Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 664 Unconventional Law

After the end of the five rounds of the game, the result was unexpected. Zheng Peipei was unique and the best in chess, ranking first in all five battles. Gu Lianlian also made great achievements in chess, ranking second in another group with four wins and one defeat. In the two groups, Shen Yunyan and Zheng Xiuer both have three wins and two losses. If you want to decide who is the third, you can only play an extra game according to the rules.

After a short break, Shen Yunyan and Zheng Xiuer sat in front of the game, and some good gamblers began to play the market. It is generally believed that Zheng Xiuer's chess style was delicate and stable. She defeated Gu Lianlian in the second group, and obviously her chess power was much higher than Shen Yunyan. Except for Zheng Peipei, other people in Shen Yunyan's group have the same chess skills. It's lucky that Shen Yunyan can win three games.

Most people did not hesitate to suppress Zheng Xiuer's victory, because it is said that several national players were specially invited to teach chess for this Huakui competition. The Shuiyue Building, to which Zheng Xiuer belongs is one of the five famous buildings, and Yunxiao Pavilion has been full of people in recent years, and has been dug a lot of red cards, not to mention its top card, Shen Yun The cigarette also opened a sky-high price of 100,000 taels, blocking the road of intimate people, and the popularity has fallen a lot; the flower boats in Yunxiao Pavilion are the smallest one rented, not to mention inviting any national players for this competition.

The gongs fell first, Zheng Xiuer took the lead and started the second consecutive stars in the lower right, and Shen Yunyan's two whites fell, and the whole audience suddenly exclaimed. This son did not fall on the side of the corner as usual, but went straight to the middle abdomen and fell two sons in the seemingly unnecessary middle belly; in this way, it is equivalent to white Bai gave Zheng Xiuer and his son a chance to work immediately in the lower right.

Everyone buzzed, and the national hand on the jury shook his head and said, "Nonsense, how can it come from? This is already a bad start. Golden Horn Silver Edge Grass Belly, it is easy to work by relying on the sideline at the beginning. After all, Shen Yunyan is still too bad, and I don't know how to win the first three games.

The words of the powerful player have won the approval of everyone. Everyone here are people who know chess. Everyone knows that this kind of playing method is similar to those who don't know Go.

The following battle was as expected. Although Shen Yunyan's subsequent response was normal, the lower right corner was soon occupied by Zheng Xiuer. What a huge advantage of two more sons. After a struggle, Shen Yunyan gave up the competition in the lower right corner and turned to another corner.

After Zheng Xiuer calmly did the lower right work, she coiled in the lower left and upper right corners. Shen Yunyan occupied a corner, and Zheng Xiuer had included three corners in her bag. At this point, although the chess game has just entered the middle game, Zheng Xiuer's advantage has been indescribable. Shen Yunyan Xiumei locked herself for a long time and suddenly stood up. Everyone thought that she was a thrower and admitted defeat. When the gamblers were about to cheer, they saw Shen Yunyan gently twisting a white son between Zheng Xiuer's two unconnected corners.

"What is this?" The judges were stunned. Isn't this useless? The left and right are all blacks. Although this white has the effect of disconnecting the two black chess pieces, they will definitely be strangled in it.

The prediction of the judges of the great power player was immediately reflected in the chess game. Zheng Xiuer reflected her delicate and fierce style. Black chess was like two smoke wrapping Shen Yunyan's white chess in it. White chess rushed left and right and ran away all the way. Just when everyone thought that white chess was in vain, a connection suddenly appeared in front of him. Ying Baizi successfully took over the white chess after two moves and successfully escaped. Just as everyone was stunned, the black chess that had flaws along the way was cut off. After a few exchanges, dozens of blacks were raised, and the scene suddenly became very different.

Black chess occupies the triangle, but there is no connection with each other. White chess occupies a corner and the middle abdomen of the small half, and actually has the power of resistance. Next, Shen Yunyan repeated her old technique and fell from the gap between the two corners. Zheng Xiuer learned a lesson. This time, she no longer chased fiercely, but only held the transition at a low position and connected the black man together. But in this way, Bai Bai let Shen Yunyan's Baizi occupy a large area of territory.

After several rounds, the chess game that was originally in the middle of the game suddenly stopped abruptly. Everyone suddenly found that there was no place to compete on the chessboard. The large plate in the middle abdomen and corner was white, and the black chess occupied both sides of the triangle was also difficult to get in. Shen Yunyan and Zheng Xiuer looked at each other and both smiled and got up to announce the end of the game.

