Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 714 People will win

The Tatar army, which killed more than 800 war horses and made its soldiers eat a full meal, finally had the strength to act. Although it was unbearable when killing the horse, most of the Tatars soldiers had a consensus in their hearts: horse meat was actually delicious, thin and strong. With the peppers carried with them, it tasted really good. Mouth.

For a long time, the soldiers looked at the bulging thighs of the war horses, and their eyes were full of watery horse meat, forgetting that these were their partners on the battlefield.

Knowing that the West Cliff Ferry is absolutely not allowed to go. The first thing after the Ming army's reinforcements arrive must be to increase the West Cliff and cut off his way to cross the river, so it is unwise to go to the West Cliff to seize the ferry. He needs to find a place where the whole army can cross the Yellow River to avoid the Ming army and arrive at the Yellow River. In the territory of Ningxia Town.

A day later, the army marched quietly between the mountains and fields. In the evening, the sound of water was heard. The army camped on the spot and climbed up the cliff with dozens of generals to check the situation. On the top of the cliff, the situation in front of people was shocking. Between the two cliffs standing on the wall, a rolling river winding northeast dozens of feet under the cliff. Standing on the top of the cliff, you can feel the shaking of the cliff under your feet. The rolling momentum of the river is like thousands of troops and horses rushing, which is chilling.

The generals didn't look good. They wanted to find a place to cross the river, but they didn't expect that it was such an insurmountable punishment, and there was no way to cross the river here. The river was rolling and the turbid waves roared. Not to mention people and horses crossing, even if they dropped a big stone, they would be swept away by the rapids.

The baldness is also gloomy, and the unfamiliar terrain makes them have to go north by chance. Anyway, they know that the Yellow River is across the north and prepare to arrive at the bank of the Yellow River first, but now when they arrive at the Yellow River, this is the situation. Somehow, he suddenly sounded a sentence that he often saw when studying Han people's books in recent years: 'The heart will not die until the Yellow River'. This sentence can be said to be a wonderful and appropriate place to put here. At this moment, there is indeed a feeling of death.

"Father Khan, go back to the camp to rest. Tomorrow, walk along the shore to the northeast to see if you can find a flat terrain to cross the river. It's absolutely impossible here." Tulu whispered.

The baldness snorted coldly, "Do we still have time?" You must arrive in Ningxia Town to launch an attack within a few days. Your brother will lead the army to attack the Great Wall Pass in the northeast of Ningxia Town within three days after receiving the news. If he can't cooperate with him internally and externally, he will definitely cause great casualties and miss the opportunity to break through the border defense of the Ming army.

"But how can we get there here? It's almost the same to fly with wings. Tulu was unhappy when he was scolded and muttered in a low voice.

"Can't my army even cross a big river? Who will think of a way for Benhan to cross the Yellow River from here? Benhan rewarded him with hundreds of horses and thousands of cattle and sheep. The baldness can be said in a low voice.

The generals were speechless. Looking at the steep valley in the dusk, who dared to take this talk? Not to mention rewarding cattle, sheep and horses, even if you give a sweat to work, you still need to find a way to get there.

In silence, a general said, "Dahan, Mo Ru asked among the soldiers and let them help them figure out how powerful they are. We can't do anything for a moment. Maybe someone can shine."

The bald man nodded and said, "Go and ask the soldiers to come and have a look. Tell them who can find a way for people to cross the river safely, raise them as the commander, walk into my Dayanhan gold tent, and reward gold, silver, jewelry, cattle and sheep servants."

The general took the order. After a while, the soldiers who were busy camping came from the rear and stood densely on the top of the cliff. Facing such a dangerous pattern, most of these people's faces changed color and muttered in their hearts: Isn't the sweat crazy? Isn't crossing the river from here to die? Fortunately, it also saves the corpse battlefield and goes straight into the Yellow River to feed the fish.

"Can't you do anything about it? Will my army be blocked by this river on the way home? You can ask loudly about the baldness.

Soldiers, look at me and look at you. No one dares to talk too much. I'm afraid that this dangerous place can only fly with wings. What can I do?

Suddenly, a thin soldier stood up and walked towards the cliff. His boss, a centurion, hurriedly lowered his voice and shouted, "Hai Rigu, what are you doing? Come back."

The soldier walked to the edge of the cliff, squinted at the other side, and turned around for a long time to walk around the baldness, and quickly stopped the bald guards and asked him. The soldier said, "The villain has a way to tell Dayan Khan."

Hai Rigu was brought to the front of the bald man. Under the sharp eyes of the bald man, he looked a little uncomfortable and stood there at a loss. The bald Ke asked in a low voice, "Do you have a way?"

"The villain dares not say that it will definitely work, but maybe he can give it a try."

Huh? It turns out that I'm not sure to try my luck. Get out of here." Tulu shouted.

The baldness scolded Ke: "Tulu, stay and let him say it."

Tulu walked away. In fact, he didn't want to see his father Khan involved in danger. What good way can he cross the river in such a high cliff and this deep river valley? He also came up with some life-threatening ways. He didn't want to fall down the Yellow River and drown here.

