Beast in brocade

Chapter 049 Level 5 Thunder

The heartless left hand scratched his flat chest, and a flash of lightning crossed his chest, blocking the knife gas.

After the first change, Leizhu's unintentional thunder energy reached saturation in an instant, and even a little unbearable. Now with a wave, it doesn't need to consume much mental energy, and it can be mobilized. It's really as easy as an arm and finger.

Yu can't help sighing that his own bead is the best use.

After intercepting the knife gas, the two fingers in his right hand were put together, and a thumb-thick lightning shot out from his two fingertips and took straight to the man's chest.

The man didn't expect that he could unintentionally block his knife spirit, let alone that he could fight back immediately. For a moment, he didn't have time to dodge, so he had to flatten his palms and gather the power of true martial arts in his palms to form an invisible shield to seal his chest. The unintentional lightning arrived in an instant and collided with the man's real martial arts power. Unexpectedly, it broke through the man's real martial arts protection under a fight.

Lightning spread all over the man's body. He took this opportunity to kick the man's abdomen, and the man was kicked out heavily. Qi Shuyu did not lag behind. As soon as he saw that thehui had no intention to win continuously, he immediately waved his sword to catch up with the man.

First, it was attacked by lightning, and then kicked by the unintentional flying legs. After the unintentional thunder beads changed, those who could send energy were no longer confined to their hands. As long as there were bones, energy could be used, so the unintentional legs were also filled with energy by him, which instantly increased the attack on his legs by several times, and directly kicked the man. The internal organs are churning and the whole body is paralyzed.

When Qi Shuyu waved his sword to catch up, although the man had the intention to dodge, he had nothing to do. He had to watch Qi Shuyu stab the sword into his left chest. However, the moment when the sword pierced his body, pain and death immediately stimulated his potential. He saw him turn his body hard and escape the attack of the tip of the sword, but After all, a sword cut a long wound on his chest.

He was heavily thrown on a bucket beside him and smashed the bucket. Half a bucket of water inside was scattered on the ground, and he was soaked in water.

Qi Shuyu wanted to catch up with another sword, but he smiled and said, "Get out of the way, let me do it."

Qi Shuyu retreated to the side and saw that his hands were unintentionally concentrated, with dazzling electric light flashing in his hands, and then suddenly sent out to the man. Two lightnings landed. The man was seriously injured and was defenseless, and his whole body was full of clear water. Lightning was transmitted through water, and the speed and power were several times higher than before.

The heartless is even more generous. Lightning came out one after another, and soon there was a burning smell in the room. The heartless man stopped. When he looked at the man again, he was already burnt and could not die.

Qi Shuyu finally relaxed his mind, took back the blood magic, and sat directly on the ground. He stood there with a relaxed face. In fact, the reason why he was able to defeat a six-level master was not because of his strength, but because of the dragon ball energy he absorbed, the dragon ball that exploded in his body at the beginning, although Later, they all entered the sea of knowledge and condensed into thunder beads, but now the dragonfly is unintentional, and now the thunder beads can't digest and have so much energy.

So half of the energy is filled in the thunder beads, but it is not owned by the thunder beads. It may be burst by the thunder beads at any time. Now that the dragonfly has no intention to attack continuously, it uses half of the extra energy, and it is still not refined at all. It still preserves the energy of the power of the dragon ball. The dragon ball cares carelessly and tries its best to release those energy. Well, its power can be imagined, so it can easily kill a six-level master with five-level strength.

At this time, all the excess energy is released, and the thunder beads in his body are finally normal, and he is naturally relaxed. However, in the future, he can no longer use energy so luxuriously. Unless he can cultivate his strength above level 7, he will still be his fifth-level master honestly.

Qi Shuyu made a slight adjustment, then staggered to the cell and raised his sword to cut off the big lock of the prison door.

Intentionally followed her to the cell, and suddenly she was shocked and her face showed an unbearable look. It turned out that the cell was a torture chamber full of various execution racks, and the torture tools on the outer wall formed a chilling hell on earth.

At this time, there was a large bucket in the middle of the cell. A woman in the bucket was soaked in water, and her wounds were still bleeding slowly, and the bucket of water had been stained with blood.

The woman was about 267 years old. Although her body was full of scars, her delicate face was not hurt, but because of pain and blood loss, her pretty face was so pale and haggard.

Qi Shuyu slowly walked to the bucket, gently stroked the woman's cheek, and said in a choked voice, "Sister, wake up, I'm Shuyu. I'm here to save you."

The woman did not respond.

Qi Shuyu stretched out her nose in fear. Although her breathing was very weak, she said that she was not in danger and should just be injured and unconscious. Qi Shuyu was immediately relieved and reached out to take the woman out of the water, but she had just gone through the fierce battle and used the art of blood. She was also weak and weak and had no strength. Take the woman out.

She turned her head and looked at Qi Wuxin. Qi Wuxin had to walk into the cell and take the woman out of the water. As soon as the woman came out of the water, Qi Wuxin exclaimed, and Qi Shuyu was also embarrassed. It turned out that the woman's whole body** and all the privacy of her body were displayed in front of Qi Wuxin.

Yu didn't want to hold the woman and didn't know what to do for a moment. Qi Shuyu said annoyly, "What are you doing? Put her outside**. I have some medicine here. After treating her wound, we will go back immediately.

"Oh." Intentionally, he carefully carried the woman to the outside**. There were two beds, which should be the place where the two masters usually rested. They even slept in front of the cell. It seemed that there must be something interesting to them.

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth slanted unintentionally, as if it were a fox that caught its prey.

Qi Shuyu gently bandaged the wound for the woman. Her eyes were always filled with tears, and she couldn't wait to pick up the sword and smash the two dead masters.

How can these beasts be so cruel? Unexpectedly, a woman was tortured to have no good skin except her face.

He didn't want to look any more, so he turned his head and looked elsewhere, just to see the treasures scattered all over the ground.

"How to transport these things out?"

Thehui has no intention to think about it. There are so many things, at least a million, and it is impossible to carry them out by himself. If you find someone else to move, there will be many people and miscellaneous things, which is the first taboo of stealing treasures.

And if you don't carry it out tonight, there will be no chance in the future. Who knows when Ma Daowen will come back.

At this time, Qi Shuyu suddenly threw something to Yuxin. After Qixin looked at it, his big mouth immediately grinned behind his head.