Beast in brocade

Chapter 269 Magic Plan

In the face of the unintentional shamelessness, Zhou Jingxian had to roll her eyes helplessly and then said, "When will your Captain Wei come back?"

He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I also want to know this question."

Zhou Jingxian mocked, "You are a shopkeeper. Your subordinates never need to ask you for instructions. In the end, you just need to report the results."

The fairy smiled and said, "The fairy's investigation is really detailed. It's true. As the saying goes, there is no doubt about the use of people. Since I have handed over the matter to them, they have to do it themselves, otherwise everything will be respectful, and I won't have to die."

This time, Zhou Jingxian surprisingly agreed with his words: "This is the highest way to control, but how many people can do it? Your mansion can achieve what it is today, which is entirely due to your good use of people.

He said proudly, "Hey, thank you, fairy, for your praise."

As soon as Zhou Jingxian saw his proud appearance, she suddenly glanced at him with anger and said, "I really don't know why you have such a good life. Lan Ling, Fang Xiao, Pei Xinhong, Yin Fanghong, Qi Shuyu, Wei Tianbao and Du Xing are all insightful people who can stand alone. It's good for other families to have one or two. But you can all be included in the house. Sometimes I can't help asking, why is God so biased?

Yu unintentionally smiled and said, "Good people have good lives. God knows that I am a good person, so he treats me so preferentially."

Zhou Jingxian sneered and said, "Come on, I think it was God who took advantage of your bad guys without notice."

Yu Xinxin said, "Okay, are you saying that God is a fool? Aren't you afraid of being struck by the sky after going out?

Zhou Jingxian looked at Wuxin for a while and then said, "It's so naive." With that, Zhou Jingxian turned around and walked outside the house.

"Is I naive?" Yu asked himself in a low voice, and then said, "I don't think so."

When Zhou Jingxian heard the self-question and self-answer of the idiot behind her, she was immediately laughed out loud, but her footsteps did not stop and continued to walk out.

At this time, I heard the dragonfly ask in a loud voice, "What is the fairy going to do?"

Zhou Jingxian said without looking back, "Since Wei Tianbao doesn't know when he will come back, I will go to do my affairs first. If he comes back, you can bring him to me."

He had no intention to chase Jingxian last week and said, "Then where can I find you?"

Zhou Jingxian stopped and turned around and said, "You go to any store with silver decorations on the signboard in the city and report your name. Naturally, someone will bring you to me."

"Silver flower jewelry?" Looking back at the store signs he had seen, he suddenly thought that there seemed to be many shops in this city with silver decorations. Are they all Taixumen's industries? By the way, there were also several silver flower shops in Haile. At that time, he thought it was the logo of a chamber of commerce. He sent someone to check and found that there was nothing suspicious, so he ignored them. It turned out that those were all eyeliners that were too empty.

It's terrible. In this way, how many such stores are there in Taixumen in Nvzhou? No wonder Taixumen is so well-informed. It only takes a lot of financial resources to operate such a large intelligence and business network.

Taixumen is indeed the first sect in the mainland. It is indeed worth learning from the idea of connecting intelligence and commerce, using the money of shops to support intelligence and use intelligence to make money. This model is really worth learning from.

Zhou Jingxian looked unintentionally meditated and ignored her words at all. She raised her tone and said, "Hey, are you listening to me?"

Only then did Yu Wuxin come to his senses, suppressed his new ideas, and immediately replied, "Listen, don't worry, fairy. As long as Tianbao comes back, I will take him to see you immediately."

Zhou Jingxian snorted coldly, "Okey, then I'll go."

Zhou Jingxian is really angry this time. After all, no woman likes to be ignored by others.

However, if she knew that what the cogeny was thinking unintentionally, she was actually thinking about how to plagiarize the intelligence model of the false door. At that time, she must not only be angry, but also want to kill people.

Zhou had no intention of sending Zhou Jingxian away and immediately turned back to the house. He wanted to study how to strengthen the information of the house.

Now the intelligence network of Yufu is trained and dispatched by Lanling. It is useless except to obtain information, and even the most basic assassination cannot be done. However, this can't be blamed for Lanling's incompetence. After all, the intelligence agency of Yufu has just been established, and it is already very amazing that it can achieve today's results.

In the competition with Zhantianhui and Chen Dongge, without these intelligence personnel, he would not have been able to win the current victory.

