Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 838 Jiang Liu

At the cost of huge casualties, the rebel soldiers and horses finally stepped on the beaches on the left and right sides of Meizizhou. They survived the artillery fire, escaped from the flying locusts in the sky, and survived from the dense iron sand. The rest of the people were already lucky ones among the lucky ones.

There has never been a battle that would make it a luxury to rush to the other party and fight for their lives. The rebel soldiers who rushed to the beach had this deep sadness at this moment, because rushing to the beach did not mean the beginning of hand-to-hand combat. The officers and soldiers closest to the beach appeared together and bowed to him. They threw thousands of smokey iron pimples. Although they had never seen what they were, the rebel soldiers had a consensus that these iron pimples were by no means good.

That's the hand produced in the arsenal. Lei, at the end of last year, in the battle to recover Hetao, this kind of hand. Lei used to be a sharp weapon to bomb the Tatari people in the north of the Yellow River, but at that time it was only an experiment; after that battle, Song Nan's arsenal had officially used this kind of hand. Ray is one of the main firearms produced. Although it was a short time, in two years, the main manpower and resources of the arsenal were used to make 80 Mrs. Song rockets, but this kind of hand. Ray also produced thousands of pieces.

These are the thousands of hands. Lei was taken out by Song Nan today and threw them all at the feet of the rebel soldiers on the beach.

Boom! The deafening explosions came one after another, setting off soft river mud and sand to cover the starlight. At that moment, the sardine-like rebel soldiers on the narrow beaches on both sides became these hands. Ray's best experiment, the explosion wave will dig open spaces for the dense rebel formation, with each hand. The thunder explosion emptied the area of five or six feet, and then lifted the sand and stone blocks and even the bodies of rebel soldiers here to the sky and far away.

On the huge dragon boat flagship of the rebel army in the rear, Zhu Chenhao, Liu Yangzheng, Li Shishi, Wang Lun and others stared at all this, watching their soldiers being thrown high in the air and falling to the ground like dolls, and then they saw the birth of a great defeat. All the rebel soldiers began to turn around and run into the water. They would rather die in the cold river than stay in the hell of the river beach. Their psychological defense has completely collapsed. At this moment, they only care about one thing: how to die more decently and comfortable.

"What should I do? What should I do? The muscles on Zhu Chenhao's handsome cheeks began to **, and his hands and feet trembled uncontrollably. He didn't expect that his 80 thousand troops did not even have the opportunity to fight head-on with Song Nan. At least 10,000 people were killed and injured on the river, and at least 20,000 died in the process of rushing the beach. The number of soldiers and injured in this scene on the beach just now was gone. It is estimated that if the explosion continues, the remaining 50,000 people can only live up to half to participate in hand-to-hand combat, and the result is bound to be defeated.

He did not hate the soldiers and horses who fled on the beach, because he knew that anyone would be heartbroken and have no fighting spirit under such ruthless killing. What he hated was that he was confident and fought to the death with Song Nan, and as a result, he was defeated everywhere. In front of Song Nan, Zhu Chenhao was useless.

Then a very serious problem rushed into his mind: if he lost to Song Nan, then he will lose this move. Where will he go? Jiangxi is gone, Nanchang is gone, Jiujiangnankang is gone, and all my back roads have been cut off. In the big world, I suddenly have nowhere to go.

Zhu Chenhao turned around and looked at the equally pale 'sons' behind him. From their eyes, Zhu Chenhao did not get any comfort and courage.

"Where is my son?" The old voice remembered on the deck. Zhu Chenhao looked up and saw the old princess Lou, who was holding a dragon head crutch, and appeared in the fire surrounded by a maidservant.

Lou's neat and bright dress looks dignified and quiet, and the old princess is also dressed in a calm face.

Zhu Chenhao quickly stepped forward and knelt down in front of the old princess. Tears came out of his eyes and said silently, "Mother, the child is incompetent, the child is defeated."

The old princess looked up and didn't even look at Zhu Chenhao. She stared at the officers and soldiers on the beach in the distance rushing down the beach to harvest the lives of the rebel soldiers.

The battle there can no longer be called a battle. The rebel soldiers had no fighting spirit at all and were killed immediately. Most of them knelt in the cold river, raised their hands and lowered their heads.

"Son, do you remember your daughter-in-law Lou's advice to you in recent years? Lou cried many times and asked you not to think about it, but you took her words as an insult to the ear. You not only scolded her, but also almost deprived her of the position of princess.

Zhu Chenhao looked at Lou, and Lou looked at him affectionately without any blame. Zhu Chenhao suddenly remembered the happy time he had spent with Lou before. Lou was a famous talented woman in Jiangxi. After marrying him, the relationship between husband and wife was also very harmonious. It was precisely for the rebellion that he gradually alienated from him.

