Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 851 Breaking into the Bedroom

Song Nan smiled and said, "What's the matter?"

Wang Yong said solemnly, "If you can't do anything, please bear with it for the time being. Don't force those people to turn red, so that the green mountains don't have to worry about firewood."

Song Nan laughed and said, "I didn't expect you, Wang Yong, to say such a thing. You are not confident."

Wang Yong said, "It's nothing to be humble. The life of a humble job is not regrettable, but the life of an adult is noble. If you fall into a situation of isolation and helplessness, please cherish your life."

Song Nan smiled and looked at the tall tower of Daming Gate that was gradually approaching in the distance.

Wang Yong sighed and said, "I know that adults are not willing to compromise. It's useless to say. In short, it's just to protect adults with their lives. The emperor insisted on going to the palace to see the emperor, but the emperor is now dying, and the edict can't be confirmed. It's really difficult for his subordinates to do so.

Song Nan was deaf and thoughtless, and suddenly said, "Brother Wang, there are some things that are not what you see on the surface. Naturally, there is a reason for me to do this, and you will know later."

Wang Yong was stunned and said, "What?"

Song Nan smiled and pointed to the front and said, "Daming Gate has arrived. Oh, with so many soldiers and horses here, our face is really good."

Wang Yong looked up, but saw the dense soldiers standing quietly in the square in front of the Daming Gate Palace, silently watching the two people who were gradually approaching. Wang Yong exhaled a long breath and shouted, "Song Nan, Duke of Daming Town, entered the palace to see the driver. Please get out of the way."

A right away. The official waved silently, and the soldiers separated a passageway. At the end of the passage was the open palace gate. The two palace gate attendants stood in the palace gate as usual and waited to check the palace waist plate.

Song Nan turned over and disap off his horse, did not squint, and strode to the palace gate.


The bell rang, and in front of the Fengtian Hall, civil and military officials gathered in twos and threes. This was the first court meeting in nearly a month. After the emperor was seriously ill, the early morning became a scene. After everyone went to court, they only knelt down to the empty dragon seat and then dispersed and returned to the government office.

After the emperor was seriously ill, there were many rumors in the court, and the issue of the selection of the new emperor was the focus of discussion, and even the fact that the imperial army was fighting to the death with the rebels was put in the second seat; many eye-catching rumors even described the details clearly, but as a few important ministers of the imperial court who knew the inside, they were guaranteed Hold silent.

Empress dowager Zhang sat on the throne solemnly and watched the ministers salute her. Her face was happy or sad. She sat on the throne where her sick son usually sat, but in fact, she had no desire for power. All she thought about was how to let the Ming Dynasty continue; although her seriously ill son let her It's hard to be a mother, but this feeling is only a moment.

It is luxurious to talk about family affection in the royal family. She needs to suppress her emotions, survive this period of time, and wait for a new suitable candidate to take the throne. She will complete her mission and face her dead husband calmly in the future.

"Dear lords, the Empress Dowager is coming to the court today, but there is a major event to be announced." Yang Ting talked to the column, and his hair was still stained with a small grass stem that had just been glued to the ground at the gate.

"You all know that the emperor has been ill for many days, and there has been no water and rice in recent days. We and other ministers are all burning inside and can't wait to replace each other." Yang Tinghe's eyes were a little red, and many officials in the court began to wipe their tears.

"Tinghe knows that you are uncomfortable, but the Empress Dowager is more uncomfortable than us. Tinghe, on behalf of the civil and military officials, asked the Empress Dowager to take care of her health. The matter of life and death is up to heaven, and human resources have no power to return to heaven."

"The Empress Dowager, take care of yourself!" The ministers said.

Empress Dowager Zhang nodded slightly and whispered, "My family knows."

Yang Tinhe turned around and looked at the ministers and said, "The emperor is seriously ill. You must be concerned about the selection of the emperor's heirs. Tinghe discussed this matter with you many times and finally selected the candidate with the consent of the Empress Dowager. The country must not be a masterless king. This matter is already imminent. This morning, the court met with the emperor and talked about this matter with the emperor. Although the emperor could not say anything, I could see that he agreed with my advice. Originally, today's edict about the selection of the new emperor was to be announced as an edict, but both the empress dowager and the old ministers believed that it would be better to announce it earlier, so as to avoid suspicion and rumors from the court, but to give people with ulterior motives a chance to provoke chaos. Therefore, today's court meeting is to read this edict to all adults and inform the world after the court. , announce to thousands of people.

Most officials are not surprised at all. What is unexpected is those officials who are not far from the center of power or can't even touch their fur. They are extremely excited.

