Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 843 Failure

When they started on the river, the two imperial armies at the west gate of the north gate didn't even have time to rest, so they rushed straight to the north wall and the west wall.

The new forts at the top of the city played a role, and a shell bombarded into the dense and unlawful crowd of the imperial army, and each cannon caused huge casualties. Unfortunately, this did not stop the rush of officers and soldiers, because the number of forts was too small, and these French cannons were still removed from some warships. Yes, and there are only a few days for them to build forts. The south wall of the four walls in the southeast and northwest is focused on preventing the sudden advance of warships on the river. There are only six mother cannons, and only three or two have been built on the other three sides. Although such artillery fire is fierce, it cannot form large-scale bombing and does not play a decisive role.

The imperial army quickly attacked under the wall, and the rebels at the head of the city shot arrows and threw stones and trees. On the contrary, these caused great casualties to the imperial army. For Ma Ming, who attacked the west gate, he suffered a lot. Because he marched lightly, more than 20,000 horses did not even have a ladder to attack the city. At this moment, they attacked The focus is on the city gate. The simple crash of more than 50 people carrying more than a dozen fell trees tied together was full of cat head. Hit the gate, and the remaining soldiers and horses climbed up the wall with more than 30 temporary ladders. Knowing that it was impossible to break through the west gate, Ma Ming did this to maintain pressure on the west gate, so that the rebels could not recruit troops and horses to reinforce the north wall. Xu Tai's army at the north wall had everything.

Xu Tai not only had a siege ladder and a siege truck, but even when he divided his troops that day, he also needed more than a dozen cannons and two rockets. When the soldiers attacked the city wall, Xu Tai ordered people to gather all the artillery and pointed to the north gate and ordered loudly: "Strengle me at the gate and see if his gate is strong or strong. My gunfire is terrible.

After a fierce bombardment, no matter how thick the city gate was, it could not withstand the intensive fixed-point bombardment of the gunfire, and even half of the gate and the tower were bombarded. However, Xu Tai was surprised to find that they still could not enter the city, because even if the gate was smashed, the gate hole under the whole tower was actually full of sandbags and stones. This is The last move to defend the city: seal the gate, which is part of the thickest and strongest wall.

Xu Tai cursed loudly. Since this move is useless, it is impossible to bombard the wall. The wall several feet wide can't be hit by artillery. Now he can only climb on the wall in a stupid way, and these cannons don't seem to be of use. Therefore, Xu Tai raised his heart and ordered all the artillery to raise the muzzle and bomb the city. Xu Tai could not control the life and death of the people in the city. He just wanted to use this method to disrupt the order in the city, let the rebels in the city rush to the threat of falling from the sky, and not to carry supplies to the city wall and organize reinforcements.

This move seemed a little nonsense, but it did panic the people and rebel soldiers in the city. Dozens of shells of the rocket launcher will suddenly bombard the area of dozens of steps in the city. Although the cannon is slightly inferior, it roars with a sharp roar, like a life-threatening ghost everywhere. No one knows whether an iron pimple will fall next moment, and then It burst and smashed into his fragile body.

Song Nan ordered all the ships to turn the bow to the south gate, and the black cannons were aimed together.

On the Nancheng Tower, Zhu Chenhao was still beating drums vigorously to cheer for his soldiers on the river, but his drums were getting weaker and weaker, and finally he was not in the mood to beat drums at all.

"It's over, it's all over." Zhu Chenhao sighed in a trembling voice.

"Your Majesty, we still have walls and forts. They can't attack." Liu Yang was cheering up Zhu Chenhao with a white face.

"Report...! The North City is broken!" A soldier rushed forward to report.

"Ah?" Everyone took a cold breath. Liu Yangzheng shouted, "Wang Lun, take people to reinforce, take back the North City and take back the North City."

Wang Lun licked his lips and said, "Where did the soldiers and horses come from? More than 10,000 soldiers and horses are gone, and more than 10,000 soldiers and horses in the north city seem to be gone. More than 10,000 in the west and more than 10,000 here. There are only so many people in total. Where did the soldiers and horses come from to rescue?

Liu Yangzheng shouted, "You are the secretary of the Ministry of War. No matter what, you have to get out of the troops. What's the use of the other walls as soon as the North City is broken?"

Wang Lun sighed, "Liu Yangzheng, do you think it's still useful?"

Liu Yangzheng stared and said, "Why is it useless? What do you mean?"

Wang Lun looked at Zhu Chenhao, who stood in a daze and whisperedly, "Your Majesty, I am incompetent and have failed to help you complete your great career. Today's affairs have been unable to return to heaven. The emperor takes care of yourself. I will take a step first and be a king and minister in the underworld."

Zhu Chenhao was speechless and didn't say anything. Wang Lun sighed in a low voice, stepped on the city stack, jumped down the wall, and fell on the gravel by the river under the city and fell into a mud.

Liu Yang's face was like dead ashes, and he cursed repeatedly: "This coward actually abandoned the emperor at the critical time, your Majesty! Emperor! Don't worry, I will personally take back the North City.

Zhu Chenhao whispered, "Where is the coffin of the old lady and her beloved concubine?"

Liu Yangzheng stammered: "Put in the Huiming Temple in the city, your Majesty..."

Zhu Chenhao raised his feet and walked down the tower with a deep and shallow foot, muttering, "I... I... want to see them. I'm sorry for them. I'm going."

Liu Yangzheng wanted to follow, but he changed his mind and ordered his own guard to follow Zhu Chenhao to protect him. He jumped to the top of a fort and said loudly, "Brothers, don't be afraid, it will be fine. The wall of Anqingfu is strong, and we still have a fort to defend. The soldiers and horses in Dongcheng have gone to reinforce the North City. It is easy to repel their attack. If we turn against the palm, we just need to stick to the south city. Don't be afraid of the officers and soldiers of the court. They are all paper tigers..."

"hohoho." A strange roar sounded from the river, and the heat wave brought by the shells in the air hit the eyes, and the rebel soldiers at the head of the city subconsciously shrank their heads to avoid.

After the smoke and dust, some people were shocked to find that Liu Yangzheng, who was standing on the fort, disappeared, and was replaced by a piece of flesh and blood that exploded in mid-air. A large number of heads, arms, legs, minced meat, and intestines rose down like a rain, falling several feet of the city.

Shi Zai: Liu Yang, Zhu Chenhao's rebel military corpse, was hitting Mrs. Song with a shot at the head of Anqing City, and the body was empty.