Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 782 Zhengde's Decision

Zhengde wore thick clothes and drank a bowl of boiled medicinal soup, and his face was much better. Song Nan dared to help Zhengde go out, and did not dare to go too far. He only walked slowly along the porch of the back garden. Before he came to more than a dozen plum trees, Zhengde went down the corridor and stepped on the snow to the edge of the blooming plum trees and held the plum branches in his hand.

Song Nan followed him gently. Even if she tried her best to hide her emotions, it was difficult to keep relaxed in the face of the dying emperor. On the contrary, Zhengde was in a good mood. He touched a blooming yellow plum petal and smiled and said, "Song Nan, I haven't come to enjoy the plum blossoms for a long time, especially the plum blossoms after the snow. Today is the New Year's Eve, and the heavy snow or auspiciousness will come on the last day of the year. This year may be a bumper harvest.

Song Nan smiled and said, "Is there no need to say that? God bless me in the Ming Dynasty. Now the border disease is eradicated. The border town only needs to consolidate the defense of the river. Domestic events can develop agricultural businesses. In time, the Ming Dynasty will be prosperous, and the emperor will become the king of the prosperous era for thousands of years.

Zhengde sighed slightly and said, "I'm very ashamed. In fact, I didn't do anything. If it hadn't been for the talent of this dynasty and served the country loyally, how could I have seen it today? To be honest, I'm not a good emperor.

Song Nan hurriedly said, "How can the emperor say such a thing? If the minister is successful, it is the emperor's command. Liu Bang, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty, once had such a question and answer with Han Xin after catching Han Xin. Gao Zu asked: Han Xin, how many soldiers and horses can I take? Han Xin replied rudely: Your Majesty can lead up to 100,000 soldiers and horses, but he won't have that ability. Gao Zu asked again: How many soldiers can Han Xin lead? Han Xin replied: The more troops you lead, the better. No matter how many, I can keep the soldiers in order. Gao Zu asked again: Then how can you be caught by me to serve me? Aren't you better than me? Han Xin said: Your Majesty is not good at leading troops, but good at commanding generals. That's why Han Xin was caught by your majesty. And His Majesty's ability is innate and cannot be achieved by people's efforts.

Zhengde laughed and said, "Song Nan, you flatter. Although I know you are flattering, I am still very happy."

Song Nan smiled and said, "The emperor is the son of heaven. Without the emperor's tolerance and commander, the ministers can't show their wisdom. Many things can't be done."

When Zhengde saw what Song Nan said, he also touched the emotions in his heart. He patted Song Nan on the shoulder and said, "Song Nan, I am actually very grateful to you. You and I have done a lot of great things over the years. I often think that if I hadn't met you, without you Song Nan in the court, what would I look like in the Ming Dynasty? Although you are also biased, I have never been dissatisfied with you. I know that you are loyal to me, and you will never do anything against me. But in order to take care of the overall situation, I often have to weigh it, which you should understand.

Song Nan nodded and said, "I know."

Zhengde gently grabbed a layer of snow on the plum branch and kneaded it in the palm of his hand. Watching the snow slowly melt and disappear, he sighed and said, "Do you know what I am most worried about after my accession to the throne?"

Song Nan shook his head and said, "I dare not think about the holy will."

Zhengde said slowly, "What I am most worried about is that I, the emperor, am not doing well, and I will have no face to see the former emperor underground in the future. Of course, I want to be a good emperor of martial arts, but I don't think I can do this. Fortunately, I have you and my ministers who are full of dedication. As far as the current Ming Dynasty is concerned, if I see my father, I should face it calmly.

Song Nan whispered, "Your Majesty, what do you think? The emperor should now rest his body and mind, learn not to think about things that should not be thought about, and worry about it, which is not good for the body.

Zhengde nodded and smiled, "That's right. After this heavy snow, I don't know how thick the snow on the hillside of Wanshou Mountain is and whether I can ski. I really want to go skiing in Wanshou Mountain with Corning and you. The last time I skied was the year I ascended the throne. Since then, six or seven years have passed in a hurry. You and I have never been there again.

Song Nan smiled and said, "As long as the emperor wants to go, I will naturally accompany you, but the current snow is not thick enough, and the emperor's body still needs to be raised. There should be heavy snow in the first month. At that time, you can invite the princess to go skiing together."

Zhengde nodded and walked back to the corridor. Song Nan followed him to help him. Zhengde suddenly stopped and turned around and looked at Song Nan and said, "Zong Nan, I have something to tell you. You have to give me some advice."

Song Nan said, "It's not too late for us to go back to the Warm Pavilion."

Zhengde shook his head and said, "I don't want to smell those pungent drugs, just say it here."

Song Nan said, "Then go to the pavilion over there to talk and avoid the cold wind."

