Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 680 New Words and Farewell

Song Nan and Zhu Chenhao knew that tonight's agreement was only temporary. This was an encounter. When both of them suddenly realized that they were holding their little tails, they were a little unprepared and had no good countermeasures for a while, so the two chose to compromise temporarily.

Zhu Chenhao had great ambition. He originally wanted to win over Song Nan and make Song Nan his hardcore. Otherwise, why did he speak for Song Nan when he was in the capital and expressed his support for Song Nan with the attitude of buying a white paper house. Zhu Chenhao has been secretly observing and studying Song Nan. He has heard of every move of this sudden emerging new political star. He studied Song Nan's temperament. He is a bold guy who is soft but not hard, so from the beginning of his relationship, Zhu Chenhao has treated Song Nan with an equal, kind and sincere attitude.

Of course, it is not enough to attract Song Nan. Song Nan is a popular person around the emperor. He can give him much less than the emperor, but anyone with brains will not give up the emperor to follow him. It is unwise to hold the weakness and coerce people like Song Nan. Therefore, Zhu Chenhao secretly revealed to Yang Tinghe that Song Nan and Princess Kang Ning had an affair and often stayed in the palace. He knew that with the help of Yang Tinghe, the court would definitely set off a punishment for Song Nan. When Song Nan fell out of favor and was desperate, his acceptance was what Song Nan needed most. Without doing anything more, Song Nan would follow him with all his heart. Such a person is extremely useful to himself.

Zhu Chenhao's consideration is not thoughtful, and the plan is not detailed, but unfortunately, Song Nan came to Nanjing and learned about his plan through Shen Yunyan of Yunxiao Pavilion. Zhu Chenhao regretted that he was too hasty that night and should not have had a showdown with Shen Yunyan so quickly. He also blamed himself for knowing that Song Nan was too relaxed after leaving Nanjing and was eager to use Song Nan's favor to insert Shen Yunyan into Song Nan's side, because he was worried that Song Nan would soon lose interest in Shen Yunyan after leaving Nanjing and returning to the capital, and things would get worse step by step.

The unprepared encounter between the two sides was completely out of their plans; the two people, who were not guilty of the river and well, suddenly became afraid of each other, resulting in no time to consider and deal with them, and this temporary compromise became inevitable.

Both need time to think about how to deal with each other, how to deal with each other and their own relationship in the future, whether it is a friend or an enemy, whether it is cooperation or confrontation, which is an extremely difficult choice.


Of course, Song Nan will not faint to stay in the autumn moon building. Although Zhu Chenhao wants Gu Lianlian to accompany him for the night, Gu Lianlian's posture and beauty are not bad, but Song Nan knows that these are all beautiful snakes raised by Zhu Chenhao. Although I am also good at fishing, there is no need to mix with these people.

It is already the second update to say goodbye to the Autumn Moon Tower; the night on the banks of Qinhuai River is beautiful, the stars are all over the sky, the trees are shadowed on the ground, and there is a faint fragrance of flowers in the air. Song Nan suddenly realized that this was the prime of spring, when everything flourished and the year was a good time. I can't help sighing after missing such a beautiful night all day long.

"Your Excellency, go back to the government? Wang Yu told before leaving that we should remind our adult to go back to the government house early to rest and escort the princess on his way tomorrow. A personal guard whispered.

Song Nan smiled and said, "This Wang Yong is very mother-in-law now. If you are tired, you can go back first."

"Doesn't adults come back?" The guards asked in astonishment.

"I just turned around. I can't sleep on such a good night. I don't need you to follow me. You can go back by yourself. It doesn't matter.

"How can I go back? If adults don't come back, how can I go back? If Wang Yan knew about this, he would not have pulled out our skin. Besides, where are you going so late? The adults drank some wine, and the horses were a little shaken.

Song Nan stared and said, "What are you talking about? I have my own place to go. If you don't want to go back, follow, but don't stare at each other for a while. When you get to the place, I'll ask someone to make some tea for you. You wait for me quietly.

Several guards didn't know it and didn't dare to ask more. They only followed Song Nan's horse slowly west along the bank of the Qinhuai River. After a while, they understood; a guard whispered to the several people who rode beside them: "I bet it was going to Yunxiao Pavilion to see Shen Yunyan."

"You talk too much, we don't know? As soon as my lord moved, I guessed it.

"Tut, you are really awesome. Do you know as soon as you move?"

