Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 842 The Last Battle (continued)

Zhu Chenhao and rebel officials are very suspicious. They don't know what tricks Song Nan played. They are going to fight to the death. What did they send someone to do with a boat?

To be puzzled, the ownerless boat floating on the river needed to have a look. Wang Lun ordered more than a dozen soldiers to row carefully to the boat in the boat. The soldiers in the boat were also very nervous. After several circles, they picked up the white cloth covering the boat with long bamboo rods far away; this picked up Tightly, more than a dozen soldiers under the exposed things were scattered.

Xiaozhoushan is side by side with two big coffins with lipsticks! The scarlet eyes are dazzling and strange above the clear water.

"Futam! Unlucky tight." The leader spit out a spit and scolded, but the panic was only temporary, which was just a sudden visual impact. For these soldiers, the dead were common, not to mention two coffins, but they quickly calmed down.

"Head, there seems to be a letter on the coffin." A soldier pointed to the top of the coffin and shouted.

The little head looked intently and saw a letter lying flat on the lid of a coffin and pressing it with a small golden hairpin. Jiang Feng blew the corner of the envelope and seemed that he would soon blow the letter and the golden hairpin into the river. The little head immediately ordered to draw closer and reached out to take the golden hairpin and envelope, regardless of the boat carrying the coffin. He turned around and rowed back. After a moment, the golden hairpin and the letter were sent to Zhu Chenhao on the tower.

Zhu Chenhao saw the golden hairpin at a glance and was shocked. The golden hairpin seemed to have known each other before. After a closer look, he shouted in horror, "This is the golden hairpin on the head of the beloved concubine. Where did Song Nan get it? Could it be that his concubine and his mother captured him?

The officials were also puzzled. Liu Yangzheng reminded him, "Your Majesty, isn't there a letter?"

Zhu Chenhao quickly picked up the letter and took out the letter and unfolded it, but when he saw the dragon and phoenix dancing on the letter, it was a letter written by Song Nan himself.

"Ning Wang Rum, let's call you that for the last time, but in fact, you are already a rebel of the Ming Dynasty, but I don't want to call you that. You and I are old acquaintances. Although there are frictions, there is not much grudge between you and me. This is a private message, and there is no need to criticize you.

Zhu Chenhao continued to watch with a sneer.

"A few years ago, you and I first met in the capital at the wedding ceremony of the emperor. At that time, the prince's graceful demeanor was convincing. After that, although you and I didn't date much, Song was very admiring and respected the prince in his heart, but what I didn't expect was that the prince went astray and had been rebellious for a long time, which made people sigh. It's hard to solve, Song is also very sad.

Zhu Chenhao spat and cursed in a low voice, and continued to read the letter.

"In fact, Song seems to be able to understand the prince's behavior. When the king of Anhua rebelled, Song once asked him why he did this. His answer will definitely represent your heart. He said that he is also the blood of Taizu and has the qualification to sit in the world. In the past, King Jing of Yan successfully ascended to Dabao, which was a success. For example, I think it is the precedent of the King of Yan that gives you the basis for action and the motivation to act.

"To be honest, I don't have much interest in who belongs to the world of your Zhu family and who has the country; the world is your old Zhu family, and you Zhu's descendants can rob and rob it. However, you have forgotten an important thing. When you seize the throne, you want to exhaust the financial resources and lives of the people of the world. At the cost of the loss of the lives of the people, every dispute must be thousands of miles away, millions of famines, wolves everywhere, hungry, and then with the suffering of hundreds of millions of people in exchange for you to sit in the world and enjoy imperial power. Is this fair? You must say that the lives of the people are like grass mustard. They are all subjects and should work hard for the imperial power. This is their birth mission. But I tell you, you are wrong. Your life is not much more noble than the people. If you are not born in the royal family, you are also a grass mustard. In fact, there is no dog slaughterer on the street. What's the difference? The prince is a smart man. He will definitely think about this problem and understand what I mean.

Zhu Chenhao's face turned pale and scolded angrily, "I'm afraid this fellow is crazy."

"Song has never said these ideas to anyone, but somehow he is willing to share what he thinks with King Ning. Maybe this is fate between you and me. Originally, I thought I could become good friends with the prince, but I didn't expect it to come to this day. It can be seen that the world is unpredictable. Now our army is surrounded here. Anqing Mansion is already a lonely city. If the prince is smart, he should not make unnecessary resistance. If the prince focuses on the lives of the military and the people, he should open the city and surrender to avoid the resurrection of the war and the loss of life. The prince exchanged one life for the lives of tens of thousands of people, and he will be praised by the people of the world in the future. Why not know that he will be defeated and seek the name behind him? If the prince can do this, Song will be the first to praise this move in the court, which can be regarded as the prince's cliff.

Zhu Chenhao sneered and suppressed his anger to read the last few sentences of the letter.

