Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 854 Others laugh at me for being crazy

Both sides stopped arguing, and the ministers paid attention to the Empress Dowager Zhang. Empress Dowager Zhang was a little nervous. After all, she rarely participated in major affairs in the court. If Yang Tinhe and others had been pushing her away, she would have almost given up. The psychological pressure is so great that it is difficult for her to be stable.

Every time she saw the immortal virtue, Empress Dowager Zhang had an indescribable guilt in her heart. Her son was still the emperor. No matter how mediocre he was, it was the emperor. Before he died, he and the ministers of the foreign court elected a new emperor. What's more, he actually listened to Yang Ting. The nonsense of peace has come up with the edict, which is great rebellious.

However, Empress Dowager Zhang also knew in her heart that there was no way out of this matter. The reason why she decided to walk on the same road with Yang Tinhe and others was also because she understood that once the new emperor's choice was controlled by Song Nan, her future life would be difficult.

I think that because of Corning, I had greatly offended Song Nan and asked the emperor. I'm afraid it's impossible to hide Song Nan from his family. Moreover, he was even more confused about recommending the son of King Ning as his heir. Zhu Chenhao's rebellion was equivalent to slapping himself severely. For a long time, the Empress Dowager Zhang hid in the harem and dared not come out, holding her ears to inquire about the reaction of the ministers.

How can the civil servants of the foreign court forget this matter so easily? They will keep biting about it, but they are waiting for an opportunity, or waiting for the approval and instruction of someone in the cabinet. At this time, Yang Ting and Liang Chu found themselves to discuss the choice of the emperor's heir, which obviously had to agree with the candidate they recommended, so as to avoid the dilemma of oral criticism.

Empress dowager Zhang can't help but agree. Song Nan and Yang Ting can only fall to one side. There is no doubt that Empress Dowager Zhang prefers Yang Ting, Liang Chu and others. She is like a lamb roasted on the fire. She has no choice but to take risks.

"All adults are loyal and patriotic, and my family understands it. However, the edict was drawn up by the emperor himself, and he also agreed to announce the stability of the people's hearts of the family in advance. The family believed that today was the time to announce it, so the family decided to issue the edict immediately to inform the world. Empress Dowager Zhang tried her best to keep a solemn and sad face and make her lies more realistic.

"Dare to ask the empress dowager, I heard that the emperor can no longer speak, but I don't know how the emperor instructed the empress dowager to issue the edict today." Wu Mi said loudly.

The ministers buzzed, and Yang Tinghe couldn't wait to abandon his indifferent image and rushed to choke Wu Mi's neck and strangle him to death.

"This... mourns..." Empress Dowager Zhang was at a loss for a moment, and she didn't think about how to answer this question.

"Lord Wu, don't you know that mother and son are connected? The emperor is the empress dowager's own son, and his son is like a mother. Does the emperor need to say his own meaning? But one look, one action can be clear. Could it be that your children don't talk, so you don't know what they are thinking? Yang Ting and said lightly.

Wu Mi shook his head and said, "I really don't know that if my children don't talk, I don't know what he is thinking."

Yang Ting and said lightly, "Lord Wu, then you have to reflect on yourself. It's enough to see that you are not dedicated to your children, but that parents don't think about their minds. The flesh and blood on their bodies stay together all day long, and their behaviors are traceable. Is it possible that Lord Wu never takes care of your children and never cares about their words and deeds?

"Maybe it's time to ask Lord Wu's wife if those children are the parents of Lord Wu." Someone whispered.

As soon as this statement came out, there was a burst of laughter.

Wu Mi said angrily, "Is this your reason? It's really a good thing to be a scholar."

Yang Tin and also shouted angrily, "Who said this boring thing in the hall? If someone talks like this next time, I won't forgive him."

At this time, Wu Mi has no powerful words to refute. Naturally, his parents are very familiar with their children. If the emperor really expressed his approval in his demeanor and actions, there is no reason for him to oppose it again. Today, he is also reasonable. As for not being able to prevent this from happening, Wu Mio believes that he has done his best. , that's what Yang Yiqing told me before I got up.

