Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 715 Miracles in Architectural History

The ropes between the two cliffs are made of dozens of horses. These ropes are essential for Tatari people. No matter where they go, grazing or fighting, these ropes are hung on the side of the horse's back for emergency, and now they are finally come in use.

It's just that among the cliffs where hundreds of steps have gathered together, a thick rope with a thumb floated in the middle, and it was blown into an arc by the mountain wind. It was really a little bullshit. After the excitement passed, everyone looked at the sea and ancient eyes were a little wrong. Some people thought to himself: This man must be sure that the rope could not pass. Cliff, then ran out and patted his chest to show off. At this moment, I'm afraid he is already dumbfounded, which is called self-righte.

The eyes gathered on Hai Rigu. Most people think that Hai Rigu will definitely retreat, and Dahan doesn't know how to deal with him. In order to shoot this arrow, Da Khan spit out a few mouthfuls of blood. Now Hai Rigu wants to retreat, and Dahan will never spare him.

However, Hai Rigu's performance was unexpected. He slowly took off his armor, leaving only a pair of sinus shorts, and his black muscles lit up. He began to stretch his muscles and legs and lift his feet on the cliff. Even the bald man is a little hard to believe that this man can climb over this rope.

"Hai Rigu, are you sure you can climb over?"

Please rest assured that the little man climbed mountains and climbed the cliffs since he was a child. Although this height and rope are a little difficult, the villain is confident that he can still cope with it. Please prepare dozens of ropes. After I climb over, I will pull all the ropes and tie them one by one. By the way, Khan needs to select some flexible brothers. Go and help, or the villain won't know when he will be busy.

Don't say much about baldness. This matter is imperative. Even if Hai Rigu fell down the mountain stream and died, he still had to find someone to climb over it. Since he has decided to use this method, it is useless to say more.

A long rope tied to Hai Rigu's waist, and Hai Rigu pulled the rope hanging on the other side and shook it vigorously, as if to determine whether it was reliable, but everyone knew that shaking the rope at this end at such a long distance was completely ineffective, and it was just self-comforting. In other words, whether the arrow was shot into the trunk of the tree or happened to hang on the rock. No one knows whether the person will collapse and fall into the mountain stream after getting on the rope.

Hai Rigu spit and rubbed it in the palm of his hand, looked at the foggy cliff on the other side, raised his feet to hook the rope, and clenched the rope tightly with his hands. He twisted his body, lying on the rope like a four-clawed snake, and his movements were extremely dexterous.

He drank the baldness and shouted, "Hai Rigu, it's up to you."

"Don't worry, Hai Rigu will definitely live up to his mission." While talking, Hai Rigu's hands were linked, his feet circled, his body fell down the bend and climbed under the crooked rope in the west by the wind; everyone held their breath and looked at his figure, as if the breath would break the rope.

Hai Rigu's figure is vigorous and slipped down the rope in the blink of an eye. Because the shore is much higher than the other side, the other end of the rope is on the trees under the cliff, and the angle is even more inclined. It gives people the feeling that Hairigu is like a roast sheep hanging on the rope, sliding to the other side and quickly. It's getting faster and faster.

Everyone's hearts reached their throats, but they saw the Hai Rigu unhurriedly hooking the rope with his feet. The boots on the soles of their feet rubbed on the rope, and there was the sound of snoring along the rope. Only then did everyone understand that Hairigu was striped, but the intention of wearing boots turned out to be used to slow down.

Soon Hai Rigu arrived in the middle of the rope, and the rope shook more fiercely. A hot wind blew, and the rope shook like a swing. Hai Rigu thought that no matter how the rope shook like a barley ball stuck to it, he would not be thrown away. It was both thrilling and admirable.

"Wonder people, I hide dragons and crouching tigers in the Tatar army. Usually we lack inspection in this regard. After returning this time, we should pay attention to these people with specialties, and they may come in handy." The baldness can nod gently and sighed.

"The Great Khan is wise and divine. Changsheng Tian did not abandon us. At the critical moment, Changsheng Tian sent us strange people, which are all the result of Changsheng Tian's blessing for Dahan." The generals around him don't miss the opportunity to praise it.

