Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 762 Lake Bron (continued)

During the preparation period, more than 200 small rafts pulled by Song Nan from hundreds of miles away from the West Cliff Ferry finally came in handy. The sheepskin raft and small wooden boats could only transport less than 2,000 soldiers across the river at a time. Fortunately, the Dusitu River and the Yellow River are not the same. At the ferry on the west side of Bulong Lake, even if the Taran has destroyed the dock crossing the river, these lambs can still enter the water at any place.

Under the cover of night, more than 2,000 Ming soldiers rowed boats and rafts along the other side of the gentle river. When approaching 50 or 60 steps on the opposite side, they suddenly heard the sound of horns, and sparks lit torches on the other side of the bank. Countless figures of the river appeared on the river. In an instant, they shot at the river like spring flying arrows. And to.

Jiang Bin on the south bank jumped his feet and scolded. The handtars were indeed unwilling to be easily crossed by the Ming army. The tranquility and peace in the evening were an illusion. As soon as night fell, the handiards gathered from hiding place to the opposite the river bank and began to block the Ming army.

Ma Ming, who was a pioneer, beat a big drum in a small boat, and the drum sounded. All the soldiers on the river raised big wooden shields to stop the rain of arrows. The Tartar obviously expected this. The second round of arrow rain was coated with a rocket that was ignited with mutton oil. The arrows squeaked on the raft and wooden shield, and the air was filled with a pungent scorching smell. More than a dozen sheepskin rafts caught fire, and the soldiers on it had to turn over and jump into the cold river to avoid the fire. Hundreds of soldiers were hit by arrows and screamed one after another.

Jiang Bin's filths mouth came out one after another. A pile of voices urged Zhang Ning to fire the gun. Zhang Ning immediately ordered, and more than a dozen rockets immediately pointed the muzzle of the gun to the other side. After a shouting order, the rocket began to breathe fire, dragging a small cannonball with a fiery red tail across the river only 100 steps wide and blew up in the shadowy Tatar figure on the other side. Suddenly, the earth and grass debris and gravel flew all over the sky. With the sound of violent explosion, a torrent of stone mud fell dozens of steps near the river, making a sneer sound in the river, and the Ming army on more than a dozen rafts close to the shore were smashed their heads and bleeding.

Ma Ming shouted and scolded: "Go back, stupid, still looking forward, looking for death?"

The raft of the Ming army across the river quickly moved away. At the same time, the explosion on the other side continued. The rocket launchers only fired three rounds, but even if more than a dozen eighty-one rockets fired only three rounds, they were enough to dump thousands of small shells on the land on the other side. In the face of such fierce firearm suppression, the Tatars on the other side were almost There was no shadow in an instant.

After the rocket stopped bombing, 1,800 Ming soldiers stepped on the potholes and hot riverside beaches and climbed up the river bank; the escaped Tatsars turned back to fight again, and suddenly the sound of killing on the other side with only stars suddenly shocked the sky.

The raft quickly returned, and the second batch of Ming army landed on the land on the other side after a raging of incense, but the shouts of killing on the other side suddenly became few. The first batch of more than 1,000 Ming troops did not pay any casualties, so they killed the surrounded Tatars. The footsteps of the Tatars running away on the grassland, and the Ming army was not puzzled. If you dare to catch up, you have to make a defensive posture and let a batch of Ming troops cross the river from the other side. After that, there was no more fight, and all the Tarans disappeared.

It took more than two hours for more than 20,000 strikers to cross the river. The warning range on the other side has been expanded to 15 miles, but there are no more Taran soldiers and horses. It took a lot of effort to transport rockets across the river, and several rafts could be put together to carry the weight of a rocket gun, which wasted a lot of time on it. It was not until dawn that more than 40,000 soldiers and horses of the front army and the Chinese army all stepped on the grassland on the north bank of the Dusitu River.

As soon as the sky lit, a question lingering in everyone's hearts was also solved. The reason why the Taran was so vulnerable that more than a thousand Ming army killed them, and even the reason why they never came to the war again appeared; the corpses lying on the ground was the answer.

These are not regular troops of Tart at all. They are all Tart civilians in ordinary herdsmen's clothes. There are white-haired old men wrapped in headscarves and children in their bodies. The bows and arrows used are also homemade hunting bows and arrows, with strange styles.

Song Nan concluded that he gave up the defense here, but thousands of herdsmen here were frightened by the arrival of the Ming army and spontaneously organized to block the Ming army. As a result, they were beaten by the weapons of the Ming army and the regular soldiers and horses of the Ming army, and then fled overnight.

