Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 665 Appointment

In the calligraphy and painting process, everyone has done their best. Generally speaking, there is more calligraphy, but these women's handwriting is good. Several of them specially practiced cursive calligraphy and are quite wild when they sprinkled.

There are only three painters, one is Gu Lianlian, one is Zheng Peipei, and the other is Shen Yunyan. Coincidentally, these three people happened to be the top three in the last round; an idea flashed in everyone's hearts that anyone who has real ability is not afraid to make a big axe in front of Luban's door, because they have a high degree of self-confidence in themselves.

Zheng Peipei's painting is an ink painting of the four gentlemen of Meilan bamboo chrysanthemum. The pen and ink are thick and smooth, and the four gentlemen are quite elegant. The brushwork is very old-fashioned and has been praised by the judges.

Gu Lianlian painted a rich and noble picture of peony, which is pastel green and understated. It is rich and pleasing to draw a tree of peony, and the brushwork is delicate and very skillful.

From beginning to end, Tang Yin, a senior person, remained silent. He knew that his attitude could almost influence the result of the game. On the spot, he was an absolute authority. Those women who choose to write are actually to avoid showing timidity in front of themselves and have become superior psychologically.

Zheng Peipei and Gu Lianlian's paintings are not very good, but they have reached a certain level. Tang Yin actually likes them, but he just nodded slightly. He wants to know what level Shen Yunyan, the third person who dares to draw, can draw. Because it is said that Shen Yunyan's painting skills are actually very ordinary, and it is actually an unwise choice to choose painting. If she thinks that she personally praised her on the ship yesterday, it would be a big mistake.

After Shen Yunyan came on the stage, the maid behind her was not holding pen, ink, paper and inkstone like others, but a bundle of cloth, holding a large number of small bowls, a heavy package and a wooden frame.

When Shen Yunyan poured various powders into the bowl in turn, debugged them with clear oil, and fixed a pair of linen on the wooden frame to tighten, even Fang Qingshan came forward in consternation and asked, "Miss Shen, this round is compared with calligraphy and painting, not female red embroidery. Our Qinhuai Huakui competition is not comparable to female red."

Shen Yunyan smiled and said, "I just want to paint, but the painting method is different. This is an original painting method, called oil painting."

"Oil painting?" Fang Qingshan stamured and immediately asked in a low voice, "Is this painting invented by Miss Shen herself?"

Shen Yunyan nodded and said, "Yes."

Fang Qingshan immediately shut up. From yesterday to today, Shen Yunyan's performance was amazing. Up to now, he has reason to suspect that Shen Yunyan is a guy who came through like himself, but he doesn't know why she is willing to stay in the brothel. These things would never have been understood by people who traveled through time. Fang Qingshan doesn't want to be entangled in this matter.

He couldn't expose his identity, so he pretended to be enlightened and said, "Miss Shen is really a genius. She created a word card yesterday and created a new painting method today. I admire her."

Shen Yunyan's unique and innovative painting method is also stunned. This woman has brought a lot of surprises to everyone these days, and today she is going to open her eyes again. However, seeing Shen Yunyan adjusting the color, she calmly began to draw on the canvas with a brush that was cut and brushed; the mixed colors on the rough canvas made everyone stunned, and some people whispered: "What is this mother's painting?" Do you fool people?

Someone scolded: "Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. What you don't understand is a good painting. You know nothing."

The initial chaos soon ended, and the picture gradually became clear. A continuous green mountains appeared on the picture. The layers of fields on the hillside were curved like the stairs of ladders. The rice waves in the paddy fields rolled over, the fields ploughed cattle in the fields, and farmers wore pointed bamboo hats to work in the fields. In a field at the bottom right of the picture, a farmer couple bent down to harvest rice. A four or five-year-old girl in red with sheep's horns and small braids is pulling a three- or two-year-old child to chase a dragonfly in the sky. The scene is warm and touching.

Shen Yunyan stopped the brush, and there were tears in the corners of her eyes. Fang Qingshan asked coldly, "Is it over?"

Shen Yunyan nodded and said, "It's over."

The painting was sent to the jury for evaluation. Someone shook his head and said, "What should I do well to make an oil painting? It's really nothing. The ink landscape of the ancestors is much more beautiful than this.

"Yes, what's the picture? It is chaotic and has no center of gravity. Painting pays attention to the primary and secondary weight, which does not reflect these at all. To put it inaudible words, the concubine in my house who has just learned to draw is better than her.

