Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 704 Judgment of the Direction of Attack

Song Nan looked at the embarrassed look of the people and smiled, got up and walked down the red carpet in front of the handsome case. He smiled and said, "Generals, you must have had a lot of questions in your mind in the past few days after the war, and I have heard a lot in private. Regarding the battle of Jingluo, do you think we won or lost? I want to hear your true words today.

Look at me and look at you. For a moment, no one spoke. Xu Tai, the admiral of the martial arts camp, said in silence, "General, let's say a few words."

Song Nan nodded and said, "It's best for Marquis Xu to start. The Beijing camp that went out with me is not inferior to the officers and soldiers of the local guard this time. Congratulations.

Xu Tai rolled his eyes, is this also a compliment?

"General, although I haven't contributed much in this battle, I can still see this battle clearly in the game. The strength of our army is almost the same as that of the Tatar, but in terms of combat strength, our army is slightly inferior. Under the strategy of the general, the victory or defeat of this battle is actually obvious. Although it is not a big victory, it is definitely a victory. There is no doubt about this."

Song Nan laughed and said, "There is finally someone who speaks justice. I want to listen to the following words."

Xu Tai said, "General, I'll tell you the truth. Please forgive me for offending you."

Song Nan smiled and nodded.

"This battle was designed by the general. We and other soldiers basically carry out the orders of the general. In the army, the military order is like a mountain. The general's order is the king's law, and no one can question it. Since the general wants to listen to our true thoughts after the war, I will also express my heart. Although this battle was won, the following things were actually very difficult. The 40,000 troops of the Tarats went deep into the hinterland, and it was difficult for me to follow up and kill, which was very destructive. At that time, I thought that if our army blocked the east with the main force, it would not allow the little prince of Tatar to go east. The breakthrough and the confluence of the Taran cavalry may be much better.

Jiang Bin frowned and said, "Brother Xu, you are loud enough. Who can say this?"

Xu Tai argued, "That's what I thought at that time, but I can't disobey the general's military order, but it's not a rear gun."

Jiang Bin said, "Nonsense, at that time, you said that the general was unparalleled in wisdom, but I heard it."

Xu Tai shouted, "The general's wisdom is unparalleled. Who can compare? We don't know what the general's intention is, and the baldness can walk into the condom step by step according to the general's design. I mean, if the general can consider the follow-up, it will be a perfect battle.

"How smart do you look when you fart?" Jiang Bin said mercilessly.

Xu Tai blushed and kept silent. He didn't want to say these words to make Song Nan dissatisfied with himself. Speaking of himself and Jiang Bin, he and Jiang Bin are both Song Nan's direct line, and he is also Song Nan's help today. The reason why he said these words is still considering the battle situation is not to remonish Song Nan's mistakes.

Song Nan waved his hand to stop the dispute between the two and said with a serious face, "Don't argue with me. I will explain this matter to you a little and you will understand my intention. Xu Tai said that he forced the bald man to join the army with the main force. It is better to capture the bald man and the Tartar army in one fell swoop. This is a good idea. However, in fact, this is impossible."

The generals listened carefully to the reason, but listened to Song Nan's talk: "The baldness is the king of the State of Tatar, and his status is equivalent to that of my emperor of the Ming Dynasty. If the baldness is forced to meet with the subsequent army on that day, our army can indeed be encircled and annihilated with superior forces. However, have you ever thought about how the 30,000 trout cavalry in Jinglu City will react once they learn that their lord is trapped and unable to escape?

"Of course, it's a rescue." A general's way.

Song Nan said, "Yes, it's not only a rescue, but also a desperate rescue, because that's their commander and the king. Once he dies, the whole army will be defeated, so they will immediately give up Jingluo City and turn back to attack. In that case, it's not that we cut their defense line, but that they made our dumplings.

"Don't we have that thing? What... called... landmine, yes, landmine." One person asked questions later.

Song Nan sighed slightly: "On the one's one, the Tarots will try their best to save them, and the mines can't be stopped. On the other, our number of mines is not much. If they rush, they will definitely rush over. The reason why they retreated that day was that the baldness was not in danger of life or death, and the talcon soldiers did not have the idea of dying. To combine the baldness with the main force is to let him have the idea of preserving his strength, otherwise he will be desperate, which is a frontal fight. In that case, what's the use of all kinds of plans?

