Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 837 Battle Over the River (continued)

No one can describe the tragic situation on the river. Too dense ships have little power under the restrictions of the turbulent river, and they have become live targets that will not move. The reef formed by the sunken ship belt is like an invisible wall on the surface of the water, controlling the warships trying to rush downstream on the surface of the water, forcing them to be baptized by shells falling from the sky.

Although the lifespan of the general gun is limited, its power in the time it can launch dozens of shells is not to be underestimated. What's more terrible is 80 rockets. The military factory worked overtime to produce this big killer. Although Song Nan is in debt, their performance at this moment finally makes Song Nan feel that it is worth paying.

The gushing muzzle burst out a large amount of thick smoke, covering the whole plum continent, like the magic of a monster hidden in the dark clouds, pulling hundreds of boats on the river into the abyss of death.

In just about a stick of incense, nearly 200 warships were hit by fire, and dozens of boats began to burn and sink. The red river was full of floating debris and the heads of rebel soldiers out of the water. The cold and rapid river ruthlessly washed them downstream, and submerged them in the rolling river with various floating things. .

Zhu Chenhao looked at all this in amazement. His flagship was on the water behind him and was lucky enough to avoid the baptism of death, but the tragedy in front of him made him unable to believe his eyes. What about the agreed estuary? What's the agreed unimpeded? How did it become the current situation?

"Liu Yangzheng, Liu Yangzheng!" Zhu Chenhao roared fiercely.

Liu Yang knelt down and replied, "Your Majesty, I'm here, I'm here."

"What's going on? What's going on? Who can explain it to me?"

"Your Majesty... Song Nan is treacherous and cunning. It seems that he took advantage of the false news in our city. They set up an ambush on Meizizhou, and there must be artificial reefs underwater to block the passage of ships."

"What did you do earlier? Why didn't you think of this? What do you want?" Zhu Chenhao roared with red eyes, and his face looked sad and murderous.

Liu Yangzheng hurriedly shouted, "Your Majesty is angry. Rong Chen will figure it out, and Rong Chen will figure it out."

"Quickly come up with countermeasures, or my soldiers and horses will be finished." Zhu Chenhao stamped his feet and howled.

Liu Yangzheng's eyes rolled around, and the sweat on his face rolled down. He muttered to himself. Zhu Chenhao roared again: "Can you think of it? Do we have to wait for all the warships to be sunk? Stupid."

Liu Yangzheng suddenly shouted, "Please order all the warships to attack Jiangxinzhou immediately. Song Nan ambushed here, and all the firearms are gathered here. His main force must also be on Jiangxin Island. If we want to take Nanjing, we need to annihilate Song Nan's soldiers and horses, just move the battle in Nanjing to this island. As long as you take this island and annihilate the officers and soldiers on the island, even if Song Nan is not on the island, Nanjing City is still a bag.

"Yes, yes, yes, it's like pushing nine cards. We lost a little first, but in the end, the emperor grabbed the supreme treasure in his hand and will still win it back." Wang Lun echoed.

"Push your mother's card nine, don't learn anything." Zhu Chenhao, who has always been self-respecting as noble and elegant, raised his feet and kicked Wang Lun's cheek and scolded angrily, "If you don't attack Jiang Xinzhou, you can't take Jiang Xinzhou. I will throw you all into the river."

The initial panic and panic made the rebels a little stunned. After paying the price of 10,000 soldiers on nearly 100 ships, they finally got the order from the flagship. They were eager to get rid of the situation of being passively beaten on the river. After receiving the order to attack Mei Zizhou, they soon began to organize in an orderly manner.

Zhu Chenhao has been operating painstakingly for several years, and the achievements of secretly training water soldiers and horses have also been reflected. Hundreds of ships equipped with Franco machine and mother cannons broke away from the panic and pointed the muzzle at the island, and the muzzle began to shoot flames at Jiangxin Island and began to bomb.

A round of hundreds of shells blew up mud waves all over Mei Zizhou, and the cracked stones flew down in the air like a meteor shower. Although the soldiers and horses on the island were huddled under the rocks and fortifications, hundreds of people were killed and injured in just one round of shelling, showing the power.

Moreover, the firing speed of the Folang machine letter gun is extremely fast, and the general gun is much inferior to it. If it is not for the rapids, the position of the battery exposed to the target on the island side may immediately become scorched earth.

