Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 696 Military Calendar

When the Ming army in Jinglu City was frequently mobilized for preparation, the Tartar barracks stationed in the Wild Fox Ridge Dashan 50 miles west of Jinglu were also busy. The grain and materials delivered from afar were being systematically put into storage. Huduer Khan, the right general in charge of logistics, was commanding tens of tens of thousands of officers and soldiers and the Ming people captured along the way. Capital.

Dayan Khan attached great importance to this matter. He personally led the generals to ride horses to the valley of the West Pass of Yehuling to check the arrival of materials. He knew that the adequacy of grain and materials was the guarantee for the victory of the army.

Although in the past two months, his Tatar army has won a series of victories, annihilating 80,000 officers and soldiers of the Ming army at the cost of 30,000 people and won a brilliant victory; in the optimistic mood of the whole army, he kept a clear mind. What I challenged this time is the powerful Ming Empire. Even if I saw through the external strength of this empire, the Han people said it well: the hundred-legged insects are dead but not stiff, with a large population, rich land and vast territory. In fact, the Ming Empire is far above the Tatar. Although the elimination of the 80,000 Ming army has achieved brilliant results, it is still far from shaking the safety of this big tiger.

At the beginning of the dispatch of the army, the slogan shouted by the bald Mengke was to hit Beijing, which means to destroy the Ming Empire, but in fact, the bald Mengke knew very well that he could not annex such a huge prey with his current strength. His ultimate purpose was to force the Ming Dynasty to promise himself through this large-scale attack. For example, several major metropolitan divisions set up in the eastern Liaoning must be completely withdrawn, so that they can successfully annex the major tribes in Liaodong and become the real Mengyuan Khan. In addition, the Ming Dynasty can be forced to cede the Ningxia area of Fanzhen, open up the entrance channel to the south, and relieve the threat of the Hetao area.

In order to achieve such a goal, the Ming Empire had to comply. Just like the battle of Tumubao in those years, it completely destroyed the flames of the Ming Dynasty, so it had to fight fiercely, quickly and accurately. During the two-month battle, hundreds of thousands of Tatar troops implemented their own principle. Unfortunately, because of the long supply line, he had to stop by several times in order to wait for the supplies delivered from the long supply line in the direction of Jiayuguan, which also strengthened his determination to quickly take Ningxia Town as a transit supply station; Ningxia As long as the town is captured, its army will no longer have unfavorable constraints on logistical supplies, and it can attack the prefectures of Shaanxi nearby, and then threaten Shanxi to approach Beijing to the east.

He bent down on the horse's back and reached out to pick up a handful of barley noodles in the grain bag to check. Although the grain shell has not been removed, the barley noodles in his hand can only be said to be bran noodles, but this is already the best food for the Tatar army at present. The baldness is quite satisfied with the mountain of bran noodles.

"Is that the newly shipped ammunition?" He asked with hundreds of wooden boxes piled in the distance with horse whips.

General Huduerhan took a look and said, "Dear Khan, those are the cannonballs, which were delivered from the gold tent of Ulaanbaatar for a long distance to supplement the ammunition of the eagle cannon in our army."

The baldness was not relieved by Huduer Khan's proud look. Instead, he frowned and said, "Why is it like this? How much ammunition is here?

Hudu'er Khan hurriedly said, "It's a great sweat, 230 boxes of shells, and another 100 boxes are firearms and ammunition from the chariot."

"Ten boxes, 230 boxes are 2,300 shells. Why are there so few? Isn't it necessary to ship at least 5,000 pieces later? What's going on?" The baldness can be said with a cold expression.

Hudu'er Khan was really frightened when he saw that his baldness was fierce. He hurriedly said, "That's all he received. Why is this all he has? He can only ask the white old tribal leader who is responsible for logistics scheduling and negotiating transactions with Rasha."

"Bear him to see me." He got off his bald legs and stood on a big stone with a bad face.

After a while, Wen Duerjiang, the leader of the old white tribe, hurriedly came with a deputy and said, "Respect, the son of immortality, the eagle Dayanhan on the grassland, I don't know what's wrong with me?"

The baldness said lightly, "You came from afar and escorted a large number of grain and ammunition. Thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard. It's my duty to be loyal to Khan." Wendu and Jiang's humble way.

"Vit's very good. Come and tell me how much grain, how much ammunition, how many armor, how many grains and grass, how many weapon tents, and how many herbal materials have arrived this time."

Wendu and Jiang was stunned and said, "Dahan, don't these all have lists? It's just a sweat."

said coldly, "I'm afraid there is something wrong with the numbers on the list. Obviously, I said at the big account meeting that 5,000 eagle cannon shells would be transported, but I just saw only 2,300. Did Ben Han misread it, or was someone make trouble in it?"

Wendu and Jiang was obedient and hurriedly said, "Dear Khan, your eyes are as sharp as eagles. The amount of ammunition this time is indeed wrong, but there is a reason."

