Beast in brocade

Chapter 416 Who to Live for

If it is just a life of food and clothing, then who can give it, and a life of food and clothing cannot represent everything. If it is just for food and clothing, then why do the orcs fight with the orcs?

Why should we defend the border? This is because the orcists not only want food and clothing, but also benefits, and they also need face.

Sometimes, all this is more important than food and clothing. Without these, what's the use of food and clothing alone? Isn't it like living like a dog?

Maybe it's not even as good as dogs, at least dogs will roar loudly for their own interests, but what about the common-blooded children? They don't even have the power to call. If they call, the final outcome is death, so this situation is very unfair and uncomfortable for the common-blooded children.

No one wants to live such a life. Such a life is not a human life at all.

Where can people live such a life? No matter how hard and tired people are, at least they live for themselves.

But who do the common-blooded children live for? Of course, they can also live for themselves, but their living really makes it very difficult for them.

Does it make sense to live like this? I really don't think it's meaningful, because I don't know how I will live every day. What I do every day is to do around others. How can I afford such a day?

Who wants to live such a life? No one likes it. No one really likes it. Such a day is really too bitter. The key is that it is meaningless.

There is no point in living.

The common-blooded children are very desperate. When will their lives be the beginning? It should be said that they have no head, because they are born to be oppressed. If there are no orcs, their blood children will die one day.

No, it should be said that the direct blood children are extinct, and then the Beast Cultivation Alliance will not exist, and they seem to be liberated.

But the end at that time must have been even worse, because at that time, without the protection of the orcs, the major forces would immediately come to them and feed them.

Divide their territory, divide their people, and incorporate them into their own territory, and then the children of common blood will welcome their new masters. Such a day is really miserable. Why should there be such a day?

When did they come to the end? Can't they have a good day? Are they born to be oppressed like this?

The common-blooded children are very unconvinced. They also want to live a good life, but a good life seems to have no fate with them. God just doesn't give them a good life. God, why are you so stingy?

Well, you are not stingy, but you are biased. It seems that you just refuse to let the common-blooded children live a good life, right?

Do you have a grudge against the children of common blood? Why did the common-blooded children offend you? If the children of common blood should be punished like this all their lives, there is really no hope for such a day, and there is no feeling of living at all.

If you really hate the children of common blood, why do you create the children of common blood? Can't you just destroy the children of common blood?

Now, you just want to let people all over the world know that you are stingy, right? God, that supreme god, where do you look supreme like this?

You look like an old man who is playing with a childish temper. You don't look generous at all. Such a thing is really not worth others to visit you.

The common-blooded children hate God very much. Whenever they think of God, they hate it. Although the current common-blooded children dare not scold God again, at the beginning, those common-blooded children were not afraid. They have gone out. How can they be afraid?

Living such a life every day, life and death are no longer important to them. Anyway, they are all dead, so die with a little dignity. It is impossible to resist the direct blood, which will hurt more common-blooded children.

And if it really goes to the root, the culprit is God. It's God who will have this fate today. How can the common-blooded children hate him? An old bastard, an old fool, how can such a fool be an immortal?

How can he create everything in heaven and earth? Fake, it must be fake.

The common-blooded children seemed to be really hateful. They began to question God and question God. At that time, they were not afraid of anyone except the direct-blooded children. During the war with the orcs, the direct-blooded children took them as cannon fodder, but they were not afraid at all. What is there to be afraid of? If you go back, it's also a death. It's better to die vigorously.

If you want to die, die more viGORously. Kill it. The common-blooded children rushed to the front everywhere and opened the way for the direct-blooded children with their flesh and blood bodies. They didn't want anything else. They just wanted the direct-blooded children to see their performance and let the direct-blooded children stop being so harsh on them.

Really, their requirements are not high, just a little request, but this request has never been answered.

The direct-blood children can't see their courage. Even if they see it, they will feel that their high-pressure policy is useful, so they have to continue to work hard.

Later, the common-blooded children saw through this, which surprised them. It turned out that there were such consequences. Don't work hard. In that case, should the direct-blooded children feel that they can no longer oppress them like this?

Unfortunately, after they did that, the direct-blooded children became more cruel to them. It turned out that there was no it, because the direct-blooded children felt that the common-blooded children dared to do this because they were not strict enough to them and had to continue to be stricter, so that they could be afraid and they did not dare to play anything.

Anyway, no matter what the common-blooded children do, they can't change a result, that is, they are oppressed and abused.

It's so funny. Why is there no way to live? Haha, it's so funny. God, you are so good at playing. Why did you block all the roads? In fact, you can block a little more and directly destroy all the children of common blood. How worry-free it is.

Why do you still let the children of common blood live?

Why? Why is that? What on earth does God want to do?

I really don't understand why he did this? What's the benefit to him by doing this? Is it just to see the suffering of the common-blooded children?

That's so boring. What's so good about it? There are no flowers on the face of the common-blooded children, and they are not stabbing slaves. What's there to see?

If God wants to see it, wouldn't it be better to make himself miserable?

At that time, the bastards were not afraid of God, so they dared to say anything, but now, no one dared to say so. Unless he didn't want to live, how could he dare to say that to God?

If God is angry and kills him directly, will he regret it?

There is nothing we can do. Now the common-blooded children have no backbone. Their backbone has been exhausted by thousands of years of oppression. They have no ideas and no idea at all. They can only live the life in front of them little by little.

What else can there be besides this kind of life?

No, they don't know what other lives are like at all. From birth, they have only one goal, that is, to be slaves of good blood children and not to make their blood children angry, otherwise, their lives will be in danger.

Life is dangerous, which is very serious. A person only has one life. You can't joke about life. Life is too fragile and must be well protected.

What are you doing just to protect your life? Few people know this. Maybe they have thought about living a better life, but how can they be better? They don't know, because they can't do anything.

So for more than a thousand years, they can only suffer from generation to generation.

However, he didn't want to endure it, so he would not live such a life, so he began to think of a way. He thought that as long as he found a way, there would be a way, which was unchanged forever.

Sure enough, he found a way, and he was about to succeed, but this success still needs a step of help, that is, the spiritual core, but where did the spiritual nucleus get it?

At this time, he knew the purest spiritual core, Helianjing's spiritual core, which was really great. What else did he worry about with Helianjing, the purest spiritual nucleus of the Beast Alliance? However, as the daughter of the leader of the Beast Alliance, how can Helianjing get the spiritual core from her?

This made Wuxin a headache. He thought about it for a long time, but found that nothing could be done. It was really sad. He didn't know how to get close to Helianjing. He tried his best to appear in front of Helianjing and tried his best to get close to him, but he still didn't have the opportunity to get along with Helianjing alone.

You should know that if you want to get the spiritual core, you don't have a chance to get along alone. Moreover, he doesn't know how long it will take for him to steal the spiritual core for the first time, and he doesn't know what accidents will happen in the middle, so he must be alone at this time.

He didn't want to think about it, but he didn't have a chance, which made him have a headache.

At this time, an accident appeared. He Lianjing actually took the initiative to invite him. It turned out that he often appeared in front of Helianjing, which made Helianjing interested in him. Of course, that interest was actually that sex.

After knowing this, he almost slapped his head. It was so stupid that he forgot Helianjing's romantic character. If he had taken advantage of this, wouldn't he have been able to get close to her earlier? It's so stupid. It's really stupid to be entangled there.

He has no intention of accusing himself like this.