"The primary attack is the intensive bombing of warships equipped with cannons, rockets, and general cannons." Song Nan shook the soil that fell on his shoulder and ordered. There was a dark lump on his forehead, which was a mark left by the stone the size of his fist that had just fallen on his forehead.

Zhang Ning ordered in a hoarse voice. The rocket gunners turned their guns and stared at the river. Which ship spewed out fire, and dozens of shells immediately came, hitting the warship with holes. But the other party obviously ignored it. Anyway, they couldn't move. They only tried their best to hit the shell on the island before they were sunk, and the rest couldn't take care of it.

At the mouth of the bombardment of the two sides, Song Nan found something strange. Hundreds of warships in the rear were slowly turning the bow of the ship and approaching diagonally towards the island with the help of Jiang Liu. Song Nan understood their intention after thinking about it, not only secretly praised the rapid response of the rebels; in this case, it was the best policy to attack Mei Zizhou. If you are yourself, you will also give this order as soon as possible.

Song Nan naturally knew that this moment was inevitable, and it always took flesh and blood to determine the battle situation most accurately, but before that, Song Nan had to do everything possible to eliminate some of the rebels and balance the number of soldiers and horses on both sides, otherwise it would be difficult to win.

Now there are at least more than 70,000 soldiers and horses, only 40,000 soldiers and horses on their own island, and the remaining 20,000 soldiers and horses are on the downstream warship, which is to prevent the last defense system when the artificial reef fails. If 70,000 to 80,000 people go to the island unscathed, it is difficult to say who will win or lose the battle.

"The archers are ready, and the fireman is ready to meet the enemy who landed on the island." Song Nanjing ordered.

Admiral Ma Ming, Admiral of Shenshu Camp, Admiral Peng Yang, Admiral of the Second Army, and Admiral Jiao Zhengtai of Zhenwei Camp and other generals all understand that the final decisive battle is coming. They are both expectant and nervous. So many soldiers and horses gathered on this island less than three miles wide and less than seven miles long to fight, which must be a bloody death. I can't tell whether it's a blessing or sadness to be able to participate in this war.

Countless archers bent their bows and arrows behind the fortifications, and the arrows dipped in fire oil burned. The smell of fire oil choked, and the flames stung their faces, but the soldiers ignored it and stared at the enemy ships slowly approaching on the river.

The river a hundred steps away is already a shallow beach. The speed of the warships is getting slower and slower. The gunfire on both sides is still roaring, but it is no longer the protagonist of the battlefield. When the rebel soldiers launched to charge on the island, dozens of warships equipped with artillery left on the river automatically stopped bombardment. He We don't want to hurt our own soldiers by mistake.

The battlefield suddenly became quiet, and the roar of Jiang Tao came to my ears again. The turbid river pumped the stone walls and sand on the island, making a strange sound. At the beginning of a hundred steps on the shore, the enemy ship had slowly stopped, and the boats stomped from the warships into the river. The rope ladder climbed down the rebel soldiers and climbed up the boat and rowed to the edge of Meizizhou.

"Bang." A red fireworks rose into the night sky and burst into countless small and gorgeous flames in the air. Soldiers on both sides looked up at the gorgeous fireworks in the sky. At the moment when the fireworks disappeared, the sound of buzzing through the sky and the vibration of bows became the main theme, and countless arrows with firelight were like rare meteor showers in the sky. It is also like a bridge made of flames, connecting the island and the ship.

Tens of thousands of rockets fell densely on the river, like countless stinging wild bees, stabbing their spikes into their flesh and blood. The boats and big boats were suddenly on fire, and it is unknown how many people died in this rain of arrows. The rebel soldiers' expressions were stunned, shrank their heads and rowing desperately, and there were constantly being hit by people in front of them. The arrows fell into the water, but these could not touch their nerves at all. They have ignored life and death in their minds. The only idea is to quickly board the island and fight with the enemy. Although there may not be a chance to survive, it is the only chance.

Thousands of small boats rushed to the island with a disregard for death. Many boats had become ghost boats halfway. Many lucky people escaped the rain of arrows, but they entered the beach within 30 steps and were greeted by the roar of fire.

Countless rebel soldiers fell into the cold river. The water near the left of the beach was very calm, and the surging blood wave slowly lifted their gradually stiff bodies and gently rippled.

Those who are alive may be lucky, but who can say that these dead people are unfortunate, because they have finally got rid of this cruel world and finally got rid of the fear of death and the desire for life.

People who lose everything are the most miserable, but in fact they are also the happiest, because they have nothing to lose. While losing everything, it also means that they have everything they want.