Beast in brocade

Chapter 030 Thunderbird's True Body

Yu unintentionally envied Taishi Changkong. If he could have a group of subordinates who were willing to shed blood for himself like this, he would be afraid of the threat of the Chen family, and even dared to directly fight back to the Beast Alliance.

But this can only be thought about. Taishi Changkong can be supported by these people because he treats them as brothers, not servants. Of course, it is unknown whether there is hypocrisy among them. But you only need to know that everyone is sincerely subdued to him, which shows that he is also sincere to everyone.

And what about yourself? Under the details, Lanling and Wei Tianbao can be called their subordinates, but with these days, they can't make them really submit. If there is an incident, they will leave without abandoning themselves, it will be fine.

"Alas, this is the gap." He couldn't help sighing.

Taishi Changkong asked, "Why did the brothers sigh?"

He smiled heartlessly and said, "Looking at the heroic appearance of everyone, I'm also a little excited."

Taishi Changkong laughed and said, "A good man should be like this. He takes care of his brothers and goes through fire and water for righteousness. I think the brother is also a person of true temperament, so he treats each other sincerely."

Yu didn't want to smile and thank him, "I'm just a small citizen of the market. It's really an honor to be highly regarded by Mr. Taishi." He didn't want to say something nice, but he sneered in his heart: If you really treat each other with sincerity, don't monitor me now. Humph, first you are defenseless and tell the truth, and then you just spy. To put it bluntly, you still look down on me and feel that in my identity, it's not worth lying, let alone killing people.

Thinking about it, Yu's unintentional good impression of Taishi Changkong has been greatly reduced.

However, he wronged Taishi Changkong. For a long time, Taishi Changkong has not underestimated him. Since he heard that he was fighting against the Chen family in Haile, Taishi Changkong felt that he had courage and knowledge, so when we met just now, he thought that he also had the news of a strange treasure, but when he knew it was a misunderstanding, Taishi Changkong was afraid of him. After knowing the news, he will make some waves, and maybe he will die, so he is monitored.

After hearing the unintentional and hypocritical modesty, Taishi Changkong laughed and scolded, "Shijing Xiaomin? You don't have the courage to fight against the Chen family. Now he goes deep into the cold mountains to catch birds and beasts, let alone what the market people dare to do.

Thehui had no intention to smile and said, "I should be called I don't know the depth of heaven and earth."

Taishi Changkong suddenly put on a blank look and asked, "How high is the sky? How thick is the ground?

Yu unintentionally also had a bitter face and shook his head and said, "So you don't know. I thought you knew it."

Taishi Changkong said, "No matter how high the sky is and how thick the earth is, we have to stand upright. What do you think we are going to pursue that thing?"

Yu unintentionally laughed and said, "That's right. Let's wait until one day you have leisure to measure it."

Taishi Changkong also laughed and said, "Well, call me then, and let's measure it together."

"No problem." The two laughed loudly and were in a very happy mood. The resentment that was just there has disappeared at this moment. This is the extraordinary part of Taishi Changkong. He can make you hate or hate it.

After the repair, everyone began to move forward. Nanxiong was still leading the way. With the addition of Taishi Changkong and his party, Yu suddenly felt a lot at ease. Before, he only brought Nanxiong. He didn't have any hope in his heart. He just came to try his luck. Now there is more There are so many helpers, and the strength of Taishi Changkong, Shen Qianxun and Jianyu is above himself. It seems that the thunder bead is destined to belong to him.

In his heart, he was so careless that he had time to think about other things. Suddenly, he thought of something and asked Taishi Changkong, "Mr. Taishi, I don't know if I should ask a question."

Taishi Changkong said, "If you have any questions, just ask me. Also, since I call you brother, don't call me a prince. I'm older than you, just call me the eldest brother."

Yu Xinxin stopped being pretentious this time and said cheerfully, "Brother Taishi, you said that this time the strange treasure was born, and the big figures in the mainland have come out, so the beast cultivation alliance and the alien beast clan will also come?"

Taishi Changkong said, "Of course, as far as I know, they have ordered the suspension of the war. Iron Mirror Yu, the king of foreign beasts, and He Lian Zhan, the leader of the Beast Alliance, are already on their way. With their eight-level strength, they can arrive here in a day from the battlefield of all beasts. Maybe we can meet them in the mountains in the next few days.

Yu Wuxin nodded slightly and said, "It seems that this treasure is really extraordinary. Even the battle between the two beasts can be interrupted."

Taishi Changkong said, "That's why I'm here to see it. Brother, it's definitely a great luck if you can catch up. You know, it's hard to find such a treasure in a thousand years."

