Beast in brocade

Chapter 271 Ticking Xiran

(Ask for red tickets, collection support)

Only then did he think that the purpose of the ancient witch was naturally be the magic box, and he asked his men to travel lightly, carrying large and small bags, but there were nothing as big as the magic box, so he would definitely not attract the people of the ancient witch clan.

Alas, if I had known this, I wouldn't have been worried.

Yu Wuxin breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, he suddenly thought that since the ancient witch people did not attack his people, they would certainly not give up, so there must be ancient witch people in the small courtyard now.

If you can follow them, you may know the whereabouts of Wei Tianbao.

He made up his mind to turn back to the courtyard, but as soon as he saw Liu Xiran around him, he must not let Liu Xiran know such a secret thing as the ancient witch clan. He must find a way to get rid of this biggest hidden danger.

Yu thought for a moment and said, "Liu Xiran, do you know the way to Chenfu?"

Liu Xiran said, "Do you mean the old Chen family? Yes, there are few people in Taiping City who don't know the old Chen family. Shouldn't you let me go to Chen's house by myself?

Yu said in a very gentle tone, "Little brother, you are so smart. Brother, I have something else to do, so I won't accompany you."

Liu Xiran looked coldly and said, "Boss Yu, please don't use this kind of deceiving tone and talking, okay? My actual age is much older than yours, and do you really think I can go to Chenfu by myself?

Yu said unintentionally, "How can you go to Chen's house? Is it possible that you have a grudge against Chen Dongge?

Liu Xiran sneered and said, "I don't know Mr. Chen. How can I have a grudge, but I'm afraid there are many people who want to arrest me on this street."

Yu Wu frowned and said, "What do you mean by that?"

Liu Xiran said, "Have you noticed that I have been walking with my head down since just now?"

After thinking about it, I immediately understood Liu Xiran's intentions. The Liu family had just suffered a massacre. Everyone thought that all the Liu family had been killed, but suddenly saw Liu Xiran from the street. I'm afraid that people's first reaction was to meet a ghost, and then they would understand that Liu Xiran was the only survivor. At this time, the government will summon Liu Xiran.

And the ancient witches will naturally not let go of the survivors of Liu's family.

This truth is actually very simple and easy to think of, but Yu Wuxin didn't think of it before, because he was doubting the country just now. Is Liu Xiran the orphan of the Liu family? Looking at his performance, he will not have anything to do with the ancient witch clan, right?

However, after Liu Xiran's reminder, the dragonfly suddenly thought of a question. If Liu Xiran had something to do with the ancient witch clan, then why did he sneak into the dragonfly mansion and carry a magic box. It is said that the ancient witch clan should not let go of such an important thing as the magic box.

Are they sure to look at the magic box?

There is only one possibility, that is, Wei Tianbao was found by the ancient witch when he buried the magic box, but in that case, what did the ancient witch catch Wei Tianbao for?

He was puzzled. The more he thought about it, the more chaotic he felt. The whole thing seemed to be trapped in a psychedelic space. He groped in it over and over again, but had no clue.

Suddenly, he subconsciously touched the Zhantian behind him and suddenly understood that if Liu Xiran was really a spy of the ancient witch clan, then their goal was the sword behind him.

Well, why didn't you think of it? Recently, my mind is full of magic boxes. Thinking that the real magic boxes are still in my hands, I feel that this is a mountain hanging high on his head. Once the ancient witch found that the stolen magic box was fake, they will definitely lock the target on themselves. At that time, the ancient witch's means are not as 'gentle' as they are now. .

Because the thinking in his mind has been fixed, he almost forgot the reason why he really got into trouble with the ancient witches. In fact, it was the magical beheading behind it.

"Brother, I really love and hate you. I don't know if it's the clan of your original master in your heart? Or is it more towards me?"

He caressed the sky and sighed in his heart. He knew that with his friendship with Zhantian, the demon king must be resurrected, and he would return to the hands of the demon king without hesitation.

