Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 697 New and Old Hate

What kind of clothes did the people who attacked you wear? Ask about the baldness.

"I don't know what clothes the little man is. It's fancy and bright. By the way, they all have thin and long waist knives around their waists, and the shape is very strange."

The bald man was silent for a long time, and suddenly laughed, and the laughter turned into a wild laugh in an instant. Tulu quickly asked, "Father Khan, who are these people? It shouldn't be the Ming army in Jingluo City.

The baldness gasped and said, "Tulu, do you still remember the Battle of Xinping Fort?"

Tulu did not dare to interface. After the defeat of that battle, Tatar was deeply taboo on this topic, and no one dared to mention it. I don't know why his father Khan mentioned his previous fiasco.

"He's here, this iron egg. I know that dozens of fire balls shot out of Xinping Fort in those years. He still came. Benhan was wondering why he had fought for so long and why he hadn't appeared. Now he has really arrived.

"Fahan said that the man who met you in Xinpingbao? I heard that that man is a follower of Jinyiwei.

"It's him. He is the head of the brocade guard government in the Ming Dynasty. The people who attacked today are wearing brocade guards. The strange weapon at their waist is the embroidered spring knife. Therefore, it is impossible to conclude that he came in person, but this firearm, this iron egg. Zi, um... He's here, absolutely right."

There has always been a shadow in the heart of the baldness, which is the shame of the battle of Xinpingbao; it is simply a great shame to surround hundreds of people of the little emperor Zhengde with tens of thousands of cavalry, and finally damage the soldiers and half of their hands.

What brought all this shame was the more than 20 fire-carrying emperors who stuck to the top of the beacon for nine days. In nine days, although he planned to capture Zhengde alive and attack with all his strength at the beginning, in the next few days, he really ordered to ignore his life. The smoke and fire night attack cheated. I thought about any way, but I failed to attack it. Finally, the Ming reinforcements arrived and couldn't get out, paying heavy casualties.

In the next days, the bald man who returned to Tatar to lick the wound thought of this scene countless times and felt great humiliation. At the same time, he was also interested in the group of people on the top of the cliff who held on for nine days. It was not difficult to find out the news. Soon he knew that the leader of those people was a brocade named Song Nan. Garment officials.

In the following days, the baldness kept paying attention to the news of this person named Song Nan, and Song Nan destroyed the violence of Liu Liu and Liu Qi. Chaos, the suppression of the rebellion of the Anhua King and other things all fell into the ears of the bald and fierce.

For Song Nan, who galloped in the Ming Dynasty, he finally realized that he was not defeated by a nobody. This person's ability has been shown in many things, and unfortunately, he has also become a stepping stone for him. But there is less and less frustration in his heart. For such a person who has been defeated by him, what he expects most is to meet him on the battlefield.

The best way to correct your name is to defeat your opponent and regain your dignity, rather than blindly blaming yourself. In the blood of baldness, there is no factor called admitting defeat, especially after knowing that Song Nan became one of the pillars of the imperial court, he was even more eager to meet Song Nan again.

A few months ago, the planned plan to invade the Ming Dynasty began to be implemented. The bald man has been nervously paying attention to the news of the opponent's coach. First, a northwest general named Chang Ning was the captain, who was defeated and took the head. Next came Xu Guangzuo, the Duke of Dingguo of the Ming Dynasty, who also beat the baldness, but he did not feel much sense of achievement. What he was most looking forward to was that Song Nan could come to the battlefield.

However, in view of the news from the Ming Dynasty, Song Nan seems to have been unlucky recently. After being deprived of military power, some secret agents even saw him in the fireworks place of Nanjing City, the old capital of the Ming Dynasty. In addition to being disappointed, he was also a little vaguely grateful. In his heart, Song Nan was already his number one enemy. However, the emperor of the Ming Empire made it impossible for such people to lead troops to war, which was tantamount to destroying the Great Wall.