A few years ago, Zhu Chenhao got a good painting called "The couple picking woodcutter pictures". When he was happy, he asked Lou to write a poem. Lou's poem is: The woman's husband listens to it, and the burden of picking woods is light. Yesterday, the window rained and the moss slipped. Don't go to the moss. Zhu Chenhao naturally knew what it meant by 'Don't go to the danger of moss', so he was furious, tore the painting, and never went to Lou's house again. Even so, Lou often persuaded herself to do great things and take her words as a deaf ear. If Lou hadn't gave birth to a son for himself, he would have almost stripped the throne of Princess Lou and put her into the cold palace.

Zhu Chenhao's heart was full of pain. He experienced what regret was, but there was no medicine for regret in the world.

"My concubine, I don't know what to say. In the past, I used a woman to say that the country was destroyed, and I didn't need a woman to die. Concubine, I'm sorry for you."

Lou whispered, "Don't blame yourself. All this is fate. What's your plan next?"

Zhu Chenhao said calmly, "What can I do? What can I do? At this point, I have no idea at all.

Lou said, "I have discussed with the old lady. There is a lot of friendship between the old lady and the empress dowager. If the husband can pull the horse off the cliff immediately, maybe the empress dowager can save her life. For the inheritance of King Ning's lineage, please surrender quickly. The emperor is a generous person. You admit your mistake. They are all a family. Maybe he I can forgive your mistake this time."

"What?" Zhu Chenhao screamed, "Surrender? Will they allow me? Didn't you see the end of King Anhua?

"Your Majesty, you must never surrender, otherwise you will be the leader of the street like the King of Anhua, and none of the royal palace will be forgiven." Li Shishi shouted.

"Yes, your Majesty, we must not surrender. Although we were defeated in this battle, we immediately collected the remnants and separated from here. Our ship is big, and Song Nan's unsound warships can't catch up at all. Calculated that we have lost, we still have dozens of warships, and at least 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers in hand. Although Jiangxi can't go back, Anqing Mansion is still in our hands. First, we can go to Anqing Mansion to rest, and then go north to attack Fengyang Mansion. Anhui is full of mountains. If it really doesn't work, we can lead our troops to hide in Dabie Mountain to rest and recuperate and plan for big things. If it falls at this moment, it will not be a pity for me to die. Your Majesty will definitely be killed by Zhu Houzhao. Think twice, your Majesty.

"Hit." The old princess shouted angrily and trembled with silver hair. She waved her crutches and beat Li Shishi, Liu Yangzheng and Wang Lun and others. She said, "It is the instigation of you rats that our Ning Palace has today's disaster. Now you still refuse to give up. Are you going to let all the people of the Ning Palace be mountain thieves?"

Liu Yangzheng, Li Shishi, Wang Lun and others did not dare to avoid. They shrank their heads and shrugged their shoulders and let the crutches hit their heads and faces like raindrops. Zhu Chenhao came forward and took the old princess's arm and said, "Mother, don't blame them. These are my son's own ideas. My son has long wanted to come to the world. They just assisted me."

The old princess shouted, "Then don't you want to go wrong? After listening to the old man's words, he immediately surrendered and extinguished the dispute. The old man knelt in front of the empress dowager and begged for mercy, and also wanted to protect my blood of King Ning.

Zhu Chenhao bit his lips tightly and shook his head after a long time, saying, "There is no turning back. I haven't lost yet. I also have Anqing Prefecture, dozens of warships, tens of thousands of people and horses, and I still have capital. I can't give my life and death to Zhengde. He won't forgive me, Song Nan won't forgive me, and the ministers in Beijing won't forgive me. Since I'm wrong, I'm going to be wrong to the end. After all, let's see what the outcome of the matter is.

The old princess turned pale and her eyes were full of disappointment. She shook her head slightly and said, "Well, you are crazy. The old man won't persuade you anymore, and he can't persuade you anymore.

Zhu Chenhao held the old princess's arm. The old princess shook it away, looked back and smiled at Lou, "Mr. Lou, do you hear me?"

Lou's face said calmly, "My daughter-in-law heard it, and these are expected."

"But... let's go. I don't want to see all this anymore."

Mr. Lou said, "Yes, my daughter-in-law accompanied the old lady."

"You are suffering. You are a virtuous daughter-in-law, and you are very satisfied with your body. Come on, hold the old man."

Mr. Lou gently came forward to hold the old princess's arm. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law slowly turned around. Zhu Chenhao stretched out his arm and stood awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

After two steps, Lou suddenly turned around and smiled at Zhu Chenhao and said, "My husband, I can't serve you, and I can't see anything in the future. No matter what, I will wish my husband a safe and happy wish. I hope you will cherish it."

Zhu Chenhao listened to the wrong voice and was thinking about it, but when he saw Lou's head bowing a blessing, he turned around and looked at the old princess. The two quickly walked a few steps to the side of the ship with a smile on their mouths. In the exclamation of the crowd, the two jumped up, banged and fell into the rolling river.