Beast in brocade

Chapter 050 Bullying the Rain Again

What Qi Shuyu threw to the unintentionally was a treasure bag, which was a very strange magic weapon. Although it was only the size of a palm, it could hold ten car items.

The craftsmanship of this magic weapon is superb, and the materials are also very rare and expensive, so there are no more than 100 treasure bags in the whole continent. Unexpectedly, Qi Shuyu carried it with him. Without hesitation, he immediately began to install the treasure.

I really don't know. I was shocked. Ma Daowen, a small city owner, can actually accumulate wealth so much. In this secret room, there are more than 700,000 taels of gold and silver, and there are many jewelry and jade. He doesn't know how to price it, but the value of the whole secret room is definitely more than his previous estimate of millions.

When the unintentional decoration of the treasure was completed, Qi Shuyu had already wrapped up the woman.

Yu unintentionally put the treasure bag into his clothes, picked up the woman and walked out. After seeing him walk to the ground, Qi Shuyu took out two explosive symbols that were twice as big as last time, and completely blew up the secret room at once, leaving no trace left for Ma Daowen.

The two walked carefully on the street with the woman. Although Haile was in ruins, the explosion just now would inevitably attract someone, so they were very careful and rushed all the way west to far away from the refugee camp.

Not far from the city, Qi Wuxin suddenly found several figures shaking in front of him. He stopped cautiously, but Qi Shuyu continued to move forward. Those figures also came to them. Qi Wuxin moved slowly. After Qi Shuyu approached those people, he saw those people bowing to Qi Shuyu.

Qi Shuyu asked, "Are you ready?"

One of them said, "The heavy animal car is ready and will send people to the mountain overnight."

Qi Shuyu nodded, turned to Yu Xin and said, "Give them the people. They are the Fang family."

Yu Wuxin understood when he listened to them just now that although Qi Shuyu was reluctant to take risks, he still needed the help of the Fang family. This kind of transfer and Tibetan work must be done by the Fang family.

Thehui had no intention to hand over the people to those people. Those people did not stop and carried the woman away. The woman was still unconscious, but her breathing was much stronger than before.

When those people disappeared in the night, Yu Wuxin suddenly patted his hands twice. Qi Shuyu was stunned first and immediately found that a person came from the direction of Haile City. The man was very fast and soon came to them. It seemed that he was also a master.

The man bowed his head slightly and asked with concern, "Master, are you hurt?"

It turned out to be Lanling. He didn't mean to know that the danger of this operation was extremely high, so he instructed Lanling to secretly follow herself and wait outside. Once he heard that Yuxin sent a signal, he would go in to support him. However, when he was forced to swallow the Dragon Ball, he didn't have time to send a signal in pain. After that, he didn't need Blue Bell to appear. The blue bell has been just running errands secretly.

After hearing her caring greetings, Yu smiled happily and said, "It's okay, a little injury, but this time it can make a lot of money."

Lan Ling was puzzled, but Qi Shuyu sneered and said, "We didn't count those things in it before, so those things are not for you."

Yu Wuxin suddenly said anxiously, "In order to save your sister, I almost took my life. This little thing is not enough to offset my loss, and you are still hiding a very important thing from me. Looking at the importance that the two people attach to her, the value of that thing is definitely not inferior to this batch of things. My lord has A large number, don't care about what it is, and you can fight as much as you like, but this batch of things must be my son.

Qi Shuyu also said urgently, "You are too greedy. We have negotiated the terms before. You will never suffer losses. We can't give you this batch of things."

He said coldly, "This batch of things is not yours. It's just there. Whoever takes it is theirs."

Qi Shuyu suddenly smiled and said, "The treasure bag containing things is mine. Who do you think this thing should belong to?"

Yu thoughtlessly, "Then I will buy this treasure bag. Is 100,000 taels of silver enough?"

Qi Shuyu shook his head and said, "I won't sell it. I give up what's in there, but I'll take 100,000 taels of silver from you. I'm not that stupid."

Yu unintentionally smiled proudly and said, "Okay, I'll give you the things. Anyway, you will soon be my lifelong slave, and these things will come back to me."

Qi Shuyu was speechless. It took him a long time to react and forced a smile, "I'm not sure if I'm your slave. Besides, even if I'm your slave, how can you get my property?"

He smiled and said, "I am your master, and of course I have the power to control everything about you. Don't worry, you must be my slave. You said you would sell that woman to me before, but now I won't buy it. I don't want a half-dead person. I just want you.

Qi Shuyu pointed to thehui unintentionally and excitedly didn't know what to say. She had never seen such a shameless person who bullied a woman without blushing. Of course, his snakeskin could not be seen red.

Qi Shuyu gradually calmed down and said in a hoarse voice, "Forget it, I don't want anything. Our previous agreement has been cancelled. These things are the reward for your help."

He shook his head and said, "This matter and the other can't be confused. Previously, you said that you would reward you or your sister, so I promised to help you. Now that the matter is done, you must fulfill the agreement. And you didn't know that this batch of things would be put there in advance, so it has nothing to do with this matter. It's completely my luck. It's stolen by the way, and it also has nothing to do with you. Do you understand?"

Qi Shuyu's teeth are itchy. How can he have such sharp teeth? How can you be so insatiable? At the same time, Qi Shuyu hated himself even more. Why didn't he investigate clearly in advance? It would actually be Ma Daowen's treasure house. Now not only did he have a huge amount of wealth, but he also want to become his slave.

There was no good strategy for a while, so Qi Shuyu had to ignore him and strode to the refugee camp in the south of the city.

If you don't mind, you will shout unrelentlessly: "It's not urgent. Just think about it slowly and come here in half a month."

Qi Shuyu shouted and ran away. She didn't want to see her heartless again for a moment.

Yu Xin was so happy that he only laughed. Lan Ling looked confused. The only thing he knew was that Qi Shuyu had been defeated by Yu's heartless hand.

He turned his head and looked at Lan Ling and smiled, "Are you curious?"

Lan Ling smiled faintly and said, "No, I'm just thinking about whether to persuade the third lady to stop struggling."

The dragonfly said curiously, "If you don't ask me anything, do you think I will win?"

Blue Bell suddenly said mischievously like a little girl, "Because the master is a big bad guy."

He laughed unintentionally and said, "So you really know me."


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