Yu said indifferently, "Of course, it's best to see treasures. In fact, I'm more concerned about my beast beads. I heard from Brother Taishi that there are other monsters coming to Hanshan. I don't know if I can meet eighteen and then take out their beast beads, then I will make money."

Taishi Changkong pointed to the dragonfly and smiled carelessly and said, "Brother, you are really a businessman. You really know how to take advantage of the opportunity. I admire you, big brother. However, don't blame the big brother for pouring cold water on you. Beasts that can sense strange treasures must be profound cultivation. It's not easy to deal with.

huiIntentionally nodded and said, "What the eldest brother said is that I didn't have much hope. If I met him, I would fight. If I couldn't fight, we would run away. I can't bear to let you suffer any damage because of me."

Taishi Changkong said, "Brother's words are out of the same. Since you and my brothers are commensurate, my brothers are also your brothers. Everyone is afraid of life and death, aren't they?"

Everyone shouted, "Yes."

Yu hurriedly hugged everyone one by one and said, "It's my coquettishness. Don't be surprised, brothers."

Everyone responded, "Boss Yu is out again."

At this time, Taishi Changkong said again, "But we are not reckless people. Naturally, we can't rush to death foolishly when things can't be done."

hui has no intention to nod and agree. After all, he has no right to let other people's men work hard for themselves.

Shen Qianxun suddenly said, "It is rumored that Boss Yu's skills need to be practiced with animal beads, so Boss Yu is so eager to find animal beads, right?"

Shen Qianxun's question is really direct. You should know that the method of cultivation is the top secret of each faction, and it is never known to outsiders. Although Taishi Changkong also has such a question, he will not take the initiative to ask with his cultivation. At this time, when he heard Shen Qianxun ask, he was afraid that something would happen, so he wanted to change the topic.

Unexpectedly, he unintentionally admitted generously: "Yes, my skills are strange. No, strictly speaking, my body is strange. All my energy sources are obtained by absorbing animal beads, so I need animal beads very much."

Taishi Changkong was relieved and said, "It's really strange to have this kind of thing, but this kind of cultivation is really luxurious. If you don't have animal beads, don't you have energy? Can't you practice?"

"Yes, without animal beads, I have no energy, just like ordinary people." The unintentional is really cunning. He seems to admit the use of the beast beads generously and frankly, but conceals that he only needs guidance at the beginning of the change, and then he can practice his beast beads independently. However, this also does not blame him for his treachery. The nine-pearl skill is too magical. If it is known, it will immediately attract people from all parties to cove, and maybe It will divide him directly for research.

Everyone believed the unintentional words, and Taishi Changkong pondered, "Brother, have you considered practicing other skills? Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to step into the realm of a real master in your life.

Yu smiled and said, "Thank you for your concern. I am an orc, and the orcs have always been unable to practice. I can get energy from the beast beads. I am already the lucky one among the orcs. How can I expect any master, as long as I can protect myself."

Tai Shi Changkong saw that he didn't care about it, so he stopped persuading him and laughed, "Yes, if you really want to practice, there will never be an end. There is a second level above, and there is a third level above the second level. Even if you practice to level 9, you still always want to break through the ninth level and reach the realm of demigod. In fact, think about it carefully, this world The world belongs to the strong, but how many strong people can there be? The most is the weak, so as long as the weak live well, they are no worse than the strong.

He said unintentionally, "Brother Taishi is not weak. You are definitely a strong man, and you will be stronger."

Tai Shi Changkong looked into the distance and said leisurely, "My goal is to be strong, but I also like the ordinary happiness of the weak."

Listening to Taishi Changkong's words, Yu Wuxin suddenly felt a little touched. He likes the strong man of the weak. Who is this person? What does he want to do?

He didn't understand that he wanted to change his fate since he was a child, but now he wants to be strong and have his own power so that no one can bully him anymore. However, he has never thought about what kind of strong man he is and what kind of happiness he wants.

Perhaps this is the biggest gap between myself and Taishi Changkong.

Just when Yu didn't feel his heart, he suddenly heard Nan Xiong shouting: "Ah! The strange bird is there.

Everyone quickly looked in the direction he pointed and opened their mouths wide.

Thehuiwu xin asked in a daze, "South bear, is it the strange bird you are talking about?"

Nanxiong definitely said, "That's him."

Suddenly, thehui unintentionally cursed and said, "You idiot, that's obviously a flying dragon. You're actually a bird. Damn, you really killed me."

At this time, the so-called 'strange bird' who had been squatting on the big tree in front of him had also found that everyone suddenly opened its wings and flew down from the tree.

Taishi Changkong roared: "Run."

Everyone took a big step, turned around and ran, cursing the big man Nanxiong in their hearts.