Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 775 Internal Worry

In a few days, Hu Luozhen, as a messenger, has become the busiest person, shuttled back and forth between the Tazi and Ming army camps, and sent a letter for Song Nan and Bals Hongyan. Barth moved fast enough that the 15-year-old teenager showed his determination and courage beyond his age and resisted the pressure and ordered the whole army to retreat.

All the gathering places of the Tatar people south of the Great Green Mountain of Langshan Mountain were quickly ordered to evacuate. Many people did not want to abandon this fertile land, and also had a few words about the accession of the new Khan, and many tribes chose to refuse to evacuate. In order to cooperate with Bals's order, Song Nan divided his troops and went north along the Kara River to take over a large area of Urat's rear flag after Bars withdrawal. The other way swept through the five plains to sweep north of Mount Muna Mountain. A large grassland south of Heyin Mountain defeated all the sporadically resisting Tarant soldiers and horses. It took half a month to push the army to the southern foot of Mount Yin Mountain of Langshan and completely include the Hetao area.

On December 8, the imperial edict arrived at the Ming army camp on the bank of the Niutou River south of Yinshan Mountain and commended the army for the recovery of the Hetao area. At the same time, Yang Yiqing was appointed as the plenipotentiary and imperial envoy to carry out peace discussions in the southern foothills of Yinshan Mountain and the State of Tatar.

There is almost no dispute in this peace talks. Adhering to the previous agreements reached by Song Nan and Bals, they have made detailed and clear provisions that the two countries will strike and truce from the date of the peace agreement on December 8 of the seventh year. The two sides will take the Yinshan, Langshan and Daqing Mountain as the boundary. From then on, they will divide things and no longer invade each other's territory. .

Faced with the pang of Tatar, Song Nan and Yang Yiqing agreed to Bals' request and agreed to open border trade between the two countries at the right time to alleviate the podium of Tatar's national poverty and resource shortage. At the same time, Barth promised that he would no longer import firearms from the Grand Duchy of Moscow and expel the trade envoys of the Grand Duchy of Moscow.

Of course, Song Nan will not let go of this good opportunity. After learning about the current food shortage and difficult national strength of Tatar countries, Song Nan summoned Hu Luozhen, the envoy of Tatar countries and the parliamentary envoy, and privately proposed that he could sell grain cloth and other items to each other in a private name before the border trade between the two sides was opened. Hu Luo was so happy that he almost kowtowed to Song Nan, because in this peace, he had always wanted the two countries to implement border trade after the armistice, because the situation in the Tatar countries has been extremely rotten. This war has almost exhausted all the financial and human resources of the country, and food and materials have been exhausted. If they do not take measures, countless people will not Stay up until next summer. Song Nan's proposal is really as precious as giving charcoal in the snow.

However, there is no money in Tatar countries to exchange for this grain, and what to buy it has become a question. Hu Luozhen tentatively proposed whether he could owe it temporarily, and then raised the interest rate and returned it, which was mercilessly rejected by Song Nan. Later, he proposed to exchange war horses and beautiful girls in Tatar. Song Nan was moved, but soon gave up the idea.

Maybe hundreds of beautiful Tatar girls return to the Ming Dynasty, but they are popular. A Tatar girl as a tool for venting and play may become a fashion among the Ming nobles, but Song Nan thinks that she is equivalent to human traffickers or skins. Careers such as tourists don't want to go through this muddy water.

In the end, after Song Nan vaguely proposed that the refined iron produced by a concentrate vein found in the northern foothills of Daqing Mountain as a condition, Hu Luozhen understood the wishes of the Duke of Daming Town; this refined iron ore was the highest-quality vein among more than a dozen iron mines in Tatar, and Song Nan did so. It is equivalent to indirectly restricting the increase of Tatar's military equipment and equipment, which is not wise.

Although the people of Tatar feel Song Nan's malice, they have to seriously consider this issue in the face of the dilemma of lack of clothing and food in the whole country. The final conclusion is that Song Nan only asked for the exchange of refined iron produced, and did not require the occupation of this vein. That is to say, after the recovery of national strength in the future, the transaction can be cancelled at any time, and there is no big loss. What is lost is that in the past few years of recovery, the country's military affairs are afraid of lagging behind. However, since it has been decided not to fight, it is not a big problem for the military lag behind. The only concern is that the Ming people tear up the agreement and launch a brazen attack. If so, with the current strength of Tatar, even if the armed forces are complete, they may not be able to resist.

So, after several days of quarreling, Bals finally made a decision and signed a decision with Song Nan to exchange grain cloth for fine iron and some horses in the country. Naturally, he suffered a lot in terms of price. Song Nan almost sold the grain to the price of pearls. In addition to scolding, the Tatar countries had to grit their teeth and sign the agreement.

