Beast in brocade

Chapter 420 Why

Is this good? Is this really good?

In fact, it's not good. For He Lianjing, this is really bad. Why not? Because she has a conscience.

She still has shame. If she doesn't have shame, then she will definitely think it's good, which is really good.

Isn't it? For those men of direct blood, this is really good, because they can do what they want to do without concealment. In fact, this is what all men want to do.

Which man in the world will not cove his female relatives? But how many people in the world dare to do it?

There are few people who dare to do it. They are all similar to the direct-blood children. They are all a group of beasts. There is no more beast than this.

What can be dirtier and more dirty than this kind of thing?

No, this is the most powerful one. How many people in the world regard this kind of thing as a forbidden area, almost from the beginning of civilization. This is prohibition, but this kind of thing is that some people dare to try it.

The people of the Beast Repair Alliance are the most powerful people among them. They not only dare to do it, but also dare to do it all, and have done this kind of thing for decades and hundreds of years.

They not only did it, but also did it proudly. They don't think it's shame, because they no longer know what shame is. Oh, my God, how can there be such a thing in the world?

How can there be such a person? Why don't you eliminate this kind of person?

Maybe God is already taking action, so even with such a measure, the Beast Cultivation Alliance still can't escape the bad luck of the reduction of direct-blooded children.

There is no way. This is God's punishment. God is punishing them. The Beast Alliance is a family cursed by God.

What they did was originally an unbelievable thing.

God created everything, and each object had its own law, but the orcs broke this law. They practiced the art of anti-heaven. They devours foreign beasts and transformed their bodies into the bodies of foreign beasts.

This itself is against the sky, this is breaking the laws of heaven and earth, and this is competing with God.

So God let the foreign beasts also learn the skill of devouring beasts. This is a balance. Only in this way can we maintain the balance and maintain the stability of the world.

This world has its laws. This law cannot be changed. Once it changes, there will be problems, just like the emergence of orcs. This itself is a thing that breaks the laws of nature, so the world has begun to change greatly.

Human civilization began to appear, and the civilization of foreign beasts also began to appear.

And followed by the birth of Taixu Sect. It can be imagined that if a sect like Taixu Sect were not used by God to protect the orthodoxy of the world and keep the orthodoxy of the law, how could they be so powerful?

The existence of Taixu Gate is God's attitude towards the world.

God likes orthodoxy. Everything in the world should maintain its own nature and don't change. If it changes, it will only be himself who will be unlucky in the end.

If the change is more severe, it may affect the whole world.

This kind of thing is not funny. This kind of thing can only happen once. If it happens a few more times, the whole world will be lost.

So it's not fun, it's not fun at all.

The orcist is an anti-sky existence, so God is angry. He will not let this thing that destroys the law live a comfortable life.

So the true martial school appeared, and the human race began to rebel. Then, the Taixu sect was born. From then on, the world entered the era of the Taixu sect, and the world entered the era of righteous human rule.

In the final analysis, talents are the masters of the world, such as strange beasts and beasts. In fact, they are all a group of beasts. They are not qualified to rule the world and control the spirits of all things.

Only human beings are qualified for this position. Taixumen is the representative of it, but it is not only the human race.

So God still left the cultivation alliance and the alien beasts. With these two orcs, the world can be balanced. Although the human race is strong, the human race still can't control the whole world.

In this way, the world doesn't have to be afraid of being tossed by others.

In fact, God is very afraid that the human race will toss the world, because he knows too well the wisdom of the human race. As the most perfect creature created by God, the human race has always had strong wisdom, just like the appearance of animal practitioners.

This is caused by human wisdom. If the ancestors of the orccultivator did not understand the immortal will, how could there be today's orccultivator?

And I don't know how long the book has existed there, and I don't know how many creatures have read it, but why can only human beings understand the mystery?

This is because human beings are really too smart. Only human beings can do such things, so God is afraid of human wisdom.

