Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 853 Secretly Transmitted Information

Song Nan nodded and said, "Yes, how does the emperor feel when I come back?"

Zhengde waved his hand with difficulty and said, "Don't talk about... Don't talk about my body. My limit has arrived, and I know it in my heart. Did Zhu Chenhao's matter calm down?

Song Nan said, "Fortunately, I didn't disgrace the emperor's order and have calmed down the rebellion of the king. A few days ago, the news was sent back to the capital."

Zhengde nodded slowly and sighed, "Thank you for your hard work. They... didn't even tell me this news, but how's Chen Hao...?"

Song Nan said, "Zhu Chenhao was afraid of sin and took poison, and the body followed the army."

Zhengde sighed slightly and said, "Oh... What's wrong with Chen Hao? He's dead... I'm going to die. I don't know what we will say when we meet in the underworld."

Song Nan said, "Your Majesty, don't think too much about it. I will go to find a famous doctor for a fairy medicine to cure the emperor's illness."

Zhengde coughed twice and gasped, "Don't comfort me. I know very well in my heart that although I have been silent for so many days, I listen to the words and actions of the people around me. Although I am sometimes unconscious, I am more often awake."

Song Nan whispered, "The emperor is an open-minded person, and I understand the emperor's meaning."

Zhengde said slowly, "I'm waiting for you to come back. When I lie still, I know the true face of many people. I'm thinking that the only person in this court who can help me arrange the afterth is you Song Nan."

Song Nan said, "I am very frightened by the emperor's favor."

Zhengde said, "You don't have to be pretentious between you and me. I said that I would treat you as a friend. I have never said this to a second person in my life."

Zhengde slowly stretched out his hand. Song Nan knew what he meant and stretched out his hand and clenched it tightly. Zhengde sighed and said, "I know you will definitely come back. Only you, Song Nan, can understand my mind. When Zhang Yong came to see me that day, I pretended to be speechless, but while Zhang Yong was crying by the bed, he secretly stuffed my personal jade pendant into his hand. If he was not stupid, he would understand that I wanted him to find you.

Song Nan said yes, but thought in his heart, "It's just that Zhang Yong didn't understand what you mean at all. When you stuffed him with jade pendants, he thought that you gave him. After all, he had served you for more than ten years, and the emperors and ministers accompanied him to leave a souvenir. If he hadn't fled the capital in fear of discovering the edict, your painstaking efforts would have been in vain.

How shrewd Song Nan was. On that day, Zhang Yong once took out a jade pendant in Anqing City to say that the emperor would not forget the feelings of the emperor and ministers. In a coma, he stuffed a jade pendant into his hand. Song Nan's heart was like a mirror when he heard this.

Although Zhengde is dying, he is very clear-headed. The jade pendant was not given to Zhang Yong, but hinted that Zhang Yong would come to find himself quickly. Zhang Yong's brain is big. The style of this jade pendant is the same as what Zhengde and Song Nan gave to Song Nan when they were covered and returned to the palace when they first met; it was two pieces of jade carved from a piece of jade, but Zhang Yong didn't see it. When Song Nan took out the jade on her body and compared it, Zhang Yong suddenly realized.

Although Zhengde is lying on the verge of dying, his mind is clear. Since he was seriously ill, he knows that there is not much time, and the people around him have been replaced cleanly. He can no longer control the situation. The only person who can stop the Empress Dowager and the foreign court from holding the situation is Song Nan. Because of this, he simply remained motionless and found an opportunity to indict Zhang Yong to order Song Nan to return to Beijing quickly. Fortunately, although Zhang Yong did not understand his intention, another incident forced Zhang Yong to escape from the capital to find Song Nan, which did not make his painsevere.

And it was precisely because Song Nan understood Zhengde's deep meaning and learned that Zhengde was still sober that he insisted on taking people back to Beijing regardless of the public's obstruction. In fact, everyone knows the danger of returning to Beijing at this time. Song Nan dares to do so. On the one hand, she does not want to live up to Zhengde's expectations, and on the other hand, because Zhengde is sober, he has the instructions of Zhengde after returning to Beijing, and he has the imperial order when he acts. Otherwise, he will either follow the wishes of Yang Ting and the empress dowager to recognize the candidate of the new emperor, or he can only carry the reputation of rebellion and use force against them.

