Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 781 Straight Broken

Outside the warm pavilion, Song Nan and Zhang Yong looked at Dr. Li's face, hoping that he could give a different answer than before after diagnosis. Dr. Li was expressionless, sat on the chair and shook his wrists and said, "Serving with pen and ink."

Zhang Yong, like an elementary school apprentice serving the master, hurriedly put on the pen, ink and paper, and personally grinded the ink in the inkstone for a few more times. Dr. Li picked up the pen and thought for a little. He wrote down the prescription on a white paper. He put down the pen and said, "Take the medicine according to this prescription, three pairs a day, boil three bowls into a bowl, only drink the soup, and pour the dregs."

Song Nan looked at the prescription on paper and found that it was just an ordinary prescription for moistening the lungs, and the medicinal materials on it were also very common. Such as gentian flowers, Chuanbei, autumn pear, orange red, loquat and other things are also common in the prescriptions prescribed by imperial doctors of the imperial hospital, and there is nothing special.

"Doctor, can this prescription cure the emperor?" Zhang Yong also saw the clue and asked in a low voice.

Doctor Li squeaked his lips and said, "Of course not. This is a supplementary medicine, but the main medicine is not a drug, but a few living points that need to be observed. First, the emperor can no longer get close to women, and he must nourish his energy and make up for the lack of his body. Second, he should not worry about emotional ups and downs. Third, he should have a light diet and sometimes follow the habit of going to bed early and get up early, and don't stay healthy. Fourth, he should exercise his body. This is the most important way to recuperate.

Zhang Yong arched his hand and said, "Thank you for the guidance of the magic doctor. I will definitely let the emperor do this; but say more, after doing this, will the emperor's illness gradually recover?"

Doctor Li sneered and said, "Re healed? This is just a way to prolong life. In insisting on maintaining health like this can prolong the patient's life, but the patient is terminally ill, and even the elixir can't return to heaven.

Zhang Yong was shocked and made trouble for a long time. Unexpectedly, it was still this result. Dr. Li insisted that the emperor's illness would be difficult to return to the sky, but it was the same as the previous diagnosis.

"Doctor, can you tell me how long it will take for the emperor to follow the guidance of the doctor?" Zhang Yong wanted to ask but dared not ask, but Song Nan didn't care and asked directly.

Doctor Li thought for a moment and shook his four fingers.

"Four years?" Zhang Yong breathed a sigh of relief. Four years is not short. Among them, he may find a good way to cure the emperor's illness. In short, it is also a good result to have time to find a way to deal with it.

Four years? You think it's beautiful." Dr. Li sneered.

Zhang Yong was shocked and said in a daze, "Is it... four months?"

Doctor Li sneered again: "I'm afraid four months is too long."

Song Nan's scalp is also numb, and her body is so cold that she can't even live for four months. What's called prolonging her life?

Then he heard Dr. Li say: "What I said is 40 days. With the emperor's physical condition, his condition may deteriorate at any time. If something unexpected happens, it is also a matter of the day. If you recuperate, I will guarantee that he will not worry about his life within 40 days. However, it is difficult to cure his illness. I'm afraid no one in the world can do what I can't do.

Zhang Yong and Song Nan stared at each other. After a long time, Song Nan came to his senses and ordered Jinyiwei to send Dr. Li home from the palace. When saying goodbye, don't forget to tell Dr. Li not to say this to others, otherwise there will be a disaster of death. Dr. Li is just a strange-tempered man, but he is not a fool. He also knows that today's matter must not be publicized. Knowing the secret that the emperor was about to die, Doctor Li knew the secret that he should not know. After returning to the British mansion, he immediately packed up his things and rode a green donkey against the cold wind and snow and left the capital to the south, away from this place of right and wrong.

However, after Song Nan and Zhang Yong sent away Dr. Li, the two were speechless for a long time. Zhang Yong white-faced and said in Song Nan's ear, "Your Majesty, this matter is troublesome. We thought that the emperor's condition would not be so critical, how could we survive for a year or two, but I didn't expect this The magic doctor broke his mouth and said that the emperor only had more than a month to live. How can he be born like this?

Song Nan frowned and paced, "Doctor Li's words should not be nonsense. At this point, we are also powerless. At present, there are two things to do. The first is to follow the instructions of the magic doctor to let the emperor recuperate, and there may be a turnaround, and the other is to deal with everything. I know that many people have known about the emperor's serious illness, and they are also working secretly. Once the emperor dies, these people will jump out immediately. Grandpa Zhang, you know who will be unlucky after the emperor's death? That's the people around us, the emperor's son and a courtier.