The baldness seemed to turn a deaf ear, and his eyes kept staring at the small black spot on the rope. The small black spot slid down all the way. Finally, at the moment of reaching the rock wall, the soldiers around him made a shocking cheer, and the baldness also applauded.

Hai Rigu's hands were bloody. Originally, he could wrap it around the rope with felt or other things to prevent injury, but in that way, he could not control the speed of sliding. He could only maintain a certain speed with the hand force he held and the friction on his feet. Even so, his hands had been ground. The moment he stepped on the protruding tree root on the cliff, he almost collapsed to the ground and had no strength. Looking at the fixed place where the arrows were shot, Hai Rigu almost peed his pants.

The arrow did not shoot on the trunk at all, nor did it get stuck in the crack of the stone, but hung shallowly on a branch with a thick thumb, and the branch was still a young branch. At the moment of taking down the arrow, Hairigu deliberately pulled it with his hand and snapped. The young branch broke by hand and didn't know how it was supported until now.

But in any case, it finally came over. Hai Rigu waved to the other side, rested for a moment, tied the end of the rope to his waist, stepped on the cracks in the rocks and climbed to the top of the cliff on the other side, and tied the two ropes brought to a big tree.

The Taran soldiers on the other side worked hard to tighten the rope and firmly tied the other end to form a relatively stable single rope bridge. One hand can pull the high rope, step on the low rope below, and can slowly move to the other side. Compared with the single rope ferry just now, I don't know how much safer it is. Double.

Although this is the case, when more than 100 selected soldiers crossed the river, seven or eight soldiers still stepped on the air halfway, screamed and fell off the rope and fell into the dark rapids of the Yellow River; this shows how dangerous Hai Rigu should have been when he climbed the rope just now.

But such casualties have not been able to dilute the excitement of baldness. Even if it was dark and the scenery could not be seen clearly, the baldness still ordered the completion of the rope bridge overnight. Dozens of soldiers in the past took dozens of long ropes and pulled up a cobweb-like rope bridge between the cliffs on both sides. ; The baldman ordered the soldiers to cut down trees and tie them together with wooden sticks at the bottom of the rope bridge. Tens of thousands of people acted in the dark, and one was busy until midnight, and finally built a rickety cable bridge composed of ropes and wooden sticks.

Watch the bridge sway, but it is safe to walk on it. With this bridge, 16,000 soldiers can pass through the other side in about an hour. The only thing that is a little difficult is how the horses pass. These horses are unwilling to step on the shaking cable bridge whether they are whipped or scolded; finally, an experienced old herdsman came up with a solution. He covered the horse's eyes with cloth, stuffed the horse's ears with grass crumbs, and turned all the war horses into deaf and blind, which made the war horse step on the cable bridge.

Even so, several horses were suddenly shocked on the shaking bridge, rushed out of the edge of the cable bridge, broke several side ropes and fell down the mountain stream, and more than a dozen soldiers next to them fell down several times.

In any case, when the sky was slightly bright, the Taran army still unbelievably crossed the Tiangu of the Yellow River and appeared on the land of Ningxia Town on the north bank of the Yellow River. In the morning, he could look back at the cable bridge, and his eyes were a little wet. He wanted to keep the bridge, and when he had the opportunity to come here in the future, he would set up a monument. The article commemorated it, but thought that the bridge was kept here, and it was very easy to find out for the Ming army sentry after dawn, so he ruthlessly issued an order to burn it. The soldiers spread hay on the bridge, and a fire burned the unparalleled cable bridge to ashes without a trace. The Tatar army unconsciously approached the mountains east of Ningxia and slowly towards the Great Wall Pass in northwest Ningxia.

(PS: About this bridge, it should be the longest rope suspension bridge in history at that time. Unfortunately, there was no Guinness Book of Records at that time. The bridge was also thought to have been damaged soon after its construction, resulting in its existence. It is not recorded in historical books, which is indeed a pity in the history of architecture. Hundreds of years later, no one can surpass this record, let alone create such a magnificent cable bridge. I have to say that the damage of this bridge is a great loss in the history of Mongolian architecture and culture, which makes people sigh and sigh.)