Beast in brocade

Chapter 270 Tianbao Captured

When Wu Sanyi saw the unintentional, his eyes suddenly lit up. He stretched out his hand and suddenly grabbed the unintentional arm and said weakly, "Sir, prince... it's not good..."

As soon as he saw him like this, he knew that he was not in a hurry, so he said, "Take your time and tell me what happened to you? How's your captain?

Wu San's breathing became more and more rapid. Now he breathed more and less air intake. He took a strong breath and said, "We met the ancient wizards in Dongshi Lane. The brothers were all dead and the captain was captured by them. I ran desperately before I ran back."

When he heard that Wei Tianbao was captured by the ancient witch people, he could no longer calm down. He immediately asked, "Do you know where Tianbao has been arrested?"

Wu San shook his head and said, "As soon as I saw the ancient witch people, I fled desperately. On the way, I only looked back and saw that the brothers fell to the ground, and the two ancient witch people pressed the captain."

Wuxin frowned and thought about how to rescue Wei Tianbao. At this time, Wu San's spirit became weaker and weaker, and his head began to fall down.

The dragonfly hurriedly shouted, "Come on, help him in quickly and treat his injury."

"Yes." The two guards came quickly and was about to reach out to lift Wu San. He suddenly shouted, "No, dodge."

Then he flew back and pulled back the two guards.

The guard didn't know why. Looking back, he saw that Wu San's body began to rise with black gas, which was poison. It turned out that Wu San had been poisoned by the ancient witch people. He did not escape back by chance, but was released by the ancient witches.

The ancient witch wanted to let the witches know that Wei Tianbao had been captured by them.

At this time, Wu San had fallen to the ground without a sound, and his body had turned black and was quickly rotting.

This is the same as seeing the corpse soldiers of the ancient witches a few days ago, but I don't know why the ancient witches did not operate the corpse soldiers this time.

Yu didn't care to see that the black gas on Wu San's body was getting thicker and thicker, and he began to drift around. He knew that he was hopeless. If the poison gas was allowed to spread like this, everyone around him would suffer.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I didn't protect you well. Have a good journey."

The codder did not want to pray in a low voice, and the two guards next to him couldn't help but feel sad.

At this time, the inadvertent waved his left hand, and a pillar of fire spewed out from the fire beast beads in his hand and shot at Wu San's body. At that time, a blazing fire ignited on Wu San's body, and the black gas also burned, and soon burned clean.

Yu Wuxian sighed in a low voice and turned to the guards around him and said, "Notice everyone here and follow me immediately. I can't give the ancient witches any more chance to hurt you."

A guard held his head and said, "We are not afraid of death. We are willing to give our lives for the prince at any time."

Another guard also said, "Yes, prince, what's so terrible about the ancient witch? Our brothers killed their nest together, rescued the captain, and destroyed the ancient witch Manchu."

Looking at the high-spirited appearance of his men, he felt warmed his heart and said, "Well, this is my unintentional brother, but although we are not afraid of death, we can't let the ancient witches be harmed. You can take me to a safe place and bring all the important things here."

"Yes." The guards returned to the yard and notified the others who were waiting in the yard. For a moment, everyone began to be busy moving. They stood at the door and looked at everyone's busy but not chaotic appearance. They couldn't help admiring Wei Tianbao's well-trained training, which made these people have the current order.

"I hope Tianbao is still alive and must be alive." Yu unintentionally prayed that Wei Tianbao had been his right-hand man for so long. Without Wei Tianbao, he would undoubtedly have broken his arm, and Wei Tianbao was also the person who followed him for the longest time. Except for Lan Ling, Wei Tianbao was a good witness who witnessed him.

Even his good brother, he could not imagine that if Wei Tianbao was brutally poisoned by the ancient witch, he would lose his composure and wanted to find the ancient witch people desperately, and Wei Tianbao was also Lanling's closest subordinate. If Lanling knew that Wei Tianbao was in danger, he would definitely come to peace desperately.

"Alas, I don't know what's wrong at home? Since the ancient witches have taken action against Tianbao, will they go to Haile to hurt Lanling and others?

Yu was worried. No matter what the ancient witch did, they had not really caused any harm to him, but this time they suddenly took action against Wei Tianbao. What do they want to do? Did they know about the magic box?

When he didn't think of this, he was shocked. If it was about the magic box, it would be troublesome. By the means of the ancient witch clan, in case he knew the whereabouts of the real magic box from Wei Tianbao, how could he tell Zhou Jingxian?

And if the ancient witches get the real magic box, they don't know what they will do next.