Some people must say that it is inappropriate or even a little rebellious for the emperor to announce the new emperor's candidate. I also have this idea, but the empress dowager said that this is exactly what the emperor meant. What my emperor has been worried about is the candidates for the throne. It is less troublesome to announce earlier, not to mention the announcement, ministers Naturally, we hope that the emperor can recover as soon as possible. I hope you will understand this section.

The ministers buzzed for a while, and someone whispered in a low voice. Yang Tinhe frowned and said, "You can say something. You don't have to hum in private."

The officials quickly shut up. Yang Ting and glanced at the audience with satisfaction. He wanted to get to the point, but suddenly heard someone: "Yang Shoufu, I have a question."

Yang Tinghe looked up and saw that the speaker was Wu Mi, the left imperial historian of the new Metropolitan of the Metropolitan Inspectorate. This gentleman was recommended by Yang Yiqing to serve in the Metropolitan Inspection House. He was originally the governor of a prefecture in the northwest. Yang Tinghe did not jump out to object because he was a little difficult to deal with the last time he was questioned by Song Nan about Lu Wan and Liang Chu.

"Lord Wu, do you have any questions?"

Wu Mi said, "Since such a big event has been announced today, all the important ministers in the court should be in the court. Didn't Lord Yang find that Lord Yang Yiqing, the minister of the Ministry of War, and the two Dukes of Britain and Dukes of Zhen, did not go to the palace? These three people are not present, and the imperial edict cannot be read.


The scenery in the palace is the same as before. Song Nan has entered the Daming Gate countless times, but this time, it feels completely different. The familiar red wall and blue tile hall stood silently, and the bright green trees and red flowers competed for beauty in the spring breeze. In front of all these gorgeous and vibrant appearances, Song Nan saw the dead silence behind the vitality and smelled the decay behind the fragrance.

The road in the palace is lonely. Song Nan and Wang Yong are walking on the wide road, with the echo of their feet lingering around their ears, which makes people feel very bad.

Since he knew that Zhengde had been moved to the Yangxin Hall, Song Nan no longer went to the direction of Qianqing Palace, but turned left to the north and went straight to the Yangxin Hall. Yangxin Hall is adjacent to the Cining Palace, which was originally the emperor's resting place and was not the official residence of the emperor at all. Zhengde moved here from the Qianqing Palace, and the etiquette of the palace was no longer suitable. The reason given by the Empress Dowager Zhang was that it was convenient for her to visit, and said that she dreamed of the Bodhisattva's guidance that the emperor's living in the Qianqing Palace was not conducive to the recovery of the dragon body, and that the Yangxin Hall was the best place for rest and conditioning, so she moved the emperor to the Yangxin Hall.

Of course, the heart of mother's boxing is worthy of respect, and the ministers of the court will not object. Whoever opposes is who does not want the emperor to recover. With the strong support of Yang Ting and Fei Hong and others, all this has been successfully implemented.

But Song Nan knew very well that this was actually putting Zhengde under his eyes, so that the seriously ill Zhengde could not escape his control. A large number of eunuchs and bodyguards in the Qianqing Palace were people around the emperor. It was better to transfer these people or put their own people in to monitor than to move the emperor directly. The servants in the Yangxin Hall are all appointed by the Empress Dowager, so that Zhengde will be completely isolated from the world. All officials and people who visit them need the approval of the empress dowager. The empress dowager said, 'The emperor needs to rest and should not be disturbed' to shut out all those who do not want them to see the emperor.

After Zhengde moved to the Yangxin Hall, it was actually just a body with a breath left. The only suspense is when he will die, today or tomorrow.

On the outer steps of the Yangxin Hall, more than 20 officials stood with knives and forked their hands. When Song Nan and Wang Yong appeared on the front steps of the hall, a group of people were facing a big enemy, holding the blade at their waist and looking at them.

Song Nan settled down and said in a low voice, "You will send someone to make a clear call. Song Nan, Duke of Zhen, asked to see the emperor."

A leader with a knife came forward and bowed his hand and said, "The Empress Dowager has a decree, and the emperor will not see any guests during his recuperation."

Song Nan shouted coldly, "What are you saying? The emperor is seriously ill and won't let me visit you? You can't make the decision, so go and report to the Empress Dowager that Song Nan must see the emperor today.

The leader with the knife did not dare to make a decision without authorization, and the two officials with knives hurried down to the Cining Palace to ask for instructions.

Wang Yong whispered in Song Nan's ear, "Your Excellency, you have to inform Wan Zhi quickly in case of accidents. I don't think this situation is right.

