Beast in brocade

Chapter 278 Investigating spies

Zhou Jingxian really didn't understand. In the past, no matter where she went, no matter what kind of man he was, even if he was a nobleman and a relative of the imperial family, even if he was the king of all races, he had to be courteous when he saw her, and some people were even willing to be her servants.

But now, this bastard doesn't pay attention to it at all, as if if she is not a fairy of the virtual door, if she is of no use, he will throw her into the house as a maid.

Huh? How can I have the idea of being a maid? Bah, if he dares to have that intention, I will definitely take him off eight pieces and throw him to feed the dog.

Zhou Jingxian thought hatefully, and Yushou subconsciously clenched her fist and then waved a few times in the air to vent her depression.

It's so disgusting that she's going to be pissed off. Why did God bring down such a monster?

Zhou Jingxian vented, but sat in the chair helplessly. Although she hated Yu, she found that she had nothing to do with him. Now even if she was angry with him, she had to do something for him.

Although her purpose this time was not because she was unintentional, she cleaned up the ancient witch clan, and in the end, the cheap one was the unintentional bastard.

Should I let him suffer some losses?

Zhou Jingxian couldn't help but have a bad idea in her heart. She was very unhappy that she could sit comfortably and enjoy it, so she began to think about bad ideas in her heart.

Of course, let him suffer some losses, but how can he suffer losses?

For example, if I rescue Wei Tianbao now, if I let my men delay the time and let Wei Tianbao suffer more, but it is Wei Tianbao who suffers in this way. It is not unintentional, and in case of delay, Wei Tianbao has died at the hands of the ancient witch clan. At that time, he lost the magic box, and it was her Zhou Jingxian who lost.

Alas, how could this happen? Why is there nothing you can do about him? It really pissed me off.

Zhou Jingxian was so anxious that she wanted to go crazy. Fortunately, there was no one else here now, otherwise they would definitely see a fairy who fell into the mortal world.

Zhou Jingxian forced herself to calm down and must not be affected by the insensiveness, otherwise there would be no way to think normally. She knew that there must be a way to deal with the inintentional. She thought that she was not a vase that was placed.

She doesn't believe that she can't deal with the dirty, cheap, dirty and dirty orc.

Zhou Jingxian closed her eyes and flashed one thought after another. She believed that there would always be one that would be suitable for carelessness, because he was also a human being, and there would be loopholes.

However, after thinking about it, Zhou Jingxian found that there were so many unintentional loopholes and shortcomings, but she really wanted to attack, but found that those things could not really hit the inadvant, because he was really shameless and shameless to think about the moves you. In fact, he didn't care.

For example, since Chen Dongge kidnapped Fang Xiao, he provoked the war between Qi Wuxin and the War Tianhui. As a result, although Qi Wuxin seemed to care about Fang Xiao, he actually didn't care about Fang Xiao at all. Instead, he used Fang Xiao as bait to successfully catch the big fish of the Zhantianhui.

And now, Zhou Jingxian also suddenly understood why the ancient witch did not directly hurt the mansion, but chose to assassinate the mansion at the beginning, because they also knew that even if they destroyed the mansion, the mansion would only be sad, and then build a new mansion.

At that time, their ancient witches had to bear unintentional revenge. Although they were a nation inherited from ancient times, now, their strength is far less than before, and they have to be prepared to be destroyed by other forces at any time, so they are unwilling to build enemies again.

For this reason, their goal has always been to be unintentional. This time, if it hadn't been for the magic box, they wouldn't have taken action against Wei Tianbao.

Well, that bastard seems to have a headache for many people.

Zhou Jingxian sighed helplessly and had to admit a sentence. This is really a lowly but invincible person.

Huh? No, how did the ancient witch know him so well?

Zhou Jingxian suddenly thought of a very important question. She could see the essence of the unintentional, because she was very familiar with the unintentional, and had also studied him in depth, but why did the ancient witch knew him so well?

Is it that there are spies of ancient witches around him? Well, it is possible that if there are no spies around him, why would Wei Tianbao's secret magic box be revealed? And according to this situation, it can be seen that the identity of the spy is still uncertain.

No, this is a very important issue. I must inform Wuxin as soon as possible and ask him to find out the spy quickly, otherwise he doesn't know how much he will suffer.

Thinking about it, Zhou Jingxian was about to get up to find Yu Wuxin, but when she thought about it, she stopped. She was worried that there was no way to let Qi Wuxin suffer losses. Isn't there a ready-made good opportunity now?

