Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 776 His words are also good

The Qianqing Palace is quiet. Compared with before leaving the capital, the only change here is that there are many more slag in the courtyard, and the pungent herbal smell is much stronger. This atmosphere and taste makes Song Nan feel uncomfortable.

Before Zhang Yong carefully led the way and led Song Nan to Zhengde's bedroom, Song Nan wondered how he would still be in the bedroom when Zhengde was listening to music and dancing in a warm pavilion or playing archery in the sun in the backyard.

A violent cough came from the room, and then the sound of overturning porcelain also came out. Someone raised the curtain in a panic and almost hit Song Nan's arms.

Zhang Yong scolded in a low voice, "What are you doing? The unruly thing almost hit the Duke of Zhen.

The man who rushed out was Xiao Dengzi, a close eunuch beside the emperor. He held a scum bucket in his hand and stuffed several white scars in it. Song Nan saw that there seemed to be red blood stains on the wrinkled white scars.

Little Dengzi quickly sued Song Nan and saluted him. Zhang Yong said, "How's the emperor?"

Little Deng Zi whispered, "I didn't want to take the medicine and smashed the medicine bowl. The villain asked someone to clean it up.

Zhang Yong looked at Song Nan with a deep frown and waved his hand and said, "Go ahead."

Little Dengzi bowed with the scum bucket and was about to leave. Song Nan stopped him and said, "What's wrong with the blood in the scum bucket?"

Little Dengzi looked at Zhang Yong and didn't say anything. Zhang Yong whispered, "Don't mention this matter when the Duke of Zhen meets with the emperor. The emperor doesn't want to hear these words. Little Deng Zi wants to clean up the scum bucket every other incense, but he doesn't want the emperor to see these blood stains."

Song Nan whispered, "Is it all blood spit out by the emperor?"

Zhang Yongchang sighed and said, "I coughed day and night, and all I coughed out was blood. What do you think should I do? Today, I was going to meet the Duke of Zhen in person. I changed my clothes in the morning, but I still couldn't get out of bed. Our family advised him to lie in ** to rest and promise to bring the Duke of Zhen to see him as soon as possible. Hey... What's wrong with this?"

Song Nan's hair was cold, and she nodded slowly and said, "Please inform the emperor."

Zhang Yong nodded and said, "Mr. Zhen, wait a minute." After saying that, he lifted the curtain and went in. Soon after, a violent cough came from the room, and Zhang Yong's voice came: "The emperor lies down, and the maidservant goes to announce it. The emperor can't get up."

"Soong Nan, come and see me. Come in." Zhengde shouted in a loud voice.

Song Nan entered the room, passed through two curtains and curtains, and entered Zhengde's bedroom. The room was filled with pungent medicine. At a glance, it could be seen that Zhengde leaned against the head of the bed, and a pile of yellow potion on the ground was steaming hot, and a medicine bowl was broken into pieces and scattered on the ground.

When Song Nan saw Zhengde's face at a glance, she was so scared that she almost screamed. What kind of face was it? It was pale and scary. Her cheeks and eye sockets were sunken, and she was already thin. She was different from the romantic young emperor in her previous memory, and Song Nan almost didn't recognize him.

"Song Nan knocked to see the emperor." Song Nan saluted before.

Zhengde put his thin hand and gasped, "Free gift, Song Nan, you can come back, Xiao Yongzi, watch and sit down, look and sit down."

Zhang Yongduan put a stool by the bed. As soon as Song Nan sat down, Zheng De held Song Nan's hand tightly and looked at Song Nan with tears flashing in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you? How did it become like this?" Song Nan still asked regardless of Zhang Yong's wink.

Zhengde looked gloomy. He withdrew his hand to cover his mouth and cough twice and said, "I'm fine. I'm just suffering from the wind and cold. The doctor said that I can recover this year. I'm in good health."

Song Nan said, "Your Majesty, why do you and I need to cover up? The emperor's illness is not a small cold, and we must be treated quickly. Your Majesty, you can't avoid medical treatment.