Song Nan nodded slightly and said, "Yes, this is exactly what I need you to do, but it seems that they are well prepared. Wan Zhi and Jinyiwei Dahan General Camp were transferred to Xiyuan. I'm afraid that the guard is strict on the way. I'm afraid that you will not be allowed to go to Xiyuan, and you will be stopped halfway."

Wang Yong gritted his teeth and said, "If you can't go, you have to go. Even if you have a bloody road to a humble position, you have to go."

Song Nan shook her head and said, "That's not possible. This is in the palace. Once you take action, I will give them a reason to kill you. If you can't do it, you will die in vain."

Wang Yong stamped his feet and said, "What should I do?"

Song Nan said, "You go to Shouning Palace to meet Princess Kangning immediately. I have a good letter here. If you give it to the princess, she will try her best to send you to Xiyuan; but be careful of the people who follow you on your way to Shouning Palace, otherwise I'm afraid they will take precautions."

Song Nan reached into his sleeve and stuffed a folded letter into Wang Yong's hand. Wang Yong quickly stuffed the letter into his arms and whispered to Song Nan, "Your excellency should be careful. There is only one adult left. He is very uneasy in his humble position."

Song Nan waved his hand and smiled, "One more of you does not guarantee my safety. Whether I can see Wan Zhi is the key. Go ahead."

Wang Yong said no more, raised his steps and left. The leader with the knife in front of the palace saw Song Nan and Wang Yong muttering for a long time and stretched out their necks to eavesdrop, but their voices were too low to hear what they said. However, when they saw Wang Yong suddenly turn around and leaving, the leader of the knife knew that something must be strange and waved his hand slightly behind the trees on the side of the hall and made a gesture.

The afterglow from the corners of Song Nan's eyes glanced there and saw several figures appear from behind the tree shadow flower beds and chased Wang Yong's back. Song Nan was secretly surprised. In order to deal with her arrival, the Empress Dowager and Yang Tinghe did not know how many people were secretly peeping according to the arrangement. It can be said that they were thoughtful and painstaking.


The two swordsmen who went to Cining Palace to report the news came in a hurry and whispered in the ears of the swordsman's leader. The swordsman nodded, turned his head and arched to Song Nan and said, "Grandpa, the Empress Dowager has just gone to Fengtian Hall to meet the ministers. This order can't be invited. Without the permission of the Empress Dowager, you can't let you in. ."

Song Nan was surprised. The Empress Dowager went to Fengtian Hall to receive the ministers, which was obviously related to the edict. It seemed that she wanted to announce the edict in advance in front of the ministers. This hand was called driving ducks on the shelves. After the edict announced that it was announced to the world, it was a for sure. A boat had become a boat and cooked rice.

Song Nan said coldly, "I went back to Beijing from afar and didn't drink a sip of tea. I heard that the emperor was seriously ill, and I was even more worried. When I entered the palace, it was nothing more than seeing the emperor, which was actually very common. Since the Empress Dowager has no time, you will let me in to see the emperor first. When I see it, I will leave. If the Empress Dowager blames me later, I will take responsibility for you.

The leader shook his head and said, "That won't work. The Empress Dowager said that if we don't let people in without her old man's permission and disturb the emperor's rest, all our brothers will lose their heads."

Song Nan looked sideways at him and said, "Then you're not going to let me in?"

The leader with the knife arched his hand and said, "Please forgive me. There are also difficulties in humble positions."

Song Nan sighed and said, "That's all, this is what you forced me to do. This matter is a secret matter. It's inconvenient for me to say, but you block it in every way, and I have no way to know this secret. If you lose your head because of this, don't blame me for being unpredictable."

The leader with the knife was a little brainless. He looked at Song Nan and smiled and said, "Don't scare me to wait. I'm just ordered to do things. If you want to meet the emperor, you can go to the Heavenly Hall to invite the Empress Dowager in person, and we will let it go."

Song Nan's face turned cold and waved: "Come here."

The leader with the knife said suspiciously, "What are you doing?"

Song Nan said, "What's your name?"

The leader with the knife said, "Duke Zhen, the villain knows that he has offended you today, but there is nothing the villain can do. Please bear it."

Song Nanjing said quietly, "Are you Chang Sheng, the chief knife officer of Cining Palace?"

The leader with the knife was shocked and nodded, "It turns out that the Duke of Zhen knows the villain."