"That's right. Anyway, I've been with adults for several years, and adults... cough, in a word, I can guess. Do you think that we will leave Nanjing and return to the capital tomorrow? On this last night, can you not come to Yunxiao Pavilion to separate Shen Yunyan? Adults are a seed of affection.

"Oh, it's really reasonable. I heard that Shen Yunyan likes adults to die. Naturally, adults are going to comfort tonight. After returning to Beijing, I'm afraid that they can't have any more to do with each other; several ladies in the adult's mansion don't."

Song Nan coughed in front of him and shouted, "What do you guys have nothing to do when you are full? Am I deaf and blind? Discuss me in front of me. One month's pay will be deducted first.

Several guards quickly stopped and stuck out their tongues to look at each other. Adults will not deduct money, but no matter how much they talk, they will be afraid that they will really get angry. It's okay to make small jokes on weekdays. It's great to make adults angry.

Yunxiao Pavilion is looking forward, and it is still a busy scene sent to Shengge. Song Nan knocked on the sides of the east courtyard. After the servant who watched the door informed him, Liu's mother came with a smile and brushed the willows. When she opened the door and saw Song Nan, she was a blessing and said with a smile, "Oh, the owner is here."

Song Nan frowned and said, "Didn't I tell you that you are not allowed to publicize it?"

Mother Liu was stunned and said, "Da Damn, I should fight with this memory." Prettended to reach out and slap him in the face.

Song Nan waved her hand and said, "Come on, pay attention next time, um... Well, is Miss Shen there?"

Mother Liu smiled and said, "Of course, I'm waiting in the room. I knew you would come tonight."

Song Nan coughed awkwardly and nodded, "Get some tea to take care of my men, just refreshments, no girls are allowed; I'll go upstairs and have a look."

"Okay, I still have something to ask. I'll ask you to come upstairs later."

Song Nan waved her hand, went up the stairs on the side of the building, and slowly walked up to the second floor. There was a light in Shen Yunyan's boudoir. Song Nan hesitated a little outside the door and gently knocked on the door.

"Mother Liu? Come in." The woman in the room answered.

"Miss Shen, it's me."

"Ah...is it Mr. Song?" In the footsteps, the door opened, and Shen Yunyan appeared in front of Song Nan with a happy face.

"How are Miss Shen?" Song Nan smiled and arched her hand.

"Good boy." Shen Yunyan bowed his head with blessings.

Song Nan looked at Shen Yunyan's hairpin ring and cleaned up. Yunyan's temples were meticulously combed and her makeup was beautiful. She thought to herself that Liu's mother was right. Shen Yunyan was indeed dressed up carefully.

Song Nan stepped into the room, and Shen Yunyan closed the door behind her. Somehow, Song Nan suddenly felt that at the moment when the door was closed, there was a budding atmosphere in the room.

"I will make tea for you. Did the prince drink?"

"Well, I just came from Qiuyue Building, and Gu Lianlian drank a few glasses of wine with me." Song Nandao.

"Do Gu Lianlian accompany you?" Shen Yunyan was a little stunned: "That's time to have a few drinks."

Song Nan smiled and said, "It's a pity that the wine is not good. It's bitter. So I'm in a hurry to come out and come to Yunxiao Pavilion to ask for a few glasses of sweet wine.

Shen Yunyan squeezed her lips and smiled and said, "There is no sweet wine in Yunxiao Pavilion. Yunxiao Pavilion only has good tea, which can relieve alcohol."

Song Nan said, "There's no need to drink. You can't get drunk. Then get a little drunk. It's also a good feeling."

Shen Yunyan smiled and said, "The prince's speech is really interesting, but it seems that there is some kind of machine."

Song Nan smiled and didn't answer, tilted her head and looked at the house. The room was obviously carefully decorated, the same elegant and plain, but it changed from the previous pattern.

"The slave family moved things, and changing the pattern is changing the atmosphere. The prince is now the owner of Yunxiao Pavilion, and naturally he has to make some changes."

"It is said that you are very interesting." Song Nan casually responded to a few words, and suddenly both of them fell silent, and the atmosphere became awkward for a moment.

After a brief silence, Shen Yunyan suddenly whispered, "Mr. Song, are you leaving Nanjing tomorrow?"

Song Nan nodded and said, "Yes, I'm going to escort the princess back to the capital. This time I'm really leaving."

Shen Yunyan lowered her head and said, "Yes, I really have to go. Will the prince come back?"

