Beast in brocade

Chapter 032 Level 7 Power

The flame lion suddenly jumped up, spit out the fireball, and attacked the flying dragon. When the dragon's eye saw the fireball approaching, it diddge quickly in the air, and did not let the attack hit the body as arrogantly as before. It can be seen that it was very afraid of the flame lion, and everyone was immediately relieved.

Only Yu was unintentionally unbelievable. He never thought that Taishi Changkong was actually an orccultivator. Didn't he say that he was a Niuzhou people?

When Shen Qianxun saw the puzzled appearance, he moved to his side and explained, "The lord's mother is the direct blood daughter of the beast alliance. Thirty years ago, the beast alliance concluded a friendly alliance with our human race, and the lord's mother married my old master as a peace messenger of the beast alliance. Later, there was my lord , but no one expected that the lord was also a direct blood son, which made the cultivation alliance that looked forward to the direct blood every day extremely greedy and strived to love the lord. With that, Shen Qianxun was also observing the unintentional reaction.

After listening to this, he smiled and said, "It turned out to be the son of Miss Xiong, the third son of King Jing. No wonder he has such a demeanor. In fact, I should have guessed that the only descendant of Jiulong, King Jing of Niuzhou, is famous and surnamed Taishi in the whole continent."

Shen Qianxun closed the corners of his eyes and smiled and said, "Boss Yu knows so much that he can clearly explain my master's family background at once. It seems that Boss Yu is not an ordinary person. I told you, it's not that the dragon can't beat the river. Boss Yu dares to single-handedly challenge the Chen family when he first arrived in Nvzhou, and there must be something behind it."

Yu Wuxin suddenly laughed and said, "It turns out that Brother Shen has been doubting me. I said that after this meeting, why did Brother Shen's eyes always turn around on me? Haha... I just don't know why Brother Shen is so interested in my identity? Even if there is any power behind me, it should have nothing to do with Jingwang Mansion or even the whole human race, right?

Shen Qianxun sneered and said, "If we don't meet in Hanshan, I'm not interested in your identity at all, but you appeared in Hanshan at this time, which makes us in danger, so I have to doubt your identity."

Yu smiled carelessly and said, "Do you suspect that I already know your identity, so I deliberately met you by chance and deliberately led you to the flying dragon?"

Shen Qianxun nodded and said, "Yes, because all this is too coincidental."

He asked unintentionally, "What about my motivation?"

Shen Qianxun said in a cold voice, "You are an orc, and my lord is an orc. Do you think I have no reason to doubt you?"

He nodded carelessly and said, "It's true that you should doubt it. Since you are so suspicious, I have nothing to say."

Shen Qianxun was stunned at first and suddenly laughed and said, "You are really strange. You don't refute it at all. No wonder the lord looks at you differently."

Thehui asked with a smile, "Don't you doubt me anymore?"

Shen Qianxun looked at the sky and said, "I doubt that it's just that this is not the time to pursue this kind of thing. The flying dragon above our head is our common enemy."

Yu said unintentionally, "Brother Shen can afford it and let it go. Yu admires you." Shen Qianxun rose another step in his unintentional image. After praising Shen Qianxun, he also turned his eyes to the sky.

saw the flame lion jumping on the ground and firing one or more fireballs at the right time. Although the flying dragon has the advantage of flying, it can't return it for a while. The two sides are so deadlocked day by day.

However, he unintentionally found that the fireball of the flame lion seemed to be getting smaller and smaller. Is it because of the lack of energy? I think so. After all, he is only a high-level spirit beast, with six-level strength, which is many times different from the seven-level flying dragon.

The flying dragon also found this, and suddenly stopped dodging, waved its wings, abruptly blocked the two fireballs of the flame lion, and then hit the flame lion with a big mouthful of lightning like a thigh.

This should be the real strength of the flying dragon, the seven-level attack, which is enough to turn hundreds of meters into ashes.

"Lord, run away quickly." Everyone was shocked and hurriedly called Taishi Changkong.

However, the flame lion was motionless and stared at the lightning. Just as the lightning was about to hit, the lion's body suddenly shone brightly, forming a flame barrier and resisted the lightning.

"Level 7? The first level of the heavenly beast?

hui unintentionally said with Shen Qianxun. They looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes. Obviously, no one would have thought that Taishi Changkong had also entered the realm of level 7 top grade.

"Didn't he say that there was only six levels?"

"The lord is indeed the sixth peak, and he hasn't broken through for two years."

"It seems that he has been promoted unconsciously."

"It shouldn't be long, otherwise the master won't hide it. I think it's very likely that he has just been promoted."

"You mean he was promoted from the battle?"

"Yes, promotion not only requires cultivation, but also depends on opportunities. The master has been looking for opportunities for promotion for the past two years. I think it should be the easiest to be promoted in the battle."

"It's the potential to fight."

Yu had no intention to discuss the promotion of Taishi Changkong with Shen Qianxun, and his tone was full of envy. He couldn't help thinking, when will he reach the seventh level?

