Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 703 Winning or losing

The battle of Jingluo City shocked the world. In fact, people have different opinions on the consequences of this battle.

In terms of the results, the Ming army exchanged the loss of nearly 14,000 troops for more than 22,000 casualties of the Tari, which was not a glorious victory; the losses of the two sides were basically the same. In terms of materials, the Ming army lost 200 general guns and 50 newly purchased rockets. Not counting the rest, these alone have been worth more than 1 million taels of silver. And some of the 200 eagle cannons on the side of the tar were also captured and partially destroyed. This kind of gun is powerful and expensive, and the two sides are five or five.

However, the focus of the discussion is not on the loss of personnel and materials in this war, but on the trend of the general trend. The first result of this battle was that 40,000 Tatar cavalry broke through the defense line of Jinglu City and opened the passage to Guyuan and other places in Ningxia Town. They could choose to attack Ningxia, open the gate to the Hetao area occupied by the Tatar Kingdom, or choose to attack Guyuan directly east to threaten the hinterland of the Ming Dynasty.

This is also the most criticized place for Song Nan. How can she let the Tartan into the door for a small victory? This is not close the door and beat the dog. If it is really a dog, it doesn't matter, but these 40,000 Tartan elite cavalry are like wolves and tigers. If they enter the hinterland, there will be a lot of suffering early.

In this regard, the cabinet officials led by Yang Tinhe in the court expressed their indignation and reported that Song Nan ignored the overall situation for the sake of the small name. In fact, after the tarrels entered from the east of Jinglu, they went to two towns in a day. The tarrels vented their anger on these small towns, burning, killing, looting and looting, and suffered great losses. Yang Tingyu and others used this as proof, and suggested that Song Nan should be called back to Beijing immediately to explain and reprimand.

Zhengde also had a headache. He also thought this situation was very difficult. He let the 40,000 troops of the Taran were in the hinterland of Shaanxi, and he didn't know what Song Nan thought. Zhengde thought that Song Nan would send someone to explain the situation of the war or his own mistakes. However, a few days later, Song Nan did not mention the follow-up impact of the battle except for sending someone to send a simple memorial of the Battle of Jinglu City.

When eating in the evening, Zhengde unconsciously talked about this matter. Recently, in order to repair the relationship with Zhengde, Kangning, who often accompanied him, said: "Your Majesty, there is no doubt that people are not used. Song Nan's expedition is a matter of public hope. No one among the courtiers is willing to shoulder this responsibility. The emperor himself also said that it must be Song Nan. Now that Song Nan has won the battle, why is the emperor worried? Those people may have made sense, but we are out of the office. How can we know that Song Nan has not made any arrangements for this? Is Song Nan a mediocre person? If that's the case, why did he have to do it at the beginning?"

Zhengde nodded slowly and was relieved. With Song Nan's shrewdness, it is naturally impossible to imagine how serious the consequences are. If he has no way to deal with it, how can he let the Ttars break through the Jinglu City?

Song Nan has no time to judge the battle in the court. In fact, he knows everything in the capital. Sun Xuan and Hou Dabiao, Fusi Town, both in the north and south, will order people to pass on all kinds of important news from the capital almost every day. Although they can't be grasped in real time, they are not much different.

Song Nan doesn't have time to explain and get angry. He has a lot of things to do. Letting the Taar to the east is one of the expected consequences of this war. It is impossible to eat nearly 80,000 Taran troops in a war, unless he has several times more troops than the enemy and is well-managed; and this battle Song Nan was satisfied with the eagle cannon that could eat more than 20,000 troops and destroyed the eagle. Moreover, this battle locked the Tari army into the hinterland, which is actually equivalent to cutting off the back road of the Tah, cutting off all the sources of supplies for the Tari, and can rescue 20,000 soldiers trapped in the town guard.

In the afternoon after the war, Song Nan immediately ordered Ma Ming to lead 5,000 Shenshu battalion soldiers and horses to attack east, sweeping all the way from the Wild Fox Ridge to the Datong River. Two days later, he captured Zhuanglangwei and recaptured Liangzhou City. As a result, he cleaned up the remaining Taran soldiers and horses who besieged the Zhenfanwei, and successfully merged with 20,000 soldiers and horses of Zhenfanwei. Song Nan's order was reached.

The 20,000 soldiers and horses of Zhenfanwei then quickly pushed westward with 5,000 soldiers and horses of the Shenshu camp to recover Shandanwei with the momentum of breaking bamboo. They fought in Gansu Town and 8,000 Tatarsmen gathered here and forcibly captured Gansu Town. Two days later, they won back Suzhou and Jiayuguan with no effort. So far, in five days, it took the Taharaohs two months to recover all the Daming towns and towns they captured, completing the complete blockade of the way to the entry of the Taran army.

