Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 852 Desolate

The two swordsmen who went to Cining Palace to report the news came in a hurry and whispered in the ears of the swordsman's leader. The swordsman nodded, turned his head and arched to Song Nan and said, "Grandpa, the Empress Dowager has just gone to Fengtian Hall to meet the ministers. This order can't be invited. Without the permission of the Empress Dowager, you can't let you in. ."

Song Nan was surprised. The Empress Dowager went to Fengtian Hall to receive the ministers, which was obviously related to the edict. It seemed that she wanted to announce the edict in advance in front of the ministers. This hand was called driving ducks on the shelves. After the edict announced that it was announced to the world, it was a for sure. A boat had become a boat and cooked rice.

Song Nan said coldly, "I went back to Beijing from afar and didn't drink a sip of tea. I heard that the emperor was seriously ill, and I was even more worried. When I entered the palace, it was nothing more than seeing the emperor, which was actually very common. Since the Empress Dowager has no time, you will let me in to see the emperor first. When I see it, I will leave. If the Empress Dowager blames me later, I will take responsibility for you.

The leader shook his head and said, "That won't work. The Empress Dowager said that if we don't let people in without her old man's permission and disturb the emperor's rest, all our brothers will lose their heads."

Song Nan looked sideways at him and said, "Then you're not going to let me in?"

The leader with the knife arched his hand and said, "Please forgive me. There are also difficulties in humble positions."

Song Nan sighed and said, "That's all, this is what you forced me to do. This matter is a secret matter. It's inconvenient for me to say, but you block it in every way, and I have no way to know this secret. If you lose your head because of this, don't blame me for being unpredictable."

The leader with the knife was a little brainless. He looked at Song Nan and smiled and said, "Don't scare me to wait. I'm just ordered to do things. If you want to meet the emperor, you can go to the Heavenly Hall to invite the Empress Dowager in person, and we will let it go."

Song Nan's face turned cold and waved: "Come here."

The leader with the knife said suspiciously, "What are you doing?"

Song Nan said, "What's your name?"

The leader with the knife said, "Duke Zhen, the villain knows that he has offended you today, but there is nothing the villain can do. Please bear it."

Song Nanjing said quietly, "Are you Chang Sheng, the chief knife officer of Cining Palace?"

The leader of the knife was shocked and nodded and said, "It turns out that the Duke of Zhen knows a villain."

Song Nan said, "Chang Sheng, come here. Let me tell you a reason why you have to let me in. If you don't listen, I'm afraid you will regret it for a lifetime. You will not only lose your head, but also your parents, children, relatives and friends will lose their heads."

Chang Sheng and the sword officials looked at each other doubtfully. A sword officer whispered, "Brother Chang, go and listen to what he said. Anyway, there is no harm in listening. If it's alarmist, we will ignore it."

Chang Sheng hesitated and frowned. Finally, he stepped down the steps to come to Song Nan. Song Nan waved his hand and said, "Come here. I don't want this secret to be heard. If you know this secret, you will be more likely to lose your head."

Chang Sheng frowned and said, "The Duke of Zhen can't joke with the humble people. The humble people are just doing erratic work." As he spoke, he stretched out his head sideways.

Song Nan smiled and said, "I know, this secret is..." Song Nan's voice suddenly lowered, and Chang Sheng couldn't hear it clearly. He couldn't help but bring his head and neck closer. Suddenly, he felt the wind between his neck. He instinctively jumped back to avoid it, but half a beat, and one arm had been tightly wrapped around his head and neck. .

The officials with knives are all martial arts people. They are strangled, but they are not in danger. Seven or eight moves have flashed in their hearts. The most effective moves are subconsciously used. One hand grabbed the arm on his neck and twisted it, and the next moment, he shrank down and flipped the enemy's arm. The counter-cuffling moves.

However, after using half of the force, his hand suddenly froze, because there was a cold thing on his left temple. At the same time, Song Nan's cold voice sounded in his ear: "When you move, I will smash your head to see whether your head is hard or the steel ball in my fire."

The double-tube fire gun equipped with Jinyiwei has long been famous all over the world. Its power is well known. Changsheng has naturally secretly seen the power of fire gun for a long time. There is no need to think much about whether his head is hard or steel beads. The answer is obvious.

The mutant suddenly broke out, and no one present expected that the Duke of Daming Town would make a sneak attack. After a short period of consternation, the officials with knives on the steps reacted one after another, pulled out their blades and rushed down from above the steps and surrounded Song Nan.

