Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 763 As You Like It

The next morning, the army pulled forward again. On the way, at the end of the endless grassland, there was continuous smoke and dust rising. There seemed to be traces of Tsar soldiers and horses around a few miles away. From time to time, the horses would look back and report the news of the salam cavalry.

The generals were a little annoyed and scolded one after another: "What the hell are you doing? If you want to fight, you can fight. Why are you so sneaky? Can't you expect to scare us away?"

Song Nan smiled and said nothing. His heart was like a mirror. The hand was a bluff to attack on all sides, but in fact, this attitude was useful for the newcomers, but it was useless to Song Nan, because Song Nan knew that there were not many soldiers in his hands. In fact, Song Nan speculed about the intention of harassment by the salam last night, just to delay the time. The Tatans don't look stupid. They can drag an hour for an hour, and a day a day. It is likely that they will also realize that only by dragging the weather to cold can they have a battle with the Ming army.

Even if he made this judgment, Song Nan did not dare to be careless. The main force of his army did not dare to attack head-on, but if the supply line was broken by the Taran, the problem would be serious. Song Nan ordered Xu Tai's rear army to delay the march and establish a heavily guarded logistics transfer at the ferry on the west side of Bulong Lake, and did not hesitate to allocate six Mrs. Song rockets to Xu Tai for use.

Facts proved that Song Nan's worries were not superfluous. In the evening of that day, when the army arrived ten miles south of Wuhai Town to set up camp, war reports came from the rear that the logistics transfer soldiers and horses by the shore of Bulong Lake were fiercely attacked by nearly 6,000 Tartsars. Fortunately, Xu Tai left a whole guard of the Ming army to defend here, plus six gates. The strong suppression of Mrs. Song's rocket gun made the Tsar cavalry retreat, leaving hundreds of corpses and disappearing in the sound of the grassland.

This news woke up to Song Nan. He did not intend to give up his resistance. He still tried to find a way to fight back. Moreover, a large number of main forces of the Tahiti did not give up a large area south of the Wuhai, and the established Takin cavalry brigade was still looking for fighters on the vast grassland north of the Duitu River south of the Wuhai Sea. If you are careful, you will suffer their great losses.

On the other hand, since there are nearly 6,000 tatsars lingering on the grassland behind or beside them, there will not be too many soldiers in Wuhai Town in front of them. With less than 30,000 soldiers, there are only more than 20,000 soldiers stationed here, which is a good time for a rapid attack.

Song Nan made a quick decision. Since you wanted to hold me back, I had to speed up the pace of the attack. You thought I would be in Wuhai Town for a few days, but I attacked immediately that night when I set up the camp.

After night fell, the grassland was dotted with stars. Although it was a place where the war was imminent, the night of the grassland was still as quiet as usual. The Taran soldiers and horses in the outer fortifications of Wuhai Town stared at the lights in the Ming army camp in front of them. Finally, there were only a pile of bonfires guarding on the periphery. They Also relieved. Looking at this situation, the long-distance Ming army will not attack tonight. Obviously, they are going to have a good night's rest. Tomorrow morning is the time for the battle to start.

More than a dozen Tatar generals gathered in the bald gold tent, discussing how to deal with this imminent war. Some people advocated surprise and raided the Ming army camp in the middle of the night to take the initiative to attack. Some people suggest not to act rashly, and wait for the more than 8,000 cavalry responsible for harassment scattered on the grassland tomorrow to return to Wuhai, and block the Ming army's attack with the defense system established by Wuhai Town for several years.

Sitting behind the case, Baldness did not express these opinions. He just told everyone one thing. The dozens of eagle cannons brought back from the front line of the salt pool have been repaired, and the flowering bombs needed are being transported here from Ulambato. This time, the baldness can sell the mining rights of an iron concentrate in the northern foothills of Daqing Mountain. The red-haired ghost of the Grand Duchy of Moscow was exchanged for nearly 3,000 flowering bombs.

The news suddenly made the generals very happy. They did not realize how they missed the days of the eagle cannon now. Even the most traditional and stubborn Tatar generals did not admit that in today's situation, only firearms such as the eagle cannon can resist the progress of the Ming army. No It is impossible to fight head-on with the Ming army. Even in the face of the Ming army, which is dominated by infantry, their proud cavalry breakthrough tactics have no chance of winning. Who can resist the Ming weapon that sprays the fire of hell? The flesh and blood are not the opponents of these monsters at all.