Zhengde said angrily, "I said it's nothing serious. Why do you insist that I'm sick? You have just returned from the battlefield. I was going to tell you about this battle and the follow-up arrangements. I'm only 21 years old, and I'm like a tiger.

Song Nan sighed and turned to Zhang Yong and said, "Please ask Eunuch Zhang to bring a bowl of medicine. I will wait for the emperor to drink the medicine. The bowl of medicine on the ground has been spilled. The emperor must not have drunk the medicine on time today."

Zhang Yong didn't dare to leave. Song Nan frowned and shouted, "Why don't you go?"

Zhang Yong took a look at Zhengde and saw that Zhengde did not stop him, so he quickly turned around to order him to get the medicine. Song Nan looked back at Zhengde and said, "Your Majesty, don't make trouble. The emperor's health is my top priority in the Ming Dynasty. Whether the emperor blames the minister or condemns the minister, the minister should also say that it is not terrible to be sick, but to avoid medical treatment. The emperor is young and in good health. As long as he treats well and takes medicine on time, he should recover quickly.

Zhengde sighed, leaned back, leaned heavily on the pillow, and closed his eyes.

Zhang Yong brought the medicine bowl. Song Nan took the medicine bowl and spoon and turned around to signal Zhang Yong to retreat. Zhang Yong knew that it was inconvenient here, so it was better for Song Nan and Zhengde to get along alone.

The warm spoon was handed to Zhengde's lips. Zhengde hesitated slightly and slowly opened his mouth to drink the potion. Song Nan fed Zhengde one by one bite until she fed most of the bowls of potion. Then he picked up the white towel to wipe the medicine at the corners of Zhengde's mouth and wiped off the dense sweat oozed from his forehead.

Zhengde's eyes have never been opened, but his eyelashes trembled, and tears slowly flowed from the corners of his eyes.

Song Nan stretched out her hand and held Zhengde's hand and whispered, "Your Majesty, relax. Your body will get better. After leaving the palace, I will look for famous doctors to diagnose the emperor's condition. I estimate that the weather will get warm tomorrow spring, and the emperor's condition will definitely improve."

Zhengde slowly opened his eyes and looked at Song Nan and said, "Song Nan, I shouldn't be angry with you. I feel extremely uncomfortable. I'm afraid I won't survive next spring."

Song Nan hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, don't think nonsense. It's just a little problem. How can people eat grains without illness?"

Zhengde shook his head and said, "I know more about my own affairs than anyone else. I am not a minor disease. Every time I cough, I carry blood. Although Xiao Yongzi and Xiao Deng Zi secretly hide the scum fight, I know it in my heart. I asked them what kind of disease I was. They all said that they had suffered from the wind and cold, but the imperial doctor talked to them secretly outside, and I secretly heard them clearly. My disease is tuberculosis in the lungs. I'm afraid no one can cure it in the world... This disease can't be cured... I'm going to die..."

Zhengde's sadness came from it, and tears flowed down in his eyes. How could he be so sad?

Song Nan was frightened and her face remained calm. She only stroked Zhengde's hand and said, "What's wrong with coughing and blood? Does the emperor still remember that I was in a coma for two days after being poisoned? At that time, the imperial doctors in the imperial hospital were helpless, but weren't they saved? Sometimes the imperial doctors of the Imperial Hospital may not be able to cure the disease. There are many famous doctors outside, and I know more than a dozen of them. I will bring them to the emperor one by one, and I can take good care of them.

Zhengde's eyes flashed with hope and grabbed Song Nan's hand and said, "Is that right? Then you invite them to show me. As long as they can cure my illness, I will reward them with gold, silver and jewelry and their fertile manor. What they want and what I will give them."

Song Nan nodded and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry, this matter is on the minister. By the way, when I left the capital, the emperor was in good shape. Why did he stay so much in just three months?