Chang Sheng raised his hands and shouted, "Grandpa, what are you doing? The humble position has never offended you. The humble position is only ordered to guard the heart-raising hall, but there is no disrespect for the prince.

Song Nan said coldly, "Of course, I know that you are ordered to act. I'm afraid that Song Nan will not be allowed to see the emperor. I don't want to talk to you, so I have to take you hostage."

Chang Sheng shouted, "My lord, what's the use of taking me? They still won't let you in. You are breaking into the emperor's bedroom, which is a crime of great rebellion.

Song Nan pushed his head with a fire and shouted, "Nonsense, how can my majestic Duke break into the emperor's bedroom? I met him by the emperor's secret order, but someone wants to stop me from meeting the emperor."

Chang Sheng said, "Grandfather, why do you make up this lie to deceive us? You have calmed the rebellion in the south. The emperor moved to the Yangxin Hall more than ten days ago. The emperor is seriously ill and can't speak. How can he give you any secret decree?"

Song Nan spat, "I knew that I was wasting my mouth with you, and you wouldn't believe the reason, so that's why I took you hostage. You should know that Mr. Zhang, the supervisor of the ceremony, left the palace for a few days. Do you know what he did?"

Chang Sheng was strangled and said in a hoarse voice, "It is rumored in the palace that Zhang Yong and the traitor Zhu Chenhao colluded, and I heard that the rebels had absconded for fear of extermination."

Song Nan scolded: "Bah, I knew that I would buckle the shit basin. Zhang Yong was not afraid of absconding. He was ordered by the emperor to send me a secret order. Someone insisted on planting him, which was to create rumors to confuse the public. I know it's useless to tell you this, but since I promised to tell you this secret, I must tell you. Now make way. I will be seen by the emperor's imperial edict. Whoever dares to stop it is to resist the order, and the first one to die is Changsheng.

Although Chang Sheng and others were suspicious, Song Nan said that he had a nose and eyes. Zhang Yong did come to see the emperor before he disappeared. Was it the emperor's order that day? No, it is said that the emperor can't say anything and didn't say a word to Zhang Yong. How can he issue a secret decree?

Song Nan didn't have time to hang out with them. She took Chang Sheng and went to the Yangxin Hall. The two servants on duty at the door had already disappeared. There were also shouts and footsteps in the Yangxin Hall. Obviously, the guards in the hall were also coming. Song Nan ignored it and said that Chang Sheng rushed to the hall and shouted loudly: "Big The Duke of Mingzhen was met by the emperor's secret order, and some obstacles rebelled against the order, and the whole family was beheaded and killed.

Dozens of officials with knives gathered one after another and surrounded Song Nan with a blade of soldiers. However, in the face of Song Nan, the Duke of Daming Town, he was famous and it was not easy to do it. In addition, the chief knife officer Chang Sheng fell into the hands of Song Nan. Changsheng was very popular on weekdays, and everyone also supported him, and he was even less Will act rashly.

Some people shouted that they were eager to try, but they were stopped by others. In the panic, someone whispered, "Brothers, don't be impulsive. Go and ask the empress dowager to make another order. It's not in vain to give yourself Brother Chang's life."

"Yes, this is the Duke of Daming, who has just calmed down the rebellion. We can't be confused. Besides, if the Duke of Zhen is really the emperor's secret decree, what else should we stop? Do we still disobey the emperor's decree?

Soon this opinion became the mainstream. Although these people's status is not high, they have been in the palace for a long time, and they don't look like ordinary soldiers who are brainless. The more they are, the more cautious they are, so they follow Song Nan's footsteps and don't really stop them.

In the noise, Song Nan has taken Changsheng to the front hall to the apse of the Yangxin Hall. The place of Yangxin Hall is not big, and the place to rest in the apse is nothing more than the warm pavilion. Song Nan glanced at it and saw the former eunuchs of the Dongnuan Pavilion running in panic. She knew that the emperor must be in the Dongnuan Pavilion, so she walked over to Changsheng, dozens of people The sword guard followed closely, but always kept a distance.

Song Nan looked at the right time, kicked the door of the warm pavilion, stretched out his hand and pushed Chang Sheng out. His body sank into the warm pavilion, and the crackling sounded, which was the sound of tying to the door. Chang Sheng was released, and the knife officers came forward to push the door and break in. Chang Sheng touched his neck and shouted, " Stop it."

Everyone stopped quickly, and a little leader said, "Brother Chang, shall we not find out the Duke of Zhen?"

