Beast in brocade

Chapter 421 Awakening He Le

The current life of orcs is also a kind of enjoyment. What men in the world want to do most, but they dare not do, but the orcs do it.

In fact, the ** of this kind of thing is also quite big. It's really unexpected. How can anyone be interested in this kind of thing?

I can't figure it out. What a shameful thing it is. How can I be interested in this kind of thing?

In fact, this kind of thing is still embarrassing. The point is that this kind of thing will be condemned by conscience. If you do it, you will never look up in your life. Oh, my God, it's terrible. Such a thing is simply a shame.

Why do you still do such a thing? Why can't you live a good life? Good things, why can't you do them well?

There are so many women in the world, why do they have to deal with their relatives?

Is it true that men are really just animals that can think with their lower bodies? It's so superficial and shameless.

Well, this kind of thing is really exciting. People like exciting things. Because such things are taboo, they are yearned for.

But what can we do if we yearn for this kind of thing? It's simply a shameless thing.

I didn't expect that all men would be like this.

He Lianjing spit in her heart, but later she thought about it again. It seems that sometimes, it is not necessarily a man's fault. Women are actually very terrible. Some women will also like this kind of thing. This kind of thing is like a drug that makes people want to eat again.

It's terrible. Fortunately, Helianjing has always hated it. Although she has tried it, she still hates it. She can't but hate it, because she really can't accept it.

Why can't she accept it? She doesn't know about this. It is said that in the Beast Training Alliance, people as big as her basically give birth to offspring under this relationship.

So they will accept this kind of thing, because they have been familiar with it since they were young, so they are used to it. In their opinion, this kind of thing seems to be natural.

Even if they know that this kind of thing is unethical, it can be done in the Beast Cultivation Alliance. In their opinion, if you have not done such a thing in the Beast Cultivation Alliance, then you will be despised.

I really can't figure it out. Why? Why do you have to think like this? Is this still a human thought? Oh, my God, it's terrible. What grows up under such a thought is not a human at all, but a beast.

He Lianjing sympathized with them, and she also wondered why she didn't become like this? She also grew up in this generation, and she often sees this kind of thing, and she also knows this kind of thing.

But at that time, she was already disgusted with this kind of thing, but she knew that this kind of thing was normal in the family, so she didn't say anything.

But when such a thing happened to herself later, she couldn't accept it. She was already disgusted, but now she has become more hateful. Damn it. Why did this happen to her?

Why can't she accept this kind of thing? Obviously, others can accept it, why can't she? What's different about her?

No, the only difference is that she is more pure than others, but even if it's this, it's nothing?

I don't know how many people's bloodline was pure before, but didn't they still fall? Why doesn't it work on her now?

It's just that people can't figure out why she can be so sober and why can she remain unchanged?

In fact, she wants to change. It's really painful for everyone to wake up alone. She can't go without pain, because sometimes it's painful to wake up.

It's terrible. Such pain can only be her own suffering. Only she knows that she can't tell others or let others share it. Such pain is really a kind of suffering for her.

That suffering has been tormenting her. She can only use men to torture her body again and again, and then paralyze her heart, but in this way, when she wakes up again, the pain will go deeper into her soul.

Oh, my God, this kind of thing is really terrible, so it's better not to wake up than to wake up? What can happen when you wake up? Nothing could be done, but with it came back, but it was pain after waves.

What a terrible thing. What else does He Lianjing have to do under such circumstances? No, what else can she do?

She wanted to escape, but the truth told her that she couldn't escape and she couldn't go anywhere. Even if she died, she couldn't raise her head. This was a kind of disaster, a kind of soul disaster.

It is also a physical disaster. Think about how terrible this disaster is and how devastating it is. A good animal cultivation alliance, the former human protection center, the most righteous place in the world, has now become the dirtiest place in the world.

Even the beasts are much more noble than the Beast Alliance. What a terrible thing. What else is this disaster?

The Beast Alliance has actually perished. From the moment when conscience disappeared from the beasts, the Beast Alliance has perished. The current Beast Alliance is just a group of beasts.

A beast man who practices the art of beasts.

What a suitable name, this name is really the most suitable for beast practitioners in the end.

So some beast practitioners are just a group of beasts, so He Lianjing is not very willing to become an animal trainer in the future.

If she still likes it before she gave birth to a child, because she feels that it is a glorious thing to become an orcist, but to protect the family and the people, but now she knows that the orccultivator is just a group of shameless and selfish creatures, and it doesn't matter whether she does it or not.

For me, it's also good to be a common-blooded son. Although the common-blooded children can't be cultivated, and although she also knows that the life of the common-blooded children is actually very hard, she still thinks it's good to be a common-blooded son, because the common-blooded children don't have to betray their conscience. Even if they are oppressed again, they have been It's all clean.

Just like the Helian Pavilion in front of him, his figure is so good, and his face is so handsome that it is simply indescribable. His words and deeds, his every move make Helianjing feel that he has an indescribable temperament. This temperament alone is much stronger than those direct blood.

Those direct-blood children are based on their own bloodline. What else do they have besides bloodline?

No, they have nothing, they don't even have conscience and morality, so what else?

There is really nothing left. Oh, I can't say that. At least they have one thing, and this is something that no one in the world can compare with. What is it?

That's shameless and indecent. If only shameless and indecent, no one in the world can compare with them. It can be said that no one in the world can control it.

What a great ability this is. No matter how shameless and insignificant people are in this world, they can't be called shameless and incent. Their shamelessness can only be regarded as small witches.

How big is the gap?

In fact, the gap between them is only on one conscience. No matter how shameless people are, they will have family affection and know what family affection is, but what about the orcs now?

They no longer have family affection. In their eyes, family affection is a group of useless things, and they only have fertility and reproduction in their eyes.

This reason seems noble, but what they do is not noble at all. Maybe they will say that if we don't do this, our family will be destroyed. How can it be worthy of our ancestors?

So we can only sacrifice us in exchange for the happiness of future generations.

What a noble reason, but no matter how noble the reason is, it is just to cover up the dirtiest and most obscure reality.

This reality can't be concealed. This excuse is just that they are deceiving themselves. It's really a noble truth. It's the highest reason for self-deception. Although it hasn't deceived many people, it has successfully deceived itself. This is a success in itself.

Such success has made generations of direct blood children lose their conscience. They are also thinking that they want to sacrifice themselves in exchange for the happiness of the next generation, but how many generations will they have to sacrifice? Which generation should be happy?

There is no end. Even if you keep fighting until the end, you can't change the fate of the beast cultivation alliance, so you still wait for the beast cultivation alliance to become common-blooded children.

Actually, what's wrong with common blood? Although you don't have strength, you don't have to have strength. If you have strength, you have to bully others, so it's better not to have this strength.

Such strength is not strong, but sin, so this kind of thing is unacceptable.

He Lianjing doesn't feel how noble the orcist is at all. In her eyes, the high orcist is not as good as Helianting, a common-blooded son.

It's really a strange idea. Why does she have such an idea? In fact, not only beast practitioners, even if they are the children of common blood, they will feel that they are not as good as the direct blood children. In the eyes of the common blood children, the direct blood children are noble. They dream of becoming a direct blood children, but they can't, because they are destined to be only be common blood children.

Their descendants will also be common-blooded children, unless one day God makes a small accident and let a direct-blooded child come out. Such a thing has never happened, but there is no guarantee that it will not be. Sometimes the beasts will have such expectations, but they can only wait.