"Yang Tinhe, you will read the edict, inform the ministers, and then immediately inform the world to let the state officials and people know it." Empress Dowager Zhang looked at Yang Tinghe.

"I complied with the order." Yang Tinhe slowly stepped forward, took the edict handed over by the chamberlain, and slowly untied the tied yellow ribbon. There was silence in the hall.

Suddenly, there was a noisy sound in the side hall, and the servant's shrill voice sounded: "What are you doing? This is the hall, and the adults are discussing it.

The ministers heard it clearly and all looked sideways at the curtain leading to the side of the side hall. A eunuch's face poked out from behind the curtain. At a glance, they saw the whole hall staring at themselves, which made them shrink back with fear.

Empress Dowager Zhang shouted angrily, "Wang Dequan, what are you doing sneakily?"

The eunuch named Wang Dequan rolled in and crawled in and knelt down and kowtowed: "I deserve to die. I didn't mean to do it. Just now, a bodyguard from the Yangxin Hall came to deliver a letter. After hearing this, I felt very urgent. I wanted to see if I could tell Li Neng and Li Gong to tell the Empress Dowager."

Empress Dowager Zhang frowned and said, "The Hall of Yangxin? What happened?"

Wang Dequan swallowed and spit and said, "The bodyguard with a knife said that Song Nan, the Duke of Zhen, led the knife officer Changsheng and broke into the Yangxin Hall, and said that he held a firearm in his hand, which was afraid it would be bad for the emperor."


"What? How is that possible?"

"When did Song Nan return to Beijing?"

The ministers were stunned. Some people didn't know the news of Song Nan's return to Beijing at all. They were surprised that Song Nan would take hostages and break into the Yangxin Hall. The news was shocking, but it seemed a little ridiculous.

"On the contrary, the Duke of Zhen actually did such an exceptional thing. I suggested that he immediately gather the bodyguards to nourish the heart hall, and don't let Song Nan do anything unfavorable to the emperor." Liang Chu said loudly.

"Yes, immediately seize him and ask him what he wants to do?" While the emperor is seriously ill, I'm afraid this person has a different mind. Someone echoed.

"The Duke of Zhen saw that the emperor didn't need to do this. Why did he do this? Did the guards not open their eyes to prevent him from facing him? He went all the way back to Beijing to visit the emperor. If the guards stopped him, no wonder he would lose his temper, which was reasonable. Someone whispered.

"What's the reason? The rules are the rules. The emperor needs to rest. The empress dowager ordered that no one should be disturbed. Even if Song Nan is the Duke, she has no right to break into the emperor's residence, let alone take hostages and carry firearms. Some of you actually think it's reasonable. Where do you put the etiquette and regulations in the palace? Fei Hong shouted angrily.

Empress dowager Zhang didn't want to listen to their quarrel. She stood up on the throne and left. Yang Tinghe said stunnedly, "Empress dowager, the edict has not been read yet."

Empress Dowager Zhang said angrily, "What edict are you still reading now? I'm afraid that the emperor is in Song Nan's hands and won't save the emperor. Is the imperial edict more urgent than the emperor's life?

Yang Tinhe regretted his words and hurriedly said, "I deserve to die. I will immediately mobilize people to go to the Yangxin Hall to rescue the emperor. If Song Nan intends to be unfavorable to the emperor, he can kill on the spot and don't have to keep it."

The ministers looked around in panic and felt troubled. Today's events were covered with clouds and fog. Many people didn't understand what had happened at all, but vaguely felt that a big change was coming.


In the East Warm Pavilion of Yangxin Hall, the dialogue between Zhengde and Song Nanjunchen continued. Zhengde's face was red, and the medicinal power of the two Longhu Huichun pills just made up for what he needed most. Part of the reason why his illness was difficult to heal was that he took too much Longhu Huichun pills too frequently. It made his empty body even weaker. However, once he stops using drugs, his body suddenly can't take it. This is the basic characteristic of general addictive poisons, that is, when quitting, it will make the body extremely uncomfortable. After forcibly quitting, the body will quickly deplete its vitality without drug support.