Although human beings are created by him, this does not mean that he can completely control human beings. God actually grasps only a law, and what will happen in this law is also not his control.

So he can only watch some things and find a way to remedy them, but he can't stop them, because that will destroy the law, which is certain.

So when the beast master appeared, God could only watch, and at that time, he did not expect that the beast training alliance would develop so powerfully, so he wanted to remedy it. He sent a wise man to the alien beast.

Let the wise man teach the strange beast to devour the orcs, so that the balance can be returned.

When something happens, there must be an opposing side, which is for sure.

God underestimated the strength of the orc, so this balance is in danger of being broken, so God wants to come out to remedy it.

Fortunately, God succeeded. In fact, it is not surprising, because God is powerful. Of course, he has a way to be saved. If he can't do anything, how can he control the world?

This is so simple.

This is God's strength, a kind of strong strength. Such strength is unimaginable. This is not what people can experience at all. This is God's ability.

But God also has helpless times, just like what the orccultivator did later. Although it has the containment of the orc, it still can't effectively prevent the growth of the orccultivator.

And the appearance of alien orcs is also a law of destruction, which is equivalent to attacking poison with poison. When the poison is contained, the two poisons are actually expanding.

So we still need to clear the poison and not let the poison expand like this. Otherwise, this world will one day become the world of these two beasts.

Then human beings, as the spirits of all things, no longer have the right to live.

You can't let them go on like this. If you want to control it, you must control it. You can't let it go.

So God made another move. He made a wise man appear in human beings and let human beings learn to practice martial arts. Only when human beings are really powerful can they fight against orcs and alien orcs.

In this way, the real martial arts school was born, and as expected, human beings began to become stronger, but such a power, compared with orcs and alien orcs, is like the confrontation between children and adults, and the power is too different.

This doesn't work. There must be a person who can be as powerful as beasts and alien beasts, and to a certain extent, such a person is more powerful than two beasts.

So Taixu Gate came into being, and since then, God has allowed human beings to come into contact with fairy art.

Although or beast practitioners are also cultivated by human beings, they are no longer human beings after all, and the people of Taixumen are complete people. Only such people are the masters of the world, and only such people can manage the world.

So, the human race stood up. They successfully obtained the three continents from the Beast Repair Alliance, which dealt a serious blow to the Beast Repair Alliance. At the same time, the orcs also took advantage of the fire and occupied the two continents of the world.

Let the prosperous beast cultivation alliance go to a low point. Although its strength is still not to be underestimated, it is no longer the beast cultivation alliance of those years. The current beast cultivation alliance has been reduced to a second-class force to be tempered by the Taixu sect.

Moreover, their real bad luck is just beginning. The crisis of direct blood has been shrouded in the cultivation alliance for nearly hundreds of years. They are afraid that if there is no birth of direct blood, they will have no future. If there is no future, it is equivalent to extinction.

They can't afford such consequences. No one is willing to bear this, and no one is willing to watch their family die. No one wants to. But what can we do?

The direct-blooded children have exhausted all kinds of methods, but they can't change this situation. In the end, the only way to have some effect is to keep giving birth and use the opportunity to maintain the alliance of cultivating beasts.

In their lifetime, the direct blood children have 20 or 30 children, and only 30% of them can have direct blood. Even if there is only one direct blood, they can pass on the family.

This is the mission of the orcists now. They have no choice but to do so.

He Lianjing understands this truth, but she knows better that even if she does so, the beast cultivation alliance will still perish. The current beast cultivation alliance is just lingering. It's really pitiful.

Such a struggle will only make the beast alliance more painful in the end. It is unnecessary. It is really unnecessary. What should perish will perish sooner or later. It is impossible for people to change their fate.

This is God's job. When God asks you to die, you will die. Whenever you live, you will live. You can't change it if you want, so you might as well enjoy the present.

Enjoy the happiness around you, even if you die, it will not be in vain, but now?