Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 74 Changes

At dawn, the heavy snow all night finally stopped. The faint skylight is reflected by the snow. It should still be the dark time before dawn, but it is already like a dawn in the morning.

The Ming army soldiers had an uncomfortable night, and the burned houses did not protect them from the wind and snow at all. The soldiers could only find a poor shelter between the ruins and walls to set up tents. The firewood and charcoal burned for warmth all night, but the cold was still. On such a cold night, bonfires and charcoal fires actually don't have much effect. Many soldiers woke up in the middle of the night and curled up beside the fire and trembled like leaves in the wind.

The sound of five and three drums and the sound on the snow attracted the attention of a small group of Ming army in the north of Lake City. They had curled up coldly behind a snow wall like frightened hedgehogs. Hearing the rustling footsteps, they suddenly got up one by one. A hundred households slowly poked their heads out from behind the snow wall and saw several dark shadows slowly coming, and the sound of creaking on the snow was clearly discernible.

What do you do? Stand there, or we will shoot arrows. The hundred households shouted loudly, and dozens of Ming soldiers around them shook off the snow on their bodies and leaned out to bend their bows and arrows.

A few shadows were stunned, but immediately someone shouted with a surprised voice, "It's almost here. Don't shoot arrows. We are the messengers of the Tatar Kingdom. We came to send a message to Lord Song, the commander of your army, at the order of the new Khan of Tatar Kingdom."

Hundreds of households of the Ming army shouted, "Stight there and don't move. The blade on your body is thrown down. If you play tricks, don't blame us for being rude."

The other party was obedient. Several machetes and daggers were thrown on the snow. After being surrounded by the Ming army soldiers, they searched them up and down several times, and ordered people to go to the rear to check if there was an ambush. After tossing for a while, they were relieved. Only these three tars, a middle-aged man in their 40 years old, and two accompanying The guard who came with him.

Hundreds of households in the Ming army immediately reported it. After a while, the news was reported to Song Nan's big account. Song Nan was awakened by the cold. She was dressed and was drinking hot tea by the fire under the service of Wan Zhi. She was also stunned to hear about it.

Three Tartar messengers were brought into the big account. The three were all embarrassed, their hair and beards were full of ice, and their hands and feet were a little disobedient. The yellow-bearded middle-aged man's lips were a little dark. Under the gaze of Song Nan and the generals who came to hear the news, several people drank hot tea and roasted them by the charcoal fire for a while before recovering a little. The middle-aged man saluted Song Nan with his chest.

"Dear Lord Song, I am Hu Luozhen, the leader of the Tatar Horqin Department, and I came to deliver the letter at the order of my Tatar New Khan."

Song Nan was shocked. Before others understood the meaning of the messenger's words, Song Nan had keenly caught the word 'new sweat'.

New sweat? Did your Dayan Khan displace his baldness?

"Lord Song, our army retreated and camped on the north bank of the Hula River. The two tribal leaders in the army took the opportunity to rebel. Dayan Khan and the second prince died in the rebellion. Fortunately, the third prince Barth led his troops to quell the rebellion and was in a cadre patriarch and army. Under the support of the general, he inherited the Khanate last night and became my new Khan of Tatar.

Song Nan's open-mouthed boss couldn't close it for a long time. Jiang Bin, Xu Tai, Ma Ming, Zhang An and other generals were also surprised that they couldn't close their mouths. In just one night, such a big thing happened in the Tart Army, which was really hard to imagine. Can the invincible baldness die in the rebellion?

Song Nan squinted at Hu Luozhen's twinkling eyes. She didn't believe in this matter in her heart. With the control and prestige of the baldness, the possibility of a rebellion in the army seems unlikely. It is possible for someone in the rear to make trouble when the baldness can go on an expedition. And in the army that can fully control the baldness, it is unlikely that what kind of rebellion can make the baldness die with Urus. Take Song Nan as an example, as the commander of the army, there are 1,000 personal guards outside the big tent, and there are also selected 3,000 guards on the periphery, even in the army. The general rebellion will not be killed. Unless it is pro-guards and riots, it is impossible, because the pro-guard generals are all hardcore confidants, and the standards for choosing their own people are so strict, let alone the baldness of the sweat.

What's more, how did Bals, who had the powerless chicken, survive and actually led his troops to quell the rebellion? There must be something strange here.

"This is a letter sent to you by the new Khan, which is respected by Tatar. It is written by the Khan himself. Please have a look." Hu Luozhen took out a letter from his arms and presented it respectfully.

Song Nan received the letter to watch. Bals's Chinese characters were a little awkward, and his strokes were bent like a beating tadpole, but he could still read it.

"Lord Song, Hu Luozhen has told me about the situation in the country of Tatar, and now that I have inherited the Khan position, and I am deeply convinced of what my lord said before. Therefore, I wrote this book myself and would like to convey my goodwill to the emperor of your country through the mouth of adults. My country of Tatar is unwilling to be the enemy of the Ming Dynasty again. I hope that the two countries will strike and send envoys to each other to discuss peace.

