the excitement, but once the Huakui competitors pinched two pairs, it was completely different. This is a face-to-face battle. Even if they don't understand it well, they only see when they fight. It's an interesting thing.

The new competition system has been established, and the preparations have been done quickly. Soon, four small tables have been added in the middle of the floating platform, with a total of five games. At the same time, more than ten surrounding platforms have been added. When ten fierce women's competitors were sent to the floating platform by the boat to prepare for the game, the curtain on the platform was lifted, and the two people standing next to each held a palm-sized black and white disk and waited breath. Song Nan finally understood that these large boards standing around were disks, and those black and white pieces as big as disks were probably equipped with magnets. This was to demonstrate the progress of the chess game to the people around the battle, which was equivalent to live broadcast.

Song Nan had to admire Fang Qingshan's ability. I'm afraid that only he can think of these things. If this person is not a traveler, Song Nan would rather chop his head.

The lottery group ended. Unfortunately, Shen Yunyan entered Zheng Peipei's group, and Zheng Peipei was faced in the first round. Shen Yunyan was also helpless about this result. In the first round, she drew Zheng Peipei. The gloating in the eyes of the women next to her was obvious. Shen Yunyan tried to keep herself calm and recalled the words Song Nan whispered before playing.

"You and I both know that the way of tattooing can't be done quickly, and technical improvement is impossible, but in my experience, I can give you some suggestions. You should know that most of the people who are skilled in chess are good at calculation and layout, and the higher their chess skills, the more beautiful they will win and the better they will win. What we can take advantage of is their psychology. The calculating person also has his drawbacks, that is, if she likes it, she will not give up. Maybe you can provoke her anger, constantly harass him, and mess up the other party's mood. In addition, in the overall situation, sometimes giving up is also a kind of attack. The so-called step back, in the case that the calculation is not as good as the other party, if you exhaust your efforts in order to compete for the part, you will eventually be defeated because of poor consideration, so you will shift the battlefield at the right time to deal with what seems to be faint, but it is actually a response. Maybe it can be reached. It works amazing."

Song Nan's Go skills are limited. If it hadn't been for a friend in the Go world among future friends, he would not have understood these truths. In those years, he and his husband had two games, and the games were all exquisite endgame. One life was born, and the other battle was won, relying on this sudden play method of very different others; Song Nan is also It's a gift from each other.

With a 'pop', Zheng Peipei's Qianyu finger fell on the chessboard with a black child between her fingers. Fang Qingshan shouted, "The first round of the competition begins."

Suddenly, the sound of cracking down was continuous, and ten charming women shook their fans in the bright light, which was rare in the world. Even people who don't know Go are intoxicated and full of food.

The demonstration cards around convey the progress of the game at the right time. People who know chess make a babbling sound, or twist their heads, frown and shake their heads, or sigh frequently. Some people whisper to the people around them explain the progress and tell them that the big dragon is about to be slaughtered, where the spirit is tight, and where there is a big fight is about to start. Wait, it has become a big Go teaching lecture hall.

Song Nan has always paid attention to the progress of Shen Ruyan and Zheng Peipei's game. Judging from his weak chess power, Zheng Peipei is indeed a master in this. Every time Zheng Peipei drops a son, he also wants to deal with it, but he always feels that the other party is impeccable. After entering the middle game, Song Nan knows that Shen Ruyan's defeat has been determined, and the chess power It's really not a matter of the moment. Unless Zheng Peipei makes a mistake, it will be difficult to return to the sky.

However, Song Nan was gratified that Shen Ruyan's explanation of the law was very fast. The central bureau stirred up war in the hinterland several times, abandoned the two areas in the lower left and right corners, and successfully worked in the middle abdomen and moved back to many situations. Unfortunately, the disadvantage was too big, and soon the son admitted defeat.

In half an hour, the five chess games were all over. The performance of these weak beauties between the tattoos was impressive. Some people's chess style was extremely fierce. If you didn't look at the delicate posture of the game, you would have thought that a reckless man was killing fiercely, stirring up the wolf smoke.

Zheng Peipei, Gu Lianlian, Tu Xiuxiu, Meng Xiaoxiao, Zheng Xiuer and other five people defeated their opponents. Four of the five people came from five famous buildings, which shows the overall strength of the five famous buildings.

Song Nan doesn't care about the defeat in the first round, and he doesn't hope that Shen Yunyan can perform well. He only needs to rank five or six, and the second round is the key. Taking advantage of the break of a fragrant time, Song Nan subconsciously looked at the huge dragon-headed ship moored not far away, but saw that the servants and maids in the big ship warehouse were busy in and out, and there was an endless stream of dishes. She knew that Zhu Chenhao must be sitting in the warehouse. Looking at this situation, it was a big banquet. It seemed that the valley was used or Some senior local officials are also among them.