Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 755 The Worries of the Emperor

"Early this spring, when I accompanied the empress dowager on a trip to the West Garden, the empress dowager mentioned things about the emperor's heirs. At that time, I didn't care about it; I thought that maybe the mother wanted to hug the emperor's grandson, but just mentioned it casually. However, in recent months, my mother has frequently mentioned this matter, which makes me a little surprised. I'm telling you the truth today. I'm afraid it's hard for me to have a rest in my life. Zhengde sighed and looked very melancholy.

Song Nan hurriedly whispered, "How could the emperor have such an idea? Although the emperor's body has some diseases recently, he will be raised for a period of time, and he is in his prime, and there will soon have a turnaround.

Zhengde shook his head and sighed, "I know you are comforting me. As a Jinyiwei commander, you must have heard a lot of rumors. I will tell you today that those things are true."

Song Nan pretended to be confused and said, "I don't understand what the emperor is talking about."

Zhengde ignored him and sighed leisurely: "Why did Lu Zhen, the former hospital judge of the Tai Hospital, suddenly resign and return home? Dozens of days later? I don't believe that you won't investigate these things. I told you today that you can't check this matter. Although everything is in the hands of the Empress Dowager, I know everything. The Empress Dowager asked Lu Zhen to diagnose whether I was infertile. Lu Zhen came to the conclusion that it was difficult for me to have children in my life and no longer had the idea of an emperor. I didn't believe it at that time, but Lu Zhen was not a fool. How dare he to talk nonsense about this matter? I've been thinking about it. I'm afraid what he said is true. I... There seems to be something wrong with my body.

Song Nan was so shocked that he dared not speak. The emperor said this in front of him, which was equivalent to telling himself a big secret. Lu Zhen knew what would end. Although he would not be at the mercy of Lu Zhen, it was obviously an extremely dangerous thing to know this secret. Maybe as soon as he turned his head, he was De regretted saying these things, and if there are any rumors outside, he will all doubt himself.

"Your Majesty, how can such things be diagnosed? Although Lu Zhen's medical skills are superb, he doesn't say anything straightforwardly. Thinking that I had married and took a concubine for several years, the stomach of several concubines did not move, and I also thought that there was something wrong with my body. But later, within almost a year, all the wives and concubines were pregnant, and four of them gave birth at once. You can't believe the doctor's words, but you can't believe them all.

Zhengde muttered, "Of course, I hope what you said is right. I also understand that the Empress Dowager is in order to keep a secret, but the more so, the more the Empress Dowager proves that this is not false. In particular, the Empress Dowager's continuous mention of the emperor's heirs in the past few months is obviously reminding me that if I have no children, I should look for someone to set up an emperor's heir as soon as possible. The Empress Dowager once said: If you set up an imperial heir early, you can break the delusional thoughts of some people in the royal family, and there will be successors in the Ming Society, which can calm the hearts of the people of the world. I think she is right."

Song Nan frowned and said, "What does the Empress Dowager want the emperor to do?"

Zhengde said, "If I really have no heirs, how can there be no successor in the Ming Dynasty? I can only choose the right person among the clan to succeed as the prince and inherit my Ming Dynasty.

Song Nan was silent. This matter came from Gu Da's mouth in Nanjing, and until now, in the face of Zhengde's personal words, there have basically been eight. 90% of the credibility. As the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, if Zhengde is not sure that he is infertile, how can he consider passing on the Ming foundation to the collaterals? Although it is the same royal family, it is always a helpless choice to hand over the foundation to others who are not your own.

"Your Majesty, I dare not talk about this matter. The emperor is very confid to me, and I also want to express my opinion. I don't know if the emperor would like to listen to it."

"Tell me, what else can't I hear, do you know? I dreamed that the former emperor did not dare to look at the previous emperor. If it was just a national matter, I... I couldn't even pass on the orthodox emperor's heir. No wonder my father sneered in my dream. I am unworthy, and I am worthy of the emperor. As Zhengde spoke, there were tears in the corners of his eyes.

In any case, Song Nan didn't expect that this matter would be pulled out at today's practice banquet. These things that were said from the parties were difficult to investigate for a few months. Since the matter has reached this point, Song Nan is determined to simply ask today and figure out his doubts.