Leaving 10,000 soldiers and horses to defend the front line of Jiayuguan to prevent the counterattack of the Tatar people in the country. The remaining 10,000 soldiers and horses returned to the east and met with Song Nan's army on July 19. Before that, Song Nan had mobilized the health centers in Xining, Qingyang, Yan'an, Yansui and other places in the name of the general of Zhenguo, who commanded the soldiers and horses throughout the northwest. The soldiers and horses reinforced Guyuan and Lingzhou, and at the same time issued the order of Jianbi Qingye, and the people of small towns and villages to pull into the Dazhou capital near Zuo.

It is self-evident that the bald 40,000 army will enter the hinterland and cause great damage, but Song Nan feels that there is some price that must be paid. It is unwise to completely annihilate this Tatar army and chase it behind his buttocks. The only way is to mobilize all kinds of soldiers and horses to intercept them and cut off their supplies to help. The way to hold their tails is to attack the supply of the big state government. For this reason, even if the whole Shaanxi wind crane complained, Song Nan did not even wrinkle his eyebrows. The crops are growing in midsummer, and the crops in the field are left unattended because of this catastrophe, and the losses must be great, but compared with the annihilation of the main Tatar cavalry, any price is worth it.

In the past few days, the news of the Taran soldiers capturing five or six counties in a large area west of Guyuan, south of Lingzhou, and east of Jingju came one after another. Even the generals accompanying the army were a little panicked and privately discussed what to do next. However, Song Nan did not move. The army stationed in the east of Jingluo did not take any action. It was not until the news that all the soldiers and horses were in place came, and Ma Ming and more than 10,000 officers and soldiers who recovered the lost land returned to the team, which raised the account in the evening of that day.

The huge candle in the tent was burning. Song Nan sat behind the handsome case. Dozens of generals came forward to worship according to the size of their official positions and stood on both sides. When everyone stood still, Song Nan ordered his personal guard to lift out the huge sand table. After uncovering the red cloth on the sand table, a huge topographic map was displayed in front of the crowd. Everyone is already familiar with Song Nan's set. The high and low ones are mountains, the white silk ribbons nailed with thin needles are rivers, and the red flags and blue flags are the places where the enemy and our troops are stationed. The map is densely covered with red flags, and only seven or eight small blue flags are inserted on the 100 miles east of Jingfu, which represent the zars. Where the soldiers and horses are.

"Generals, General Ma Ming returned to the team today, indicating that all the state guards captured by the Tatrons within hundreds of miles have been recovered. Ma Ming, thank you for your hard work." Song Nan looked at Ma Ming with a smile and nodded slightly.

"This is all Nan Ye's plan, and the last general just obeys his orders." Ma Ming smiled like a flower on his face. He still maintained the name Song Nan when he was in Weizhou. In his opinion, this is capital. There are few people in the army who can call Song Nan like this.

"Don't be modest. Naturally, I have to decide on the strategy, but how to fight is still your ability. This time, a count can't run away. I will ask for your credit."

"Thank you, Master Nan." Ma Ming knelt down and kowtowed, and his throat was a little choked. Finally, after nearly 15 years in the army from Weizhou to Datong and then to the capital, he was finally able to win the title. Thinking about the old people of Weiwei, some of them are still working for hundreds of households or flag officials, and they are the right people.

"Congratulations to Brother Ma, haha, it's over. It's done neatly. Look at these little red flags, which were planted by you with your army. Every time you recover a guard house, the general pulls out a blue flag on the sand table and inserts a red flag, praising you several times a day. Congratulations." Jiang Bin arched his hand with a smile. Ma Ming was his old subordinate. Jiang Bin was naturally happy to see that Ma Ming was about to be promoted.

The generals bowed their hands one after another, and Ma Ming quickly waved his hand and said, "Don't congratulate me. It's time to congratulate the general. If the emperor knows this news, how happy he will be? I'm afraid the general will be awarded the title of the country. We should congratulate the general in advance."

The generals nodded one after another and said, "That's the reason. The general tried his best to turn the tide and save the northwest from danger. It's unreasonable for him not to be a prince. Let's congratulate the general in advance."

Everyone raised their hands together and cheered. Song Nan sat there motionless, with a faint smile on her face. When the crowd was finished, she said quietly, "Duke Feng? Thank God for not being masturbished to the end. It's not that you don't know the recent discussion of the officials in the capital. You are mixed with yourself.

Suddenly, the whole audience was silent. Everyone knew that the recent discussion in the court about the Battle of Jingluo City was more derogatory and less praise, and even they themselves were full of doubts. Whether to congratulate Song Nan or worry about him, it was really hard to say.