And today, the familiar iron egg was cut out from the centurion's arm. Zi, the nightmare of the Tatar soldiers who used to be under the beacon, the so-called brightly colored armor and strange waist knives, don't all indicate that Song Nan has come? In addition to him coming, who can let the fire guard of the brocade guard follow?

The bald heart beat faster, the blood became hot, and his eyes were full of brilliance. He rubbed his palm and said, "Well done, you're finally here."

The eldest prince Tulu said doubtfully, "Father Khan said, did Song Nan come?"

"It's him. Didn't Mingjun send a new coach? I think the eight achievements are him. When we defeat this Song Nan, I'm afraid that there will be no general available in the Ming Dynasty. Tulu and his father Khan have wanted to reunite with this Song Nan for so many years, and today is a wish.

Tulu hurriedly said, "Congratulations to Father Khan, but Song Nan extended the Jinyiwei sentry to the suburbs of Yehuling ten miles. This man is a little bold."

He laughed and said, "This time you know Song Nan's arrogance. The Ming army has been defeated in succession and lost more than a dozen important state capitals and passes. He is still so tough. Don't you think it's interesting?"

"Please lead the army as the vanguard and hit his arrogance fiercely. Please approve it." Tulu said loudly.

He waved his hand and said, "Don't underestimate him. His father Khan almost ruined his reputation because he underestimated them. This man has a way to fight. We can despise him, but we can't despise his ability. He sent someone to find out the scouts we released in front of our battalion to make us unable to figure out the mobilization of his soldiers and horses, send me orders, release all the eagles, and collect information about the mobilization of soldiers and horses of the Ming army. Increase the number of scouts and send brigades of soldiers and horses to escort them 20 miles away. Be sure to find out what Song Nan is doing. In addition, inform all battalions of soldiers and horses to take a break and replenish supplies. Tomorrow, the army will start to fight straight to the city of Jingcheng.

"My son is obeding."


In the evening, more than a dozen soldiers were still standing in front of the bald man with a sad face. On the ground in front of them, feathers and blood were all over the ground, and more than a dozen well-trained eagles were lying on the carpet of the tent, and some were still twitching.

"Dahan, the Ming army is so vicious that it actually released a falcon to capture our eagle. Our falcon was killed and injured by these falcons. These dozen are just trying to escape, but they are all seriously injured and can't be used."

Bang! He was really a little angry. Song Nan, Song Nan, you are a little too naughty.

"Is there any news from the ground scouts?"

"I haven't sent back any news yet."

"Why don't you ask?" Shout out the baldness and angrily.

The guards around him quickly raised their feet to ask questions, and suddenly heard a big rage outside the account.

The bald man frowned and shouted, "Who is making noise?"

"Father Khan, Father Khan!" The eldest prince Tulu shouted and ran into the tent, kowtowed blood-stained.

"What's wrong?"

"Father Khan forgives his sins, and the 5,000 soldiers and horses led by the minister escorting the ground scouts were attacked 15 miles away, and the minister... the minister was defeated and came back."

"What? How dare the Ming army attack? Tens of thousands of soldiers came?"

"My father's Khan... There are only a thousand Ming troops."

"One thousand...?"

"The minister is incompetent and can't stop this thousand soldiers. They are all brocade guards, all holding fire in their hands. After a few rounds of charity, we fell thousands of people. Seeing that the situation was not good, in order to preserve his strength, he quickly came back to report the news..."

I hate to cut this idiot with a knife, but after all, it's my son, and all people can't rely on it. Only my sons can trust it, and their faces are uncertain. They sighed for a long time: "You're right. They attack in small, and there will be an ambush after that. It's right for you to retreat. Go down and have a rest."

Tulu quickly kowtowed to thank him and went away in dismay.

The bald man who waved his hand and everyone in the life account retreated, sat behind the case and meditated. In the silent tent, there came the sound of the dying eagle winged fan, which suddenly jumped up nervously and kicked the body of the eagle leaning out on the ground.

A bald and repressing roar came from the eagle hair in the sky: "Song Nan, you are so abominable. If Benkan catches you, he will give you a taste of teasing Benkan."