Zhengde was ashamed and said, "It's all my carelessness. After autumn, I took several baths in the back round lotus pond, suffered from cold, and then I kept coughing. At first, I didn't take it seriously. In addition, the war in the northwest and various affairs in the court were complicated, so that I didn't take care of it, so that it became more and more intense that I coughed up blood and couldn't get up. It's all my fault that I don't cherish my body.

Song Nan knows very well that when Zhengde doesn't have any complicated affairs, most of them sing and indulge in love at night after the wind and cold. How can the empty body withstand it? Naturally, his condition is getting worse day by day. However, just being affected by the wind and cold will not be so weak. Zhengde has lost so much weight in a few months, I'm afraid it's not just as being affected by the wind and cold.

Song Nan thought for a moment and asked in a low voice, "Your Majesty, don't blame me for talking too much. Tell me the truth, have you stopped using the Dragon Tiger Huitian Pill?"

Zhengde said awkwardly, "Stop, it's stopped a long time ago."

Song Nan said, "Your Majesty, you have to tell the truth that if you can't find the specific root of the disease, it is difficult to cure the disease even if it is immortals. Your Majesty, have you stopped using Longhu Huitianwan?"

Zhengde lowered his head for a long time and said, "I... To be honest, I didn't stop the medicine. I was unhappy after the wind and cold, so I took a few more pills and felt much better. I was greedy for my body and comfort, so I forgot what you told me."

Song Nan sighed in his heart and asked again, "Tell me, is the emperor still taking it now?"

Zhengde didn't dare to look into Song Nan's eyes and whispered, "I can't do it. If I don't accept it for a day, I feel that I can't stand it. There's nothing I can do."

Song Nan understands that Zhengde is addicted to poison. The dragon and tiger rejuvenation pill contains poppy, which can paralyze nerves and relieve pain, but it is also an extremely addictive thing. With Zhengde's willpower, it must be difficult to resist its temptation. A weak body, coupled with poison addiction, will naturally be worse day by day. The most intuitive symptom of poppy addiction is body loss. Zhengde's skinny appearance is obviously caused by too much opium poppy, which is a large dose of addiction.

Song Nan shook her head slightly and said, "Your Majesty, you are speechless. I told you that the pill contains the poison of poppy. I thought you would stop taking it, but I didn't expect the emperor to test the poison. It seems that I need to offend King Ning. Knowing that this medicine is toxic and offering it to the emperor, this is a bad intention. Then I went to the king of Ning to plead guilty.

Zhengde hurriedly stopped Song Nan and said, "Don't do his business. King Ning has pleaded guilty to me for this matter, and has also taken back and destroyed all the dragon and tiger rejuvenation pills. It was me... I later sent someone to ask him for it. King Ning didn't want to give it, so I forced him to give it. King Ning also came to see me several times and told me that I can't take a lot, but I can't live without this thing.

Song Nan had nothing to say. Zhengde took the initiative to ask for this pill. How dare Ning Wang Zhu Chenhao not give it? But Song Nan will not think that King Ning is innocent. Once this kind of thing is addicted, it is difficult to quit. King Ning must know this result. Maybe all this is in King Ning's calculation. I don't know why Song Nan, who has never speculated on others with conspiracy theories, has deep vigilance and speculation about Zhu Chenhao's behavior. Perhaps it is because she knows some secrets that the king of Ning and his kindness do not match his appearance, and his brother is on guard against him in his heart.

"From today, I will go to the palace every day to walk and exercise with the emperor, and I will also personally supervise the emperor's daily behavior. From today on, the emperor can't get close to women and take irrevant drugs. Even if the emperor is angry, I will do this. If I let the emperor abuse my body, it will be my disloyalty.

Zhengde may have full confidence in Song Nan and have a deep desire for health. Unexpectedly, he did not have any antipathy to Song Nan's tough tone. Instead, he felt hope. Holding Song Nan's hand and said, "I listen to you, I now feel that I really didn't cherish my body before. This is a waste. Tang Zhiju, from now on, I will do what you say I should do, as long as I can get better.