Beast in brocade

Chapter 415 Battle for Face

Orcs and Orcs often attack the border, which makes the Beast Repair Alliance very angry. They sent troops to attack several times, but the orcs were like a gust of wind. As soon as they were about to attack them, they immediately disappeared.

They have fled back to Beast Island, and when the Beast Alliance left, they all came back, which made the Beast Alliance too angry. But what can I do? Is it possible to station a large number of troops there?

That doesn't work. It is the most remote place of the Beast Alliance. Because it is close to the Beast Island, the climate environment is very poor and is not suitable for people to live at all.

Only races like orcs can survive. If the Beast Alliance is stationed there, not only will many people's strength and material resources be invested, but they will also be invaded by the weather.

In that case, the army of the Beast Repair Alliance will be greatly damaged. In this way, they can't even pass their own level, let alone fight with the orcs.

No, it can't even pass the pass of God. In such a situation, such an environment is not suitable for garrisoning at all, so even if the Beast Alliance has been invaded by the orcs, it can't station troops here. They can only send troops when the orcs appear. When the orcs leave, they will withdraw their troops.

Once and again, the orcs already know the ability of the Beast Repair Alliance, so they begin to play with the Beast Repair Alliance, often deliberately pretending to invade the border, and then attract the army of the Beast Repair Alliance.

As a result, as soon as the army of the Beast Repair Alliance came, it was found that they were still on Wan Beast Island. This situation happened many times.

Every time the beast alliance will be prepared, but when they see the abominable appearance of the orcs, they still have to send troops, because if the orcs are not taken seriously, the orcs will pretend to be real and really send troops to invade the border, so this situation cannot be careless.

You can't be careless at all. If you are careless, the last unfortunate thing is the Beast Repair Alliance. For your own territory, the Beast Repair Alliance will not retreat, even if that territory has no use value, even if that territory is just a pile of wasteland.

But the beast alliance will not be left to the orcs. Otherwise, if the orcs build a base there, it is equivalent to living in front of the beast alliance. If they want to fight with the beast alliance again, the beast alliance will be extremely passive.

It is likely to be defeated by the orcs. Such a situation is not fun. The Beast Cultivation Alliance will definitely not let this possibly become true. Absolutely not, so the Cultivation Alliance must compete for an inch of land and give up half.

Because they have just lost to three continents, the current territory is very small, and they can't be less. If there is one point less land, it will also be a very big loss for the Beast Alliance, so the Beast Alliance must be defended.

At that time, the Beast Repair Alliance had a long tug-of-war with the orcs, and they had been led by the orcs.

In fact, if it weren't for the residents living on the border, the Beast Repair Alliance would not care so much. After all, there are still their people there. Although they are all children of common blood, they are also the people of their Beast Repair Alliance. If it weren't for the people of their Beast Repair Alliance, they wouldn't care whether the orcs would invade or not. It's disturbing.

So in the final analysis, it is still blamed that the common-blooded children are too stupid. If they have the ability to defend themselves, they will not involve so many armies, so the common-blooded children are also responsible.

Because of this, the direct-blood children began to change their attitude towards the common-blooded children. Although they would still protect them at the border, they were lull within the family. Later, the Beast Repair Alliance was annoyed, so they decided not to withdraw the residents of the border.

If there are no people, the orcs will have nothing to invade. At that time, just prevent them from establishing a base.

Sure enough, after the withdrawal of tens of thousands of residents on the border and the news of the orcs coming out, the army can deal with it calmly. Orcs can toss around on the desolate land over there, but if there are no residents on the border, the Beast Repair Alliance will not be afraid of. What are you afraid of? If your own people are no longer here, then no one should be afraid.

If orcs want to play here, then let them be here, but if they want to build something here, it definitely won't work. Absolutely not. Why not?

This is the territory of repairing the alliance. How can the orcs occupy it? So this situation definitely can't be done.

It absolutely can't happen. If it happens, it will be difficult to fight the orcs in the future. And if the orcs really appear there, where will the face of the Beast Repair Alliance be? The Beast Repair Alliance can't be faceless anymore.