Chang Sheng shook his head and said, "You are dizzy. The emperor is inside. If we go in and fight with people, if it hurts the emperor, do you still want your head? The Duke of Zhen has a firearm in his hand.

"This..." Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Have you sent someone to report to the Empress Dowager?" Chang Sheng calmed down and asked.

"I have been ordered to report to the Heavenly Hall."

"That's it. Everyone is here to wait for orders, and there is no risk. The relationship between the Duke of Zhen and the emperor is the best, and he will never be unfavorable to the emperor. We'd better make less decisions about things between adults and wait for the empress dowager to decide everything.

Everyone thought it was quite reasonable. Could it be possible to break through the door of Dongnuang Pavilion and fight with the Zhenguo of the current dynasty? The Empress Dowager's decree said that the emperor should rest and not allow others to disturb him, but didn't the cabinet scholars come several times this morning? The Duke of Zhen came all the way back to see the emperor, which was reasonable. Even if the secret will was false, there was nothing unreasonable for ordinary meeting. Everyone has a scale in their hearts, but they just dare not say it.

Outside the warm pavilion, several eunuch palace maids were surprised to see Song Nan rushing in with a fire in their hands; Song Nan shouted in a low voice, "Where is the emperor?"

A beautiful little maid pointed to the room behind the door. Song Nan nodded and was about to walk. Suddenly, she stopped and ordered, "Take off your belts."

Seror eunuch maids didn't understand, and Song Nan shouted in a low voice, "Don't you want to live?"

I understood this sentence. Five eunuchs and maids quickly untied the cloth of their trouser belts. Song Nan pointed to the little maid and said, "I tied their hands and feet."

The little maid dared not disobey. She tied the hands and feet of several other maids and eunuchs with her trousers, and apologized while tying them: "Gou Zhao, Eunuch Xu, Wang Shanggong, Sister Liu, I'm sorry, I can't do it."

After all were tied up, Song Nan came forward to check it, but it was also very strong. He ordered the little maid of honor to find a few cloth towels to gag several people's mouths. After that, Song Nan said to the little maid, "You go into the inner room with me, and if you obey, you will save your life, otherwise your face will be covered with iron sand."

The little maid was so scared that she almost peed her pants. This man has a beautiful face, but she is murderous all over her body. She can't offend her and turned her face into a bastard. How can she see people in the future? So he nodded softly.

Song Nan motioned the little maid to pick up the pearl curtain. The little maid quickly came forward and lifted the pearl curtain. Song Nan sighed, put the fire back to her waist, dressed, patted the dust on her body, and slowly walked into the inner room.

The inner room is quiet, and the curtains cover the sunlight outside tightly. Three candles are lit on a candlestick on the bedside case, illuminating the scenery in the room clearly. A big**, the brocade was slightly raised, and there was a slight sound of breathing. At the corner of the bed, a bronze sparrow spit out a faint fragrance, but it also did not hide the smell of shit and urine in the house and the faint smell of blood.

Song Nan knew that what ** was lying was Zhengde. Although Zhengde was not a strong physique, it was also a normal height. At this moment, the slightly bulge part of ** in the quilt looked more like a child's body than Zhengde lying there.

Song Nan slowly approached the bedside, and Zhengde's face could not be seen clearly under the shadow of the window. Song Nan beckoned the little maid to approach and motioned her to raise a candle to take care of it. The candlelight slowly moved, slowly removed the shadow of the mantle, and slowly appeared Zhengde's face in the dark. At the moment when Zhengde's face was clear, Song Nan's whole body His body was stiff, and tears slowly oozed from his eyes.

What a face, sunken and dry skin, protruding cheekbones like mountain peaks, yellow and gray eyes, and black and wrinkled eyes. In any case, this face cannot be matched with the identity and age of his master.

Zhengde is only 22 years old, just in his youth. Who would have thought that he was already like this? This face is a face of an old and dying person, which is not half energetic and half energetic.

Song Nan's mind came to the scene of meeting Zhengde at the roast duck shop on Fork Street for the first time. At that time, Zhengde was handsome and vigorous. Only nine years later, the vigorous young prince has transformed into the dying situation in front of him. How can't Song Nan feel sorry? He can't control the tears in his eyes and doesn't want to control them, allowing tears to pour out.

"Your Majesty...Your Majesty." Song Nan called softly, and Zhengde had no reaction. If it hadn't been for the slight breath in his mouth, he would have been no different from a dead man.

