Beast in brocade

Chapter 344 Intoxicated

Yu had no intention to make an appointment with the nameless to fight another day. He had no intention to leave the forbidden place of the Lei family with Lei Yating. If he had no intention, he went back to inform the owner of the Lei family. As for what to say, he did not care about it. He believed that the nameless would deal with it well. With his nameless skills, he must not be an ordinary person in the Haotian family. In Lei There must be some weight in talking at home.

And now he is looking for the unintentional. Of course, he will try his best to help the unintentional. He can't help but be secretly proud. This is the second time he has got the benefits of the ancient witch.

For the first time, I cheated Liu Xiran and got a good follower. Now I cheated nameless and got a good response.

And it's not over yet. He hasn't exchanged any conditions with the nameless. Now everyone just wants to show their sincerity, so they do something first.

The unintentional politeness and respect also shows his sincerity. He wants to tell the nameless and he is very interested in telling him why he can avoid his poison, but now there is no time and the timing is not right, so this matter should be postponed. When they finish everything, naturally sometimes Sometimes it's this kind of thing.

Nameless and cooperatively accept this matter is very important to him, so he naturally wants to show enough sincerity when he comes to get this secret.

He laughed while walking unintentionally. Nameless is really an interesting person. He is so cooperative, which is much better than Liu Xiran. Liu Xiran was forced by him to cooperate, but he has no name. There is no need to force him to cooperate directly.

It's easy and convenient to deal with such people. You don't have to think about this or that at all. Naturally, you can reach a tacit understanding.

hui has no intention to think that if possible, an unknown person can make friends. If such a person can't be a friend or an enemy, if an unknown person becomes an enemy, it will not be a good thing for him. After all, I don't know the result of the battle with the Haotian family in the future. If the nameless and Haotian The family stands on the front line, which can be said to be the worst news for him.

Although he is no longer afraid of the Haotian family, and for him, the Haotian family can only fight with him with physical skills, but what about his men? There are so many people in the Yufu, but they can't avoid the poison of the Haotian family, so for the carelessness, the Haotian family has one less master, and his Yufu is safer.

No name can become an enemy in any case. Even if he can't be a friend, he must prevent him from participating in the war with the Haotian family.

It seems that it depends on his secret. As long as the nameless wants to know the secret, he must agree. This is not difficult to think about it, and based on the nameless attitude, he has no feelings for the Haotian family, as if the things in the clan have nothing to do with him.

So this is really much more beneficial for the unintentional.

If he can know the relationship between the nameless family and the Haotian family, he may be able to get a good helper for himself.

Of course, this is just an idea. Although he doesn't know why he doesn't like his family, it is obviously difficult for a person to betray his family.

But it may also make him betray his family. As long as he can provide some help to the unintentional when necessary, it is enough for the unintentional.

Yes, that's what he did. After making up his mind, he suddenly felt much more relaxed. He finally knew what benefits he would get from the nameless by using this secret.

Haha, this secret is really useful. It can always bring unexpected results to him at critical times. It's really fun.

Thinking of this, Yu Wuxin couldn't help but think of a person, that is, the mysterious woman who appeared in his sea twice. The woman's strength was so strong that she was trying to find a way to restore his five-line energy, which moved Wuxin very much.

She didn't know him, but helped him when his life was in danger twice. Without her help, he could not achieve today's results at all.

Just who is she? Such strength must not be an ordinary person. I'm afraid I have to have the strength of a demigod, but I have never heard of any female demigod master.

And although she is strong, she feels very kind and does not feel a strong pressure like seeing the beast. It is really lucky to meet such a female master.

Yu Wuxin sighed slightly. He was really lucky, but he had never seen her true face. What kind of face was hidden under the veil? Must be beautiful, right? Listening to her voice, you can know that she is a peerless beauty.

And the more so, the more curious she is. What is her beauty? How beautiful? Generally speaking, the strength of the demigod should be a god. Because no one has seen a god, the demigod is equivalent to a god. Since she is a goddess, will she be fascinatingly beautiful?