"The villain was originally from the northern Riyan tribe of Helan Mountain. Although our tribe is also grazing, many people dig medicine and hunt for a living on Helan Mountain. The villain is one of them."

"I told you how to cross the river. Why are you talking about this? Who likes to hear where you come from? Tulu couldn't help turning around and scolding again.

The bald man reached out and stroked the machete at his waist. Tulu's color changed, and he quickly turned his head and left, disappearing away after a big stone.

"Go on."

"Yes, sweat. When we go up the mountain to hunt and collect medicine, if we encounter a mountain valley that we can't pass, we will cross it in a way, that is, to use ropes to connect the steep places and climb the ropes. Just now, the villain looked at the terrain between the two cliffs. It is high here and low on the other side, which is an excellent place to climb rope.

The baldness frowned and said, "Is it connected with a rope? This method is good, but I'm afraid it won't work. How can the rope be fixed to the other side? This is a difficult problem."

Hairigu said: "What Dahan said is that we fix the rope with arrows in the mountains, shoot them to the cliffs on the other side, and fix them between the branches of rocks or trees. The villain saw that the distance between here is very far away, so he is not sure, and he doesn't know if this method will work. If you can shoot a thin rope to fix it, the villain is willing to climb over and pull the thick rope to fix it. As long as one person crosses the river, he can pull hundreds of ropes, and then use hundreds of ropes to form a rope suspension bridge, and the army can pass smoothly.

brightened his bald eyes and shouted, "Is it really okay?"

Hai Rigu said: "The premise is that a rope can be fixed, otherwise the villain can do nothing."

The bald man nodded and said, "Look." As he spoke, a general beside him reminded in a low voice, "Sweat, the two cliffs are nearly 500 steps away. The arrow can't be shot."

turned a deaf ear to the fierceness, stepped to the steep place on the edge of the cliff, looked at it for a long time, and said loudly, "Who will try it? Isn't it normal to boast that you are the first warrior on the grassland? Let's see which of you can shoot an arrow 500 steps away."

The generals came forward one after another, holding out their bows and bows and bows to the other side. Dozens of arrows were like meteors, but unfortunately, they had no strength halfway and fell into the river under the cliff. The generals tried again, but none of them succeeded.

The next few military wrestlers also came forward to bend their bows and give alms. The farthest one shot 300 steps away, which was already amazing, but it was still far from the other side.

He sneered and shouted, "Take Ben's golden bow."

Everyone was stunned. This golden black bow is the most famous bow and arrow on the grassland. It is purely made of fine steel. The bow string is made of hundreds of yak thigh tendons. It was made by Zhebie, a famous bow master on the grassland. It was once dedicated to Mengyuan Emperor Genghis Khan, and later fell into the hands of the leader of the Wathorn tribe. But after sweeping the tile thorn, the bow also fell into the hands of the bald and fierce.

The problem is that this bow and arrow is said to have been pulled away except by Zhebe and Genghis Khan, who made the bow, and no one else can pull the bow and arrow, so it has been turned into a decoration and mascot. Every time he goes on an expedition, this bow and arrow is to be taken, but no one uses it.

The guard warrior came over with this black bow and arrow, slowly faded his baldness, tightened his waist and abdomen with a cowhide belt, circled several times in place, made a few strange roars, reached out and held the golden black bow in his hand, and slowly picked up an inconspicuous black arrow to signal the people around him. The hemp rope with the thickness of a finger is tied to the tail of the arrow, arched, obliquely pointing to the sky on the opposite bank.

Everyone held their breath and gazed. More than 10,000 pairs of eyes stared at the bow and arrow in their hands, but when they saw that the baldness could exhale, the muscles on their arms were bulged into big bumps. However, the bow strings did not move at all and were pulled away at all.

Just as everyone sighed disappointed, they suddenly heard it and shouted: "Open!" The bow and arrow slowly opened, creaking from a crescent moon, slowly turning into an ellipse; with the crackling of the clearly audible bone joints on the bald body, the whole bow and arrow was pulled into a full moon.

The cheers of the soldiers were thunderous. Some people knelt down and kowtowed, and some people shouted, "Great sweat, sweat." The emotions are uncontrollable. The bald man's face turned red, and his fingers suddenly loosened, and the long black arrow rushed straight to the sky like a meteor chasing the moon. At the same time, the bald man fell to the ground and spit out a stream of blood in his mouth.

The people around him quickly helped him up and asked about the situation. They put the bald man with blood on his lips, but his eyes stared at the arrow with a rope in the distance. The arrow went straight to the sky and finally fell down with a long string like a ribbon. Everyone held their breath and stared at the dark spot, but saw the arrow pass by and the cliff and fall below the cliff.

The whole army was full of regret, and the baldness also sighed secretly. It seemed that it was God's will. Suddenly, they suddenly heard everyone shout, "Hang, hang up."

Looking at the baldness, the arrow fell on the cliff opposite the bank, but it was hooked by a tree stretched out. The rope fluttered between the two cliffs and really hooked.

Excited, the baldness spewed out a small mouthful of blood, but my heart felt much better.