Beast in brocade

Chapter 343 Fight another day

And his uncle also asked him to help the family, so he had to follow the family to Taiping Province, but when he can be lazy, he will be lazy. He doesn't like to kill people now. Now he likes to play, as long as he can play.

It's too boring to fight and kill, so he has to find something to play. It happened that he met Lei Yating at Lei's house. Lei Yating's beautiful appearance and her mischievous and lovely personality made him feel comfortable, and he just felt that Lei Yating was pleasing, but did not want to play with her. This was the first time. He never I have encountered such a thing.

In the past, when he saw a woman, he always had to play with her to death, but in the face of Lei Yating, he had no evil thoughts. Later, Lei Yating wanted him to teach her poison, so he did not hesitate to agree. He really felt that Lei Yating was pleasant. When he saw that she was unintentionally kidnapped, he was very worried about her, but When she dealt with it herself, he was relieved, but secretly protected her.

She is his apprentice, and he doesn't want her to be hurt.

But what I didn't expect was that after the inadtentional fight, he actually saw his magical ability. It's so awesome. How did he avoid his poison?

Unnamed must want to know that once he knows this secret, he can make a greater breakthrough, so he must exchange it for this secret, but he doesn't want to let go.

Of course, he will not let go. He knows too well the mentality of the nameless at this time. If he agrees to him easily, he will sacrifice a great opportunity in vain.

Yuxin sneered in his heart. These ancient witch people are too easy to deal with. If you meet the ancient witch people in the future, as long as you scare them with poison, you may be able to do anything.

Lei Yating looked at the two of them. They had been facing each other for a long time, but they still didn't reach an agreement. Although she didn't know what they were talking about, it was a waste of time to go on like this, so she said, "Can you talk about it when you have time? Now we are going to be busy kidnapping me. You two should finish your task quickly. Master, you go and inform my father, Mr. Yu, we will leave here now, otherwise we won't be able to run away for a while.

Lei Yating dictated, and the two unruly masters couldn't help laughing. They also knew that it was obviously impossible to convince each other in a moment. Yu Xin was the first to say, "Since Miss Lei can't wait, it's important for us to do business first."

The nameless also nodded and said, "Okay, just according to Tingting, Mr. Yu, I will definitely ask you for advice another day."

Yu unintentionally smiled and said, "I can't ask for it. I also admire the unnamed prince's kung fu. Today, I just saw the nameless poison kung fu. If you have time another day, you must learn the prince's physical skills."

If others hears that the unintentional, he will think that the unintentional poison is mocking the nameless, because the nameless poison has no way to get him, so the praise is actually sarcasm, but the nameless did not think so. He heard the unintentional sincerity, and he also knew that the unintentional is praising himself.

He knows that Wuxin must have gone through many masters who use poison, so who has strong poison and whose poison is weak, it can be said that in the heart of Wuxin is a great master in the poison world at this time.

Although he can't use poison, he can avoid poison, which is a kind of poison in itself.

The name has never convinced anyone, but he is really convinced by the unintentional. He must know how the unintentional to avoid poison. He must kill him, because then he can officially become powerful.

He didn't know his position in the nameless heart. If he knew it, he would definitely laugh happily. It would be a great honor for him to be regarded as a master of the poison world by a master of the ancient witch clan.

However, he is indeed a master of using poison. Although he has not been refined into poison beads yet, once he is refined into poison beads, his poison skill will be the most powerful poison skill in the world.

All those who use poison will not be able to compete with his poison.

He was unintentionally looking forward to it. As he became more and more contact with the ancient witches, he was more sure what path he should take.

Of course, his other series of energy are also very powerful, but compared with the frontal confrontation, he doesn't feel that the vaginal knife behind him is also a good choice. Haha, it's really funny to think about it.

At this time, he couldn't help thinking that when his poisonous achievements were successful, he would go to the Beast Alliance to train his hands as training their direct blood disciples to see if they could resist the attack of an orc. If they can't even defeat a half orcs, then don't go to the battlefield to fight with the orcs. Maybe At that time, there will not even be offspring.