"What's the reason?" The sound of the baldness began to cool down.

"That's because General Petrov, who is in charge of the relationship, is unwilling to deliver all of them. He said that the cattle, sheep and horses we mortgaged were not enough, and this time their prices rose by 30%. This red-haired ghost is really abominable and proposed to use the mortgage balance of 100 Tatar girls to deliver them all. This led to the insufficient number of shells this time.

The baldness said coldly, "Are you sure you have rejected him?"

"Dear Khan, of course, I will refuse. How can I exchange the innocence of my Tatar girl for their shells? The temporary price increase of the red-haired ghost is an injustice. How can it be contributed to it?"

The bald man waved his hand and said, "Come here."

Wendu and Jiang were stunned and said, "What?"

"Come here, Benhan has something to say."

Wendu and Jiang hurriedly approached a few steps and stretched out his neck to listen. He saw a flash of silver light in his hand, but he saw the blood light splashed and spilled into a piece of blood rain. Then a head flew into the air, landed and rolled down the hillside. Wendu and Jiang's headless body fell under the rock.

The people around screamed and exclaimed endlessly. He slowly wiped the bloody machete on the body of Wendu and Jiang, and said word by word: "At this time, everything needs to make way for the war. It is hateful for the red-haired ghost to take the opportunity to extort, but we have no time to bargain with them. As a full-power envoy, you are responsible for contacting this matter, but you refuse for hundreds of girls. If you refuse their request and fail to ship the materials as planned, it is your dereliction of duty. Since it is a dereliction of duty, cutting your head is a punishment.

Everyone was as silenced and shot the baldness with cold eyes. They pointed to an official who followed Wendu and Jiang, "Are you his deputy?"

"I am contacting the deputy envoy Han Tieer, Dahan... What's the order of Dahan?"

"From now on, you are on your way. You will immediately go back to Ulaanbaatar and ask the emissaries of the Grand Duchy to return the remaining shells and ammunition, and immediately escort them to the battlefield. We also need more ammunition, and you have to deal with these things for Benhan. No matter what you exchange for, Benhan wants is sufficient shells and what else. Don't tell Ben Khan that you can't do it. You are the second Wendu River.

Hate hurriedly knelt down and bowed to the order. He straightened up and looked at the distance. He gritted his teeth and seemed to be talking to the people around him: "The red-haired ghost turned around and took the opportunity to rob. This account was recorded in Benhan's heart and convinced the Ming Dynasty first. Benhan will definitely make them pay the price.

He took the bald but unhappy people to the big tent and walked halfway. He saw a group of people riding back in front of him in a hurry. Dozens of people were snowy and embarrassed, and more than a dozen empty horses followed him.

"Go and have a look, what's going on? Did you fight with the Ming army?" Turning his head and ordering his eldest son Turbororot, who followed him, Turborot immediately asked the dozens of soldiers to come near. The dozens of soldiers were dressed lightly and seemed to be scouting cavalry and responsible for the news.

"What's wrong with you?" Tulu asked.

"Prince, we were attacked by the Ming army and killed more than a dozen brothers." A scout centurion hurried forward to answer.

Tulu was still waiting to ask, but he heard the bald man say in a low voice, "What have you suffered from the firearms, and have you encountered the Ming arms team?"

"I was ordered to go to the suburbs of Jingluo to investigate the movements of the Ming army, but I didn't expect that as soon as I came out of the Wild Fox Ridge ten miles, I was attacked by a team of unidentified Ming army. This group of people held fire, which was very powerful. Before we could react, we were killed by more than a dozen brothers, and everyone was shot. , tried his best to escape back."

He twisted his bald eyebrows into a pimple and stepped forward to slowly pull out the machete. Tulubolot was shocked and shouted, "Father Khan, they are not guilty."

I ignored the baldness, reached out and grabbed the arm of the centurion and shouted in a low voice: "Gritt your teeth and hold back the pain."

The centurion looked a little flustered, but he still clenched his teeth and closed his lips tightly, showing a satisfied look in his eyes. He held the centurion's arm in one hand and a machete with a pointed head to the bleeding part of his upper arm. The sound of his skin and flesh was disgusting. When the wound expanded, he simply threw away the machete. , stretched out his fingers to touch the wound, and pulled out the two fingers that were deep into the wound in everyone's surprised eyes.

The flesh and blood on the two fingers are blurred, and there is a thing stained with blood between the fingers.

"Wine comes." Call the baldness.

Tulu hurriedly took off the wine bag and came to the front. He took over the wine bag, bit off the stopper, dumped the liquor in the bag on the centur's wound, and shouted, "Let the military doctor bandage the wound, take medicine every day, and don't suff."

The centurion said painfully, "Follow the order of the Great Khan." The baldness can slowly wash the spirits on the blood-stained fingers and wash away the blood stains. The things in the two fingers also appeared, which were a small black iron bead.