"Your Majesty, Song Nan has come to see you." Song Nan whispered in Zhengde's ear. He couldn't give up. Zhengde must wake up and talk to Zhengde.

The little maid holding the lamp beside him couldn't help saying, "This... This lord, the emperor doesn't seem to hear anyone talking. For so many days, many adults have come to visit, and the emperor has not said a word. The empress dowager... The empress dowager came to see the emperor, and the emperor has not been sober..."

Song Nan waved his hand and said, "Bring me water."

The little palace girl quickly put down the candlestick and poured a cup of warm water in the pot on the table. Song Nan sat at the head of the bed, raised Zhengde's head slightly with one hand, and put the water cup on Zhengde's lips with the other hand to feed him. Zhengde's teeth bit tightly, and the water flowed down Zhengde's mouth. Zhengde did not swallow at all. .

"Come on, open the emperor's mouth." Song Nandao.

The little maid was shocked, waved her hand and retreated, "I... I dare not."

Song Nan shouted in a low voice, "Then you can feed the emperor."

The little maid's face turned pale and had no choice but to step forward. She dared not look at Zhengde's face sideways. She held Zhengde's face with two small hands and broke Zhengde's upper and lower lips with her thumb. This break exposed Zhengde's neat white Sensen's teeth, which was even more ferocious. The little maid was so scared that she almost fainted.

Song Nan sighed and whispered, "Your Majesty, I have offended you." After freeing his hand to pinch Zhengde's cheek, Zhengde's mouth finally opened slightly, and a rotten smell rushed out, and the middle man was vomiting. Song Nan held his breath and quickly poured warm water into his mouth, but when he heard the cooing in Zhengde's throat, although a lot of water overflowed, he finally drank a lot.

Song Nan asked the little maid to get a wet towel, carefully wipe Zhengde's face, and finally put a cool towel on Zhengde's forehead and sat by the bed without saying a word. The little maid stood aside with her hands and did not dare to come out. From time to time, she peeked at Zhengde and Song Nan in fear, and quickly closed her eyes and turned her head and dared not look more.

The air in the room is frozen like thick mud and sand, which is stuffy and uncomfortable. In the silence, you can hear the panicked footsteps outside the warm pavilion and the voices of the eunuch bodyguards who can't hear clearly.

Song Nan stared at Zhengde's face and was anxious. Zhengde showed no sign of waking up at all. If he couldn't wake up, it would be a waste today, and he didn't know if he could see the emperor next time. Song Nan got up with some hesitation and suddenly sat down, scaring the little maid beside her to open her eyes. I don't know what happened to the adult.

"Go to the door and look at it. Don't look into the room." Song Nan made up her mind and ordered in a low voice.

The little maid couldn't wait to leave the bed as far as possible. She hurriedly promised to walk out of the door and took a few breaths of the slightly fresh air outside. Song Nan in the room reached out and took out a porcelain bottle from her arms, hesitated for a moment, and finally poured out two pills with trembling hands.

"Your Majesty, I am not very rebellious. I tried my best to prevent the emperor from taking this pill, but at this time, I need the emperor to wake up and explain the major events, so I dare to take two for the emperor. When the emperor wakes up, he kills or kills, and Song Nan is at his disposal."

Song Nan leaned over Zhengde's ear and whispered. Her hands moved quickly. She stuffed two pills into Zhengde's mouth and poured a mouthful of water. The pills melted into Zhengde's mouth and melted into Zhengde's abdomen.

Before the tea time, Zhengde's breath became heavy, his eyelids began to shake, and his face was slightly ruddy. Song Nan hurriedly shouted, "Your Majesty, my minister is Song Nan."

Zhengde's heavy eyelids finally opened slowly, and his eyes looked blankly at the top of the bed, panting heavily.

"Your Majesty, you finally woke up." Song Nan said happily. The little maid at the door opened her mouth and looked at all this. The emperor couldn't stand it for so many days, and no one could wake him up. The adult actually poured water and wiped his face to wake up the emperor. Is this adult a magic doctor?

"Why don't you take the pillow quickly?" Song Nan shouted in a low voice.

"Oh." The little maid held two pillows like a whirlwind. Song Nan had already helped Zhengde sit up. The little maid put the two pillows on Zhengde's back and head and neck, so that Zhengde could lean comfortably.

Zhengde took a few breaths and looked at Song Nan weakly. There was a smile at the corners of his mouth: "Song Nan, you're back."