Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 681 Shock

The next morning, the Jinyi Guard Brigade escorted the princess on the road. Nanjing city's civil and military officials, including Zhu Chenhao, the king of Ning, who stayed in Nanjing, all came out of the city to see her off. Outside the north gate, everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they watched the princess's car gradually disappear.

One day in Nanjing, everyone's hearts are hanging. Usually, the defense in the palace is not so hard. The princess stayed here for a month, and everyone was exhausted. What's more, something new happened in the palace. Gu Dayi was assassinated and several palaces were burned. These things need to be found out. At this time, the princess stayed here, and everyone was more busy and worried.

For Zhu Chenhao, Song Nan's heart became more and more hung when he left. Although the two of them tacitly reached some kind of tacit understanding, Zhu Chenhao couldn't believe that Song Nan would abide by this silence. Uneasy, he left for Nanchang the next day after Song Nan left and did not want to stay in Nanjing.

500 soldiers and horses and 100 guards of Nanjing Jinyiwei and Song Nan escorted the princess back to Beijing slowly. Three days later, they stayed in Fengyang Mansion, the capital for one night. Local officials arranged for the princess and Song Nan and her party to visit Taizu's former residence and the place where they once stayed. On the Buddhist niche of Huangjue Temple, they provided a shabby robe and explained the officials. The member spit and narrated how Taizu endured here in those years and had the world in his heart in Buddhism. Song Nan was fascinated by the gray and black oil stains on the sabera for a long time.

If this robe is indeed the monk's robe when Taizu Zhu Chongba became a monk, then the oil stain on it must be the evidence left by Taizu master stealing wine and meat; Song Nan's brain made up the scene of ugly bald Zhu Yuanzhang pretending to make a home in the temple and harming the people around him day and night, and more sighed at fate. Unprecatable. Zhu Yuanzhang was very sleepy at that time. How could he think that he would have the world in the future?

After leaving Zhongdu, he went north and arrived in Gunzhou Prefecture, Shandong Province a few days later. Local officials came to welcome the princess's car into Gunzhou City. At the same time, they quickly returned to Beijing to report the news of the princess's arrival in Gunzhou. It is rare to live with the princess, and the closer to the capital, the fewer opportunities to get along. Song Nan decided to stay in Gunzhou for a few days and take the princess to play for a few days.

However, on the morning of the next morning in Gongzhou Prefecture, when Song Nan and the princess were having breakfast in Xingyuan, Wang Yong hurried in with a quite panicked look.

"Your Excellency, my lord, it's not good. It's not good."

"Wang Yong, the bigger the official, the more unruly he is. Why don't you salute the princess? Princess Luan is here, how can you shout so loudly? Song Nan scolded.

Wang Yong hurriedly kowtowed to the princess. Zhu Xiufu waved Bai Shengsheng's little hand and said, "No gifts. General Wang is not an outsider. Do you need to avoid it?"

Wang Yong hurriedly said, "No, no, it was someone from the capital who announced the order and asked my lord and princess to accept the order as soon as possible."

Song Nan and Zhu Xiufu were stunned and said, "Is the imperial edict coming from the capital?"

"Yes, the imperial envoy was on the way, and the speech arrived. Li Tai, the governor of Gongzhou, greeted him in the morning, and sent a special person to inform the humble position that the emperor and princess should be ready to receive the order."

Song Nan hurriedly got up and went back to the room and changed her official uniform. The princess also changed into costumes under the service of the maid of honor. As soon as she was busy, there was a noise outside. Someone shouted, "The imperial edict has arrived, and the Jinyiwei's own army are all commanders, and the first-class brave crown is waiting for Song Nan to receive the order."

Song Nan hurriedly came to the open space in the middle of the yard with Princess Corning. Three internal eunuchs walked in at the door. The leader was Ma Yongcheng, the eunuch of the imperial eunuch. Seeing Song Nan, he shouted expressionlessly, "Song Nan took the order."

"Cun Song Nan took the order." Song Nan and Kang Ning bowed to the ground, and a large and small officials of brocade guards also knelt aside one after another.

"Song Nan, there is an important matter in the court that requires you to go back to Beijing to negotiate as soon as possible and escort the imperial sister back to Beijing as soon as possible. You must arrive in the capital within three days." Ma Yongcheng read the holy edict loudly.

After waiting for a long time, Song Nan listened to Ma Yongcheng say, "Marquis Song, thank you for your order."

Song Nan looked up in astonishment and asked, "No more? Just these few words?"

Ma Yongcheng smiled and said, "Yes, just these few words?"

Song Nan had no choice but to take everyone to worship and accept the order. After the decree, Ma Yongcheng became a humble Ma Yongcheng. He came forward to salute the princess and Song Nan respectively, and asked some words such as whether the road was hard and whether the road was difficult.

