Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 754 Practice

In the Qianqing Palace at night, it was quiet. In a warm pavilion in the apse, Zhengde personally poured wine for Song Nan, who was sitting opposite him. This was the last night before Song Nan left Beijing. On tomorrow morning, Song Nan will take people to escort materials and fodder back to the Great Wall of Salt Pool to fight. This Zhengde's banquet is for Song Nanjian. OK.

Compared with the loud noise before the last expedition, there were only two emperors and ministers at the practice banquet this time. Although the emperor personally held the cup, it was also extremely shabby. Because Song Nan and the foreign court disagreed, the two sides were not very happy, so Zhengde simply did not invite them, so as not to reluctantly come to the banquet and make a pleasant scene at the banquet.

I don't know when Zhengde's mood also changed. After his accession to the throne, there were repeated disturbances and wars in the Ming Dynasty. Although no one dared to blame him face to face, he was not a fool. Naturally, he knew that all this had a lot to do with his emperor. Now Zhengde only hopes that everything is stable, and even his subordinates can't stand arguing in front of him, so tonight he decided to practice it for Song Nan in person without asking anyone to accompany him.

"Song Nan, don't blame me in your heart. I know that you are a heart for the country. Reclaiming the river is a long-term peace. In fact, I agree with you very much. But helplessly, I have to take care of the emotions of the ministers of the foreign court and consider their opinions. The external chaos has not been calmed, the internal strife cannot be regenerated, and the Ming Dynasty can't withstand too much wind and rain. Zhengde gently filled the wine glass in front of Song Nan, which seemed to comfort and explain.

Song Nan's expression was indifferent, and his eyes stared at Zhengde's face. Under the light, Zhengde's face was a little puffy and swollen, his eyes were faintly black, and the flesh on his cheeks was actually slightly drooping. Song Nan sighed in his heart. Zhengde was two years younger than himself. He was 23 years old. He was only 21 years old. He was a young emperor. At this moment, he looked like a drooping old man. When his head swayed slightly, he seemed to see a trace of white hair. Listening to Zhengde's muffled cough from his chest, Song Nan understood that wine and indulgence had completely destroyed this young body. No wonder someone is in a hurry to find a successor, and Zhengde's appearance makes people feel very bad.

"The emperor, don't worry, it is important to take care of the dragon body; in fact, there are no fundamental differences between the ministers and the adults in the outer court of the cabinet. In fact, they also hope to recover the river, but the finances of the imperial court are tight, so they disagree with the ministers. I insisted on continuing to fight because it was a rare fighter. If many things were not encouraged, I didn't know when I would be able to make up my mind. At that time, the strength of the Tahs will recover, and it will be even more difficult to do.

Zhengde sighed and said, "I understand what you said, but in this case, the ministers of the whole palace actually do their own things and can't coordinate with each other. Isn't it a joke? The more I think about it, the more ashamed I feel. Song Nan, am I not qualified as an emperor? Am I too far from the previous emperor?

Of course, Song Nan will not tell the truth, but comforted him: "Your Majesty, don't think nonsense. The emperor is waiting for my good news in the capital. I am fully sure about this expedition, ranging from a month to 20 days, and I will drive the Taran back to the north of Yin Mountain. At that time, Daningwei Kaiping Dongsheng Sanwei will be reinstalled, build more fortresses to hold the river cover firmly in their hands. The Taar will lose this place of water and grass, and then lose this springboard to attack Datong Ningxia Town, and will no longer be powerless to attack my border town in the future. The emperor supported the ministers to complete this initiative, and the meritorious deeds were above the emperors of the previous dynasty, which was a major event for thousands of generations. As for everything in the court, it is always necessary to wait for the minister to return triumphantly before slowly solving. Both Chen and Yang Shoufu are ministers. What's the knot that can't be untied? Things will go in a good direction, and the emperor doesn't have to worry too much.