She should not tell Yu Wuxian now, let him be kept in the dark like this, and then be tricked by the ancient witches again and again, but she will find the spy as soon as possible and can't let him out of her sight. It doesn't matter if Yu Wuxian has no intention to suffer losses, because she will help him find it out.

The more Zhou Jingxian thinks about it, the more proud she is. Aren't you crazy? This time I'm going to see how you've been played by others. Finally, I'm going to let you beg this fairy to save you.

"Haha... It's so funny. I can't wait to find that spy now. I'm going to 'thank him'." Zhou Jingxian's pretty face showed a treacherous smile, and then she shouted loudly, "Come on."

A man walked into the outside the room. If he had no intention to be here, he would definitely recognize that he was one of the two false people he had chased with before.

"What do you want to order from the third sister?" The man's name is Xu Yan, and he is also an ordinary disciple of Taixu.

In fact, there is a very strict hierarchy in the Taixu sect. Those who have just entered are called new disciples. These people are only allowed to practice in the door and will not step out of the mountain gate on weekdays. After two years as a new disciple, there will be an assessment, but they will continue to be new disciples.

Those who pass the assessment will be promoted to ordinary disciples. Ordinary disciples, even formal disciples of Taixumen, can participate in some actions of Taixumen, and ordinary disciples are generally a level of Taixu disciples. At this level, there is no time limit and no upgrade assessment. Some people will live their lives. He will stay at this level. Even if his strength is very strong, he can only be regarded as a master among ordinary disciples.

However, in this level without promotion and no way out, there are also many opportunities, the most powerful of which is the fate sacrifice.

This is a thousand-year tradition of Taixumen. It is held once a year. On this day of the predestined sacrifice, whether you are a Taixu sect, even ordinary people or orcs, as long as you can pass through the gate of the predestined sacrifice, you can become the highest-level disciple of Taixumen. ——Up to the stars.

However, there are few people who can become stars since previous years. In the past 30 years, only two ordinary disciples have passed the gate of fate and become members of the stars, which is equivalent to opening a door to thousands of ordinary disciples in Taixu.

After all, being able to become a star represents a very high glory. Even if you are not a virtual person, you still yearn to become a star.

The stars, as the name implies, are the stars in the sky. Taixumen regards the disciples of the stars as the most outstanding disciples of the young generation to cultivate. However, all the disciples of the stars are extraordinary strength. Regardless of knowledge and temperament, they are also first-class figures.

Zhou Jingxian is one of the stars. There are only seven stars in their generation. She ranks third, so everyone calls her the third sister. Among the disciples, no matter how old you are, as long as you see the stars, you must call them brothers and sisters, which is also a privilege and honor of the stars.

However, Zhou Jingxian became a star, but not through the ceremony of predestined sacrifice. She was the head of the Taixu sect of the previous generation and left a prophecy that three hundred years later, a * will be born in a grass hut under Tianyun Mountain. This * body has aura and is a jade of practice. It is the head of the Taixu sect at that time. I will put her under the door.

Three hundred years later, the return leader came to the bottom of Tianyun Mountain according to the prophecy. Sure enough, he saw countless spiritual clouds gathered over a farmhouse, just like a treasure about to be born, attracting nearby beasts and strange beasts to compete.

Fortunately, the return son arrived in time and saved the newborn *. When he saw *, * even grinned at him, which made him very fond of him and was more determined to take her as an apprentice.

*'s parents were a supreme honor when they heard that they were the head of the Taixu sect to accept their daughter as apprentices. As a result, they immediately agreed. As a result, they did not drink a mouthful of breast milk after birth, and were taken back to the Taixu door by the returned son. They named Zhou Jingxian, and slowly cultivated them into today's Taixu fairy.

Xu Yan looked at Zhou Jingxian and waited for her order. Every time he looked at her, he felt that his heartbeat was about to accelerate. Zhou Jingxian's temperament was almost suffocating. Unfortunately, he was too far from her identity, so he could only look at her from afar. Every time he received her order, he would feel very happy.

Zhou Jingxian looked at Xu Yan. From Xu Yan's eyes, she could see Xu Yan's current mentality. This is not because she can read her mind, but because she sees too many of this kind of eyes. She doesn't know how many men look at her with this kind of eyes. Unfortunately, she has never been heartless. Isn't he a man?

Zhou Jingxian did not think about this problem for the time being. She whispered to Xu Yan and ordered him to investigate the whereabouts of the first-level steward in recent days. She wanted to find the spy as soon as possible. If he cheated Yu unintentionally, she would be very happy, but she was not happy to be cheated by him. If possible, she would like to use the traitor. Xi, go and pit the ancient witches.