Zhengde nodded and smiled, and walked towards the pavilion behind Meilin. Zhang Yong, who was standing in the porch, saw the opportunity and immediately asked the little eunuchs to move the fire basin to the pavilion and put a thick cotton pad on the stone stool. Song Nan and Zhengde came to the pavilion to sit down. Zhengde waved back the people standing on the pavilion and said in silence for a long time.

"Song Nan, I remember talking to you about my secret illness before. Do you remember?"

Song Nan was stunned and said, "Is the emperor still thinking about your illness? Didn't I make it clear just now?"

Zhengde waved his hand and said, "I said that the dark disease is my infertility. At that time, when my mother mentioned this, I was unhappy and didn't believe it. I remember the last time you left Beijing, I told you about this.

Song Nan's heart jumped. Zhengde took the initiative to mention this matter, which seemed to have something to do with the establishment of heirs in the court today, but Song Nan couldn't say much and only said, "Who is spreading rumors?" I ordered the brocade guard to find out the water.

Zhengde waved his hand and said, "No need to investigate, this matter is presided over by the Empress Dowager. She told me a few months ago. I didn't believe it at first, but how could my mother deceive me in this matter? And I have long suspected that I have no future in this life. Over the years, I have been lucky with hundreds of women, and none of them are pregnant. Are these women unable to have children? The only explanation is that there is something wrong with my body. Moreover, the mother told me the judgment of Lu Zhen's diagnosis for me, and Lu Zhen was given suicide by the mother because of this matter.

Song Nan knew that if the Empress Dowager wanted Zhengde to believe this, she would definitely tell Zhengde all the facts, otherwise Zhengde would never believe that she was suffering from infertility. Now it seems that the Empress Dowager Lu Zhen's death did not hide the slightest and admitted that she died in person.

"I'm ashamed of the emperor. I even broke the blood of the emperor. I'm guilty." Zhengde pounded his chest and let out a hoarse gasp.

Song Nan hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, emperor, don't blame yourself for this. If this is true, it is not what the emperor wants. Such things are also very common among the people. This is not the emperor's fault. The matter of children is not the wish of human resources, and the emperor has tried his best.

Zhengde did try his best. For seven or eight years, he has been working hard every day, tossing on all kinds of women and maids and concubines. I'm afraid he has worked too hard.

Zhengde gasped a few times and calmed down and said, "I believed that I really couldn't sleep all night. At that time, I was really in a bad mood in those days; this matter is certainly a trivial matter among the people, but it happened to me, which is related to the inheritance of the country and society. I had hoped that a prince would be born and inherit the throne. But now it seems that we can only accept the advice of the mother and ministers.

Song Nan can't ask. He can only listen. He knows that Zhengde will continue to talk.

"Naturally, the minister of this matter cannot be concealed. The mother informed the cabinet scholar Yang Ting and Fei Hongliang Chu and others about this matter. I also know that the establishment of heirs is inevitable, but on this matter, the mother and Yang Ting and them have different opinions. Yang Ting and Zhu Houxuan, the cousin of my son of the king, is the emperor's brother. The reason is that he is the closest to my bloodline, which is also in line with the rules of my brother-in-law; but my mother has always suggested that I find a suitable son in the clan to succeed him as a prince and inherit the throne in the future.

Zhengde sighed and narrated, which was difficult to hide his regret.

Song Nan asked quietly, "What does the emperor think?"

Zhengde rubbed his forehead and frowned and said, "It's really difficult for me to decide. I'm only 22 years old. Is it too early to establish a heir now? I was extremely disgusted with this, but my illness is dangerous, and my mood suddenly changed a lot. I have been thinking about this matter recently. There was an unexpected situation. When the late emperor was on the throne, he set me as the prince early, just in case. Who would have thought that my father would go to the sky at the age of 35 when he was in his prime. If my father had no son and no heirs, I'm afraid many people would be ready to move. In fact, I should have understood this truth long ago.

Song Nan nodded and said, "That's true. The candidates for inheriting the unification must be clear, otherwise it is likely to trigger an infighting between clans for the throne, which is beyond doubt."

Zhengde said, "That's why I officially began to consider this matter. Now that the cabinet minister and the mother have each introduced a person, and it is really difficult for me to decide. This morning, I went to my mother's harem to greet her, and then mentioned this matter and asked me to make a quick decision to avoid the turmoil of the people in the court and the stupidity of the kings. At that time, I thought it was difficult to treat a serious illness, so I agreed to my mother and agreed to her proposal. But I always feel a little dissatisfied. Before the order is issued, I would like to ask for your opinion.

Song Nan was shocked and didn't expect that Zhengde had agreed to the candidate for a heir this morning.

"But I don't know which son the empress dowager proposed?" Song Nan asked in a low voice.