Of course, Song Nan can't be blamed for prohibiting him from taking medicine. When Song Nan dissuaded him, his addiction was not great. Later, he was weak-willed and was deliberately seduced by Zhu Chenhao to take a lot of food through Ma Yongcheng, which was the reason why he finally collapsed.

And Song Nan just gave him two pills, just like a piece of water in a dry pond, which won a moment of gasp for the dying fish at the bottom of the pond, but this move only adjusted the last vitality in his body, which was equivalent to extracting his vitality and allowing him to directly enter the return before death. The state of light return.

In this state, Zhengde's face was ruddy, and he did not cough and gasp, and his body regained a little strength and even had some appetite. But Zhengde didn't ask for something to eat. He knew very well that this was a photo of Huiguang. There is not much time. He has to explain things quickly. There are still too many things to explain and too many words to say. He can't waste time.

"Song Nan, for more than ten days, when I was conscious, I have been thinking about the past, thinking about my days in the East Palace, and thinking about the people and things for so many years since my accession to the throne. In fact, I know very well that I am not a good emperor in the eyes of the ministers. I am too capricious and even a little ridiculous, but I have never wanted to change. I don't regret what I have done. Zhengde spoke leisurely and looked at the unknown place with empty eyes.

Song Nan doesn't know how to interface. Zhengde is not confused. On the contrary, he is a smart person, but he doesn't know why he did some absurd things, which is also confused by Song Nan. At this moment, Zhengde mentioned this matter himself, but Song Nan is willing to listen to him and listen to Zhengde's true thoughts.

"Do you know? I went out of the cabinet to study at the age, and the teacher of Hanlin Academy went in and out of the East Palace every day, and lectured endlessly. Cabinet university scholars were also arranged by my father to come every three to supervise and five times to inspect my studies. My father... My father did not take me to the imperial city at night after I left the cabinet to study. When he saw my first sentence, he would ask about my studies, strict It's a little scary. I'm really bored. It's not that I don't know that they want to be a good emperor for me in the future, but I really don't like them like this.

Zhengde's face is flushed, his nose is agitated, and his emotions are very excited. Song Nan quickly whispered, "Your Majesty, take a break and drink some water."

Zhengde waved his hand and said, "No, I won't drink. I won't tell you today. I'm afraid I won't have a chance to say it. Do you know? When I was in the East Palace, I kept thinking that if I took the throne, I would burn the books in the East Palace and do some rebellion, so that those cabinet scholars who thought they would teach me a good lecture would be stunned. I want them to know that the more they want me to be, the less I look like what they expect. I just want to slap them in the face. The more unhappy they are, the happier I will be. Hahaha."

Zhengde laughed like a naughty boy, smiled and coughed violently. Song Nan quickly handed him over with a cloth towel. Zheng De covered his mouth and coughed out a large mouthful of black and sticky blood clot. He only glanced faintly, but threw it into the scum bucket carelessly.

Song Nan persuaded, "Don't say it, don't say the emperor, I understand."

Zhengde gasped for a moment and said with a proud smile, "You understand now. Every time I do something strange and ridiculous, I hide in the dark to watch the reaction of those ministers. I am very happy to see them panicked and at a loss, and I have a sense of pleasure in my heart. Hahaha."

Song Nan swung her lips and didn't know how to explain Zhengde's behavior. Zhengde was like a child, full of rebellion in his bones. It turned out that all his actions were intentional, in order to fight with everyone, to talk to his parents, to the cabinet ministers, and to those Hanlin Academy who forced him to study. Guys, it turns out that Zhengde's heart is suppressed so much. No wonder his personality and behavior have been somewhat deformed.

"Last winter, I read a poem by Tang Yin, a talented son in the south of the Yangtze River, and I felt that the two poems above were written in my heart. He laughed at me for being too crazy, and I laughed at him for not being seen through. Haha, isn't that the case? The ministers thought I was a ridiculous emperor. Only I knew that I was doing this to tease them. Looking at their sad faces, I was happier than anything else.

