Beast in brocade

Chapter 358 Ethnicity

When he came to the outside of Taiping County, he had changed his skin again. He painted his skin black again, wore a black coat, and covered his head with a hat. Although this would be more conspicuous, at least no one would find that he was an orc.

Alas, it's really a coward. His majestic owner actually wants to enter Taiping County like this. If this is Haile City, there will be no such trouble. Who doesn't know that Haile has the final say.

In Haile, if he stamped his feet, he could shock Haile three times. Unfortunately, it is now Taiping County. If he is not afraid of fighting with the enemy in Haile, it will destroy his hard-built Haile City. Otherwise, he will sit in Haile City and wait for the enemy to be caught in the net.

Alas, it's a pity that he can't afford to accompany him, because he can't afford to pay for it.

In the final analysis, his strength is too weak. If you give him a master of 17 or 18 years, you don't have to be too high, almost all of them are above level six.

At that time, he will have another top-level strength. Do they still dare to show off with him?

You must not dare. Isn't this looking for death? More than ten masters of six-level strength alone can have the effect of reversing the universe. If it is above six levels, the strength will be even more powerful.

And if he has no intention to reach the top, his strength will be even more terrible. Without those dozen masters, he will move his fingers to destroy forces such as the Lei family and the Haotian family, which is a matter of minutes.

Alas, now he finally understands that for everyone is so afraid of high-quality masters, and also knows why everyone calls his return as a god. That's all strength. Only such strength can achieve an awesome effect.

People all over the world only have strength in their eyes, nothing else. It's not all right. There should be benefits. Yes, interests are also something that people pursue.

Strictly speaking, strength is also a kind of interest. Having strong strength is not to seek benefits for yourself, so there are so many people who are not afraid of difficulties and dangers, but also want to become a generation of masters.

He is such a person. He changed from a common-blooded boy of the Beast Alliance to today's orcs because he wanted to go higher. In fact, in his heart, he is also very resistant to the identity of an orc.

After all, who would be willing to change from a human being of the spirit of all things to an ugly beast?

No one. Although beasts have coexisted with people for many years, racial discrimination has never been reduced. Orcs have always been the oldest creatures in the earth.

They claim to be children of God, which is indeed reasonable. After all, beasts have appeared in the world before human beings appeared.

Talents are latecomers, and of course orcs will look down on human beings.

And when human beings first appeared, they were so small and weak. At that time, human beings were just food and toys of beasts. Beasts can do whatever they want. When they are hungry, they catch people to eat. When they are bored, they are happy to tease human beings.

Life has been like this for many years. In such a situation, how can orcs look up to human beings?

But no one expected that human beings, who have always been regarded as the weakest, have slowly evolved to this point. Human beings have created civilization, invented various objects, and successfully got rid of the claws of beasts with their own wisdom.

Later, human beings have a magical cultivation skill, and their strength can actually compete with the orcs. In this way, human beings naturally become very arrogant. Human beings think that they have a beautiful appearance and strong strength.

The most important thing is that human beings have wisdom that beasts do not have, so human beings are the real spirits of all things. Only human beings are qualified to dominate the world, and orcs should be slaves of human beings.

In this way, the differences between the two sides began to arise thousands of years ago, and they are getting worse and worse. Although they now seem to be very calm, and humans and beasts can also coexist in the women's continent, but in the beast cultivation alliance, orcs, and human races, they are not tolerate aliens at all.

As long as you find aliens, you will be killed.

This situation can't be changed at all. No one can eliminate the differences between the two sides from their minds, and no one is willing to do so.

Why do you do this? The world needs to have a difference between high and low, and even the female continent hosted by Taixumen is no exception.

Here, although people and beasts live in peace, Taixumen still set up 12 provinces to distribute, which is because these 12 provinces represent four forces respectively.

One is the beast cultivation alliance, one is the alien animal race, and the other is the real martial arts side of the human race, and the last one represents the Taixu sect.

Yes, three of these twelve families represent Taixumen. This situation is necessary. If Taixumen does not have its own power, then the whole women's continent will be occupied by the other three forces. At that time, there will be no place for him to speak.

So Taixumen will definitely place its own power here, and they are all very important positions. With the support of these three families and the strength of Taixumen, it is impossible for Nvzhou to escape from the rule of Taixumen.

This is a political/struggle, and also to maintain the peace of the world.

It is also because of this pattern that there have been no major wars in the world over the years, and the female continent has been shrouded in the prosperity of the surface.

Only those who really know the inside story know that the orcs, beasts and real martial arts here have always had a ranking, which is called the ninth place.

Nine places represent nine families, and the ranking changes every year, which is based on their strength and performance in the previous year.

All families ranked first in the nine places will receive special preferential treatment for their business in Nvzhou. Therefore, the nine major families compete for this nine positions every year. For this ranking, there will also be some shady battles between families.

Because these fights are not on the table, they will naturally not let everyone know, so everyone has always thought that the women's continent is peaceful.

But how do they know that there is often a huge darkness behind peace.

All this is a trick made by Taixumen. In order to prevent the nine families from uniting to cause trouble, they deliberately made such a ranking, but his family did not participate in order not to implicate his family. Once implicated in this fight, it is bound to bring some unexpected trouble.

What Taixumen wants is only the rule of women's continent and its impact on the world. As for business money, they have always been not lacking. As long as they have influence on the world, where they want to make money is not a matter.

Previously, Zhou Jingxian had no intention to say to Yu that all the shops with silver decorations in the world were opened by Taixumen. Will that be a concept?

You know, how big is the seven continents in the world? How great is the Taixu Gate to open all over the world? How much money does that have to bring them?

Oh, my God, it's hard to imagine that this is the effect that Taixumen wants. Compared with other forces' competition for territory, what Taixumen wants is a very virtual thing.

What he wants is the hearts of the world. As long as it is the place where they appear in Taixumen, there will be respectful people. The people of Taixumen have always been called immortals. Why? This is because the Taixu sect has always played a peaceful and righteous sect.

They have contributed their women's continents for the world, and if they hadn't been around the world over the years, how could there be such a peaceful life in the world?

So everyone is grateful to Taixumen. In fact, even the heads of the three major forces are very grateful to Taixumen. They don't want to fight, fight to kill people, and lose money.

Who wants to go to war? Can't we live a good life? Can't you be fine? OK, it's just that it didn't stand out. If it's up to other forces, none of the parties will accept it, because everyone is half a catty against eight taels. Why do you want everyone not to fight?

So if someone says so, they will definitely fight harder, but Taixumen is not necessarily. Taixumen has no interest in conflict with everyone, and Taixumen takes the initiative to give up the female continent, so who else will not give face?