The human race just lost their face and then lost face. The Beast Repair Alliance should not live and directly find a tree to kill them.

Really, just die. How can they live if they are so stupid?

Even an orc can't guard against it, and it can't even keep its own territory. Such strength is not as good as an ordinary human.

In fact, it's true that the Beast Repair Alliance is not even as good as a mortal. At least other mortals can still guard their own territory, and they can also repair the territory of the Beast Alliance, which makes the Beast Repair Alliance really faceless. What face can they have?

They are a group of big fools. Their face has been robbed by the human race. They have no face. If they can't prevent the orcs, they really don't even have a living face.

It's really pitiful. Where is their face? Again and again, such face is waiting for the Beast Repair Alliance to earn by itself.

So the orcs appear at this time, which is actually good. In this way, you can have the opportunity to let the Beast Repair Alliance lose face and come back a little more. Why is this? It can indeed be like this, otherwise, where can the Beast Repair Alliance get face?

You can only fight a war, only through a war, and you have to win this battle. If you win, you will have face. If you can't win, let alone face, you won't even die. If you don't have life, what do you need face?

Is it so easy to earn face? If you lose your life, what's the use of earning face?

Of course, many people will save face and don't want their lives, but the Beast Alliance is obviously not that stupid. They have not taken their lives so lightly.

They won't lose their lives. If they are so stupid, they won't have what they are today.

Although they are stupid, they are not stupid. Fools will not become a hegemon. At that time, they were the first in the world. Even the strange beasts that have been rampant for so many years were suppressed by them. Can a fool do it?

No, a fool can't do this. If he is a fool, he will have become the belly meal of a strange beast. What a poor person, it doesn't matter if he is stupid, and there are enemies like a foreign beast.

If they are not eaten, I really don't know what they are for? It's useless. It's useless.

So they can't be stupid, just like when the direct blood is talking about common blood, you can't live without strength. If you don't have strength, it's useless to live. It's useless at all.

All that was left was dead. The Beast Alliance knew its situation, so they fought. They used very powerful tactics against the orcs, and they would win with one blow.

Sure enough, the orcs unfortunately bumped into the battle of face of the Beast Repair Alliance. In order to find the face they lost from the human race and in order to regain their power, the Beast Repair Alliance fought back.

They only need to win, not lose, and it's over. They absolutely can't lose.

All the orcists know that this war is related to the future of the beast alliance. What did they do with those common-blooded children? That group of wastes will only hold back the orcs at this time, so they can't let them participate. They are too stupid.

They are so stupid that they really want to destroy them. If they don't, they can't fight and waste food every day. What's the use? It's better to prepare the grain and fodder in the rear.

The war is still the matter of or the orcs. No one can do such a thing except the orcs. With the words of the common-blooded children, they have long been eaten by the orcs. These orcs are not easy to deal with. How can they compare with them?

What is a common-blooded son? How can he compete with foreign orcs? Even if they are orcs, they have no choice, because they are also waste in the race, but orcs still have strong bodies, and they can fight with their bodies, but the children of common blood are useless.

They don't have a strong body. They can only die. It's really useless. They can only die. What's the use of leaving them?

It's better to kill it.

The direct-blooded children have moved this idea more than once, but they can't. They can't kill their compatriots. No matter how poor the common-blooded children are, it is also the descendants left by the orcs in those years. If they are killed, how can they be worthy of the dead ancestors?

It can't be killed. These wastes still have to be kept, but they can't make them better. They have to repay their kindness. If the direct blood had not resisted the enemy, they would have been eaten by the orcs long ago, so the common-blooded children should serve the direct-blooded children and be slaves of the direct-blooded children.

This is what they must do, otherwise, they will be useless. Their only use is to repay their kindness and repay their kindness with all. Only in this way can they fairly show the strength of their direct blood.

So the hard life of the common-blooded children came, and the direct-blooded children began to keep pressing them and did not give them a good life at all. The only thing the direct-blooded children gave them was to give them a full life, but they were insecure.