"Don't be sad. This matter has not been decided yet. Even if you take 10,000 steps back, you must choose the clan to choose the successor as the prince, which is also the bloodline of Taizu. The Zhu family is orthodox. As long as the foundation of Daming can be passed on steadily, the emperor will fulfill his responsibility. People say that the matter of son's rest is like marriage, which is in the hands of heaven. Sometimes God arranges it like this, and manpower has not changed.

Song Nan felt blushing as he said these words. As a good young man in the 21st century educated by materialism, he sat here and talked about the arrangements of heaven. He was really sorry for the hard reading and countless gardeners who studied hard in the 20 years of the later generations. But knowing that it was nonsense, Song Nan could only comfort Zhengde like this. Did she say to Zhengde, "You deserve it? I told you to start to fuck women before you were a teenager. It's good. It will affect your development. I told you that you don't know how to control every day, and you don't like women every night. Now you know the value of the essence.

"Even if the son of a clan is the heir, it is not the worst thing. In fact, I was very worried about another thing after learning about this today."

"What are you worried about?"

I'm afraid that someone will know about this and make small moves from it. The empress dowager knows this, the emperor knows it, and now the minister also knows it. The more people know, the more secrets can't be kept. Before the establishment of the heir, if the local vassal king knows these things, it is difficult to guarantee that he will have strange ideas.

"What on earth are you trying to say?" Zhengde frowned.

"I just heard that Prince Ning took his eldest son and princess to live in the empress dowager's bedroom. The empress dowager likes the son of Prince Ning very much. I'm thinking..."

"You mean that Zhu Chenhao did this on purpose? Deliberately taking the eldest son to the capital to win the favor of me and the Empress Dowager, and have the idea of making his son an heir? Zhengde was shocked.

Song Nan frowned and whispered, "Although it's my speculation, it's hard to say about this."

Zhengde shook his head and waved his hand and said, "It's impossible. How could he know that there is something wrong with my body? How could he make such an arrangement in advance?"

Song Nan whispered, "There is no absolute thing. There are rumors outside, and the people who know it are only emperor and ministers. In addition to the empress dowager, there are also Liang Chu, a university scholar mentioned by the emperor before, that is to say, if Liang Chu knows it, there must be a lot of people who know it."

Zhengde was shocked and said, "Is it possible that this matter has been leaked out? I asked Liang Chu where he heard such a news. Liang Chu insisted that he had no children for several years of marriage, so he cared about it as a minister. If he really knew and told Ning Wang to make this design, they would be looking for death. If I announce this matter, even if it is a public selection of royal candidates, it is not a problem for Zhu Chenhao to bring his son to participate in the selection. If he colludes with the court ministers in advance, this is disloyalty to me, and I will never forgive him.

Song Nan said: "The emperor is angry. At present, there is no conclusion. Where did Liang Chu learn about this and whether he revealed it to King Ning? This needs to be investigated. I will send people to investigate secretly, but if there is no evidence, the emperor cannot bring justice to others. Maybe everything is a coincidence. Liang Chu is indeed concerned about the imperial heirs, and Prince Ning only brought his son and princess to visit relatives. The emperor calmed down and finished the matter at hand, and then personally checked the matter to make a conclusion. This matter can no longer spread, and the emperor asked the empress dowager to be cautious. If someone in the court really plans for the future at this moment, I will be the first to come forward to eradicate these unfaithful people.

Zhengde nodded slightly, and after sighing, sweat oozed from his forehead. After living a comfortable life for too long, this was the first time that he felt a sense of oppression of the throne. It turned out that his surroundings were dangerous, and many eyes peeped at the throne under his buttocks, which made him feel terrible.

"I will never allow anyone to be unfaithful to me. If I really have no children, I will also choose the heir myself. If someone is deliberately designed, I will make him regret it for a lifetime."

Zhengdesen's cold voice echoed in the room, and Song Nan got some goosebumps when he heard it. This was the first time he saw Zhengde gritting his teeth, staring and clenching his fists. At this time, Mingzi was no longer the muddle-headed person addicted to wine and sex, but a hungry wolf who chose people.