Song Nan ordered people to look at the tea on the seat. After sitting down, he asked, "Mr. Ma, what's going on? The emperor's imperial edict has no idea. What happened in Beijing? Is it so urgent?"

Ma Yongcheng leaned and said, "Your excellency has been back to Beijing from Nanjing for ten days. Maybe the emperor is anxious to miss the princess and Lord Song, so he is anxious to let you go back."

Song Nan shook his head and said, "This is impossible. The emperor said that there was something important to discuss. I'm afraid something really happened in Beijing. Don't you know what happened when you came from the capital?"

Ma Yongcheng frowned and said, "No, everything is normal. Adults go to court normally, still noisy, and everything in the streets in Beijing is also very peaceful."

Song Nan frowned and said, "That's strange."

Corning whispered, "Let's get to the capital as soon as possible. Maybe the emperor thinks we have been away for too long, and some... some... worried."

Song Nan suddenly realized the meaning of Kang Ning's worry. His name Song Nan and Kang Ning had an affair, and this time he escorted Kang Ning back to Beijing alone. Isn't it the sticky of Emperor Hu along the way? It's good to say that he is worried. Zhengde is afraid that he will vomit blood and jump off the building in a hurry.

Song Nan rolled her eyes and said helplessly, "It seems that the plan is going to be ruined. I was going to visit the southern Qingshan of Nongzhou, but it is not known as the Little Huangshan. It seems that I can only wait for the next time."

Cang hummed in a low voice, "There will be a chance."

Two days later, Song Nan and his entourage arrived in the capital. As soon as they entered the capital, Song Nan felt something wrong. There were obviously more heavily armed soldiers riding on the street than usual. When they passed through several Beijing camp stations, they found that these places were much stricter than usual. There were also brigades of soldiers stationed in front of the Beijing camp. Shou is not as chaotic as before.

Song Nan ordered people to go back to the house to tell their family that they had arrived in the capital. After sending the princess back to Shouning Palace, they hurried to the Qianqing Palace. In the afternoon, the door in front of the Qianqing Palace was supposed to be full of sparrows, because at this time, when Zhengde was not seen, they usually hid in the apse to sing and dance, or played riding and shooting games. But today, there are more than a dozen more eunuchs and guarding generals at the gate of Qianqing Palace.

After Song Nan's notification, he entered and was led to the imperial study. At the door, he heard the noise of people inside. It seemed that dozens of people were discussing something inside. When Song Nan entered the door, everyone turned their heads to look. Zhengde and Zhang Lun were surprised and said, "Song Nan is back." The rest of the people were silent and turned their faces.

Song Nan came forward to worship Zhengde, simply reported the escort of the princess back to Beijing, and wanted to report the assassination of Nanjing Palace Valley, but was rudely interrupted by Yang Tinghe's cough.

"Marquis Song, we are discussing the major events of the court. Those things in Nanjing can be reported to the emperor later. Don't delay the major events."

Song Nan arched her hand and found a seat to sit down. Yang Tinghe said, "Is there anything else for Marquis Song?"

Song Nan said, "It's okay. Yang Shoufu, just continue to talk."

Yang Tinhe said, "There is no need for Lord Song to participate in this matter. If Lord Song wants to wait for the meeting, please wait outside the imperial study."

Song Nan felt a chill in his heart. Yang Tinghe was not polite to himself. In front of so many people actually said such words, he was completely above himself. Song Nan didn't say anything. He got up and left. Zhengde hurriedly said, "Hold on, it was I who urgently invited Song Nan back to Beijing. I want him to listen to this matter."

Yang Tin and other cabinet scholars and more than a dozen leaders in the room were surprised. Yang Tingyu couldn't understand why Zhengde still seemed to be supporting Song Nan at this time. Hasn't he already fallen out of favor?

Zhang Lun took a look at Song Nan and turned his head and said, "Lu Shangshu, how is the war going?"

Lu Wan swallowed and spit and said, "Just now it was mentioned that 80,000 soldiers and horses stole Jiayuguan to our Suzhou Guard ten days ago. Due to surprise, the Suzhou Guard lost its defense for a day. The Tats drove southeast and approached the key town of Gansu. Gansu Xingdu mobilized the five guards of Gansu and met the enemy with a total of 40,000 soldiers and Shandanwei. Now the two armies In the northwest of Gansu Town, after more than a dozen small-scale confrontations, both sides suffered casualties. The news that Changning, the general soldier of Gansu, ordered people to fly and ride today, said that the Taran was prepared this time, carrying firearms and siege equipment, which was obviously not the same as before.

Song Nan opened her eyes in surprise. It turned out that it was really a big deal. No wonder Zhengde's edict was incoherent.