Beast in brocade

Chapter 031 Flame Lion

The dragon is the supreme of the beast.

The whole continent advocates dragon culture, and the human race is known as the descendants of dragons. However, dragons are divided into dragons, flying dragons and earth dragons.

What the mainland admires is the dragon that can fly over the clouds and the rivers and the sea.

And the 'strange bird' that they didn't care to see is the second-class dragon - the flying dragon. Legend has it that flying dragons are the descendants of dragons and foreign beasts, so most of them have beast-like bodies. Only their long necks and tails are similar to dragons, and behind them are also a pair of huge meat wings that dragons do not have.

When they open their wings, they can fly for several miles in an instant. At the same time, they also have the talent of dragons and foreign beasts. They are far more powerful than foreign beasts, second only to dragons. They are well-deserved air hegemons, and their irritable personalities will cause great disasters.

For good, in ancient times, they were cursed by gods and lived on Arctic islands for generations and could not step into this continent, otherwise there would be another catastrophe on the continent. It is said that in the flying dragon clan, the flying dragon, which has just been born for a few days, has three levels of strength. After a few years of growth, it can rise to level 4 or 5.

Now this flying dragon is nearly ten meters long, its wings are seven or eight meters long, and its whole body is dark and blue. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a young dragon. I'm afraid its strength must be above the top level seven.

The stupid boy of the southern bear did not know the true face of the flying dragon. As a result, everyone fell into this dead place because of his strange bird, but he was really lucky. The flying dragon occupied his home, but only drove him out of the cold mountain without killing him. Could it be that this flying dragon doesn't like to kill?

He thought optimistically, but he didn't dare to verify. In case the flying dragon was only happy for a moment that he didn't kill the southern bear, and now when he saw them, he just wanted to eat a few people to taste, he couldn't even find the grave.

Everyone gave full play to their legs and fled quickly in the forest, but the flying dragon flew too fast. No matter how it ran, it always hovered overhead, but the tall trees in the mountain, with luxuriant branches and leaves, which is not conducive to its landing, so everyone was not attacked, but the situation is still dangerous. If The dragon was furious and destroyed the surrounding woods, and they had no place to hide.

"Remember, you must run to the dense woods and never give the dragon a chance to attack." Taishi Changkong was in danger and commanded everyone to escape. At the same time, he was also observing around, hoping to find a better solution.

At this time, Yu Wuxin suddenly asked, "Brother Taishi, how is your strength?"

Taishi Changkong was stunned for a moment and replied, "The six-level peak."

Yu was shocked. The peak of the sixth level is only one step away from the seventh level. Although he already knew that his strength was extraordinary, he did not expect it to be so high. However, knowing the news at this time was undoubtedly a help in the snow. He said excitedly, "The flying dragon on his head should also be seven or eight levels, too historical. Since brother is level 6, coupled with Brother Shen and Brother Jian, we may not be able to defeat it. Otherwise, if we run like this and don't get killed by it, we can die.

After listening to this, Taishi Changkong did not look happy. Instead, he smiled bitterly and said, "Brother, your idea is good. In our group, I am level 6, Qianxun level 5, Jianyu level 4 peak, and two brothers are the peak of level 3. In addition, you seem to be not weak, but this is only calculated according to the initial boundary. , the data is only suitable for levels below five.

"First line?" Unprehensed.

Taishi Changkong said, "The initial boundary is to take the first-level strength of the ninth spectrum as the boundary, and then determine the series according to the strength multiple of the initial boundary. For example, the strength is three times the initial boundary, the level is level three, and six times is the sixth level. You must know this, right?"

Thehui nodded in the heart and said, "I know, but I just heard that this is called the initial boundary for the first time."

Taishi Changkong continued: "In fact, this is only the upgrade standard below level 6. Once it reaches level 7, 8 and 9, the increase in strength is no longer based on the initial boundary line, but is changed to the upper line as the boundary line, that is, six times the initial boundary line as the standard line, and the multiple of each level becomes four, five or six times. Let's say, if I upgrade from level 6 to level 7, my strength will quadruple, that is, 24 times that is, the initial level. If I upgrade to level 8, my strength will quadruple the top line. Do you understand?

He unintentionally sweated on his forehead and whispered, "That means that the guy on his head is at least 24 times more powerful, and may even be 30 times stronger."

Taishi Changkong nodded helplessly and said, "This is the gap in strength. The reason why level 7* is called the top level is that their strength is too strong, so even if we add up to 24 times, one of their attack power is 24 times, but we don't add up to 24 times. The strongest attack power is that I can send out an attack with six times the energy. That's what I said. Absolute strength is not something that a number of people can fight against. Now we have no choice but to run.

Yu Wuxin said with a wry smile, "I'm sorry, Brother Taishi, I've brought you in."

Taishi Changkong smiled loudly and said, "Brother, you don't have to blame yourself. It's just a flying dragon. Our brother still doesn't pay attention to it. Although we can't beat it, we are still sure to escape, isn't we? Brothers."

"Yes." Everyone kept walking, but their voices were full of fighting spirit.

Yu unintentionally also suddenly became proud and shouted, "Okay, let's play hide-and-seek with the legendary dragon. Nanxiong, keep up. Among our group, Feilong likes you the most.