Will it be like the legendary goddess that you can willingly die for her with just one look?

No, such a woman is not a god, but a demon. That's charming, not real beauty, or that's called beauty.

But the mysterious woman is not. She always has a noble temperament, which makes her involuntarily want to stand beside her, but she never let her unintentionally face her, which is really a pity.

huiIntentionally sighed again. Alas, don't think about it. Such a woman is not what ordinary people can imagine. Although he is now a top master in the next grade, he can only be regarded as a nobody in front of her.

She is a high goddess. She can turn the river upside down by waving her hand. She only needs to blow a breath, which can make her die unintentionally. No matter how bold she is, she dares not defiant her. He just wants to take a quiet look. He only needs a glance, and then he will be satisfied.

Yes, it's just a glance. When we meet again next time, you must take a look. No matter what the price is, he doesn't care.

It is normal to pay a little price to see the true face of the goddess. What are he afraid of? He has always been fearless, and there is nothing to be afraid of for what he wants.

Goddess, I don't want to yearn more and more. In fact, this is not his nymphomaniac, nor has he been confused by the mysterious woman.

But he is tired now. When he is most tired, he suddenly thought of a person who can bring safety, and he will naturally rely on him.

It's just that Lei Yating didn't understand. She walked beside Yu Xin and looked back at Yu Xin from time to time. She didn't understand why this person's face changed for a while? In this moment, she secretly looked at him several times, either with a grin on his face or a quiet sigh.

This man is so strange. What makes him so sentimental?

Leiyating couldn't help but be interested in Yu Wu. Before she saw him, she had heard her father and brothers mention this man. She heard that he started from her own and conquered the world in Haile. Even her brother admired his means. Fortunately, he just focuses on business.

And in the matter of Zhantianhui, his brother also accepted his feelings, so he did not suppress him and let him cover the sky in Haile. Anyway, as long as he does not rebel, even if Haile is controlled, it doesn't matter. After all, isn't the city owner of any city dominant in his own small territory?

However, they have never forgotten who their real master is, so their loyalty to the Lei family has never changed, and they have never been vague about the annual taxes and tributes.

Naturally, the Lei family will not interfere with them.

The same is true. What he wants is just a peaceful life, and what he wants is just a condition that can provide him with convenience, and he still has no interest in rebelling with troops.

At the beginning, Yuxin also knew that the Lei family would be worried about him, so he once asked Chen Dongge to send a message for him to the Lei family, saying that Haile was still the Lei family's Haile, and in the future, it would also be the Lei family's Haile. He was just a businessman in Haile City. He would not rebel, and it was useless to rebel. He wanted What does a city do?

A small city, such a little military force, if the Lei family wants to destroy him, it is just a matter of one sentence. At that time, he will lose all his hard-earned family property, so he will not rebel.

The Lei family also knew that he would not rebel, and the two sides would be at peace. Without the addition of the Haotian family, the two of them might become friends.

Lei Yating thought about it. She really didn't know when her family had something to do with the Haotian family. Although she didn't know much about the things outside, she also knew that the Haotian family belonged to the evil ancient witch clan, and the world wanted to destroy them.

It is said that the Lei family is on the front line with Taixumen, but why do they come together with the Haotian family now? If the Taixu family knows, it will not be a good thing for the Lei family.

Maybe it will lead to the destruction of the Lei family. Although the Lei family is also a strong family, they are only obedient under the power of Taixumen.

And Lei Yating also knew that once they had a relationship with the ancient witch, the Lei family would lose their moral right to speak. At that time, people all over the world could fight against them with the reason of attacking the ancient witch clan.

Not to mention the other provinces around, from the beginning, they have wanted to swallow each other and expand their territory.

If the relationship between the Lei family and the Haotian family spreads, they will definitely transfer Taiping Province to their territory under the banner of justice. At that time, no matter how strong the Lei family is, it can't stop so many enemies, so Lei Yating doesn't understand that her father and brother are going to do it. What.