The generals suddenly realized that there is such a psychological game. Think about it, the king is surrounded and can't escape, and his soldiers and horses will definitely fight to save him. Just like Zhengde was made dumplings, will Daming's reinforcements still worry about any casualties? It's not a rush to save people. Whether you want to go east or west seems to be an easy and simple choice, but in fact, the game is secret and complicated.

"Some of you think that 40,000 Tartar cavalry go deep into the hinterland, which is an unwise move to lure wolves into the house. But I don't think so. No matter how strong he is, he cuts off his back road and loses the source of supplies. Where did his 40,000 cavalry come from? Of course, they will plunder everywhere, attack small counties, and loot small villages and towns. The buras are famous for fighting. But is it worth this price to annihilate the main force of the 40,000 Tatar cavalry and make the Tatar people depressed from now on? I think it's worth it."

"So, all this is expected by the general?" Xu Tai asked with his eyes wide open.

"You can't speculate about the war, and there is no winning game. What we can do is to ensure that we win as much as possible. I do what I think I must do, and the result depends on fate."

"Is the general mobilized soldiers and horses from all over the world to besiege the Tsars and order the hard wall to clear the field to trap the Tsars to death? Why is our army always stationed here? Why are we approaching the Tatar army? Now we have the advantage and cooperate with the encirclement of other state governments to annihilate it? A general of the guard asked.

Song Nan said, "Good question, the siege of Qingye troops is indeed going to cut off the source of supply for the Tatars. In the case of losing the sharp weapons of siege, such as the Condor cannon, the ability of the Tatars to attack the Dazhou government has been greatly weakened. I mobilized soldiers and horses from all over Shaanxi to gather in the two prefectures of Lingzhou Guyuan and ordered the people to move into these two cities. Chi, because it is not easy for the Taran soldiers to capture these two big state capitals. Now Guyuan has 8,000 reinforcements rushed by Lord Yang Yiqing and Qingyang Pingliang, plus 4,000 Guyuan himself, and 12,000 people are stationed. Not to mention that they will definitely defend it, but it is not easy for the Taris to take it easily. Lingzhou has 12,000 reinforcements from Yansui and Yan'an Prefecture, and 2,000 horses in Lingzhou are also enough. There are still two guards in Ningxia Town, but they can't move for the time being. That is to prevent the Tatar soldiers and horses from desperately attacking Ningxia Town.

"General, shall we stay here? The nearly 70,000 soldiers and horses in our hands have not been arranged. Xu Taidao.

Song Nan said lightly: "The tuss are very cunning, and our mobility is not as good as theirs, so we can't take the lead, but the latter. Only when they move can we move. I judged that they stood still in the small city of Jin'an, 150 miles away, just to see the movement of our army. Once we move, we give them a chance. Now the Tatans have three choices. One is to seize the road to the west and escape the original road. We stay still here, that is, to cut off their escape route from here to the west. The second option is to take Guyuan, which can go east or south; the third option is to attack Lingzhou from the north and then take Ningxia Town. The purpose of summoning you here today is to judge where the salams will march.

"Didn't the general say that the enemy can't move and I won't move? When they moved, didn't we know immediately?" A general asked.

"You are learning and using it now, but it's a little too old-fashioned. These are not the truths of death, they need to be used. Our motion does not mean that we don't think about the trend of the Taran. Now that ten days have passed since the battle of the Jinglu, the provisions and dry food of the Taran are almost the same. If they can't grab enough grain and materials to maintain their military use, they must make a decision. They are cavalry. If they move first, we will arrive at the attack a few days earlier. By the time we arrive, I'm afraid the war is over. Neither of these two state capitals can be lost, otherwise it will be a big disaster. Song Nandao.

"The general means that since the Tatars must take risks to attack one side, we have to predict in advance. Don't expect the enemy first, at least we can't arrive too late to let any of the two state capitals fall into the hands of the Tatars." Xu Tai thought.

Song Nan nodded and praised, "Yes, Marquis Xu is worthy of being a thoughtful person. He understands what I mean."

Jiang Bin glanced at Xu Tai and said, "I'm praising you."

Xu Tai rolled his eyes and turned around.