Beast in brocade

Chapter 357 A Stone

Liu Xiran looked at Lei Yating, who was angry but still stayed, and there was a burst of sweat in his heart. It was really interesting. Such a simply exciting method really left her behind.

Every lady is really a lady. She hasn't been wronged at all since she was a child, so she can't stand other people's doubts at all. Even if she knows it's a trap, she will definitely jump in. She just wants to prove that she is not bad.

Oh, it's so childish. Poor little girl, why did you meet this big bad guy?

Liu Xiran and the three of them cast deep sympathy for this lovely young lady. There was nothing she could do. She chose this way, and no one could save her.

The bloody woman couldn't help observing the carelessness. Why is this legendary man so cunning? No wonder how many people were defeated by him. Sure enough, there was something extraordinary about him. I just hope he won't hurt Lei Yating.

She watched Lei Yating grow up. If Lei Yating really encounters any danger, she will definitely save her. Although she has betrayed the Lei family now, her relationship with Lei Yating has not been broken.

Lei Yating looked at the bloody lady with different eyes. After she knew that Liu Xiran were unintentional people, she understood that the bloody lady had betrayed the Lei family. Naturally, she did not look good for the traitors.

Although the Blood Lady has been playing with her when she was a child, in her eyes, the master and servant still have something else. No matter how good the relationship is, they have crossed the boundary of not being the master and servant, so Lei Yating naturally does not have the affection for the Blood Lady as much as the Blood Lady.

And she is now angry. Suddenly, she saw someone betray their Lei family, so she was even more angry. This bloody woman is too conscienceless. Their Lei family has taken her in since she was a child, fed her and dressed her, taught her martial arts, and gave her the surname Lei. What a great honor, but she betrayed the Lei family. , betrayed the Lei family who had raised her for more than 30 years.

Lei Yating was very angry. Naturally, the blood lady knew that Lei Yating must be angry with her, and she herself felt guilty, so she never dared to face Lei Yating's eyes.

Intentionally arranged Lei Yating to rest in the valley.

Leiyating asked him, "Are you really not going to go to the city?" Do you really want to hide here and be discovered by our family in the end?

Yu Wuxin didn't pretend to be confused with her this time. He said, "Of course we won't stay here. The poor conditions here have slowed you down, Miss Lei, and I can't stand it myself, but now it's not time to go to the city. You have to let me prepare."

As soon as Lei Yating heard that she was unwilling to talk to her seriously, she slowed down her tone and said, "Okay, since you are prepared, I won't say anything, but I still say the same sentence. As long as you come to me, I will definitely have a way to take you into the city."

Yu Wuxin smiled and said, "Okay, when I can't do it, I'll find Miss Lei."

Yu turned around and walked to Liu Xiran and said to him, "I'm going to leave for a moment. You take them to hide here. If there is no accident, it won't be long before I can come back."

Liu Xiran said, "What do you want to do?"

He said unintentionally, "Of course, I'm looking for someone to bring you all into Taiping County."

Liu Xiran was shocked and said, "What do you think? Taiping County must be heavily guarded now. Aren't we going to throw ourselves into the trap?

Yu said in the heart, "Don't worry, I'm not stupid enough to send it to my door, but now the safest place is Taiping County, so we have to go in."

When Liu Xiran saw that he had made up his mind and stopped persuading him, but he still couldn't figure out how he could be so confident that he could hide in Taiping County? Forget it, I don't want to. Anyway, he has no intention to hold it there. As long as Liu Xiran completes the task he has entrusted.

Liu Xiran is also very easy to kill, and his current status is just a follower, so just listen to the master's. If he makes the decision, he will not be a follower.

Yu unintentionally said a few more words to Liu Xiran, turned around and left the valley, walking faster and faster. The speed was really speechless, much faster than when he came with Lei Yating before.

Yu has no intention to sneak into Taiping County now. He wants to find a person. As long as that person comes forward, he will definitely not be afraid of the Lei family, but he has a little resentment against that person in his heart.

It's been so long now that she hasn't come to save herself. Didn't she find the mark he left? That's impossible. That's what they agreed. No matter who it is, they will send someone to check the mark regularly. If the situation changes, they will know as soon as possible.

And her people have been sent out for a long time. It is impossible that there is no news at all. He can catch up with the Lei family. How can her people not find the Lei family?

Ah, it can't be said that he chased to the Lei family, which was taken away by someone. If it hadn't been led by someone, he would have imagined that the Lei family, one of the twelve families, would have participated in this matter.

The Lei family must have eliminated all the traces before, otherwise, they could not withstand the righteous crusade in the world, so her people should not be found.

But with her power, if she doesn't find the movement of the Lei family at all, it's too hard to say, right? No matter how powerful the Lei family is, can they be better than them?

Then why didn't you see her send troops? Or does she not care about his safety at all?

Well, it is possible that he is not related to him. Why would she deal with a family for him? Although the Lei family colluded with the Haotian family, which family is clean in private? Who doesn't do anything shady?

As long as they don't rebel and make people angry, no one cares about these things. This is the rule. The so-called justice is just a good thing to say, and it's more convenient to do things.

Who does this and that for justice every day? In that case, how can there be progress in the world? Don't underestimate those things in the dark. Without them, there would be no current civilization.

So light and darkness always coexist, just like day and night. How can life rest without them? How to work? Therefore, it is inevitable that there must be.

Everything in heaven and earth can't be less than one, and it can't be more than one. It must have its reason to become a heaven and earth.

So he has no intention to deal with a huge family alone, which is bound to cause turmoil in the women's continent and may also affect the overall situation of the whole world.

hui has no intention to know the meaning of the female continent. When he was cultivating the beast alliance, he knew that the general trend of the world still depends on the female continent. Only when the female continent is peaceful will the world be peaceful. Alas, in the final analysis, the world is not the world of the common people, but the world of those bigwigs.

They live the dream life of the people, and also manipulate the fate of the people.

That's what the untouched means. The untouched is like grass, and no one cares. He is just a commoner, but he is harder than ordinary people. His life is not made of grass, but made of stone.

Whoever wants to kill him will kill him. Humph, look at his carelessness, that is, look at the power of the stone.

A stone, no matter how small it is, is very hard. Without strong power, you can't break it.

So he has no intention to be a stone in his life, and it is a growing stone. Other stones will be worn out little by little over time, but he will not. He will only grow up, with the sun and the moon, with the wind and frost.

Finally, it grows into a huge mountain, which is admired by thousands of people. Yes, he will definitely do it.

He believes that it is just that he needs strength now. Without strong strength, all this will be much more difficult.

Alas, strength, he once again longs for strength. Recently, he has always longed for strength. He really wants to have the power to destroy the dead. At that time, he can move his fingers to destroy the Lei family. How can he have to work so hard?

Alas, it's a pity that I can only think about it now.