Zhengde shook his head and said, "Don't lie to me. I know it's not that simple. Recently, I've been restless. It's difficult to sleep at night. I often cough. Even if I fall asleep, I will have nightmares. I tell you that I dreamed that my father appeared in my dream more than once. My father didn't say anything, but looked at me coldly, which made me feel fury. I'm wondering if I have done a lot of things wrong. Is my father very dissatisfied with me? My heart is very upset and confused. I don't know what to do.

Zhengde's expression was a little twisted, his eyes were straight, and his expression was a little terrible. He said these words in his mouth, which made people feel pity. Song Nan didn't know what to say. No matter how much Zhengde blamed himself, he couldn't say a word about Zhengde, the emperor, who was incompetent, but Zhengde's appearance was really strange and seemed to suffer. The suffering was so great that Song Nan couldn't bear it.

Song Nan gritted her teeth and said, "Your Majesty, I don't know whether to say it or not."

Zhengde said, "Say, what can't be said between you and me?"

Song Nan sighed and said, "Isn't the emperor's recent body not very good? What did the doctors in the imperial hospital say?

Zhengde shook his head and said, "Those wastes in Tai Hospital, I'm not feeling well. They have prescribed dozens of prescriptions in a changed their way, and I have to vomit even if I drink, but it hasn't improved. Look at this Qianqing Palace, where there is drug residue everywhere. That group of waste is useless. On the contrary, the Longhu Huichun pills offered by Ning Wang Jing have a good effect. When I feel uncomfortable, I will feel better after eating one pill, but I need to take two or three capsules recently to be effective. I am wondering if my condition has worsened.

Song Nan got up and arched his hand and said, "Your Majesty, you have to forgive my innocence before I will say something. These words may make the emperor unhappy or even angry, and may also touch some people close to the emperor, but as a minister, if I don't say it, I will be unfaithful. Please forgive my rudeness."

Zhengde said in a franse: "Why is it so solemn? You said, I won't blame you."

Song Nan said, "Thank you, emperor, for your rudeness. You can't eat the dragon and tiger rejuvenation pills presented by Prince Ning."

Zhengde was stunned and said, "Why? Is it...?"

Song Nan shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, don't think too much. It's a three-part poison. The dragon and tiger rejuvenation pill is a medicine and must have side effects. The emperor can't rely on this medicine to relieve the pain. The dragon's health needs to be suitable for sound restraint and exercise diligently. After the triumphant, the minister will attack and accompany the emperor to play tennis every day and go skiing on Taisui Mountain. Before that, the emperor should ask the palace guards to teach some boxing and foot exercises, and he can also do more things to ride and shoot, which is the foundation of health.

Zhengde frowned and said, "Come on, don't change the topic. Why can't I take the pills offered by Ning Wang Jing? The explanation of medicine and poison may be unreasonable. Do you know anything that you don't want to be honest with me?

Song Nan arched his hand and said, "Since the emperor wants to ask, I dare not answer truthfully. I made my own decision and ordered people to take the dragon and tiger rejuvenation pill to be tested by the pharmacist. This pill does contain many precious and rare medicinal materials, which has a great effect on the body; however..."

Zhengde stared at Song Nan with wide eyes, and his face became a little nervous.

"However, it also contains a medicine called poppy, which the emperor has heard of it."

"Poppy? Isn't that what doctors often use? What's wrong with this thing?"

"What the emperor said is that poppy is indeed a common thing for doctors, which can treat a variety of diseases, but what the emperor doesn't know is that the harm of this thing is also very great. Of course, a small amount of food can cure diseases. If you take a large number of food many times, it will make people addicted and dependent. If you don't eat it for a day, you will be weak and tired, and you will Aggravate the original condition of the body. Does the emperor feel happy and full of a sense of immortality after eating dragon and tiger rejuvenation pills?

Zhengde said in astonishment, "It's true. After taking it, it's true that the body and mind are happy as if the symptoms have completely disappeared, but after an hour or two, it disappeared, and the body is slightly tired."