The expression on Song Nan's face changed from serious to soothing. He put down the letter and laughed and said, "Your new Khan is definitely a person who knows current affairs. He wants us to suspend the two countries so far, which is exactly what I hope. Leader Hu Luozhen, go back and tell you that I can agree to his request, and I can immediately report to the court to arrange the peace between the two countries. However, before that, I hope your Khan can show sincerity. You go back and report to your Khan. If he orders all deployments to withdraw from the north of the wolf mountain and Daqing Mountain within ten days, and let my Ming soldiers and horses take over the town and no longer fight the dying struggle that causes the soldiers and horses of the two countries to be killed and injured, I dare to fight against this matter. It's a ticket."

Jiang Bin, Xu Tai and others heard a general idea. It seems that Tart's new Khan wrote a letter to ask for peace. Master Song Nan was direct enough to ask the other party to get out of here within ten days. If this condition is met, he will negotiate with them.

Hu Luozhen saluted and said, "Thank you, Lord Song. I will definitely convey your words when I go back. In fact, Xinhan has issued an order last night that my Tatar tribe and soldiers and horses are about to withdraw from Hetao one after another. My Tatar country is full of sincerity. I hope you can understand this."

Song Nan laughed and said, "It's very good. Those who know the current affairs are handsome. Hu Luozhen's leader worked hard all the way. I ordered people to eat some food. If you eat hot food, you can go back to life immediately. The court urged us to flatten your country of Tatar, so this matter needs to be implemented as soon as possible and cannot be delayed. If it goes on and the imperial edict of the imperial march comes at once, then this peace agreement will not be negotiated.

Hu Luozhen was shocked and even claimed that Song Nan ordered someone to make some food to bake it. Hu Luozhen and others trekked in the middle of the night and were indeed hungry and panicked. Despite the gaze of dozens of generals of the Ming army, they began to devour.

Song Nan accompanied them with a smile and looked at them chewing food, but finally couldn't help asking, "Hu Luozhen leader, with all due respect, I'm very interested in the rebellion in your camp. Can you tell me how the rebellion happened and what happened?"

Hu Luozhen held a piece of hot and fragrant beef in his hand and hesitated, "It doesn't matter if you don't say anything like this. In short, some people just take advantage of the defeat."

Song Nan laughed and said, "You can't make your family ugly, right? But I don't think your words are credible, which directly affects my doubts about the sincerity of your country's peace agreement. To be honest, I don't believe your words at all. How do you know that you are not deliberately lying to us? Maybe you are not dead, and you don't have any new sweat. Everything is just a trick.

Hu Luo was really shocked and was almost choked by a piece of beef. He quickly chewed his neck and swallowed it and swore to the sky: "The day of immortality is above. I, Tatars never lie to people. Besides, who dares to spread rumors about such a big thing? The third prince participated in the whole process of his accession to the throne. How can there be a fake? The bodies of Dayan Khan and the second prince are still in the golden tent.

Song Nan said coldly, "Is that right? But even if what you said is true, I don't think it should be a rebellion. With the prestige of baldness, how can you people regard him as a god and betray him because of his defeat?

Hu Luo really thought for a moment and finally sighed, "Well, I'll tell you the truth. I don't want you to misunderstand our sincerity. Here's the thing."

Hu Luozhen told all the thrilling things that happened last night. Song Nan and the generals were numb. They never thought that the temperament of the Taran was so direct. Yesterday, he just planted a seed for him, and in a blink of an eye, it took root and sprouted in Bals's heart. This man was also bold and bald in front of the baldness. Mengke killed Urus with a knife, which made the bald Mangke angry. The leaders and tribal elders under the account actually believed the words of the third prince. They believed that Urus was an unfaithful person and actually appreciated Barth's behavior, believing that he was brave and fearless, and admitted that he should inherit the Khanate.

The behavior and thoughts of the Tirts are really strange. Song Nan really wants to see the third prince Barth again, discuss his mental journey, and sigh: I really don't understand you!

After Hu Luozhen left, the Ming army's tent became a place for water ducks to gather. After hearing this incredible incident, everyone was shocked and laughed, and they were relieved by the former Song Nan's release of Barth.

A general said undisguisedly, "It turns out that all this is in the calculation of the general, and the general is really a god."

"Yes, the general is simply Zhuge alive. The divine operator came down to the earth. My army let the baldness without spending a single soldier, but this old thief died and made the Tartar lose the ability to fight. We are really thrown to the ground."

Song Nan smiled bitterly and said, "Don't flatter me. I didn't expect this. I just don't want to make the hatred between the two countries so deep that it can't be resolved. The words he said to Bals are indeed provocative, but who would have thought that he would go back and do it so directly. What's more strange is that it's okay. It's done."

Everyone didn't feel how lucky Bals was, but felt that someone seemed to favor Lord Song. Lord Song sent troops to fight. Why did these good things fall on him? It's really a strange thing.