However, even so, Song Nan was shocked by Zhengde's situation. Unexpectedly, Zhengde had reached this point. Just now, Zhengde was really unconscious. If he returned to Beijing a day or two later, maybe Zhengde would have been in the funeral. Because of this, Song Nan had to be ruthless and give Zhengde two Longhu Huichun pills found from Ma Yongcheng that day. Although this may accelerate Zhengde's death, Zhengde's body will definitely stimulate the birth machine after taking this medicine. Since Zhengde has not had much time, it is better to exchange the time to stay for a short time of sober. Time is also much more valuable.

"It's good that you come back. You have seen my situation. As soon as I fell down, someone regarded me as a dying useless person and moved me here from the Qianqing Palace. I know their thoughts. They want me to die earlier. I know that they have decided on a new emperor. I am actually their obstacle to live." Zhengde was angry, and there was also a fierce light in his eyes. Zhengde only showed the majesty of the supreme emperor when the throne was threatened. The last time Song Nan saw him like this, it was when Zhengde ordered the killing of the Qing King of Ningxia after the king of Anhua rebelled, even if he was already a dying person and talked about this kind of thing. , he is still as fierce as a tiger and wolf.

Song Nan slowly said, "The emperor is angry, and I will not allow them to do so. In fact, Yang Ting and their actions have been suspected of being rebellious. Zhang Yong found that they secretly forged an edict. I don't know if the emperor knows this?"

Zhengde wondered, "The edict? I have never given any edict.

Song Nan took out the edict of the manuscript from his arms and spread it in front of Zhengde and said, "This is a copy of the edict I got. Please have a look."

Zhengde looked at it several times, and his chicken claw-like fingers grabbed the edict, rubbed it hard, and shouted in his mouth. Song Nan quickly stretched out her hand to stroke his back and comforted him, "The emperor must be more excited."

Zhengde sighed and said, "Although you didn't mention the other person except Yang Tinghe, I know that the empress dowager must have participated in it. Did the empress dowager... do this to his own son? Did I even reject my biological mother and betray her? My heart hurts like a knife. She moved me here and pulled away the people around me. In fact, I don't blame her. She came to visit me several times a day and cried for me. I know that she actually loves me, but how can she forge her edict without telling me? Shouldn't such a big event be discussed with me when I'm awake? I don't know what to say."

Song Nan whispered, "Maybe the Empress Dowager has her own considerations, and all this may be at the dictate of Yang Tingyu. After all, the Empress Dowager is a woman, and it is also possible that she is not well thought about major matters. Yang Tin and others are the pushers behind the scenes. Don't blame the Empress Dowager.

Zhengde looked at Song Nan and nodded and said, "If you say this from the bottom of your heart, I will be more relieved to you. After all, she is my mother. If you say something that doesn't allow her, I will be very disappointed in you."


In Fengtian Hall, Wu Mizheng, the left imperial historian of the Metropolitan Procatorium, and the cabinet people had an indisputable dispute. Around the absence of Song Nan, Zhanglun, Yang Yiqing and others at this court meeting, the topic of whether the emperor's edict should be postponed to be announced, Wu Mio argued, and more than a dozen courtiers stood on Wu Mio's side to speak. However, Liang Chu, Fei Hong and more foreign court officials insisted on announcing the edict immediately, and the two sides frowned angrily and remained deadlocked.

Yang Tinghe said nothing with a cold face. He knew that Wu Mi suddenly jumped out to stir up the situation. It must be the order of Yang Yiqing and Zhang Lun. Zhang Lun and Yang Yiqing received the news of the discussion in the upper hall, but they disappeared for a long time. It is likely that they have known the news of Song Nan's return to the capital, which was to deliberately delay the time and want to take the matter. Drag back. And the current situation must not be delayed. Song Nan returned to Beijing, and everything is variable. In case this person plays some tricks and disturbs the good situation, it is not what Yang Tinghe thought. This is the opportunity of the foreign court. If it can't take the lead in the selection of the new emperor, the foreign court will never become the master of the future government, and it will never want to bring down Song Nan.

"Gentlemen, don't quarrel. What's the style of noise in front of the empress dowager's seat? Don't ask the empress dowager to decide this matter. According to the order of the empress dowager, no one else needs to argue. Yang Tinhe decided to take out the Empress Dowager to solve the matter. As soon as the Empress Dowager spoke, no one could speak.