In a disapproving voice, Tang Yin stared at the painting and said slowly, "Guys, your evaluation may not be unreasonable, but this new painting method is unique. We only know how to paint with a brush dipped in pastel or ink, but we don't know that we can also paint with oil and paint. Miss Shen can think of this is already a great innovation.

"Brother Tang, that's right, but this painting is too rough." Wen Zhengming did not stand on Tang Yin's side at this meeting.

Tang Yin shook his head and said, "No, this picture seems messy, but I can feel the content expressed. This is the scene of the autumn harvest, which is messy and busy; the scene is like a terraces in southern Fujian; the strong color gives people strong satisfaction and happiness, and it is difficult to paint or pastel. To express this warm feeling, which one of you can express such a scene with ink?

After Tang Yin said this, everyone looked at the picture carefully and thought about it. It seemed that there was really some truth. If you paint with ink, you can naturally show many feelings such as light, far and elegant, but this warm and breathless scene is really difficult to express.

"Look, the look of the characters in the picture are also lifelike. The woman wiped their sweat and looked back at the expression of a pair of children, which was the natural expression of licking the child. The man frowned and cut rice, perhaps worried about the livelihood of the family. He is the head of the family, and naturally thinks more. This pair of children are extremely cute and carefree, jumping on dragonflies, which is still a kind father and mother who do not have the hardships of the world. What a beautiful picture it is. I like it. I really like it.

Everyone watched carefully along his words and found that the seemingly rough picture was full of details, overflowing with a strong and inalable emotion in it, and the more appealing it became.

"Can you ask Miss Shen to talk about the purpose of painting this painting?" Wen Zhengming asked.

Shen Yunyan stood on the floating platform, saluted Wanfu far away, and said, "This is the childhood memory of the slave family. The slave family is from Minnan, and he lived in such a place before he was five years old. The little girl in red in the picture is me, the boy is my brother, and the couple is my parents.

"Oh? It turned out to be the work of Miss Shen's memory of her parents and families. Are they still there? Wen Zhengming asked.

"They... are all dead." Shen Yunyan whispered, desperately held back her tears, and looked up and said, "This year in the picture is the last year I remember to live happily with my parents. The next year, there was a locust plague in my hometown, and there was no harvest. My parents took me and my brother to escape from the wilderness. After I came to Nanjing, my father died of illness, and my mother threw myself into the river with my brother in her arms... And I saved my mother in Meng Yunxiao Pavilion and survived. The reason why I want to draw these today is to always remind myself to remember my parents and brother and cherish the present time. This is also the best scene in the memory of the slave family, and I can't have it again in my life, so I can draw it.

The referee sighed. Someone actually wet the corners of his eyes. After listening to this narrative and looking back at the painting, he suddenly felt that this was the most beautiful painting in the world. The advantages and disadvantages of the picture were second only, and the true feelings contained in it were the soul of the painting.

After a heated discussion, Wu Xiaojinhua appeared again to perform songs and dances. After that, the results were revealed.

In the selection of 10-5 Huakui on the second day, Zheng Peipei won the first place with 18 votes, Shen Yunyan won the second seat with 17 votes over Gu Lianlian. Gu Lianlian was followed by Zheng Xiuer and Meng Xiaoxiao, and the rest of the beautiful women were all out.

Among the top five, five famous buildings occupy four seats, and only one Shen Yunyan is sandwiched in it, and the second seat is held high. Before that, no one regarded Shen Yunyan as an opponent, but after tonight, Shen Yunyan's name will resound on both sides of Qinhuai.

Song Nan was secretly relieved and planned to leave quietly without waiting for Shen Yunyan to come back, because he was afraid that many people would come to the ship of Yunxiao Pavilion to congratulate him. However, just as he and Wang Yong and Li Daniu stepped on the boat from the back string and were about to leave, they suddenly found that more than ten small scepters gathered around from all sides, and a moment later The boat was blocked in the corner of a big ship.

"Who are you and what are you doing?" Wang Yong shouted.

A well-dressed middle-aged man on a sangboard arched his hand and said, "Is the person in front of him Lord Song? The villain was ordered by the prince of my family to invite the marquis to meet him.

Song Nan's heart was shocked and screamed badly. It turned out that she had already revealed her whereabouts.