Song Nan had no time to think more about these things. He was eager to do what he wanted to do, so he personally led a team and led a 100-person team to sweep the living of the Taran herdsmen on the grassland dozens of miles around. During the day, he saw thousands of cattle and sheep as white silver, which was his trophy. , must not be wasted.

However, what made Song Nan vomit blood angrily was that all the Tatari tents were empty, and there was a terrible scene in the sheep pen. All the cattle, sheep and horses fell into the pool of blood, and even the palm-sized lambs were killed. One thing the Tatar herdsmen did before they fled was to slaughter all the cattle, sheep and horses. Kill and empty all the valuable things in the tent. Worthless bedding and other things were thrown into the fire and burned.

More than 6,000 soldiers and horses were sent out to search for property, and finally only dozens of sheep and more than a dozen old movable cattle were brought back. It is said that these cattle and sheep were still seen on the grassland, not in the herdsman's sheep pen. They may be lost and escaped alive, otherwise they may not be able to escape death.

The whole army was very happy. The dead beef and mutton were still very fresh. Tens of thousands of people were full. Song Nan sat on the grass with a sheep's leg in his hand and nibbled fiercely with a gloomy face. He was very unhappy. According to this posture, the tartans refused to leave any supplies for themselves, which was bullshit. Question mark What should I do with that debt?

In order to make Song Nan feel better, Wan Zhi personally took his guard cavalry to search in the mountains and forests around the cliffs around Bulong Lake and even in the temple houses by the lake. Finally, he caught dozens of hidden herdsmen. In addition, several lama temples by Bulong Lake were swept away and robbed a small one. I don't know whether the basket is a gold-plated or silver-plated magic weapon. Seeing these shiny things, Song Nan's face looks better.

The captured Tatar herdsmen provided important information. As early as yesterday, the Great Khan in the Wuhai tent sent people to urge the herdsmen to evacuate to the north. The tribal soldiers and horses in Otok on the east also retreated to the Wuhai Sea for fear of being attacked by the Ming army. Some of the herdsmen here could not bear to abandon it, so they spontaneously organized resistance. All this In fact, it's not a sweat's order at all.

Song Nan was surprised by the toughness of the Tatar. Their sweat had forced them into deep trouble, but they still chose to fight side by side with him, which was incredible. But from another perspective, this matter is actually very reasonable. Whether it is the Ming army or other soldiers and horses, which invades the territory they think they are their hometown and breaks their peaceful life, they will naturally rise up to resist. It's just that they are completely bored. This place doesn't belong to them in the first place. They live in someone else's territory.

Song Nan made a decision that even he hesitated for a long time. Since the Tatari are all soldiers, there is no need to be polite to them. If they look at ordinary herdsmen, they may suffer a big loss. After all, there are bows and arrow machetes hanging in the tents of these people. If these things in their hands, they can Killing soldiers and horses, even if they have no fighting power, will cause casualties of the Ming army. More than 200 Ming army killed and injured when crossing the river is an example.

"From today on, as long as you see armed tars, whether civilians or soldiers, there will be no mercy." Song Nan gritted his teeth and issued this order. He knew that kindness was a luxury here, and all people standing on this land did not deserve this luxury. When an ordinary herdsman knew how to pick up a bow and arrow and shoot the Ming army, and knew how to kill his cattle and sheep without leaving any supplies to the Ming army, they were already dead. .

In view of learning that most of the herdsmen and Otok's tribal soldiers have contracted to Wuhai, Song Nan knows that the intention of baldness must be to use the defense system of Wuhai Town for many years to block the pace of the Ming army. There may be a fierce battle in Wuhai. Song Nan is looking forward to this battle in Wuhai, and he is not afraid of baldness at all. It can be arranged in any scene under the Wuhai.

Wuhai is only 130 miles away, and the march on the flat grassland is also very fast. Song Nan simply ordered the whole army to rest until it was a beautiful sleep. It was not until the star river was brilliant that the army began to start. If nothing unexpected happens, it can reach the front of Wuhai Town by noon tomorrow.

But what Song Nan didn't expect at all was that the march on this night was so difficult. From less than two hours from departure and less than 40 miles, a small army of Tatron cavalry began to harass the flanks along the way. Relying on the advantage of cavalry mobility, the Ming army harassed with arrows and birds was painful. Kan.

The Ming army did not dare to catch up. They were afraid that there would be an ambush in the depths of the grassland, so they could only endure another wave of harassment. Later, after more than 200 soldiers were killed and injured, Song Nan decisively ordered to stop moving forward and camp on the spot before leaving. He ordered archers and firemen to strictly guard against the flanks and attack the harassing forces of the Tatar.

But soon after the camp, the harassment of the soldiers and horses of the harborah disappeared and never appeared.