"Yes, this is the effect of poppy. From the beginning, the emperor took one to two or three a day, which is the dependence. In the end, the emperor will not need it all the time. If he does not take it, his whole body will be painful and painful. I am not to scare the emperor. This thing will make a strong adult powerless within a few years, so the emperor must stop taking this medicine immediately.

Zhengde was shocked and said, "You mean that Ning Wang Jing offered this medicine to harm me? How dare he be so bold?

Song Nan shook his head and said, "The emperor is angry. It is also common for poppy to be used as medicine. It is expected that King Ning dares not do so. Maybe he does not understand the harm caused by this poppy. This is not enough to be used as a basis. Did Ning Wang Jing say anything in particular when he offered this medicine?

Zhengde thought for a moment and said, "He said that he can only take one a day, which can be used when he is not feeling well, so as not to hurt his body."

Song Nan nodded and said, "In this way, Prince Ning must know that this thing is harmful, so he urged the emperor not to take it more. Even so... Since this thing is harmful, it is a little inappropriate for Prince Ning to dedicate it to the emperor.

Zhengde shook his head and said, "Impossible, absolutely impossible. King Ning never dares to do this great rebellious thing. Among the vassal kings, I and he think the most. He can't be like this. If he dares to harm me with his heart, how dare he not fall in love in the palace? He and Princess Ning have lived in the palace with their eldest son for more than 20 days, and have lived in the empress dowager's palace. If you know that this medicine is harmful to people, you may have left long ago.

Song Nan was surprised and said, "Does Prince Ning live in the palace? Is he also in the palace with his eldest son? How old is the child?

Zhengde said, "I met them once. The child was about seven or eight years old, but he was smart and sweet. The Empress Dowager liked him very much. It was only when I saw that the empress dowager liked him that I allowed them to live with the empress dowager for a period of time. What, is there something wrong?

Song Nan pondered for a long time and finally boldly asked, "Your Majesty, has the empress dowager or anyone else mentioned anything to you recently?"

"What's the matter?"

"... Regarding the emperor's heirs, I dared to say frankly that the emperor has been married for several years, and none of the concubines in the palace have given birth to children for the emperor. Has anyone mentioned this matter to the emperor?"

Zhengde said awkwardly, "I'm still young. Why did you ask about this?"

Song Nan hurriedly said, "The emperor forgives my sins. I deserve to die and should not ask about this matter, but can the emperor tell me if anyone has mentioned this matter? I have a big doubt to solve in my heart.

Zhengde is obviously very unhappy, and the absence of children is also one of his inner worries. He also doesn't understand why he works so hard, and the queen concubines and even the favorite women of the harem can't give birth to imperial heirs. The most taboo thing for men is this matter. At this moment, he is directly asked. You can imagine the unpleasure in your heart.

"I'm most annoyed with you. I have to take care of everything. I'm only 21 years old. Will I be killed tomorrow? Is the matter of the emperor's heir so important?"

Song Nan hurriedly said, "The emperor is angry. If the emperor doesn't want to mention it, I won't ask. The emperor was in the spring and autumn. He shouldn't have mentioned these things. When I asked him, he just wanted to figure out a doubt in his heart.

Zhengde stared at Song Nan for a long time and finally frowned, "Well, since you and my ministers have nothing to say, I have nothing to hide from you. I believe that you are loyal, not for other intentions."

Song Nan said, "I am single-minded for the emperor's sake, and I'm afraid that someone will have a bad idea. As the emperor's close minister, some ministers should also inquire if they don't want to inquire, so as not to exploit loopholes for others."

Zhengde didn't know what the meaning of Song Nan's words was, but when he saw Song Nan's sincerity, he said, so he said, "You are not the first to ask about this matter. Before you, the Empress Dowager and Liang Chu, a cabinet scholar, mentioned this matter. The Empress Dowager asked that she naturally cared about me. The time Liang Chu asked, I spit on his face."

Song Nan whispered, "Please describe it in detail, please?" I want to hear the details."

Zhengde resisted the impulse on Song Nan's face, picked up the wine glass and drank it, and slowly opened his mouth with a sigh.