"He laughed at me for being too crazy, and I laughed at him for not being seen through." Song Nan recited these two poems in a low voice. Suddenly, he began to pity the Zhengde emperor in front of him. Zhengde's nature was romantic and unruly, but his identity was a prince and he wanted to be emperor. Therefore, the whole court, including the previous emperor, could not wait to cultivate him to become the first wise king from ancient times to the present, and force him to learn the way of governing the country and the world, learn the order of etiquette and etiquette, and learn the strategy of dealing with the world. There is nothing to suppress the nature of Zhengde. Zhengde had to be a good prince in front of the emperor and cabinet ministers. He had longed for a day of outbreak in his heart. When he ascended the throne, all the previous depression would be released, and this kind of abnormal psychological behavior appeared. He takes pleasure in being ridiculous and casual, and he is proud of making the ministers suffer, and he knows that all this is wrong, but he just wants to do it.

"Song Nan, I don't expect you to understand me. I just don't want to bring all this into the grave and let future generations misunderstand that I am a madman. In fact, I know the importance. Have I ever made any stupid decisions on national affairs? I have fulfilled my duties, and my Ming Dynasty is still stable. If I pass him down again, I will be worthy of the ancestors and the ancestors. This is the only place where I will not be ridiculous.

"Of course, I am very glad to have you help me. Every time the court is in danger, I know that you will come forward to solve it for me. Think about it, whether I am not a favor to Song Nan, or even... Even when you do a lot of things that should copy the family and destroy the family, I will forgive you and still reuse you. Because I understand that you are the only one who can make me sit on the throne, and I am willing to give you the greatest respect.

Song Nan whispered, "I sincerely thank the emperor for his kindness. It is also the greatest blessing in my life to meet the emperor."

Zhengde sighed and said, "Whether your words are sincere or hypocritical, I will treat you as sincere. Don't think that what you do is very secret? In fact, I know it. I actually knew about you and the royal sister for a long time. You should know that I am the master of this palace. How can the big and small things in the palace escape my eyes and ears? But I have been pretending to be confused and don't know, because I have a poor royal sister. I hope you can really treat her and comfort her. I understand the pain of being bound by various rules, wanting but not wanting, and suffering without asking, so after knowing the secret between you and the royal sister, to be honest, I really want to deliberately disclose this matter, and then look at this rebellious thing done for you by the ministers and panic. Later, this matter was finally exposed. The Empress Dowager and the ministers came to me and forced me to raid your home and cut off your head, but I only gave you a small punishment. This is certainly because I don't want to listen to their instructions, and it's also because of my kindness to you.

Song Nan whispered, "I'm ashamed."

Zhengde continued: "Liu Jin's conspiracy, I knew from the beginning that you were playing tricks. You thought you were very clever, but in fact, you had already been seen through by me. The dragon robe found in Liu Jin's Xishan courtyard. At first glance, I knew that you were designing Liu Jin.

Song Nan was shocked and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, my minister..."

Zhengde said, "You don't have to explain. Since I have made it clear to you, I have no intention of liquidating the old accounts for you. You don't have to deny it. You are not flawless. There is a piece of ink on the cuff of the dragon robe, which is the one worn by the former emperor. When I were young, the royal sister and I often wrote in Qianqing Palace Middle School. The royal sister often made her hands full of ink. When my father came to see it, the royal sister pulled her father's sleeves and acted coquettishly. Those The ink was made at that time. Later, Shang Yijian said that he would dismantle and weave it again. His father said that there was no need to reweave it, and it was also a souvenir. After the death of his father, the dragon robe has been hidden in the warehouse of Shangyi Prison. If Liu Jin colluded with King Anhua to rebel and prepare a dragon robe for King Anhua, how could he take this old dress from Shang Yijian? Obviously, you took it from Shangyi Prison and put it in Liu Jin's house to frame it. Is that right?"