The more he thought about it, the more evil he became, but soon he felt that he was wrong. He had nothing to do with the alien orcs. Why should he help them? No, he should provoke the beast alliance and the alien war. At that time, he will sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, which will be interesting. Well, that's it. When he has time, he will provoke and provoke.

Hey, it happens that Bingzhier has always wanted to go to the alien orcs with her. Anyway, she can't avoid it. Take this opportunity to play two orcs.

hui xin is really getting more and more evil. He is not like a master's demeanor now. However, Yu Xin doesn't care at all. In his opinion, isn't the master's demeanor just an attitude after winning?

He will also do it. After winning, he will also pretend to be very solemn, but that's what he did after winning. It won't be like that before winning, because before winning, who will win in the end, unless he plays a person who doesn't know martial arts, but it's boring to fight.

And how can a person without martial arts do it? So the demeanor is placed after victory, not before.

Yu is still very clear about this kind of thing. He knows that if you want to be a master, you must have strong strength to ensure that you will win. That is a real master, which is called a master demeanor.

For the two orcs, he doesn't need to show any master demeanor. He hates the alliance of beast cultivation. He has no feelings for the aliens. Although his body is an orc and there is the soul of a strange beast in his soul, his heart is a human heart, so he doesn't know that he should He doesn't want to position himself on which side he belongs to.

Because he now feels like a flowing cloud. He can fly if he wants to fly and leave if he wants to. No one can restrain him and no one can care about him. Why does he think about which side he belongs to? There is no need.

He is just him. His name is Wuxin. He has a group of loyal subordinates. He has two wives who love him, which is enough. If it weren't for someone who always likes to live with him, he doesn't want to set foot in the world at all, and he doesn't want to cause disputes anymore. Unfortunately, everything is errare and nothing will go smoothly. He is strange. Naturally, there will be an extraordinary road waiting for him. He can't avoid it. He can only move forward step by step.

No matter what terrible things are in front of him, no matter what powerful enemies there are, no matter how many people he wants to kill, as long as he walks forward, this is enough. Otherwise, he has no choice at all. If he had a choice, he would have taken the people to find a comfortable place and live a comfortable life. .

Unfortunate, I don't know when this dream will come true. Maybe I have never had a chance to realize it in my life.

Yu Wuxin sighed. He looked at Lei Yating beside him and saw that she was walking in front of her with an excited face. She was like an elf, carefree. She only had fun for herself and cooperated with Yu Wuxin to deceive her father, but she didn't know that if she helped Yu Wuxin now, she was likely to be in some in the future. God, it hurt her father.

The hatred between the Haotian family and the Lei family cannot be reconciled. They must have one side to fall.

He is unwilling to fall, and he will never allow himself to fall. He will always stand. No matter how many enemies fall, he will not be implicated. He just wants to be a powerful person. Those enemies who attack him will definitely become his stepping stones one by one.

This is their fate. Who made them have to provoke him? Can't they do it? Everyone's well water does not violate the river. You pass yours and I pass mine. Why do you have to fight?

Although Wuxin has such a question, he also has an answer in his heart. There is no reason, only interests. Everyone hopes to get their own interests. As the saying goes, no profit can't get up early. People live in this world. If it is not for profit, what else is there to live?

He came here unintentionally for his own interests, so he knew in his heart that now he really hopes that everyone can put down his interests and live a good life. Why fight hard?

Dead people are not fun, and they have no intention to think kindly.

In fact, he is not kind. He just doesn't want his people to die again. If he dies, he will definitely not care. No matter how many people die, but now it is his people who die, how can he not feel sad?

So he hopes that there will be no fight, no death without fight, and he can go home to love his two wives and live a rich life. How wonderful it is.

But what about now? However, he wanted to kidnap a weak woman and worried about whether his men would die.

This is not the life he wants. He wants a comfortable life, but he doesn't want him to live a comfortable life. Damn, okay, then everyone is convenient and don't want to be comfortable.