But tell them that it will take at least four or five days for these flowering bombs to arrive south of the Yellow River, and the Battle of Wuhai can't be counted on. The generals suddenly seemed to have been blown down again. If these shells could not arrive in time, it would be difficult to defend Wuhai. If they persisted for a day or two at most, they would eventually be occupied by the Ming army. It became a question whether Wuhai would guard or not.

gave the answer: "Gentlemen, Wuhai still needs to be guarded, but since we have the eagle cannon again, we no longer have to be afraid of the attack of the Ming army. Don't forget that our purpose is not to fight to the death with the Ming army. It is not worth exchanging the precious lives of our Tatar warriors for the lives of the Ming army. Therefore, we must make a choice if we want to delay the Ming army until our eagle cannon can roar again and pay very few casualties.

The generals listened with holding their breath, but they were bald and said, "I Han ordered that all the cavalry stationed in Wuhai tonight should evacuate immediately. I also ordered the 8,000 cavalry on the grassland to convey the order. They will not return to Wuhai to participate in this battle. They will go directly to the east and station around Hangjin, and stay here. Only 10,000 infantry and 10,000 strong men guarded the city with the Ming army. You should know that if the Ming army wants to continue to go deeper, they can only take Hangjin to the north to cross the Yellow River. Hangjin's fortress is stronger than the Wuhai, and there are more soldiers, horses, food and grass. More importantly, where will the bombs be transported in a few days? If the Ming army dares to invade, they will invite them to taste the taste of the eagle cannon.

The generals were stunned. It turned out that the sweat bluffed as if he wanted to fight to the death with the Ming army here, but in the end, he gave up the idea of Wuhai and left 10,000 infantry and 10,000 strong men to guard Wuhai. Didn't that let them die? I just said that the lives of Tatar warriors are precious, and they have given the lives of 20,000 people in a blink of an eye. What is this precious?

But no one is stupid enough to point out this. Since the defeat of the Great Khan's Southern Expedition, his temper has become extremely violent, and there are often generals who are often guilty and killed by the Great Khan's own hands. Any doubts about the Great Khan's decision will be regarded as disloyal, especially after the defeat of the Great Khan, he has no He always suspects that his tribal leaders and generals have strange behaviors. His whole body is like a tight bow string. Whoever talks more, the arrow on this bowstring will shoot at him.

Urus's first statement: "Father Khan Shengming, as long as 20,000 people here can survive for two days, they have made great contributions, not to mention that they may create miracles. Erchen suggested that more soldiers and horses should be sent to harass them on the road from Wuhai to Hangjin; using the terrain of the Gobi Canyon to ambush them several times, the Ming army would certainly hesitate. According to the speed of their turtles, it will take half a month to get to Hangzhou. If the long life is beautiful, the first snow on the grassland will come down in mid-October. What should we do then?

"Yes, what the second prince said is very reasonable. Khan's move is an excellent strategy. Even if it hasn't snowed when the Ming army arrived in Hangjin, we have an eagle cannon in hand to defend the attack of the Ming army. We don't have to annihilate them. Just drag them to a snowy day.

"That makes sense. Wuhai bento is lent to the Ming army for temporary use. At that time, we will take it back together with the principal and profit."

The generals expressed their support, touching their beard and laughing. He knew that these people did not really agree, but it didn't matter. The important thing was that they had no objection.

He raised his hand. As soon as he was about to speak, he heard a series of explosions from the silent night sky outside the tent. Then, the sound of explosions came into the ear drums. A moment later, the soldiers outside the tent ran in breathlessly and reported: "Report the sweat, Wuhai South Milk. Two fortresses in Toushan were attacked by the Ming army, and a large flock of soldiers and horses of the Ming army are flocking here.

changed his face and suddenly stood up and scolded, "This fierce child is too fierce to attack without taking a breath."

The generals waited for the order in awe, but when they heard the baldness gritted their teeth and ordered, "Go on the order, Bolkin, the general manager of thousands of households in Wuhai Town, led 20,000 soldiers and horses to fight against the enemy head-on, and the rest of the rest immediately re armed horses, opened the gate of the East City, and retreated to Hangjin."