Nanxiong strode, but in terms of his body shape, he was really not good at long-distance running, so he gasped and said, "I don't like it. I can't run any more. Didn't you say you wanted to help me fight it? Why did you all run away?

He unintentionally scolded, "Bah, you idiot, I haven't settled with you yet. They actually treat flying dragons as birds. They are second only to the orcs of the dragon. If they really can't run away later, I will throw you into the sky to feed the flying dragon, and then we will take the opportunity to escape."

"No, I'll run." Nanxiong shook his head and strode to accelerate immediately. Obviously, he was afraid that he would throw him up and feed the dead bird.

Thanks to the cold mountains and trees, they fled all the way and never gave the flying dragon a chance.

Taishi Changkong suddenly shouted, "Brothers, work harder. There is an energy fluctuation of the master's fight in front of us, and we will lead the flying dragon to the lively."

Jianyu smiled and said, "Master's idea is a good idea. I don't know what masters are fighting in front of him, but the fight is not good after all. Just let Feilong be a peacemaker to persuade them."

Shen Qianxun laughed and scolded, "You are the only one who is tricky."

He didn't mean to agree, but said, "Yes, the flying dragon is so powerful that it is most suitable to be a peacemaker. Maybe he will thank us when he is happy."

"Haha, that's right." Everyone laughed loudly, and it can be seen that they are not good people. Obviously, it is a disaster that moves eastward and implicts others, but they still talk like accumulating virtue and doing good deeds.

At this time, the dragon in the sky seemed to hear the conversation of these bad guys, and suddenly opened its mouth and let out a dragon roar.

Nanxiong shouted, "Oh, it's going to thunder again."

He didn't understand what Nanxiong was talking about and quickly shouted, "Everyone, disperse quickly. Don't get close to the trees. The flying dragon is going to fire lightning."

The crowd quickly moved away from the place where the trees were concentrated, and then saw two thunder pillars hit their escape road, immediately hitting the trees within a radius of 100 meters into a piece of coke.

"Good boy, what kind of destructive power is this?" Yu had no intention to open his mouth. Although he had seen a lot of battles, he had never really seen the strength above level 7. Now he finally knew what the concept of the top rank was mentioned by Taishi Changkong.

Seeing that the flying dragon was about to attack again, Taishi Changkong said loudly to everyone, "Run away quickly and keep running forward. I'm dragging it here."

"Lord, you go first, we'll hold it off." Of course, everyone refused to abandon the Lord and fled.

Yu had no intention to walk to Taishi Changkong and said with a smile, "Brother Taishi, take the brothers away and stay alone."

Taishi Changkong raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice, "How can your strength delay the flying dragon? It's just a sacrifice in advance. Don't talk nonsense. Listen to my orders and move forward quickly."

Yu Wuxin suddenly said coldly, "Mr. Taishi, we originally met in Pingshui. This disaster was caused by me Wuxin. You look down on me too much."

Taishi Changkong sneered and said, "If you are unintentional, I will look down on you. The small third-level strength also dares to shout in front of me, isn't it?"

He had no intention to say angrily, "You..."

But before he could speak, the flying dragon's attack came again. The direction was directed at the two of them. Taishi Changkong threw him out and hit the lightning alone.

"Big brother..." He unintentionally saw that the thunder and lightning had swallowed up the long sky, and suddenly there was a colic in his heart.

Everyone also shouted: "Lord..."

Shen Qianxun did not say anything, but pulled out his sword and suddenly shot. The sword immediately flew out of his hand and shot at the flying dragon.

Flying sword, Lan Ling said that he had something to do with Taixu Gate before, and he guessed it correctly. The flying sword flew under the dragon's neck and stabbed its skin with a tink, but only a few inches, it could not go deeper, which showed the hardness of the dragon's skin.

But these inches also angered the flying dragon. The flying dragon opened its mouth and swept away, and thunder and lightning sprinkled like rain. The four weaker people were immediately killed. They were also forced to escape, and most of them were real warriors, with no means of long-range attack, and they didn't even have the power to fight back for a moment.

Even Jianyu was so anxious that there was nothing he could do. Instead, it was an unintentional fire pillar and fireball. At this time, he exerted his power again and shot at the flying dragon like a wholesale.

At this time, Yu Wuxin was extremely angry. Seeing that Taishi Changkong was hit by lightning, he was unable to rescue him, which made him very annoyed. Although he had only known Taishi Changkong for a long time, his temperament and pride had deeply affected him.

He didn't care whether the energy was enough and attacked the flying dragon desperately. The flying dragon was also beaten by him in the air for a while and could no longer attack.

It's a pity that the unintentional energy is too weak, and the attack will weaken in a short time, and the flying dragon also gets a chance to prepare for another round of attack.

"Alas, strength." The heartless is gradually powerless, and the heart is even more powerless.

At this moment, suddenly a beast roar came. He turned his head and saw a flaming lion standing at the lightning strike in Taishi Changkong.

"It's a beast." Inadtentionally, he could see through his eyes that the lion was the beast form of the orcist, and it was already a complete beast. It seemed that this man was already a high-level spiritual beast with six-level strength.

He has never been here? He was puzzled, but found that Shen Qianxun and Jianyu's faces were full of surprises.

And the lion roared at the dragon, and then said, "Brother, take a break and let your brother meet the flying dragon."

Yu Wuxin suddenly opened his eyes wide and said in a daze, "Brother Taishi?"