Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 698 Prologue

The bold and provocative actions of the Ming army angered the morale of Lien Chan and Lian Jie, but in fact, all the intention of Song Nan did this was to deploy soldiers and horses calmly on the continuous mountains on both sides west of Jinglu. Hide tens of thousands of troops.

Wang Yong led a thousand brocade guards of the fire camp and arrived near the east ten miles of the Wild Fox Ridge to clean up the scouts sent by the Tatrons. With firearms in his hand and pure cavalry troops, Wang Yong was not at all embarrassed to go under the eyes of the Tartan. When Tulu led 5,000 soldiers and horses to escort hundreds of scouts to the middle area more than 20 miles away, Wang Yong even ordered a decisive attack and used fierce firepower to beat 5,000 Tartan soldiers.

In the rear, on the low but continuous hillside on both sides of the west of Jinglu, more than 200 guns were pushed to the top of the hillside by the Mara people, and there were almost no defensive measures. These general guns were just scattered all the way on the hills, tilting down and pointing the guns down to the Wild Fox Ridge to the Jinglu. On the way. But what is puzzling is that these generals did not form a situation of cluster bombardment, but deployed all the way for five or six miles, not like firearms bombarding the tatars, but like salutes lined up on the mountains on both sides of the avenue to welcome the arrival of the tatars.

And more than 3,000 horses led by Ma Ming in the Shenji camp were sneakily and didn't know what they were busy with. After dark, they carried digging tools and carried heavy baskets full of unknown things to the road where the Tarants were coming. In the morning, they came back like gray mice, such two days. After that, it stopped.

In the past two days, he patiently waited for the soldiers and horses to rest, and immediately issued an order to attack the Jings. In the past few days, he took advantage of his soldiers and horses to rest; the arrogance of the Ming army was getting higher and higher, and several teams of brocade guards even came to the foot of the mountain in front of the camp to sit idle, which simply made the baldness furious. Lung.

However, his anger is attributed to his anger. After all, he has experienced hundreds of battles, and his deployment has not been greatly affected. He will march into the front, middle and rear armies. At the same time, cavalry brigades are arranged on both sides to prepare for ambush, and he will tentatively march on various areas that may be ambushed along the way with a cautious attitude. After more than 30 miles, I didn't even see a ghost of the Ming army. These days, the arrogant and domineering brocade guards are also like mice seeing the cat disappear.

Entering the last ten miles, the surrounding hills are undulating, and the terrain in front of it is becoming narrower and narrower. But even so, there is no need to worry about the baldness, because the smooth ground on both sides has a roundabout of three or four miles, which can accommodate thousands of soldiers and horses to go hand. They are not worried about being attacked by the narrow terrain. There will be chaos.

But after more than three miles, Batutemur, the commander-in-chief of the former army, suddenly sent a signal to stop moving forward and sent someone to report that there was a change in the front. Please ask the Khan to decide whether to march.

He drove his bald but gloomy face to the front of the front of the team, and Batutmul was leading several generals pointing to the road ahead. Seeing that the baldness could be driven to the horse, the generals saluted on the horse with their arms across their chests.

"What's going on? What do you want to stop? Do you want the army to spend the night in this place? If you rush to Jingluo before evening, you can spend the night in Jingluo City at night. Ask about the baldness.

"Dear Khan, the last general doesn't want to stop, but the situation here is a little strange." Batu hurriedly said, "Look at the wilderness on both sides of the road, which is full of excavated pits. The soil traces are new. Originally, the formation could keep the 100-person team parallel, but now the surrounding fields have been destroyed and are full of yellow mud traps. We can only compress the formation and walk from the avenue. In this way, the formation of soldiers and horses is compressed and dragged. Long, the space for moving is greatly reduced. Therefore, the general felt that it was not appropriate, so he specially asked Da Khan to take a look and make it clear.

Looking at the baldness following Batu's guidance, it can be seen that the fields on both sides of the road are full of loess and potholes, which are obviously man-made excavation. It goes without saying that these are masterpieces of the Ming Army. The intention is self-evident, just to prevent the brigade soldiers and horses from passing through. These pits are dense one by one, reaching four or five feet deep, and their own soldiers and horses can never pass through these fields.

"These local rats actually came up with such a way. Can Song Nan only come up with such a way? It's stupid. These pits can stop my army for a while, and how can they stop me for a lifetime? He sneered at the baldness.

"Do you want to order the filling of the pit at the end? The mounds are all ready-made, and they will be covered in the pit. Battdao.