Song Nan tilted her head and thought, "I think I will have a chance to come back. Don't forget that Yunxiao Pavilion is my industry."

Shen Yunyan said in a low voice, "Don't lie to me. I know that you won't come back. In the past few days, the slave family seemed to have had a dream; suddenly the prince seemed to have fallen from the sky, and suddenly he was about to leave. The slave family... The slave family really didn't know how to describe this feeling.

Song Nan stared at Shen Yunyan and said, "Miss Shen, you are a good girl. I won't let you waste your youth in such a place. I will ask Mother Liu to find a good home for you."

Shen Yunyan looked at Song Nan and said, "Where are you going home? Is this the prince's last care for the slave family?

Song Nan said, "I treat you as a friend, and there is nothing to take care of. I have been very happy these days, but when there is a gathering, there will be a break-off. There will always be such a day."

Shen Yunyan nodded slightly and whispered after a long time, "I know that I can't walk to your side. My identity is humble and low. As a marquis, you absolutely refuse to want people like me around. In fact, the slave family has already thought about it; the body of the slave family is innocent, and the slave family will His innocent body is dedicated to the prince, only for a night of joy, and he will no longer miss him.

After saying that, Shen Yunyan slowly started. In Song Nan's stunned mouth, her clothes fell off one by one, and her beautiful hair fell like a waterfall, and her white and plump body was slowly exposed to Song Nan. Song Nan's throat is thirsty, and there is no sound in her throat. Shen Yunyan's body is perfect. Any man, as long as he has nothing wrong with him, does not want to do it at this moment. Burning in the fire, that's really unreasonable.

"Miss Shen..." Song Nan said with difficulty.

"Just ask for a night of joy and live up to this life." Shen Yunyan came slowly, wrapping her arms around Song Nan's neck. The bright red buds rubbed Song Nan's chest, and her lips slowly stabilized Song Nan's lips, and the tip of her tongue beat clumsily in Song Nan's mouth.

Song Nan was confused for a while, and suddenly woke up. She held her thin bead-like shoulders and pushed Shen Yunyan's body. She stared at her and said, "Miss Yunyan, you can't do this. I can't do this."

"Why? Don't I even have the qualification to recommend a pillow seat in your mind? The slave's body has not been touched by anyone, and the slave's family is clean. Shen Yunyan shouted softly.

Song Nan raised her chin and stared at her and said, "Many years ago, I was a compassionate person everywhere, but now I know it's wrong to do so. I have lived up to the expectations of many good girls. Emotional debts are the most difficult to repay, and I am still struggling with it. Therefore, I can't be quick and leave regrets for her. I'm not a person who can afford to reverse it. I've been romantic all night, but I think nothing has happened. I can't let you be a member of my Song Mansion, so I can't do anything uncomfortable with you, so I can't."

"But, I do."

"Don't be stupid. If you are innocent, you can have a good home. Once you become an unclean person, your identity will make others think that you are unclean and unbearable to read. Therefore, chastity is very important to you, and I can't take it. I appreciate that you like me. I don't want to make any more promises. I can only do what I should do. Thank you, Miss Shen. You are a good woman.

Song Nan reached out and picked up the long clothes on the ground, slowly covered Shen Yunyan's strong and plump body, picked up her forehead and kissed her slowly.

Shen Yunyan's tears flowed out, and she couldn't tell what it was like in her heart. Song Nan walked to the table, spread a piece of white paper, slowly dipped her head in ink and turned her head and said, "Let me leave you another new word. You can say that this is another word card you created in the future. The name of the word board is "It's Hard to Leave."

Song Nan turned around and brushed the pen. After a moment, she wrote a song. She put down the pen and arched her hand and said, "Miss Shen, goodbye. See you next day. It's very precious."

The door clicked, and Shen Yunyan, who stood in a daze, suddenly realized that Song Nan had left and rushed to the door, but heard the footsteps. Song Nan had gone downstairs, and then his clear voice came: "Where are you? Prepare the horse, let's go back to the government.

Shen Yunyan was stunned for a long time and turned to the table, but saw the ink on the white paper on the case, and a small word jumped up.

It's hard to leave. Occasion

I am a cloud in the sky,

Occasionally projected on your wave heart

You don't have to be surprised,

There is no need for sadness and joy

disappeared in an instant.

You and I meet on the road of the night,

You have yours, I have my direction;

You can remember,

You'd better forget

The light of each other at this meeting!