In the midst of anticipation, after the review, the result was unexpected; the number of black chess and white chess was equal, but because black chess was first, it was finally lost, and there was a silence on and off the court.

"Papa." Some people applauded, and it was the big man who shook his head before.

"Wonderful, so wonderful. At the beginning, the two sons actually set the general trend of taking the middle belly. How much courage does it take to abandon the corner of the gold and silver land? This is exactly a kind of great temperament; how many people can do this? Admiration, admiration! I want to write down the score and take it back to study with my chess friends. It's exquisite.

The gamblers were stunned. When Shen Yunyan's situation was unfavorable, the banker once refused to accept the bet, but suddenly someone bought 5,000 taels of Shen Yunyan, which brought down both sides. After flattening, the banker raised the odds to accept the bet; as soon as the result came out, it was immediately an uproar.

Whever scolding her mother, regretting, or not have eyesight, in short, the silver is bound to lose; a little girl with a twins smiled and took away 15,000 taels of silver tickets, and the odds of one to three made this run abruptly. The little girl who injected 5,000 taels suddenly became a big winner. Everyone was stunned to see the girl rowing into the river in a slang boat, which was obviously a heavy note by a rich man in the river.

"Futam, it must be tricky, can this also lose?"

"Bullshit, why didn't you say something fishy at the beginning? Besides, the battle of Huakui is more than thousands of taels of silver. In order to trap your dozen taels of silver, Zheng Xiuer will release water? What a joke. Don't play if you can't afford to lose.

In the noise, Fang Qingshan came out to announce the final result. Shen Yunyan ranked third, which was equivalent to winning eight votes in favor. This was something that Shen Yunyan dared not think of before the start of the game.

After the long Go game, there was a period of song and dance performance, which refreshed some audiences who did not understand this. The five little golden flowers appeared together, and the delicate five little golden flowers like flower bones made the eyes of the gluttonous ghosts roll around and drool several feet.

Shen Yunyan returned to the flower boat of Yunxiao Pavilion like a triumphant warrior. The mother and maids on the flower boat came forward to congratulate, and everyone was smiling and happy. Entering the boat warehouse on the second floor, Shen Yunyan saw Song Nan leaning his legs on the chair lazily. She was overjoyed and almost rushed up and hugged him for a kiss.

"What's going on?" Song Nan asked carelessly.

"Fortunately, I remember your words, which really caught them off guard."

"That's good. This level is over, and you can be in the top five tonight; come and share the money."

"Sp share the money? What's the money?" Shen Yunyan was stunned.

"Girl doesn't know yet. In this game between you and Zheng Xiuer, the gamblers on the shore opened the market, and Mr. Song took 5,000 taels of silver to kill the peas. If you win, the odds of one to three will win 15,000 taels at once, just like playing. Mother's excited face turned red, and her eyes were full of respect.

"You..." Shen Yunyan suddenly got stuffed." If you lose 5,000 taels, is it not my sin?

"Ha ha, the problem is that I know you will win. Everyone has a share of this money. Before you come back, everyone has been given 20 taels. You are a great meritorious official, and these 5,000 taels are your share. I'm welcome to take the remaining more than 8,000 taels of silver. After all, I made the silver.

"..." Shen Yunyan was speechless. She knew that Mr. Song was extraordinary, but she never thought that he would be so rich. Casual gambling would be 5,000 taels of silver, and thousands of taels of gifts. Speaking of money, this money had nothing to do with herself.

Shen Yunyan was about to open her mouth and refuse. The mother beside her saw her mind and said first, "Mr. Song, my Yunyan's silver is taken care of her. Thank you, Mr. Song. It's Mr. Song's reward."

Song Nan laughed and said, "Mother Liu, put it away and put it away. If there is another gamble later, let's make a few more money from him. If Mother Liu believes me, we might as well take some capital and gamble together. Maybe we don't get Hua Kui, and we will definitely make a lot of money."

Mother Liu said with a smile, "That's right, it's always good for Mr. Song to be in town. When the girl played chess for more than an hour, it took a lot of time to play chess. Mr. Song was also busy for a long time. Taking advantage of this opportunity to eat something, he could also drink two cups with Mr. Song. What virtue is this? A living fairy suddenly fell from the sky to help, hee hee.