The ancient witch must not get the magic box.

Yu was anxious and said to his subordinates who were still busy, "Hurry up, hurry up. Don't worry about unimportant things. Throw away money and things."

He looked at his men's body full of burdens and suddenly sweated wildly. He really didn't expect that there were so many things hidden in this small yard. It seems that Wei Tianbao wanted to make this place into a secret base. Unfortunately, there was no defense system here, otherwise he would not have to take everyone to escape.

At this time, he saw a small figure in the unintentional crowd. It was Liu Xiran, Liu's orphan. He was looking at the crowd with puzzled. When he found that unintentional was looking at him, he immediately looked at the unintentional gaze and asked, "What are you big and small? Moving?"

Yu nodded in the heart and said, "Yes, we are moving."

Liu Xiran asked, "Why didn't you see Captain Wei?"

He said unintentionally, "He is not here. Do you have anything to take? We are about to leave."

Liu Xiran shook his head and said, "I have nothing to bring, but you have brought so many things, so be careful of being robbed on the road."

Hearing Liu Xiran's words, Yu Xin suddenly jumped.

Robbery? Why did he say that? How can so many of us be robbed?

He didn't mean to think that this might be a joke from Liu Xiran, but he couldn't calm down. What did Liu Xiran mean by this?

He looked into Liu Xiran's eyes and saw a smile in Liu Xiran's eyes. This smile increased his unintentional doubt.

This Liu Xiran is very suspicious. He seems to know something and seems to be expecting something.

At this time, one question after another began to appear in Wuxin's heart.

First of all, Liu Xiran's appearance was so sudden. So many people in the Liu family died. Why can only he survive? And he is obviously in his thirties, why is he just like a child? Such a strange thing is simply incredible.

The last point, the ancient witch clan has been looking for the magic box for nearly a thousand years. In the past, the ancestors of the Liu family were prepared to hide the magic box and avoid the search of the ancient witch clan, but now the Liu family does not know what the magic box is, and how can they avoid the search of the ancient witch clan?

The more he thought about it, the more strange he felt, and all the doubts surrounded Liu Xiran.

It's absolutely suspicious. He didn't want to think that Liu Xiran was suspicious, but his face remained calm and continued to urge his men to pack up quickly. As soon as he saw everyone packing up, he inadlinchedly shouted, "Now divide you into two teams, and you will be the captain in the first team."

He unintentionally pointed to one of the two guards just now and appointed him as the captain.

The man was overjoyed and replied loudly, "Yes, thank you, son."

Yu said inattentionally, "Take your people to Mr. Chen's house in Chen Dongge, and then stand by there."


He waved his hand carelessly and said, "Let's go."

The captain took his eleven people and ran to Chen's house with big bags.

hui had no intention to appoint another captain and took the remaining nine people to Shenfu to wait for orders.

And he took Liu Xiran and walked slowly on the streets of Taiping County. He always paid attention to Liu Xiran's movements. The reason why he divided people into two teams was to be surprised.

He felt that the ancient witch people told him the news of Wei Tianbao's arrest, which was actually to disrupt his position and let him evacuate, while the ancient witch people took advantage of the chaos to rob their things.

He had no intention to guess that the purpose of the ancient witch was to get the magic box. Originally, he did not think of that, but Liu Xiran's words reminded him, so he made a suspicious array and divided the people into two teams and sent them to Shen Zuiyin and Chen Dongge respectively. When they arrived at their territory, the ancient witches had to restrain more or less. After all, the strength of Shen and Chen is not weaker than that of Yufu, or even stronger than that of Yufu. If the ancient witches did not even dare to move, they would not dare to rush to conflict with their two families.

This can be seen from the ancient witch warned Chen Dongge that if the ancient witch was really powerful, then the Chen family had already been killed.

Therefore, Yu had no intention to divide the people into two teams and transfer them to Chen and Shen's two mansions. In this way, even if the ancient witches ambushed in advance, they could only attack one place and reserve a team of people for Yu Xin.

Although he walked slowly on the street, he also paid attention to the movement around him at any time. Previously, he had quietly handed over a signal bomb to each of the two captains. Once something happened, he immediately pulled the signal bomb. At that time, he would arrive as soon as possible.

After walking for a long time, there was no movement. In terms of the journey, the team going to Chen Mansion should have arrived, and the people going to Shen Mansion are about to arrive.

If there is no more movement, it should have arrived safely. Is this his mistake? The ancient witches did not ambush?

No, he made a very low-level mistake, but fortunately this mistake made him worry for nothing.