And as they guessed, Taishi Changkong has just been promoted to the first level of the heavenly beast. To be precise, at the moment when he pushed away the inad and was hit by lightning, the energy accumulated for a long time in his body crazily transported the body. In the lightning confrontation with the flying dragon, it finally changed qualitatively, broke through the six-level bottleneck and entered the seventh level. This can force the flying dragon to have no power to deal with it for a while.

However, because the strength is still unstable and the energy is insufficient, the attack gradually weakens. At this moment, the full energy forms the body protection barrier. Taishi Changkong feels that the energy is almost exhausted. If the attack cannot be removed as soon as possible, the body protection barrier will soon be broken. At that time, not only he, but everyone present will be The lightning struck and turned into a wisp of dust.

This is absolutely not allowed by him. Taishi Changkong bit his teeth tightly, the flame lion roared up to the sky, and the protective barrier emitted a dazzling light, and finally completely resisted the thunder and lightning of the flying dragon. But the flame lion was also so tired that he lay on the ground, opening his mouth and gasping for breath.

The flying dragon was destroyed and attacked again, and his heart became more angry. With a long roar, he began to prepare to launch a stronger blow to completely eliminate the small human beings that provoked it below.

The Flame Lion saw that the dragon was about to attack again, but he had no strength to stand up and had to shout, "Run away. The dragon is angry. I can't resist anymore."

"Lord, we don't run away. As subordinates, we should have fought to protect the Lord. How can we let the Lord sacrifice his life to protect us?" A guard stood with a knife and said decisively, "Captain Shen and Captain Sword, please leave with the lord. We will definitely block the flying dragon."

He didn't want to recognize him as Wang Tongyong, who had tested the poison before. He was heroic, loyal and courageous.

Jianyu opened his mouth and scolded, "Let your mother's fart, your little ability is not enough to plug your teeth. You are about to leave with the lord, and it's up to me and Captain Shen."

Wang Tongyong said without weakness: "Captain Jian, our strength is not as good as you and Captain Shen. Because of this, only when you take the lord can we hope to escape the pursuit of the flying dragon."

"You..." Jianyu also wanted to refute.

but was interrupted by the roar of Taishi Changkong: "Do you still have me as a lord in your eyes? Listen to me, leave me alone. Run away quickly.

Yu Wuxin suddenly smiled and said, "Ok, don't argue. You all go. I'll stay to resist the flying dragon. Although my strength is not strong, I am better at long-range attacks than you. With my fire skills, I can still delay the flying dragon. Go quickly. The flying dragon is about to be ready. With that, he didn't care about everyone's opinions. He raised his hand and shot five fireballs, all of which hit the dragon's eyes.

Eyes are the weakest place of organisms, and flying dragons are no exception. In front of the five fireballs, although they are quite weak, the flying dragons do not dare to let them hit their eyes, so they flap their wings and dodge lightly.

But he is unintentional but has to take an inch, endlessly launching fireballs, which is the same as the previous tactics of the Flame Lion. The flying dragon suddenly became more angry. With the same tactics, the flame lion has seven levels of power. It is also wishful for it to hide. Unexpectedly, a small orc would want to humiliate himself like this.

The dragon flapped its wings angrily, and a strong wind blew away the unintentional fireballs everywhere.

He shouted unintentionally, "Go quickly. I can't delay it for a long time."

At that time, Shen Qianxun and others had come to the flame lion, but no matter how they persuaded them, Taishi Changkong refused to take back the beast and fled for their lives.

Shen Qianxun smiled helplessly and said, "In this case, let's live and die together." After saying that, he waved his hand, and the sword that had fallen from the flying dragon flew back to his hand from a distance.

Then, he saw his sword cut his finger, blood smeared on the sword, and immediately released a strong light. Obviously, this is a skill of overdrafting energy.

Shen Qianxun pinched the formula, and the flying sword took action and shot straight at the flying dragon. At this time, Shen Qianxun was sweating heavily, which should be his last blow.

At this moment, the dragonfly is also full of energy, emitting a pillar of fire as thick as the last arm, two different attacks, and attacking the dragon at the same time. They are making a final fight for themselves and the lives of others.

Unfortunately, such an attack can't make up for the gap in strength after all. The dragon only spit out a flash of lightning and broke two attacks.

They are desperate and can only wait for the end of life.

At this moment, a strong light flew from a distance, which was a flying sword, but in terms of speed and energy fluctuations, it was far from Shen Qianxun's flying sword. The flying sword easily penetrated the left wing of the flying dragon. The flying dragon screamed and fell from the sky. Without waiting for it to fall to fall to the ground, a triangular ink rhinoceros ran from the forest. The ink rhinoceros jumped up hard, three big horns pierced into the body of the flying dragon, and the flying dragon was killed.

"It's him." Yu inattentionally recognized the identity of the Mexican rhinoceros. At this time, the owner of the flying sword also flew down from the sky with a flying sword.