At Song Nan's request, the court ordered the restoration of the former Daningwei, Dongshengwei and Kaipingwei north of the Yellow River to form a three-point and one-line defense system. At the same time, it planned to set up four guardhouses, including Wuyuanwei, Deshengwei, Pingbeiwei and Shannanwei at the deep side to form a joint defense system of seven sons and pearls, and defend along the Great Wall. The imperial column pushed more than 800 miles to the north and firmly controlled the Hetao area.

The equipment of troops has also been adjusted on a large scale. Several major border towns in Shaanxi, the former Shanxi have suddenly become inland towns, and the soldiers and horses deployed will also move north accordingly. But in fact, the most fundamental problem lies in the construction of these health centers' money and future supply lines. If these problems are not solved, these health centers are untenable.

But these problems will not succeed in a short time. The big strategy will be determined first, and then the difficult construction process. Song Nan has a strategy in mind, but it is not achieved overnight.

Zhang An led the officers and soldiers of the four guard stations in the northwest and were ordered to stay north of the Yellow River to stabilize the situation. More than 20,000 soldiers and horses of the four guards were responsible for rebuilding the five original guards on the south bank of the Dongshengwei and the south of the Kara River, forming two barriers between the east and west. At the same time, it is better to supervise the actions of the Taran soldiers and horses.

To ensure that the supply of these four guards and horses is relatively simple, Yang Yiqing has established an efficient logistics supply chain, which is transported from the Shanxi Channel in the east and more difficult in the west. It is necessary to transfer from Ningxia Town. However, because all the ferries of the Yellow River are already in the big bag, there is no need to open roads from the desert and from Ningxia. Although it is a little difficult and dangerous to use waterways to replenish ships, there is no way to do it. In the future, it will be more convenient to build a bridge over the river, but it may take a year or two to achieve it.

Song Nan is not worried about these things. What he is worried about is that he is still using his own money for these supplies. This hole is getting bigger and bigger. He has to go back to solve this matter quickly, otherwise he will become the biggest troublehead of the Ming Dynasty.

On December 17, Song Nan led the second military battalion outside the martial arts camp of Shenshu Camp Zhenwei Training Camp and other Jingji soldiers and horse squads back to the North Korea. On the day of the triumph, it snow fell again in the Hetao area, as if to send off the army triumph. In the snow, the army entered Shanxi along the southern foothills of Daqing Mountain and returned to the capital all the way through Datong Weizhou.

On the twenty-ninth day of the Chinese New Year, the day before the eighth year of Zhengde, the recruits returned, and the soldiers returned to the court. Although the triumphant warriors were described as withered, they were full of spirit. This time, even the cabinet scholars and even the officials of the foreign court went out of the city to welcome them. It was the dream of the Ming Dynasty to seize the river, and many people's unrelated things were actually completed in this dynasty. Although this matter has almost nothing to do with these people, they will get rid of it. If it is done, it is naturally the credit of everyone. As a member of the 100 officials of this dynasty, it will leave a mark in the history of youth.

However, the marquis came, the civil servants came, and the internal eunuchs also came, but what was not seen was the Zhengde figure of the emperor. In a sound of congratulations, Song Nan saw the opportunity to ask Zhang Yong why. Zhang Yong didn't say anything, and his eyes turned red when he said this.

"Grandpa, why doesn't the emperor want to come? He talk about it every day, but he can't come."

Song Nan was shocked and said, "Why is that?"

Zhang Yong looked at the noise around and said, "We will tell you in detail later. It can't be made clear in a few words. There are many people here. After entering the city, the prince followed me directly into the palace. On the way, I will tell you a few major events in the palace."

Song Nan felt that the matter seemed to be very serious. There were all ministers in the court in front of her. What did she say that there were many people? It's okay if the emperor doesn't come to welcome him, but at least he has an imperial edict or something. In fact, he doesn't even have an edict, which has to be suspicious. It has only been three months since I left the capital to fight. Has something happened in the court? But this seems unlikely. If there is any change in the court, why didn't the Nanbei Town Fusi deliver any news to himself? Are Sun Xuan and Hou Dabiao eating? Even if the Jinyi guard can't find out, the British Duke Zhang Lun should know that he will definitely send someone to inform himself. How can he not listen to it?

Although he was full of suspicion, Song Nan still accepted the congratulations of the people with a smile. In the crowd, he saw the figure of Zhu Chenhao, the king of Ning. Compared with before, King Ning seemed to be less enthusiastic about himself, but just politely bowed his hand to congratulate him.

However, when Song Nan saw this person, he was indescribably unhappy. Before he went on the expedition, he was in the capital. Now he is still there, that is to say, he has been living in the palace for the past few months. Song Nan suddenly remembered something, and his good mood was immediately destroyed.