"No, no. The Ming army was so scared that he came up with such a way to prevent our army from moving forward. If we were entangled with them in this matter, wouldn't we be as stupid as them? We have been walking these 50 miles for almost a day, and I don't want to waste camping here. Batu, there is one thing about you. Why do you think the field is full of holes, but the road in front of you is flat and wide without any difference?

Only then did Batu realize the strangeness of this matter. The road is smooth. In the past few days, soldiers and horses have been trampling on the grass on the road, revealing the strong loess and a thin layer of dust below. At a glance, he knew that there would be no trap.

"This... seems that the last general must have dug a secret pit, or deliberately forced us to go this road to find an opportunity to raid?" Batu couldn't understand and could only guess randomly.

"Hey, let me tell you, there is nothing on this road. Everyone thought there was something strange on the road, but Benhan concluded that this was Song Na's trick. All these arrangements are suspicious arrangements to confuse us. In ancient times, there was a man surnamed Zhuge. When they fought against their strong enemies, they deliberately opened four doors and sat alone at the head of the city playing the piano, which scared their opponents from entering the city. They called this an empty city plan. Hey, I don't know that in the eyes of my Tatar warriors, whether you are an empty city or a full city, our goal is to occupy it. Song Nan's painstaking efforts are probably in vain in front of this sweat. Hahaha." He laughed at his baldness and was very proud of his erudence.

"Father sweat, you'd better be careful." The eldest prince Tulu had a black plaster on his left cheek, which looked very ridiculous. It was an iron egg when he was raided by the brocade guard the day before yesterday. The consequences of wiping his face.

took a disgusting look at Tulu and groaned coldly, "When will you become wise and far-sighted and let you see what wisdom is?"

The bald man ordered seven or eight horses to be pulled in front and ordered the soldiers to stab their buttocks fiercely. However, when they saw the horses fleeing in pain, they ran all the way along the road and lifted the long dragon-like dust. They ran for miles away, and then they stood up tiredly and stopped to eat grass.

"Can you see it clearly? The running horse did not encounter any traps. Ben Han said that the army was making a mistake.

"The Great Khan is wise..."

"The sweat is like a god in the sky, understanding everything."

"I'm a sweaty wizard. I can't be a Tatar in the world. I'm waiting to worship you from the bottom of my heart."

Everyone praised, half admiring and half taking the opportunity to flatter and flatter.

"Batu, lead the front army forward immediately. Before sunset, you have to rush to two miles west of Jingluo City. Benhan's golden tent army and 200 eagle cannons will arrive later. We will put thousands of fireworks on the head of Jingluo City after dark, but this fireworks are not here to watch, but will kill people."

"Follow the order of the Great Khan."

Batu no longer hesitated and immediately contracted the formation to concentrate the soldiers and horses on the road. The 20,000 former army winding into a long snake array, with rolling yellow dust and rushing directly to the calming people. He returned the bald horse to the middle barracks and ordered the 200 eagle cannons dragged by the rear army to speed up, and personally wrapped these big guys on their way quickly.

The sunset gradually fell to the west, dragging the shadow of the mountains and trees. A few miles ahead, Jinglu City stood alone at the end of the road in the distance. From afar, it looked like a weak woman, facing the fierce strongman and had no power to fight back.

If you can see the Jinglu City, it is already four or five miles away from the Jinglu. If you move forward, you can set up a position. Because the range of the eagle cannon is more than three miles, the Tatarmen have gradually begun to get used to letting the Condor cannon pour shells on the enemy's city before charging, first destroy the enemy's defense and towers, and attack Kill a large number of enemy soldiers. Although this method is not enough to win in the hearts of some Tatan officers, victory is more important than anything else, and victory without paying more casualties is the happiest thing for leaders.

Batu's former military commander's team came to the side of two gate-like hills. The official road passed through the door, saying that it was a hill, but it was just a small earth bag. There was still three or four miles of open land in the middle. The mountain bag was bare and full of loess, which could be seen at a glance, so Batu didn't care at all.

However, when the team passed halfway, suddenly, there was an explosion from the mountain bag on both sides, and two black mushrooms appeared on the mountain bag, which was extremely eye-catching against the solemn sky in the evening.

"What's going on?" Batu just had time to shout.

"Boom! Boom!" The huge explosion sounded in the long dragon-like team. In the mud and stone splashing, flesh and blood flew into the air with broken limbs, and suddenly there was a chaos.