Zhang Yong licked his lips and cried with a sad face and said, "Mr. Zhen, no one has shaken your position, but our family... Our family must be finished. How can they let me go? Our family has been following the Duke of Zhen for so many years. If you want to find a way to solve this problem, don't let those people come.

Song Nan waved his hand and scolded, "What's the panic? Before that time, I panicked first. What you have to do now is to serve the emperor and restore his body. At the same time, you have to open your ears and open your eyes. You have to report everything that happens around the emperor to me so that I can deal with it. In fact, you hide a lot of things from me, and I know it in my heart, but I don't want to say these words at this time. I just want to tell you that at this time, if you still have distracting thoughts and are not true to me, then no one can protect you. If the emperor dies, the first person to be replaced after the new emperor's accession to the throne will be the person in the inner court, which you know better than me.

Zhang Yong repeatedly complained and pulled Song Nan's clothes and said, "Don't get me wrong. There are indeed some things hidden from you before, but that's not what our family wants. Besides, it's not important, but if there is something important, our family will definitely not do it. Our family just doesn't want to bother the Duke of Zhen.

Song Nan nodded slightly and said, "I know, otherwise you think I will tell you this from the bottom of my heart?"

Zhang Yong said, "Yes, yes, there is a news I just got to report to the Duke of Zhen. I was just busy seeing the emperor. We didn't have a chance to say that this happened this morning, and we didn't have time to inform the Duke of Zhen."

Song Nan turned his head and said, "What's the matter?"

Zhang Yong opened his mouth to speak, and suddenly heard Zhengde's violent cough in the warm pavilion, accompanied by Zhengde's cry: "Song Nan, Song Nan, are you still there? Cough...cough."

Song Nan hurriedly shouted, "Your Majesty, I'm here." He quickly raised his feet and ran to the inner room. Zhang Yong swallowed his words and hurriedly followed Song Nan into the inner room and shouted, "Your Majesty, I am also here. What is the order of the emperor?"

Zhengde, who was sick**, was struggling to get up and coughing. Song Nan came forward three or two steps to support his trembling body and said, "The emperor just lie down and rest. There is no need to get up to work."

Zhengde wiped the dirt from the corners of his mouth with a veil, waved his hand and gasped, "I don't want to stay in **. I think of walking. Didn't you say you would walk with me? By the way, what about the magic doctor? Why don't you come back and forth? How is my illness? Can it be cured?"

Song Nan hurriedly said, "The magic doctor personally went to grab the medicine for the emperor and boil it. The magic doctor said that as long as the emperor follows the doctor's advice and takes the medicine on time, the disease will recover when the flowers bloom in March."

Zhengde looked at Song Nan and said, "Really? Don't lie to me, I'm afraid this disease is not that simple. Is tuberculosis so easy to cure?

Song Nan smiled and said, "Can't the emperor trust me? When did I cheat the emperor? It should be known that he was a magic doctor. In those years, he was poisoned and had only half a breath left. Wasn't he saved alive? The emperor relaxed, and the magic medicine was magical. He said that the emperor's lung disease was not tuberculosis, and it was misdiagnosed by the imperial doctor before. It's just that there are some minor problems in the lungs, which look similar to tuberculosis, but they are by no means incurable.

Zhengde said happily, "Really? Then I'm relieved. You send a message to the magic doctor. If you can cure my illness, I will give him the gold and silver manor, let him enter the imperial hospital as a judge, and let him take good care of me.

Song Nan sighed in his heart that Dr. Li would not come to be a hospital judge. At that time, his younger brother Lu Yuan's judgment was ridiculed by him. How could he care about the position in the imperial hospital? I'm afraid Dr. Li didn't care about the gold, silver and jewelry manor.

While helping Zhengde put on his shoes, Zhang Yong smiled and said, "The emperor is relieved. The magic doctor will do his best, but if the emperor wants to recover as soon as possible, he will have to be restrained. The magic doctor told several rules that the emperor must abide by. The magic doctor said that these rules are of great benefit to the emperor's condition."

Zhengde said, "Oh? What's the rule?

Zhang Yong repeated the four chapters of the contract set by Dr. Li to Zhengde. What is not close to women, such as going to bed early and getting up and exercising hard? Zhengde listened to it and sighed for a long time, "Well, in order to recover, I will do my best to abide by it."

Song Nan thought: Until this time, Zhengde would not agree to these rules. If anyone put forward such a suggestion before, he would be scolded by Zhengde. Are there still fewer officials who were killed by the court? Now, Zhengde accepts it without complaint. It seems that he really hopes to recover, but unfortunately it is too late.