But the intelligence agency directly determines the strength of a family. If the intelligence agency no longer becomes stronger, he will eventually taste the pain of failure.

But how to expand the intelligence agency?

This has always been a major problem that plagues the carelessness and Lanling. In the traditional intelligence model, intelligence has always been directly transferred by the family, that is to say, the family should raise them well and let them exert their strength when needed, but if there is nothing, it is equivalent to raising them for nothing, and Even if intelligence is needed from time to time, it is unaffordable for a family.

So many families end up with the pain of removing intelligence agencies.

If Yuxin is an ordinary person and Yufu is an ordinary family, then Yuxin will also want to close the intelligence agency, but he is not an ordinary person, and Yufu is not destined to be an ordinary family. Battles will appear in front of them at any time, so intelligence is the key to determining their life and death.

Yu Xin once said to Lan Ling, "The Yu Mansion can have no gambling in the Heaven Pavilion and the God of War Square, but absolutely no intelligence agencies."

We must build the strongest intelligence network.

Today, inspired by Zhou Jingxian, he felt that he had seen a plan that had never thought of before. If it can be implemented, the strength of the government will be improved again.

Taixumen is based on shops and obtains information while doing business. Such a combination is really ingenious. He can't help but praise it when he thinks about it, but he also knows that this model of Taixumen is not easy to achieve.

Because if you want to open shops all over the women's continent, there must be two decisive factors. First of all, how can you open so many shops without huge financial resources? In fact, it is power. If there is no strong power as backing, in a chaotic world like women's continent, it is possible to be local at any time. The forces were annexed.

So it is still too difficult for the unintentional to achieve such a model, but the unintentional model does not want to copy the model of too empty door, which is too much to show his unintentional wisdom. He wants to make a big change to this model and make it suitable. His model.

One can make money and obtain intelligence, and more importantly, he is not afraid of being swallowed up by other forces.

Without thinking about the plan in his heart, he couldn't help grinning happily. Only a smart person like him could think of such a plan. As soon as the matter of the ancient witch clan was over, he put the plan into practice. The first thing to do was to completely cover his power throughout Taiping Province.

"Grandma, ancient witch, disappear quickly and don't delay me from realizing this wonderful big plan."

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. He couldn't wait to implement the plan now. Unfortunately, there was still an ancient witch who was in the way. When he thought of the ancient witch, he hated it so much.

"That's right, I just forgot to ask Zhou Jingxian about the demon king and the ancient cave. She is a fairy of Taixu Gate, and she should know more or less about this."

Only then did Yu unintentionally remember that there was still something that did not ask Zhou Jingxian. If he could not solve the relationship between the ancient cave and the demon king, he could not know the real purpose of the ancient witches, and how could he attack them.

"Forget it, I'll find Tianbao, then go to Zhou Jingxian with him, and give the magic box to Taixu Gate, and I'm relaxed."

He has lost interest in the magic box now. He found that it was really a magic box. Since digging it, he hasn't had a good day.

"The magic box is really not a good thing. If I had known this, I should have thrown it away, and it would have saved the trouble now, let alone the lives of dozens of the Liu family."

He walked out of the room unintentionally. He has always blamed himself for the experience of the Liu family. Although it is not much, it is already good for a cold-blooded person like him.

In fact, this is really his fault. If he hadn't wanted to borrow the Liu family to explore the secret of the magic box, the Liu family would not have suffered such a disaster. However, it can't be all his fault. At least he has to blame the Liu family for being too weak to be served by the ancient witches.

Oh, no, there is another one that is missing.

Forget it, when you have time to do a magic thing for them and surpass their grievances, it's also worthy of them.

Yuxin said in his heart that he had come to the entrance of the courtyard and was about to walk out of the courtyard. At this time, a man full of blood suddenly rushed to his face.

The guard at the door immediately rushed up, stopped him and shouted, "Who is it?"

As soon as the man saw the guard, he fell to the ground with a bang. Looking at his appearance, he was seriously injured and could not stand it.

I heard him say weakly, "Quick...Quick...go through, know... prince..."

At this time, a guard had recognized the man and said, "Isn't this Wu San who went out with the captain? What's wrong with you?"

As soon as he heard that it was his own, he immediately guessed that something had happened to Wei Tianbao. He suddenly ran to Wu San's side, regardless of Wu San's blood stains, and helped Wu San and asked, "What on earth happened? Where's Tianbao?"