Thinking about the two months he has been together, he has unintentionally regarded Zhantian as a part of his body. Once he encounters danger, he will subconsciously catch Zhantian. It seems that with Zhantian, he has infinite courage. Even if there is a sea of swords and fire in front of him, he dares to break through.

Now when he thought that Zhan Tian was likely to betray himself, his unintentional heart seemed to be stung. He suddenly decided in his heart that in order to dominate Zhan Tian, he would also stop the resurrection of the demon king. Even if this would make Zhan Tian resent him, he would never give up.

From the moment he got Zhantian, he was doomed. Zhantian was a divine soldier belonging to him. No matter who he was, he would not want to snatch Zhantian from him.

Absolutely not.

A cold light shot out of his eyes, which shocked Liu Xiran, who was looking at him from the side. At that time, Liu Xiran also frowned and meditated, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

As soon as he saw Liu Xiran meditating, he was suddenly shocked. I don't know what bad idea this scourge was thinking. He must not give him a chance. Why don't you send it back to the ancient witch clan? I'd like to see if the ancient witch clan will want him.

There is a flash of light in his mind and comes to his mind.

saw him laugh and said, "Xiran, in fact, there is nothing wrong with your worries, but you don't have to be afraid. I have my own way to make people not find you."

Liu Xiran looked at him warily and asked, "What can you do?"

Yuxin smiled and said, "Come on, let's find a remote place, and then you will naturally know."

Liu Xiran followed Yu Wuxin to the depths of an alley. Yu Wuxin asked him to wait there, and then Yu Wuxin returned to the street. Liu Xiran waited left and right. After waiting for a long time, he saw Yu Wuxin walking back from the street with a burden.

He said with a careless smile, "The first time I bought these things, I almost didn't know what to buy. Fortunately, there were many shops in Taiping County, so I bought all these things."

Liu Xiran looked at the big burden in Yu Wuxin's hand, and then looked at the treacherous smile on his face. An ominous foreboding suddenly rose in his heart. He asked, "What did you buy?"

He smiled unintentionally and said, "Clothes can make everyone unable to recognize your clothes."

Liu Xiran said puzzled, "What clothes?"

Gunin said, "Don't ask. Take off your clothes quickly."

Liu Xiran was shocked and said, "You asked me to take off my clothes here?" What if someone sees it in broad daylight?

hui carelessly said, "Don't worry, no one will see it. Take it off quickly. Besides, what if you are a child's family, even if you are seen?"

Liu Xiran shook his head and said, "No, absolutely not. I can tell you that although my body is not developed, my heart is a dignified man's heart. You can't humiliate me like this."

He said impatiently, "I didn't say you're not a man. I know you're a man. Big men should be happy. Don't be so ink."

Liu Xiran still shook his head and said, "Shi can be killed but not humiliated. I am determined not to get rid of it."

Thehui stared and said, "I'll ask you for the last time, do you take it off or not?"

Liu Xiran's attitude was very resolute. He hugged his chest, but did not take off his clothes.

He unintentionally smiled and said, "Okay, if you don't take it off, let me take it off for you."

With that, he unintentionally put the burden on the ground and put his left hand into his pocket.

Looking at Yu Wuxin's complacency, Liu Xiran smelled a trace of danger and asked nervously, "What do you want to do?" I tell you that you are unintentional. If you dare to hurt me, I won't let you go.

"Haha, Liu Xiran, take it easy. You are like a bullied little woman."

Yu looked at Liu Xiran's pitiful appearance and was immediately happy.

Liu Xiran was so angry that he almost vomited blood, but there was nothing he could do. How could he beat the burly orcs with his young body?

At this time, the unintentional left hand had been taken out of his pocket, and he was still holding a fiery red bead in his hand.

Liu Xiran asked again, "What are you taking?"

A thing that unintentionally smiled and said, "A thing to help you undress." After saying that, his left hand released a pillar of fire and sprayed on Liu Xiran's body.