Beast in brocade

Chapter 272 Another chase

In the evening, the mansion was at the stronghold of the small courtyard in Taiping County. At this time, there was silence in the courtyard, and the gradually coming night slowly swallowed up the small courtyard.

Yu unintentionally lay on a folk roof not far from the courtyard and paid close attention to the movement of the courtyard. Unfortunately, he waited for a long time and still did not see half a person appear in the courtyard.

Did he guess wrong? Or did the ancient witch come here before he came?

If he had known that he would not have wasted so much time on Liu Xiran.

However, when he remembered that Liu Xiran was tossed around, he couldn't help laughing. It was really coke.

Liu Xiran refused to take off his clothes and said that the scholar could not be killed or humiliated. As a result, he was unintentionally released a big fire, and his ability to control the fire had reached the level of fire. The fire burned on Liu Xiran's body, but only his clothes were about to be burned out, but it did not hurt his skin, even The eyebrows and hair were not burned.

In the end, Liu Xiran had no cover his clothes and had to put on the clothes he bought. However, when he saw the clothes, he resisted again, because what he bought was a woman's clothes, and the color was very bright. Looking at the bag, there were still a few pieces of jewelry and rouge. It seemed that the I want to dress him up as a woman.

Liu Xiran resisted loudly, but he did not move this time, but did not say a word. He took his clothes and turned away. Liu Xiran was left alone in the alley. Poor Liu Xiran stood there in ragged clothes for fear that someone would pass by, and finally he had to shout unintentionally.

He knew that Yu Wuxin was looking at him nearby. He almost cried and told Yu Wuxin that he was willing to wear the clothes he bought.

Only then did he proudly come back from not far away, looking at Liu Xiran wearing women's clothes one by one, and finally putting on jewelry and rubbing powder.

When wearing jewelry, Liu Xiran had to resist, but when he thought that things had gone to this point, what else could he resist, so he let him do it unintentionally.

Finally, after a lot of tossing, the unintentional work was completed. When he looked at it, there was a burst of laughter in an instant.

Liu Xiran was so ashamed that he almost found a seam to get into it. He thought that he was a good man. Although he was a little small, he could not suffer such humiliation. He looked at the unintentional eyes and almost spewed fire. If his eyes could kill people, he would have died 10,000 times.

Finally, Liu Xiran didn't care about thehui and walked directly out of the alley and walked in the direction of Chenfu.

Intentionally, he sneaked all the way and came to the courtyard to wait.

"If you wait a little longer and no one comes, I will withdraw. I can't waste my time here. I will find out the whereabouts of Tianbao as soon as possible. Stay here for a moment, and the danger of Tianbao will be increased by one point."

He had no intention to calculate in his heart. As time flew by, he had lost his patience. When the afterglow of the sun officially disappeared in the sky, he suddenly flashed from his hiding place, and at this time, a dark shadow suddenly flashed in a corner of the courtyard in the distance.

Intentionally, he quickly caught the flashing shadow, and immediately became alert in his heart. Who is that? When did I arrive in the courtyard? Why didn't I find it? Did he find me?

There was a series of questions unintentionally. At this time, the shadow had flashed into a private house, and the unintentionally no longer hesitated, raised his legs and chased after it.

No matter who he is, as long as he appears in the courtyard, he is his unintentional enemy and must not let him escape.

Intentionally lifting the energy and expanding the range of the senses, he immediately found the figure who was rapidly fleeing.

At such a fast speed, in a moment, he had run out of thousands of meters away. If it hadn't been for the insensitive sense, I'm afraid he would have escaped by him.

Good guy, this must be the ancient witch people. Except for the ancient witch people, who can have such a fast movement speed?

After he was unintentionally sure that there were the ancient witch people in front of him, he was suddenly overjoyed. He was worried that he could not find the whereabouts of the ancient witch people. Now there is one who sent it to the door. This really wants to sleep.

In this way, he stared at the figure more attentively. He walked in all directions and always kept a long distance from the man, but this distance was within his sensory range.

After several times of tracking and being tracked, Yu unintentionally believes that he is now an experienced tracking master.

But he is not sure now whether the person in front of him has already found him, because he doesn't know when the man arrived in the courtyard.

It should be before he went, otherwise, he could not find it, and the man lay on the edge of the small courtyard for a long time, probably found that he was unintentional, because he was afraid of being found by him, so he lay motionless, and finally lost his patience and wanted to escape quickly.

If this is the case, then if he is unintentionally tracking now, he may encounter danger. Should he continue to pursue it?

He has no intention to hesitate, but he has been chased here. Does he have to go back? If you can't retreat, you can't know the whereabouts of Tianbao, and if you fall into the trap of the ancient wizards, as long as they don't use more than three six-level masters, he is sure to break out of the trap.

In particular, the poisonous power of the ancient witch clan has no effect on him, which is his greatest reliance.

If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you get the tiger?

For his brother, he took this risk.

made up his mind, he did not hesitate, and his pace was faster, because the man also accelerated his speed. Looking at his direction, he was going to run out of the city. Will the stronghold of the ancient witch clan be outside the city?

Taiping County is surrounded by poor mountains and dense forests, which is indeed a good place to hide, but the ancient witch is an arrogant nation. Even if they hide, they will certainly not choose a desolate place, so they are not sure that the ancient witches are actually hidden in the city, and the man ran out of the city, obviously to lead the aura to Outside the city.

It turns out that he has found that thehui is unintentional, and it seems that this tracking can be over.

He unintentionally accelerated again. He wanted to catch the man before the ancient witches were surrounded, and then interrogated him to see if he could get any clues.

The two of you chased me and quickly went out of the city. In the open place outside the city, neither of them slowed down. This situation was like the pursuit of the two people who were unintentionally and Taixumen a few years ago, but this time it was changed, and the unintentionally changed from the pursuer to the pursuer.

Inadtentionally shortening the distance with the man, he also gathered a thunderbolt arrow in his right hand, and then aimed at the man, quickly releasing thunder and lightning, which flew to the man's leg.

The man was also very alert. He immediately found the thunder and lightning attack. His body suddenly flashed to the side and unexpectedly escaped the attack.

It's not surprising that he was unintentionally. After all, it was not the first time he had seen the amazing body of the ancient witch clan, but the man dodged like this. Although he flashed the attack of the thunder finger arrow, his speed slowed down. The he was unintentionally prepared. When he sent out the thunder finger arrow, he had already gathered energy on his legs, almost following the thunder finger arrow. Then rushed to the man.

When the man flashed aside, the man had already bullied him. The man's face was covered with a black veil. As soon as he saw the pita unintentionally coming, he exclaimed and waved his hand. A black fog sprinkled on the piti in the heartless. The piti did not dodge and rushed directly to the man.

I just heard her exclamation, and her voice was very soft. It turned out to be a woman's voice. Seeing that her skills should be no more than level four, otherwise she would have thought she had met an acquaintance.

He has always been curious about who rescued Wu Qiyan in Haile? He reached level six at a young age, shouldn't it be his daughter?

Forget it, now is not the time to think about this kind of thing. Let's capture the woman in front of us.

The woman obviously didn't expect that thehui unintentionally was not afraid of her poisonous fog at all, and the poisonous fog really had no effect on him. If it had been for others, she would have been confused by her poisonous fog. What kind of monster is this man?

At this time, the unintentional big hand is close in front of her, and she is about to be caught by him. Is it possible that she will die here today? No, absolutely not. How can she die? She still has a good youth.

The woman's eyes were cold, and her hands suddenly formed a fingerprint and pushed her to Yuxin. Yuxin felt a strong force coming head-on.