Song Nan said, "Chang Sheng, come here. Let me tell you a reason why you have to let me in. If you don't listen, I'm afraid you will regret it for a lifetime. You will not only lose your head, but also your parents, children, relatives and friends will lose their heads."

Chang Sheng and the sword officials looked at each other doubtfully. A sword officer whispered, "Brother Chang, go and listen to what he said. Anyway, there is no harm in listening. If it's alarmist, we will ignore it."

Chang Sheng frowned hesitated and finally set the steps down to come to Song Nan. Song Nan waved his hand and said, "Come here. I don't want this secret to be heard. If you know one more person, you will be more likely to lose your head."

Chang Sheng frowned and said, "The Duke of Zhen can't joke with the humble people. The humble people are just doing erratic work." As he spoke, he stretched out his head sideways.

Song Nan smiled and said, "I know, this secret is..." Song Nan's voice suddenly lowered, and Chang Sheng couldn't hear it clearly. He couldn't help but bring his head and neck closer. Suddenly, he felt the wind between his neck. He instinctively jumped back to avoid it, but half a beat, and one arm had been tightly wrapped around his head and neck. .

The officials with knives are all people with martial arts skills. They are strangled, but they are not chaotic in the face of danger. Seven or eight moves have already flashed in their hearts. The most effective moves are subconsciously used. One hand grips the arm on the neck and twists them, and the next moment is the reverse capture move of the enemy's arm.

However, after using half of the force, his hand suddenly froze, because there was a cold thing on his left temple. At the same time, Song Nan's cold voice sounded in his ear: "When you move, I will smash your head to see whether your head is hard or the steel ball in my fire."

The double-tube fire gun equipped with Jinyiwei has long been famous all over the world. Its power is well known. Changsheng has naturally secretly seen the power of fire gun for a long time. There is no need to think much about whether his head is hard or steel beads. The answer is obvious.

The mutant suddenly broke out, and no one present expected that the Duke of Daming Town would make a sneak attack. After a short period of consternation, the officials with knives on the steps reacted one after another, pulled out their blades and rushed down from above the steps and surrounded Song Nan.

Chang Sheng raised his hands and shouted, "Grandpa, what are you doing? The humble position has never offended you. The humble position is only ordered to guard the heart-raising hall, but there is no disrespect for the prince.

Song Nan said coldly, "Of course, I know that you are ordered to act. I'm afraid that Song Nan will not be allowed to see the emperor. I don't want to talk to you, so I have to take you hostage."

Chang Sheng shouted, "My lord, what's the use of taking me? They still won't let you in. You are breaking into the emperor's bedroom, which is a crime of great rebellion.

Song Nan pushed his head with a fire and shouted, "Nonsense, how can my majestic Duke break into the emperor's bedroom? I met him by the emperor's secret order, but someone wants to stop me from meeting the emperor."

Chang Sheng said, "Grandfather, why do you make up this lie to deceive us? You have calmed the rebellion in the south. The emperor moved to the Yangxin Hall more than ten days ago. The emperor is seriously ill and can't speak. How can he give you any secret decree?"

Song Nan spatted, "I knew that it was a waste of time with you, and you wouldn't believe the reason, so I took you hostage. You should know that Eunuch Zhang, the director of the ceremony, left the palace for a few days. Do you know what he did?"

Chang Sheng was strangled and said in a hoarse voice, "It is rumored in the palace that Zhang Yong and the traitor Zhu Chenhao colluded, and I heard that the rebels had absconded for fear of extermination."

Song Nan scolded: "Bah, I knew that I would buckle the shit basin. Zhang Yong was not afraid of absconding. He was ordered by the emperor to send me a secret order. Someone insisted on planting him, which was to create rumors to confuse the public. I know it's useless to tell you this, but since I promised to tell you this secret, I must tell you. Now make way. I will be seen by the emperor's imperial edict. Whoever dares to stop it is to resist the order, and the first one to die is Changsheng.

Although Chang Sheng and others were suspicious, Song Nan said that he had a nose and eyes. Zhang Yong did come to see the emperor before he disappeared. Was it the emperor's order that day? No, it is said that the emperor can't say anything and didn't say a word to Zhang Yong. How can he issue a secret decree?

Song Nan had no time to hang out with them and took Chang Sheng to the Yangxin Hall. The two servants on duty at the door had already disappeared. There were also shouts and footsteps in the Yangxin Hall. Obviously, the guards in the hall were also coming. Song Nan ignored it and rushed to Chang Sheng to the hall and shouted loudly: " The Duke of Daming Town was met by the emperor's secret order. Those who resisted the order and rebelled against the order, and the whole family was beheaded and killed.