"A few days ago, after the battle in Meizizhou, I found the bodies of two women when I salvaged the bodies of the river. According to Lord Huang Jue, the right servant of the Nanjing Military Department, it seemed that Lord Ning and Princess Lou. Song couldn't believe that the special person collected the two bodies into the coffin and sent them to the prince to identify them. If it weren't for the respect Princess Hening, the prince doesn't have to worry about it. I will order people to put the two coffins into the earth. If it is the corpses of the lord and the princess, Song doesn't know what to say. Thinking of the prince's dignified man, he once claimed to be virtuous in the world, but now he can't even protect his mother and wife, so that your close relatives died, and even the corpse capital drifted with the tide and let the river fish bite him. Song is really ashamed of the prince! Prince, what on earth did you plan? The throne is hopeless, and the family is destroyed. If the prince and I are in a different place, Song will have no face to stand between heaven and earth, let alone eat and sleep as if nothing happened. Song Nan, Lord Jin An!"

Zhu Chenhao's stuffy breath in his chest had nowhere to vent. After reading the last paragraph, he opened his mouth and coughed, and suddenly saw a mouth spewing out a mouthful of red blood. The officials were shocked and hurriedly help him to ask. Zhu Chenhao closed his eyes and shook his head for a long time and whispered, "I ordered the two coffins to welcome into the city quickly. In it were the old princess and the beloved concubine Lou, Song Nan is right. I, Zhu Chenhao, pretend to be a son of man and a man. How can I stand between heaven and earth?

Wang Lun quickly ordered to drag the coffin back. Liu Yangzheng has quickly read Song Nan's letter and comforted Zhu Chenhao in a low voice: "The emperor must not be angry and hurt himself. Song Nan is sinister-hearted. The body that sent back the old lady and princess in the face of the war is to make the emperor lose his fighting spirit. His letter seems peaceful, but a sentence It's a soft knife that cuts people. The emperor must not be disturbed by his tricks. The war is approaching, and the emperor will cheer up. As long as we withstand their several rounds of attacks, Anqing Mansion will stand still, and the soldiers will have great confidence, and then everything will be hopeful.

Zhu Chenhao gritted his teeth and nodded and said, "I know his intention. I won't let this man succeed. Come and move the drums to the city. I will personally beat the drums to cheer for me."


The calm before the war was very short. The sun had passed. The warships of Song Nan's army on the river began to slowly set off their formations. As several cannons shook the sky, the soldiers of the two armies became nervous. They knew that this last battle was about to begin.

Just as the court warship on the river just began to act, the rebel soldiers on the northern wall of Anqing City saw a frightening scene. On the horizon in the distance, the black smoke covered the sun and brocade flag rolled over, and a large number of soldiers and horses were already five or six miles away; the outside the city quickly reported According to the news, Xu Tai's army has arrived at the bottom of the city.

Outside the west gate, the soldiers and horses of the Beijing camp who rushed along the land road to catch up with the fleet also appeared outside the west gate.

This is not enough. On the river, when the imperial fleet began to rush to the rebel fleet, on the rear river of the rebel fleet, more than a dozen warships were raising their sails and rushing to the back of the rebel fleet at the speed of an arrow.

With all four ways, launch an attack on the north, south, east and west at the same time! This is the array of heaven and earth, which is the reason why Song Nan slowly walked up the river and did not arrive at Anqing Mansion until the fifth day.

Song Nan is no longer willing to play a tug-of-war with Zhu Chenhao. What he needs is a devastating victory and cannot leave any hope for Zhu Chenhao to escape. Therefore, when the fleet was on the way to the river, he conveyed the order with a eagle to make Jiang Bin and Xu Tai feel the battlefield at the same time. The time was on the morning of February 28 in Zhengde, the eighth year of the Ming Dynasty.

Song Nan issued a strict order that no soldier and horse can delay their arrival in Anqing for any reason. Even if the soldiers and horses of Jiangpu Camp march westward by land under the leadership of Ma Ming and Peng Yang, several Chengchi Prefectures need to be recovered in the middle, and Song Nan will never allow them to delay. For this reason, Ma Ming and Peng Yang had to divide their troops. Peng Yang led 10,000 soldiers to eliminate the towns and state capitals of the rebel rebels along the way, while Ma Ming led more than 20,000 soldiers and horses to travel lightly, which could keep up with Song Nan's fleet on the river.

Jiang Bin's 5,000 people suffered some losses after taking Nankang and Jiujiang, but the good news is that more than a dozen rebel ships were captured after taking Jiujiang, which made it possible for Jiang Bin to quickly go down the river to the battlefield of Anqingfu. Jiang Bin is also regretting missing the Battle of Nanjing. In fact, Song Nan did not order, and he has already taken the warship on his way.

The battle on the river began in an instant. Although there were only a dozen ships in the rear, their fierce rush forced the formation of the rebel fleet to respond. In fact, Jiang Bin's more than a dozen ships did not even have a cannon. At the time of capture, the rebel soldiers lifted all three cannons installed on them into the river, but Jiang Bin didn't care at all, and he didn't know how to fight on the water. He only ordered him to rush into the center of the enemy fleet regardless. It was best to lean on the opponent's warship and jump on the hand-to-hand combat.

It was also this undislawed fierce momentum that had an unexpected effect. The rebel fleet had to avoid the river on both sides and separated seven or eight ships equipped with Folang machine guns to fire at the rear warships. In this way, it gave the front court fleet a chance to approach calmly.

Mao 18 showed his water war ability, with more than a dozen large ships as a cover. The rear followed by a warship equipped with Mrs. Song's rocket guns. After approaching a certain distance, the rockets roared. Suddenly, the river was full of water columns, warships shuttled, arrows and cannons flew around, and quickly entered the battle**.